W4 Fish Raising Mod10

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z Fish Culture
• Conduct a Survey to find out:
• 1. persons in the community whose occupation is fish
• 2. kinds of Fish being cultured or raised as means of
• 3. possible hazard cause by fish culturing or raising to
the people and community
• 4. ways to prevent possible hazards brought about by
culturing or raising fish
• 5. market demands for fish product and by-products
• 6. direct consumers and retailers
• 7. benefits that can derived from fish culturing
• 8. stories of successful entrepreneurs in animal/fish
Choose the letter of the best answer.

1. It is the business or industry of producing fish through husbandry and is synonymous to fish
a. Animal Breeding
b. Fish Farming
c. Juvenile Farming
d. Grow-out Farming

2. It is a system of farming system which involves very high stocking density and fish are fed
wholly with formulated feed.
a. Extensive Fish Farming System
b. Integrated Aquaculture System
c. Intensive Fish Farming System
d. Semi-intensive Fish Farming System

3. This culture system also includes rice-fish integration, horticulture-fish system, mushroom-
fish system, and Seri-fish system.
a. Extensive Fish Farming System
b. Integrated Aquaculture System
c. Intensive Fish Farming System
d. Semi-intensive Fish Farming System
4. A desirable fish species to culture for its herbivorous feeding habit, which
reduces production cost but has rapid growth rate compared to other
herbivorous fishes thus giving more profit to the farmer.

a. Catfish
b. Grouper
c. Milkfish
d. Tilapia

5. Which are examples of fishery products that are cultured?

a. Clownfish and Puffer fish
b. Milkfish and Tilapia
c. Mantis shrimps and soles
d. Yellow fin tuna and Sardines

6. What makes milkfish a desirable species to culture?

a. It has slow growth rate.
b. It has a carnivorous feeding habit.
c. It has no tolerance to a wide range of salinity.
d. It is shiny and with attractive appearance.
7. Which of the following are the reasons why many people culture tilapia?

a. It is easy to raise, slow-growing fish, can survive any bodies of water and
b. It is easy to raise, fast-growing fish, can survive any bodies of water and environment.
c. It is easy to raise, slow-growing fish, can’t survive any bodies of water and
d. It is easy to raise, fast-growing fish, can’t survive any bodies of water and

8. Although beneficial to people, fish culture also poses adverse impacts on

environment, people and the community. Which of these impacts is caused by
conversion of agricultural land to ponds?

a. Decline in local food crops

b. Displacement of native species
c. Loss of mangrove ecosystem
d. Water and soil salinization
9. Overfishing can endanger the population of stocks of some species in the wild. How
does fish farming help in preventing the depletion of wild stocks from the sea?

a. Fish farming provides more hiring possibilities and more jobs.

b. Fish farming provides extra income to supplement the earnings of the family.
c. Fish farming provides alternative sources of fish instead of fishing the same species
from the sea.
d. Fish farming buffer zones that protects the rest of the sea from pollution.

10. Which of the following statement is a way to prevent possible hazard brought about
by fish culture/farming?

a. chemical toxicity - because of the use of pesticides and antibiotics

b. decline in local food crops - because of conversion of agricultural land to ponds.
c. sustainable use of sea resources – aquaculture provides opportunities to replenish
stocks in the wild
d. use of proper site evaluation and design procedures
Fish farming is the raising of fish for personal use or profit. It is
sometimes called fish culture. By raising fish we make better
use of our land and our water. If you raise fish your family will
have more to eat. The protein in fish will keep your family
strong and healthy. Fish are tasty, like chicken, sheep, and
goat. If your family is not too big, you will have more fish than
you need for food and you can sell them at the market. With
more food and more money you and your family can live better.
z There are different types of farming systems being practiced:

Extensive Fish Farming System

● least managed form of fish farming
● fish depends only on natural food
● large ponds measuring 1 to 5 ha in area
● stocking density limited to only less than 5000 fishes/ha.
● no supplemental feeding or fertilization of water provided
● yield (500 to 2 ton/ha), and survival is low.

Semi-intensive Fish Farming System

● involves rather small ponds (0.5 to 1 hectare in an area)
● with higher stocking density (10000 to 15000 fish/ha).
● care is taken to develop natural foods by fertilization
with/without supplemental feeding. However, the
major food source is natural food.
● yield is moderate (3 to 10 ton/ha)
z There are different types of farming systems being practiced:

Intensive Fish Farming System

● highly managed form of fish farming
● involves small ponds/tanks/raceways
● with very high stocking density (10-50 fish/m3 of water)
● fish are fed wholly with formulated feed.
● control of water quality by use of aerators
● control of feeding by use of commercial feed.
● yield is high 15 to 100 ton/ha or more

Integrated Aquaculture System

● fish culture is integrated with agricultural crops such as
rice, banana and coconut, thereby producing fish and
agricultural crops.
● includes rice-fish integration, horticulture-fish system,
mushroom-fish system, Seri-fish system.
Types of Fish farming systems

Persons in the Community Whose Occupation is Fish Culture

Fish culture contributes more than half of the total volume of production of fish in
the Philippines. Western Visayas remains the fourth largest contributor in the
national volume of production of fish from year 2014 up to 2018.
Many entrepreneurs in the region are into fish culture. Some of them are:

1. Thomas Hautea – owns Retcem Resources Incorporated Fish Farm which

operates a number of milkfish farms in different towns of Iloilo Province.

