BIDV Group 8 CIA 1
BIDV Group 8 CIA 1
BIDV Group 8 CIA 1
Kathireswaran P – 2128111
The combination of big data Which player has to bowl the last over? Insights by ESPNCricinfo - 2 decades
analytics with cricket is known as of data points and data statistics on
Criclytics. The world's cricketing Which batsman should come to bat first historical cricket
nations can improve their game-play in case of super-over?
thanks to the employment of • WASP (Winning and Score Predictor) -
extremely strong and sophisticated first innings score prediction, and
analytical technologies. It gives calculating the probability of the chasing
teams the opportunity to make team’s win in the second innings in a
judgments in an extremely limited over match
unpredictable game. The 2015 ICC
World Cup demonstrated how
• Qlik - league standings, team analysis,
stakeholders were reliant on big data
analytics, with each competing side and player performance to viewers
having a staff of data analysts. As a
result, the new era of analytics in • ScorewithData by IBM – Analyse
cricket has begun. the powe player (batsman/bowler)
How BI can be used in cricket?
• Think about a batsman who isn't playing well. If
data analytics are applied to the batsman’s practice
and previous results, it will be possible to learn what
types of deliveries and pitches the batsman performs
best on.
• It will provide graphs and charts showing his
performance under various settings, allowing him to
quickly identify the areas where he is weak and
focus on them to enhance his performance.
• With the knowledge gained through Criclytics,
broadcasters, players, and fans may make informed
judgments regarding the performance of their
favourite teams.
• CCTV cameras, wearable computers, and sensors
are just a few of the cutting-edge high-tech tools
that are now being utilized on the field to record and
keep track of the massive amounts of cricket data.
How BI can be used in cricket?
• Teams pay more attention to fatigued players while
selecting the players for each game
• Resting a player during a relatively meaningless game
late in a season makes more sense than having him take
the court in a playoff without energy to win a game
• Players tend to get hurt more often when they play
• It provides a detailed analysis of the business information contained within the player’s
• For analysing physical and technical performances, wellbeing and health status.
• Baseball is a game of numbers. No other professional sport captures more data or uses it as
extensively as Major League Baseball.
• Major League Baseball has huge revenues and equally it has enormous bills. Teams want cash
for every little thing from participant salaries to group workers to spring coaching services and
insurance coverage.
• Thus, the involvement large sums of cash brings the need for
implementation of business intelligent tools to make smart,
data-driven decisions by identifying ways to improve the
winning percentage of a team thereby making the teams a
profitable franchise.
• Baseball has dozens of KPIs at their disposal. Along with tried-and true statistics like batting
average, winning percentage, pitcher’s strikeout to walk ratio (K/BB), Defensive Efficiency
Ratio (DER) and Defensive Efficiency Ratio (DER).
• Since MLB end of the day being a business model, Business Metrics in MLB are as follows:
Cash Conversion Cycle, Current Liability Coverage Ratio, Free Cash Flow and Sustainable
Growth Rate.
• High-resolution cameras to capture dozens of data points
during a
• Baseball with a sensor embedded in its core.
• Inertial sensors in bat for 4D motion visualization.
• Sensor embedded pitch-tracker.
• Oakland A’s general manager Billy Beane believed in 2002 when he used moneyball theory to
pick a team of undervalued players that would eventually go on to achieve a 20-game winning
streak and clinch the American League
• To form a winning team on a low budget, Beane performed data mining on hundreds of
individual players, ultimately identifying statistics that were highly predictive of how many runs
a player would score.
Our learnings from Moneyball: