LeaP-Science-G4-Weeks 5-6-Q3

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Learning Area Science Grade Level 4

W5-6 Quarter 3 Date

I. LESSON TITLE Light, Heat and Sound

Describe how light, sound and heat travel.
III. CONTENT/CORE CONTENT How Light, Heat and sound Travel
IV. LEARNING PHASES Learning Activities
A. Introduction Day 1 You have learned in your previous lesson how magnet works, its parts and the
Panimula magnetic force exerted by it. You also identified the materials that magnets
attract and the poles on the end part of a magnet.
Have you ever seen a lightning flashed in the sky? Have you ever heard a
thunder? Which do you think travels faster, the light or the sound?

Photo was taken from Google image

Read the statement below:

Light travels faster than sound. As you observed during stormy
weather, you see a flash of light in the sky accompanied by a thunder.
Lightning is an electrical discharge caused by imbalances between storm
clouds and the ground, or within the clouds themselves.
Light, heat and sound travel in different ways. Many scientists have
been studying the nature of light. Some say that light behaves like a wave.
Other scientists say that light behaves like a group of particles. Light always
travels in a straight line when going through a single medium, any substance
through which a light wave can travel. On the other hand, sound waves travel
at different speeds through different media. As it travels, a sound wave is
created in response to a vibration and how easily they move back to their
original position. Another cause is how strongly the particles are attached or
attracted to each other. In this lesson, you will describe how light, sound and
heat travel. Heat travels by conduction, convection, and radiation. The
transfer of heat through solid materials is called conduction. Convection is the
transfer of heat from one place to another by movement in fluids. Heat can
also be transmitted across empty space or vacuum. This is called radiation.
Radiation does not depend on the presence of matter to transfer heat.
Radiant energy travels as waves through space.
B. Development Day 2-3 The activity that you are going to perform will help you describe how
Pagpapaunlad light, sound and heat travel.
Learning Task 1. Prepare the materials listed below. You may ask the help of
your parents/guardians or any adult members of the family if needed.
Title: “How does light travel”?”
Flashlight loaded with battery
3 pieces of illustration boards(1/8 size, with 2” diameter in the middle
1 piece of thick cardboard
Observation sheet

1. Get a flashlight and focus it at a distant wall or at the ceiling. Observe
the path of light. Record your observations in your notebook.
IV. LEARNING PHASES Learning Activities
2. Ask one of the members of your family to block the path coming from
the flashlight with a thick cardboard. Record your observation.
3. Get the three illustration boards. Make at least 2” diameter hole each
on the middle of the cardboards.
4. Ask three of the members of your family to hold each of the
cardboards with hole. Ask them to stand at least 1 ft away from each
other, but the holes in the cardboard should be aligned in such a way
that the wall could be seen through the holes.
5. Focus the flashlight through the first hole. Observe what happens.
Record your observations.
6. Ask the member of your family in the middle to misalign the
cardboard he/she is holding. Keep the light aimed at the
cardboards. Observe what happens.
1. Did the light form a straight line when you focused it on the wall or
ceiling without blockage?
2. When you blocked the light with a thick cardboard, was it able to pass
through it? Explain your answer.
3. When you aligned the cardboards with holes, was the light able to
pass through it? Explain your answer.
4. When one of the cardboards was not aligned with the other
cardboards, was the light able to pass through the other cardboards?
Why is this so?
5. What can you say about the way light travels?
C. Engagement Day 4-6 Learning Task 2. Perform the activity.
Pakikipagpalihan Title: “What is Vibration?”
Materials: transparent (clear) plastic ruler
1. Get a plastic ruler and press one end to the edge of the table by
holding it down firmly.
2. Push or press down the free end then release it suddenly. Observe
what happens when you release the free end of the ruler. Write your
observations in your notebook.
Hold firmly ruler