2. Eric Ledesma – owner of a milkfish farm named Iloilo Farm at Brgy. Tubigan,
Zarraga, Iloilo

3. Francisco Blas, Jr. – owner of Flanton Aqua Farm raising milkfish at Brgy.
Poblacion, Ajuy, Iloilo

4. Teresita A. Yusay – owner of T.A.Y Farm who raise giant tiger prawn or “lukon” at
Brgy. Calumangan, Bago, City, Negros Occidental.
Persons in the Community Whose Occupation is Fish Culture

5. Juanito Ang – owner of Bayshore Aquaculture Farm raising prawns at Brgy.

Palaka Norte, Pulupandan, Negros Occidental.

6. Dan L. Gayares – owns a prawn and tilapia fish farmat Purok Gumamela, Brgy.
Calumangan, Bago City, Negros Occidental.

7. Eugenio V. Lacson – a white shrimp (P. vannamei) raiser in Banago, Bacolod City,
Negros Occidental

8. Joselito Baba – owner of Puffi Aquaculture Farm raising prawns and white
shrimps at Sitio Buhi-an, Brgy. To-oy, Himamaylan City, Negros Occidental

9. Nicanor Gamboa – owner of Nicanor Gamboa farm and a milkfish farmer in

Madalag, E.B. Magalona, Negros Occidental.

10. Rustico Gustilo – owner of Gustilo Marine Products and a milkfish and crab
raiser in Brgy. Cawayan, Carles, Iloilo
Kinds of Fish being Cultured as Means of Livelihood

 Milkfish and Nile tilapia are the major fishes

now produced but groupers, sea bass, rabbit
fish, red snappers, carps, and catfishes are
grown by some farmers.

Kinds of Fish being

Cultured as Means of

Milkfish (Chanos chanos)

Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)
Catfish (Clarias batrachus)
Grouper (Epinephilus )

Grouper (Epinephilus )

Groupers, popularly known as "lapu-lapu" in

some Philippine dialects, are important marine
fishes. They are characterized by thick-set or
stout bodies, slightly elongate with brown
spots or blotches. They also have very large
mouths and normally protruding lower jaw. It
is, however, difficult to differentiate one
species from another due to the fishes' ability
to change its colors.
Possible Hazard Cause by Fish Culture to the
People and Community
Some of these are:
● Pollution (inside and outside pond system) - due to excessive
feed wastes settled inside the pond or discharged untreated to
ocean waters.
● Chemical toxicity - because of the use of pesticides and
● Displacement of native species - because importation of foreign
● Decline in local food crops - because of conversion of
agricultural land to ponds.
● Competition for credit, land, and other resources
● Gradual sinking of the culture land area
● Spread of parasites and diseases
● Loss of mangrove ecosystem
● Water and soil salinization
● Public health risks
Ways to Prevent Possible Hazards Brought about
z by Culturing Fish

Effective methods in reducing the impacts of fish culture

include but are not limited to:
● use of proper site evaluation and design procedures
● good construction practices
● attention to erosion control
● lower stocking rate and commercial feeding rate
● proper management techniques.
● maintaining good water quality conditions
● keeping the culture facility clean and well organized
● adoption of sustainable culture techniques
z Direct Consumers and Retailers

 Types of buyers according to characteristics and functions:

Benefits that can Derived from Fish Culturing

 1. Alternative food source - fish and other seafood are good sources of protein and
have more nutritional value like the addition of natural oils into the diet.

 2. Increased jobs in the market – aquaculture provides more hiring possibilities and
more jobs.

 3. Reduce fishing of the wild from the sea- allow for alternative sources of food
instead of fishing the same species in their natural habitats. Population numbers of
some wild stocks of some species are in danger of being depleted due to overfishing.

 4. Sustainable use of sea resources – aquaculture provides opportunities to

replenish stocks in the wild.

 5. Entrepreneurship-provides extra income to supplement the earnings of the


Direction: Use the word formed from the scrambled letters above to answer the following
questions using a separate sheet of paper:
_________________ 1. Middlemen who sell their fish purchased to the ultimate consumers,
mostly in retail markets.

_________________ 2. They are characterized by thick-set or stout bodies, slightly elongate
with brown spots or blotches.

_________________ 3. It is usually found in marshes, rice fields, swamps, streams, rivers,
lakes irrigation canals, or in any body or fresh water.

_________________ 4. A delectable fish which grows fast and can tolerate a wide range of
_________________ 5. It feeds voraciously on most natural food like; planktons, bottom
biota present in ponds, but prefer vegetative foods.
Write your answer in a separate sheet of paper.

 1. Who are the people in your community whose occupations are fish culture?
Name a least two.

 2. What are the types of fishes are they raising?

 3. To whom or to where do fish farmers in your community sell their


 4. What problems did these fish farmers encounter in their fish farming

 5. How did they manage to solve their problems and improve their business?


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