Science3 q2 Mod8 ComparingLivingThingsToNonLivingThings

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Quarter 2 – Module 8:
Comparing Living
Things to Non-Living

CO_Q2_Science 3_Module 8

Quarter 2 – Module 8:
Comparing Living Things
to Non-Living Things
What I
Choose the letter of the best answer. Write your chosen letter on
a separate sheet of paper.

1. All living things need to grow.

a. ball
b. fan
c. sunlight
d. television
2. Which is NOT a characteristic of living things?
a. Living things breathe
b. Living things do not grow
c. Living things needs energy
d. Living things respond to their environment
3. These are examples of living things EXCEPT:
a. animals
b. plants
c. trees
d. water
4. Which of the following cannot reproduce?
a. dogs
b. humans
c. trees
d. wind
5. Which does not need air to grow?
a. Fish
b. Horse
c. Rocks
d. trees

2 CO_Q2_Science 3_Module 8
Lesson Characteristics of Living
1 and Non-Living Things

What’s In

We are surrounded every day with so many things. Things

like plants and animals or like rivers and clouds. There are also
man- made things like cars and buildings. But how do these
things differ from each other?
Things which are alive are called living things. Things which
are not alive are called non-living things. But how would you
know if a thing is alive or not?
Living things can move, grow, and reproduce. Non-
living things, on the other hand, can also move but they
cannot reproduce.

3 CO_Q2_Science 3_Module 8
Notes to the Teacher
Plants, animals, and human beings are alive and are
examples of living things. They consume energy to grow,
move on their own and reproduce.
Air, water, rocks, and buildings are not alive although some
of them can grow or move with the help of others, but
they can never reproduce. They are examples of non-
living things.

What’s New
Guide questions. Write your answers in your notebook.
1. Which things are animals?
2. Which things are plants?
3. Which things are neither a plant nor an animal?
4. Where do animals and plants belong?
5. Where do things that are neither plants nor animals

goat flower ball pillows cow bike

4 CO_Q2_Science 3_Module 8
balloons clock

car cake butterfly child


Task B. Group the following things according to its

dog eagle
characteristics. Write your answer chair Candy
in your notebook. guitar

ball bike goat clock

butterfly chair dog cow

5 CO_Q2_Science 3_Module 8
Things that need food to Things that do not need food

What is
Group the characteristics of living things and non-living
things as described in the picture. Do this in your notebook.


6 CO_Q2_Science 3_Module 8
Breathe air Do not move on Reproduce
to grow their own

Grows Do not
from the reproduc e

What’s More
Identify the living and non-living thing described in the box.
Write your answer on your notebook.

I am a non-living thing.
I move when you push me.
I do not grow. But I can
bounce when you dribble
me. You play me with your
friend. Who am I?

7 CO_Q2_Science 3_Module 8
I am a living thing.
I grow by taking water
with my roots.
I grow under the
sunlight. I grow using
the air.
I am the national flower.

I am a living thing.
I grow through
taking water from
my roots.
I give shade for you
to shed.
My trunks are strong.

I am a non-living thing.
I have two wheels.
In order for me move,
you have to use my
I can give you a ride if
you want.

8 CO_Q2_Science 3_Module 8
What I Have
Cut and paste the picture below then put it on the
correct box and tell if it is a living thing or a non- living thing.
Warning: Be sure to have an adult when you use sharp
objects like

9 CO_Q2_Science 3_Module 8
What I Can Do

Draw (3) examples of living things and non-living things that

you can find at your home.


10 CO_Q2_Science 3_Module 8
Answer the following question on your notebook:
1. What are the characteristics of LIVING THINGS? List at
least (3)

2. What are the characteristics of NON-LIVING THINGS? List

at least (3)


A. Direction. Write T if the statement is true and F if it is false.

Write your answer in your notebook.
1. Human beings are living things.

2. Non-living things can breathe. _

3. Non-living things may move but they cannot reproduce.

4. Air, water, rocks and buildings can reproduce.

5. Living things can grow, move, reproduce, and use their


11 CO_Q2_Science 3_Module 8
B. Observe the picture below and label them if it is a living
thing or non-living thing.

12 CO_Q2_Science 3_Module 8
Additional Activities

Read and c opy the poem in your notebook. Box

the LIVING THINGS and encircle the NON-LIVING


By: Tiffany Ann C. Torrevillas

Trees give us shade for us to

shed It gives us air to
breathe Water helps us to
It quenches our thirst, keeping us alive

When birds fly

They can also soar
high They get fruits
from tree For them to
eat for free

House gives us
It will make us humans feel and live
better It can be made of rocks, sand
and pebble Keeping
13 it strong for us to
CO_Q2_Science 3_Module 8

play and giggle

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