Module3.Measurement of Vertical Distances

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Module 3

Measurement of
Vertical Distances
• Leveling is the process of directly or indirectly
measuring of vertical distances to determine the
elevation of points or their differences in elevation.
• It is a vital and important aspect of surveying since
leveling operations are undertaken to provide
necessary data for engineering design, construction,
and the production of topographic maps.
Definition of Terms
• Level Surface – It is a curved surface which is at any point perpendicular to
the direction of gravity or the plumb line. It is best represented by the
surface of a large body of still water.
• Level Line – A level line is a curved line in a level surface all points of which
are normal to the direction of the gravity and equidistant from the center of
the earth.
• Horizontal Line – It is a plane that is tangent to a level surface at a particular
• Vertical Line – A vertical line at any point is a line parallel to the direction of
• Mean Sea Level – Mean sea level is an imaginary surface of the sea level
which is midway between high and low tides.
• Datum – Datum is any convenient level surface coincident or parallel with
mean sea level to which elevations of a particular are area referred.
• Elevation – For a particular point, its elevation is the vertical distance above
or below mean sea level or any other selected datum.
• Difference in Elevation – The difference in elevation between two points is
the vertical distance between the two level surfaces in which the points lie.
Leveling Methods
1. Direct or Spirit Leveling
2. Reciprocal Leveling
3. Profile Leveling
4. Trigonometric Leveling
5. Stadia Leveling
6. Barometric Leveling
7. Cross-section Leveling
8. Borrow-Pit Leveling
Types of Levels
• There are various types of instruments used in leveling work. These
instruments may differ somewhat in design, each can be used to establish
a horizontal line of sight by means of telescope fitted with a set of cross
hairs and a level bubble.

– Dumpy Level
– Wye Level
– Builder’s Level
– Automatic Level
– Tilting Levels
– Geodetic Level
– Transit as a Level
– Laser Level
– Hand Level
Dumpy Level
Automatic Level

Transit Digital Theodolite

Leveling Rods
• A leveling rod is a graduated rod which is used for measuring
the vertical distance between the line of sight through a
leveling instrument and the point whose elevation is either
required or known
• Rods are made of wood, fiberglass, or metal and have
graduations in meters and decimals which start from zero at
the bottom and extending upward to lengths of 3 or 4

Rod Level
• The rod level is a device used for fast and correct plumbing of
a leveling rod. It consists of a small circular spirit level. When
the bull’s-eye bubble is centered, the rod is plumb or
correctly held vertical.
• A target is a small device attached to the rod when extremely
long sights make direct reading of the rod difficult or

Rod Level

Stadia Rod
• The telescope of a surveying instrument is a metal tube containing
a system of lenses which are used to fix the direction of the line of
sight and magnifying the apparent size of objects in its field of view

Level Vial
• A level vial is a sealed graduated glass tube containing some
amount of liquid and a smaller air bubble.
• It is used to determine the direction of the gravity.
• Tripods serve as a base to prevent movement of the
instrument after it is set up.
• A tripod is consist of three wooden or aluminum legs which
are securely fastened to the tripod head by means of a hinged
Determining Difference in Elevation

Steps in determining the difference in elevations

of two points:
1. The instrument is set up and leveled at a point about halfway
between A and B.
2. Sight on the rod held vertically at point A and record the rod
3. Rotate the telescope carefully about the vertical axis and sight on
a rod held vertically at B and record the rod reading at B.
4. The difference in elevation between points A and B is determined
by noting the difference in their respective rod readings.
Arms and Hand Signals

1. Move Right or Left 9. Plumb the Rod

2. Give a Sight 10. Establish a Turning Point
3. All Right 11. This is a Turning Point
4. This is a Point 12. Wave The Rod
5. Move Back 13. Face he Rod
6. Pick Up 14. Reverse the Rod
7. Raise (or Lower) Target 15. Move Forward
8. Come in 16. Use The Long Rod
Sources of Error in Leveling
1. Instrumental Errors
– Instrument out of adjustment
– Rod not standard length
– Defective tripod
2. Personal Errors
– Bubble not centered – Rod not held plumb
– Parallax – Unequal backsight and foresight
– Faulty rod readings distances
3. Natural Errors
– Curvature of the earth – Wind
– Atmospheric refraction – Settlement of the instrument
– Temperature variations – Faulty turning points
Common Mistakes in Leveling
1. Misreading the rod
2. Incorrect recording
3. Erroneous computations
4. Rod not fully extended
5. Moving turning points
Adjustment of the Line of Sight
• The line of sight is adjusted to make it parallel to the axis of the
level vial. There is always the possibility that the line of sight of a
dumpy level will be inclined either above or below the
horizontal. To check and adjust the line of sight, a procedure
known as “two-peg” test is employed.

