Projections: Sanu Philip No:47

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Sanu Philip

Transform 3D objects on to a 2D plane using

2 types of projections

In parallel projection, coordinate positions are

transformed to the view plane along parallel lines.
In perspective projection, object position are
transformed to the view plane along lines that
converge to a point called projection reference point
(center of projection)

Perspective Projection

Parallel Projection


(parallel projectors)
(converging projectors)

One point
Orthographic Oblique
(one principal
(projectors perpendicular (projectors not perpendicular to vanishing point)
to view plane) view plane)

Two point
General (Two principal
Multiview Axonometric vanishing point)

(view plane parallel (view plane not parallel to Cavalier

to principal planes) principal planes)
Three point
(Three principal
vanishing point)
Isometric Dimetric Trimetric

Perspective v Parallel

• Perspective:
– visual effect is similar to human visual system...
– has 'perspective foreshortening'
• size of object varies inversely with distance from the center of
projection. Projection of a distant object are smaller than the
projection of objects of the same size that are closer to the
projection plane.
• Parallel:
It preserves relative proportion of object.
– less realistic view because of no foreshortening
– however, parallel lines remain parallel.

Perspective Projections

• Characteristics:

• Center of Projection (CP) is a finite distance from object

• Projectors are rays (i.e., non-parallel)
• Vanishing points
• Objects appear smaller as distance from CP (eye of observer)
• Difficult to determine exact size and shape of object
• Most realistic, difficult to execute

• When a 3D object is projected onto view plane using
perspective transformation equations, any set of parallel lines
in the object that are not parallel to the projection plane,
converge at a vanishing point.
– There are an infinite number of vanishing points,
depending on how many set of parallel lines there are in
the scene.
• If a set of lines are parallel to one of the three principle axes,
the vanishing point is called an principal vanishing point.
– There are at most 3 such points, corresponding to the
number of axes cut by the projection plane.

Vanishing points

• Certain set of parallel lines appear to meet at a different point

– The Vanishing point for this direction
• Principal vanishing points are formed by the apparent
intersection of lines parallel to one of the three principal x, y, z
• The number of principal vanishing points is determined by the
number of principal axes intersected by the view plane.
• Sets of parallel lines on the same plane lead to collinear
vanishing points.
– The line is called the horizon for that plane

Classes of Perspective Projection
• One-Point Perspective
• Two-Point Perspective
• Three-Point Perspective

One-Point Perspective

Two-point perspective projection:

– This is often used in architectural, engineering and

industrial design drawings.

Three-point perspective projection
• Three-point perspective projection is used less
frequently as it adds little extra realism to that
offered by two-point perspective projection

Parallel Projections
• We can define a parallel projection with a projection vector that
defines the direction for the projection lines.
2 types:
• Orthographic : when the projection is perpendicular to the view
plane. In short,
– direction of projection = normal to the projection plane.
– the projection is perpendicular to the view plane.
• Oblique : when the projection is not perpendicular to the view
plane. In short,
– direction of projection normal to the projection plane.
– Not perpendicular.

• Orthographic projection Oblique projection

when the projection is when the projection is not

perpendicular to the view perpendicular to the view
plane plane

Orthographic (or orthogonal) projections:

– Front, side and rear orthographic projection of an object are

called elevations and the top orthographic projection is called
plan view.
– all have projection plane perpendicular to a principle axes.
– Here length and angles are accurately depicted and measured
from the drawing, so engineering and architectural drawings
commonly employee this.
• However, As only one face of an object is shown, it can be hard to
create a mental image of the object, even when several views are

Orthogonal projections:

Axonometric orthographic projections

• Orthographic projections that show more than one face of an

object are called axonometric orthographic projections.

 The most common axonometric
projection is an isometric
projection where the projection
plane intersects each coordinate
axis in the model coordinate
system at an equal distance.

• 2 common oblique parallel projections:
Cavalier and Cabinet

Cavalier projection:
All lines perpendicular to the projection plane are projected with
no change in length.

Cabinet projection:
– Lines which are perpendicular to the projection plane
(viewing surface) are projected at 1 / 2 the length .
– This results in foreshortening of the z axis, and
provides a more “realistic” view.


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