Common Procedures in Paediatric Icu
Common Procedures in Paediatric Icu
Common Procedures in Paediatric Icu
1. Obtaining Blood Specimens
2. Nasogastric Tube Insertion
3. Venous Catheterization
4. Capillary Blood (Heel prick)
5. Thoracentesis or Pleural Tap
6. Abdominal Paracentesis or Ascitic Tap
7. Catheterization of Bladder
8. Peritoneal Dialysis
9. Bone Marrow Aspiration and Biopsy
10. Liver Biopsy
The vein is palpated and a tourniquet
applied if the vein is not palpated.
The site for venipuncture is cleaned with an
alcohol wipe and left to dry for a minute.
Povidone-iodine is applied in concentric
circles outwards, allowed to dry for at least
60 seconds.
The vein is punctured at an acute angle to
the skin with the bleb of the needle pointing
upwards and directed cephalad.
Appropriate size NG/OG tube Age Preterm Term 6 month 12 2-3 year 4-6 year 7-10 year 11-15 > 16 year
month year
Water soluble lubricating gel
Tongue depressor
Flashlight Tube size
(Fr) 5 5-8 8 10 10-12 12-14 12-14 14-18 14-18
Emesis basin
Catheter tipped syringe 60 mL
Functioning Suction equipment
Surgical and Instrument tape
Skin barrier wipes
Indications NG/OG tube insertion
To remove fluid and gas from the gastrointestinal tract
To obtain a specimen of gastric contents
To treat gastric immobility and bowel obstructions
To allow for drainage and/or lavage in drug overdoses or poisonings
For short term medication administration and feeding
Contraindications of NG/OG insertion
A child with a basal skull fracture or cribriform plate fracture recent
oesophageal surgery / repair, oesophageal varices, oesophageal strictures,
esophagectomy, recent gastric surgery, gastrectomy, recent throat surgery
Facial fractures or recent surgery to ear, nose, throat, or jaw.
Severe coagulopathies. It is recommended to check INR/PTT, haemoglobin
and platelets prior to procedure
Dressing pack
Skin preparation: alcohol 70% and betadine swabs
IV cannula
Sterile disposable syringe and vials (if blood samples are required)
Syringe, with normal saline for flushing the line
Saline primed connector
Sterile IV dressing (eg. Tegaderm™)
Splint of appropriate size
Step 1: Explain procedure and take verbal consent (where ever appropriate). Consider
distraction techniques/analgesia
Decontaminate skin with alcohol 70% / chlorhexidine 2% swabs and leave to dry for at
least 30 seconds. Use 'no-touch' technique for insertion after decontamination
Insert just distal to and along the line of the vein at 10-15° angle
Advance needle and the cannula slowly
A 'flash back' of blood may not occur for small veins and 24G cannula
Once in vein, advance the needle and cannula slowly a further 2-3mm along the line of
the vein before advancing cannula off needle
Secure the hub of the cannula at the skin entry point either by holding it down or asking
the assistant to place tape across
Dispose of sharps appropriately