CH 16 Water PPT 1

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Delhi Public School

Knowledge Park – V

22nd March is celebrated as the world water day.
 The amount of water recommended by the United
Nations for drinking, washing, cooking and
maintaining proper hygiene is a minimum of 50 litres per
person per day.
 Water is the most important natural resource for all the living organisms.
 It provides habitat to marine plants and animals. It is necessary for the
sustenance of life.
 Water is a renewable resource, but its extensive use leads to it shortage.
Importance of water

Functions of water in the human body:

 Digestion of food.
 Absorption of nutrients.
 Excretion of body wastes.
 Regulation of body temperature.
Functions of water in plants:
 Photosynthesis
 Transportation of minerals.
 Germination of seeds.
Importance of water

Use of water in agriculture.

Use of water in industries: Water is used in
various industries as a raw material or a source of energy. It is
also used as a solvent. It is called a universal solvent as a number
of substances dissolve in it. Sometimes, it is also required as a
coolant or transport agent.
Domestic use of water.
sources of water
• 3/4th of the earth surface is water.
• More than 97% is in ocean or sea, this water is a saline.
• Only small fraction (0.014%) of freshwater is available in lakes,
rivers, and ponds and as ground water.
• The rest of the freshwater lies frozen in glacier in the Artic and
Antarctic oceans and in polar ice caps.
• We can obtain water from the following sources:
Oceans and sea
Rain and snow
Rivers, lakes and ponds
Wells and springs
states of water
• The volume of water available on Earth now is the same
as millions of years ago.
• This will remain the same in the future as well.
• For instance, the level of underground water may go down
due to excess usage, while level of water in seas and
oceans may increase.
• We know, water exists in three states in nature. And they
are inconvertible.
• SOLID: Glaciers, icebergs, snow and ice present in polar
ice caps and mountains, hail, frost and sleet are solid form
of water.
states of water

Gas: Water vapour,
Liquid steam
water and clouds
is present are bodies
in water gaseoussuch
as of
water. lakes, rivers, streams, seas, oceans and under the
states of water

Water freezes into ice at 0oC.

As the temperature rises above 0oC, ice
starts melting and changes back to the
liquid form of water.
When water is heated to a temperature
of 100 C and above.
Groundwater as an important source of water
Surface water is the water that is present on the surface of Earth in water
bodies such as ponds, lakes, rivers and reservoirs.
Ground water is the water found in aquifers under the ground.
The rain water and water from other sources such as rivers, lakes and
ponds seep through the soil and fill the empty spaces and cracks below
the ground.
The process of seeping of water into the ground is called infiltration.
The reservoir of water collected above impervious rocks below the
surface of the earth is called groundwater.
The upper level of groundwater is called water table.
In other words, water table level is the minimum depth in the soil where
all the pore spaces are filled with water.
Groundwater as an important source of water
The water table varies from place to place and it may even
change at a given place.
The water table may be at a depth of less than a metre or may
be several metres below the surface of earth.
Water table falls during summers and rises during rainy season.
Groundwater is free from suspended impurities.
It contain dissolved salts.
The huge reservoirs of water inside the earth, formed by the
collection of ground water between the layers of hard rocks
below the water table, are known aquifers.
Groundwater as an important source of water
Distribution of water in india
Karnataka, Kerala, Meghalaya, Sikkim, Manipur and
Arunachal Pradesh get heavy rainfall during the monsoon.
West Bengal, Odisha and Andhra Pradesh get rainfall due to
the effect of cyclones from the Bay of Bengal.
Gujrat, Madhya Pradesh, and region of Rajasthan receive
hardly any rainfall have an arid climate.
This uneven distribution of rainfall leads to floods in some
places and drought in some other places.
The Bhakra Nangal Dam is built on the river Sutlej and
provides water to the states of Punjab and Haryana.
Depletion of water table
The water which we draw from the ground for
various purposes gets replenished naturally by seepage
of rainwater.
Still we are facing scarcity of water, because we
human do not use water judiciously.
The condition of a shortage of water required for
meeting basic needs such as drinking, cooking,
bathing, washing and maintaining proper hygiene is
called Scarcity of water.
Factors of Depletion of water table
Urbanisation: Decrease the area of land available for
the percolation of rainwater into the soil.
Environmental factors
Scanty rainfall
Effects of scarcity of water
On humans
 Unable to perform daily basic needs
 Leads to unhygienic conditions.
 Unavailability of portable water.
 Consumption of contaminated water leads
to water borne diseases.
 On plants and animals
 On land
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