Lecture 5
Lecture 5
Lecture 5
Lecture 4.
Sarajevo, 14.03.2011.
Cellular concept introduction
Cellular concept introduction
Frequency reuse
The frequency reuse factor of a cellular system is given
by 1/N, since each cell within a cluster is only assigned
1/N of the total available channels in the system.
Frequency reuse
If a total of 33 MHz of bandwidth is allocated to a
particular FDD cellular telephone system which uses
two 25 kHz simplex channels to provide full duplex voice
and control channels, compute the number of channels
available per cell if a system uses (a) four-cell reuse, (b)
seven-cell reuse, and (c) 12-cell reuse. If 1 MHz of the
allocated spectrum is dedicated to control channels,
determine an equitable distribution of control channels
and voice channels in each cell for each of the three
Interference and System Capacity