Theory of Structures - SEM IX - Cable Structures

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Theory of Structures

Semester IX
Cable Structures
 Why Cable Structures?
 How Cable structures?
 Basic Components of Cable Structures
 Types of Cable Structures
Why Cable Structures
 Large Spans with shallower depths of
supporting members possible
 Comparatively lower weight – reduces issues

due to seismic activity

 Low weight of the overall structure makes it

more economical
 More versatile architecturally - encourages

architects and designers to explore free-form

shapes – better looking structures
How do they work?
 Main mode of transfer of force is TENSION
 Compression forces may be carried but are to

be limited. These are generally caused by

wind forces
 Cables will only take in tension
 Tie rods, hollow tubes might be used for

compression depending upon their

Cable Structures
 The high tensile strength of steel, combined
with the efficiency of simple tension, makes a
steel cable the ideal structural element to
span large distances.
 Cables are flexible because of their large shall

lateral dimensions in relation to their lengths.

As uneven stresses true to bending are
prevented by flexibility the tensile load is
evenly divided among the cable strands.
Cables in Cable Structures
 Cables are also inherently redundant members. Since cables are
comprised of dozens or hundreds of wires, the failure of a single
wire is not significantly detrimental to the load carrying capacities
of the cable. The loads in each individual wire has the ability to
redistribute load to the remaining wires if one wire breaks or is
 A “wire” is a continuous length of steel that typically has a circular
cross section, and is colddrawn from a small diameter steel rod.
 A “strand” is an assembly of wires formed helically around a central
wire in one or more symmetrical layers
 A wire “rope” is made from multiple wire strands that are twisted
about a central core, which is typically comprised of another wire
strand or rope
 Wire ropes are frequently used in cable-suspended structures
because ropes are more flexible than strands.
Cables in Cable Structures
 Not all strands have wires with a circular cross section.
 Some cable manufacturers make a unique cable cross
section called - Wire Strands and Rope** full-lock or Z-
lock cable, which consists of Z-shaped cold-drawn or
cold-rolled wires at the perimeter of the strand
 Full-lock cables are designed to reduce water infiltration
in the cable assembly, reducing the potential for
corrosion of the wires. Some cable manufacturers
produce a proprietary full-lock cable with a zinc-rich
powder that fills the small inner voids between wires,
providing additional protection and prolonging the life
of the cable.
Cables in Cable Structures
 Cable selection depends upon
◦ Span
◦ Load types
◦ Tower heights
◦ Aesthetics
◦ Economy
Cable/Tension Structures
 Bridges
 Roofs
 Suspended Floors
 Other secondary structures such as canopies,

walkways, awnings etc

Types of Bridges (using Cables)
 Cable Suspension Bridges
In cable-suspended structures, the draped
cables are the main supporting elements of
the structure, and their curvature is a major
factor in the load carrying capacity of the
 Cable Stayed Bridges

Cables stabilize vertical or sloped compression

members (usually called towers or pylons) and
serve as tension- only members.
Suspension Bridges
 A suspension bridge is a type of bridge in
which the deck (the load-bearing portion) is
hung below suspension cables on vertical
suspenders (hangers)
Suspension Bridges
Suspension Bridges
 In all suspension bridges, the transport
platforms are hang from massive cables
which are draped over two towers of concrete
(known as pylons)
 The two pylons support the almost all the

weight of the bridge

 The ends of the main suspension cables are

firmly secured to solid concrete blocks known

as anchorages
Suspension Bridges
 Works by Tension and Compression
 Cost Effective
 Can be built up at any altitude
 Span great lengths
 Are Flexible
 No access is needed from below the bridge

while it is being constructed, making it a

great choice for areas that ships and
waterways need to stay clear.
 Is aesthetically pleasing
 Needs good foundation material at the
Anchorage and pylons – the cost will
skyrocket if the soil is weak
 Flexibility of the suspension bridge design is

a major advantage, until conditions become

severe. Underneath extreme winds or very
heavy the load the bridge can move so much
that the bridge would need to be closed.
 Cannot be used for heavy traffic
Famous Example – Golden Gate
Failure of Tacoma Bridge
Cable-Stayed Bridges
 Piers – the vertical supporting structures
 Cables – thick steel ropes from which the

decking is suspended
 Decking – the supported roadway on a bridge
Cable-Stayed Bridges
 Works by Tension AND Compression
 They have much greater stiffness than
suspension design since the cables can
handle more pressure. As a result, the
deformations of the deck under live loads are
reduced and the deck has more rigidity.
 Construction is faster
 More economical
 Spans are shorter as compared to suspension
bridges (maximum in general is 1000 metres)
 In the longer sizes, the cantilevered halves

are very susceptible to wind induced

oscillation during construction. 
 The cables require careful treatment to

protect them from corrosion.

Cables in Suspension Bridges
 Based on arrangement
◦ Radial – cables connect evenly and converge on top

◦ Harp – cables are parallel and evenly spaced on

deck and pier
◦ Fan – combination of harp and radial
Cables in Suspension Bridges
Pylons in Bridges
 Pylons of bridges are aimed to support the
weight and live load acting on the structure.
 Pylons are chosen based on
◦ Aesthetics
◦ Length
◦ Environmental parameters like wind
Pylons in Bridges
 Based on shape of pylon
◦ A type
◦ H type
◦ Y type
Foundation for Bridges
Types of Cables Used
 Picture 1 - Strand
 Picture 2 – Full lock

 Picture 3 – Wire
Types of Cables Used
Types of Cables Used
 Corrosion Resistance
Types of Cables Used
Types of Cables Used
Types of Cables Used
Types of Cables Used
 SS Cables
 Diameter varies 2.5 to 36.6 mm
 Strength 4.9 kN to 945 kN

 GS Cables
 Diameter varies 8.1 to 36.6 mm
 Strength 59 kN to 1200 kN
Types of Cables Used
 GF Cables
 Diameter varies 21 to 140 mm
 Strength 405 kN to 20000 kN
Example of Long Span Structure
 Roof - Gerald Ratner Athletics Center
Example of Long Span Structure
 Roof - Gerald Ratner Athletics Center
 48.5 m x 38 m
 The structural system for

the gymnasium and

natatorium space is a
masted cable-stayed roof
system of composite
masts that are sloped,
tapered, and stabilized by
15 cables (nine fore-stay
cables and six back-stay
cables), which in turn
support S-shaped roof
Example of Long Span Structure
 Roof - Gerald Ratner Athletics Center
Example of Long Span Structure
 Roof - Gerald Ratner Athletics Center
Example of Long Span Structure
 Roof - Gerald Ratner Athletics Center
Example of Long Span Structure
 Roof - Gerald Ratner Athletics Center

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