Push down
And release

Figure 1 Figure 2
3. Hold the ruler while it is still in motion. Observe what happens. Write
your observation.
4. Repeat #2 and #3 several times (at least 3 times). Observe what
happens. Record all observations.
1. What happened to the ruler when you suddenly released it?
2. How do you describe the movement of the ruler?
3. Did you hear a sound?
4. Did the sound coming from the moving ruler suddenly stop when you
held it? When you released it again?
Learning Task 3. Prepare the materials listed below. You may ask the help of
your parents/guardians or any adult members of the family if needed.
Title: “How does sound travel in different materials?”
Stick of at least one foot long
IV. LEARNING PHASES Learning Activities
Small pail(bucket) half filled with water
Two pieces of medium sized stone
A table or a chair preferably made of wood or metal
Drum and drumsticks( toys will do)
Big Tin can if drum is not available
1. Find a table or a chair. With the use of a stick, gently tap the table or
the chair. What did you hear? Do this for at least five times with
different strengths of tapping. Try from gentle to hard tap. Observe
the sound you produced with each tap.
2. Tap two medium-sized stone in a pail half filled with water. Be careful
not to spill the water when you tap the stones. Observe what
happens when the stones hit each other. Do you hear a sound? Do
this for at least five times.
3. Do this third task in an open area with a partner (other member of
your family). Let your partner stay at least 10 meters away from you.
Strike a drum with drumsticks. Can both of you hear the sound the
drum made? Strike the drum with different strength, Try it from a
gentle tap to a hard tap. Take note of the sound that is produced.
1. Did you hear a sound when you tapped the table or the chair with a
stick? What happened to the sound when you tapped the table with
different strengths?
2. Were you able to produce sound underwater when you struck/hit two
stones together?
3. Were you able to hear the sound you produced underwater?
4. Did the sound coming from the drum reach the person away from it?
5. What could you infer from this activity?
Learning Task 4. Prepare the materials listed below. You may ask the help of
your parents/guardians of any adult members of the family if needed.
Title: “How is heat transferred?”
-alcohol lamp/candle -hot water
-matchsticks/lighter -coffee mug
-clamp/tong -metal spoon
-Metal rod or a nail -timer/stopwatch
-plastic spoon
1. Light the alcohol lamp/candle with a matchstick or lighter. (Ask the
help of an adult in doing this activity.)
2. Scoop margarine from its container then spread it to the half-end,
close to the head of the nail.
3. With the use of a pair of tongs, hold the part of the nail where you
spread the margarine.
4. Slowly bring the part of the nail without margarine to the tip of the
flame of the alcohol lamp or candle. Hold the nail in the flame until
you observe a change in the margarine.
5. Record your observations.
1. What happened to the margarine on the nail?
2. Why do you think the change took place even if it was not directly
exposed to the flame?
3. If we are using a metal tong and continue to expose the nail to the
flame, what do you think will happen to the metal tong?
IV. LEARNING PHASES Learning Activities
4. If we are using a pair of metal tongs and continue to expose the nail
to the flame, what do you think will happen to the metal tongs?
1. Fill a mug with hot water. Be extra careful when pouring hot water to
the mug. (Ask assistance of an adult.)
2. Place a metal spoon into the coffee mug.
3. Wait for about five minutes. Carefully feel the exposed end of the
spoon. Slightly touch the outside surface of the mug, too. Record your
1. What happened to the exposed end of the spoon after five minutes?
2. What did you notice about the outside surface of the mug when you
touched it? Why?
3. Suggest ways to reduce the effect of heat on the turner so that we
can avoid getting hurt when we lift it out of the hot pan.
D. Assimilation Day 7-8 Learning Task 5
Paglalapat Draw a picture how the following travels: (a) light, (b) sound and (c) heat.
Describe and label each illustration.
V. ASSESSMENT Day 9 Learning Task 6. Read each item carefully. Choose the letter of your answer.
(Learning Activity Sheets for 1. Light travels in a ____________ line when is passes through a single
Enrichment, Remediation or
Assessment to be given on Weeks
3 and 6) a. curve b. straight c. crooked d. dotted
2. When the sound travels through solids, the vibration of the particles
occurs _____________?
a. fast b. slowly c. moderately d. irregularly
3. What affects the speed of sound as it travels?
a. Person receiving it c. The nature of material
b. The origin of the sound d. Loudness of the sound
4. How is heat transferred in solid materials?
a. Through convection c. Through radiation
b. Through conduction d. Through vacuum
5. What is the direction of heat transfer?
a. From hot to cold c. From bottom to top
b. From cold to hot d. From side to side
VI. REFLECTION Day 10 Choose one symbol which best describes your experience while doing the
learning tasks. Then, draw it inside the box found below.
I was able to do/perform the tasks without any difficulty. The tasks
helped me in understanding the lesson.
I was able to do/perform the tasks. It was quite challenging, but it still
helped me understand the lesson.
I was able to do/perform the task. It was extremely difficult. I need
additional enrichment activities.
My leaning experience while doing the task.
Reflect on what you learned on this lesson about the ability of the materials
to block, absorb or transmit light by completing the statements below.
The part of the lesson I believe I learned most about is _____________________.
The task which I found most challenging __________ because_______________.
I realized that I can use what I have learned from this lesson when__________.
Prepared by: SYRON S. SASIS Checked by: Carmela Ezcel A. Orogo-EPS
MT-I Abner Pureza-EPS
Alabat District-SDO Quezon Province Jee-Ann O. Borines-EPS
References: Science Learner’s Material 4
Personal Assessment on Learner’s Level of Performance
Using the symbols below, choose one which best describes your experience in working on each given task. Draw it in the
column for Level of Performance (LP). Be guided by the descriptions below.
- I was able to do/perform the task without any difficulty. The task helped me in understanding the target content/lesson.

 - I was able to do/perform the task. It was quite challenging but it still helped me in understanding the target content/lesson.

? - I was not able to do/perform the task. It was extremely difficult. I need additional enrichment activities to be able to

do/perform this task.

Learning Task LP Learning Task LP Learning Task LP Learning Task LP

Number 1 Number 3 Number 5 Number 7

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