SBC From SPT and CPT

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Bearing Capacity from SPT and

Corrections to SPT Values
IS 2131-1981 recommends that observed N value should be corrected for overburden
and dilatency
Overburden pressure correction
 Two soils having same relative density but with different confining pressure show
different N values.
 Since confining pressure increases with depth N values also increase with depth.
 Therefore, the recorded values are corrected as follows

Peek, Hansen and Thornburn

N' = cN N

Where, N = observed/recorded N value

cN = correction factor for overburden effect

N' = corrected value for overburden pressure

cN = 0.77 cN 2.0 , o' > 24kPa

o' = effective overburden pressure in kN/m 2

Also, Bazaraa (1967)

cN = if o ' 75kN/m2

cN = if o ‘ > 75kN/m2
Corrections for Dilatency
 This is applied in saturated fine sands and silts if N' > 15
 IS 2131-1981 recommends Terzaghi and Peek correction factor as

N'' = 15 + (N' -15)

If N' < 15, then N'' = N'
 This is applied because if N' > 15 it indicates dense sand.

 In sense sands driving will induce negative pore pressure in saturated

fine sands under undrained conditions. There will be an apparent
increase in N value than average resistance.
Bearing Capacity from ‘N’ Values
• Obtain N average below the base for a depth of 1.5 to 2B.
• Obtain minimum of average N values for different boreholes.
• Use empirical correlations between N value and
N'' 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
28.5 30 32 33 35 36 37.5 39 40 43

• Obtain Nq and N factors from tables/ empirical relations

qnf = σ(Nq-1) + B..N.s .d .i W'

Where shape factors, depth factors and inclination factors are as

discussed earlier.
Teng’s equation
q40 = 55 (N-3) (Rw Rd kN/m2

IS 6403-1971

q40 = 55 (N-3) (Rw

S.B.C From Cone Penetration Test (CPT)
 Conduct CPT at identical locations.

 Plot CPT profile at each of these locations.

 Obtain average qc value at each location below the base upto a depth of 1.5 to 2B.

 Select the lowest qc average for the design.

 Compute the bearing capacity from the chart i.e., IS 6403-1981

 For a known B and .

 Compute

qnf = σ(Nq-1) + B..N.s .d .i W'

Where shape factors, depth factors and inclination factors are as discussed
Terg (1962)
Strip footings
qnf = (3N2BRw2+ 5(100+N2) Df Rw1)
Square and circular footing
qnf = (3(100+N2)DRw1+ N2BRw2)
Where, N = corrected number of blows
Allowable safe bearing pressure based on settlement from SPT value
q25 = 34.3(N-3) () 2 Rw2Rd kN/m2
Where, q25 = allowable net increase in soil pressure over existing
soil pressure for settlement of 25mm
N = standard penetration number with applicable
B = width of the footing
Rw2 = (1+ )
Rd = (1+ 0.2 ) ≤ 1.20
Strip/Square footing

q25 = 3.6 qc kN/m2 where B ≤ 1.2m

q25 = 2.1 qc (1+) 2 kN/m2 where B > 1.2m

q25 = 3.6 qc kN/m2 For all footings

qc = base resistance in kg/cm 2

Correlations of N value with other parameter

N Df Description
<4 25 - 30˚ 0 Very loose
4 – 10 27 - 32˚ 15 Loose
10 – 30 30 - 35˚ 65 Medium
30 – 50 35 - 40˚ 85 Dense
> 50 38 - 43˚ 100 Very dense

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