a = rod reading on A with instrument set up near A

b = rod reading on B with instrument set up near A
c = rod reading on B with instrument set up near B
d = rod reading on A with instrument set up near B
• Difference in elevation based on the instrument set up at A.

• Difference in elevation based on the instrument set up at B.

• If the two differences in elevation are equal, the line of sight is in adjustment.
If not, the line of sight is inclined from the horizontal with an error of e or
difference between d and d’

• The correct rod reading at A with the instrument still set up near B is
Problem 1. In the two-peg test of a dumpy level as shown in the figure, Rod Instrument Instrument
the following observations were taken: Reading Set up near A Set up near B
a. Determine if the line of sight is in adjustment. On point A 1.505 m 0.938 m
b. If the line of sight is not in adjustment, determine the correct rod On point B 2.054 m 1.449 m
reading on A with the instrument still set up near B.
c. Determine the error in line of sight for the net distance AB.
Alternate Procedure for Two-peg Test
• This lesson will show another procedure of two-peg test by applying the
principle of deviation of horizontal distances and vertical elevations.

a = rod reading on A with instrument set up near M

b = rod reading on B with instrument set up near M
c = rod reading on A with instrument set up near P
d = rod reading on B with instrument set up near P
c’ = correct rod reading on A for a horizontal line of sight
d’ = correct rod reading on B for a horizontal line of sight
Da = horizontal distance between points A and P
Db = horizontal distance between points B and P

I = inclination of the line of sight in the net distance.

• Readings sighted with instrument at point M is assumed to be as adjusted.

• Difference in elevation based on the instrument set up at P.

• If is equal to , the line of sight is parallel to the axis of the level tube, and it
can be concluded that the line of sight is horizontal. If not, is erroneous or
false difference in elevation, therefore

• Using ratio and proportion


• The correct rod reading c’ at the far rod (held at B) is

• The correct rod reading c’ at the near rod (held at A) is

• To check the computations, the difference in elevation computed from the

two corrected rod readings (c’ and d’) should be equal to the true
difference in elevation (a – b). Thus
Curvature and Refraction
• The effects of earth curvature and atmospheric refraction are taken into
account in leveling work since the measurements are made in a vertical
planes and these effects all occur in the same plane.

BC = h’ = differential height due to the effect of curvature and refraction

BD = height observed at point D through the level at point A
CD = actual height

• Effect of earth’s curvature and atmospheric refraction is approximately equal

Problem 1. In the two-peg test of a dumpy level as shown in Rod Instrument Instrument
Reading Set up near M Set up near P
the figure, the following observations were taken: On point A 0.296 m 1.563 m
Point M is equidistant from both A and B, while the P is On point B 0.910 m 2.140 m
2.50 m away from A along the extension of line AB and
79.27 m from B
a. Determine the true difference in elevation between points A and B.
b. If the instrument needs to be adjusted, determine the following:
– “false” difference in elevation
– Inclination of the line of sight
– Error in the reading on the far rod.
c. With the level still set up at P, determine the rod reading on B to which the line of sight should be
d. Perform the customary check.
Problem 2. Two points, A and B, are 525.850 meters apart. A level is set up on the line
between A and B and at a distance of 240.500 m from A. If the rod reading on A is 3.455 m and
that on B is 2.806 m, determine the difference in elevation between the two points, taking into
account the effects of curvature and atmospheric refraction.
Problem 3. A woman standing on a beach can just see the top of a lighthouse 24.140 km away.
If her eye height above sea level is 1.738 m, determine the height of the lighthouse above sea

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