Week 1 Org

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At the end of the lesson, you are expected to:
1.Define the meaning, functions, types, and
theories of Management and the functions,
roles, and skills of a manager
2.Explain the meaning, functions, types, and
theories of management and explain a
manager's functions, roles, and skills.
3.Appreciate the importance of Management.
refers to an entity, company or business that
comprises of a group of people working
together for a common goal

•It is getting things done trough people.
• The process of coordinating and overseeing the work
performance of individuals working together in an
organization to effectively accomplish their chosen objectives.
Functions of Management
Planning refers to deciding on an organization’s goals and strategies such
defining goals, establishing strategy and developing sub plans to choose
alternatives and coordinate activities.

Organizing is ensuring that tasks have been assigned and the structure of
organizational relationships facilitates meeting goal like deciding where decisions
will be made, who will do the jobs and tasks, and who will work for whom.

Staffing is the filling-up of different job positions as needed in the

organization’s structure.
Functions of Management
Leading refers to relating with others so that their work
efforts achieve organizational goals by means of motivating
and inspiring your fellow coworkers.

Controlling is ensuring actions are consistent with the

organization’s values and standards. Monitoring progress
towards goal achievement and taking corrective action
when needed.
Evolution of Management Theories
A. Scientific Management Theory - makes use of procedural and scientific methods
for finding the single best way for doing a job.
-The father of scientific management is Frederick W. Taylor (1856-1915).

Taylor’s Scientific Management Principles (Robbins and Coutler 2009) are as follows:

1.develop a science for each element of individual work to replace the old rule of
thumb method;
2. scientifically select and then train, teach and develop the worker;
3.heartily cooperate with workers so as to ensure all work will be done in accordance
with the principles of science that has been developed; and
4. division of work and responsibility equally between management and workers.
Henri Fayol’s Management Principles
1.Work division or specialization - the separation of work process into a
number of tasks, with each task performed by a separate person or group of
2.Authority - a balance between Authority (Power) and Responsibility (Duties)
3.Discipline – respect for the rules and regulation of the organization
4.Unity of command - a subordinate (employee) must receive orders from
only one superior(Boss)
5. Subordination of individual interest to general interest – the interest of one
individual or one group should not prevail over the general good.
6.Unity of direction one head and one plan for a group of activities with the
Henri Fayol’s Management Principles
7. Remuneration – the price for services received.
8.Centralization - the authority is concentrated only in a few hands.
9.Scalar chain of authority – formal line of authority, communication and responsibility.
10.Order - a place for everything and everything in it’s place the right man in the right place.
11.Equality/fairness - combination of kindness and justice.
12.Stability/security of tenure of workers - job security
13.Initiative - to start, to begin or to instruct in a project.
14. Esprit de corps – means “Team Spirit.”
Organizational Behavior (OB) Approach
- it involves the study of conduct,
demeanor, or action of people at work.
Think of a difficult task that you as a learner had accomplished.

Identify the steps you took in completing the said task.

Would the management function and theories discussed earlier help you in
becoming more efficient in completing the task? Explain your answer orally.

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