DLP in Science 3 - 4 Q2 WK 2 Validated

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Lesson Plans for Multigrade Classes

Grades _3__ and __4_

Learning Area: SCIENCE Quarter: TWO Week: TWO
Grade Level Grade3 Grade 4
A. Content Demonstrates understanding of Parts and Demonstrates understanding
Standard functions of the sense organs of the human body how the major internal organs such as
the brain, heart, lungs, liver, stomach,
intestines, kidneys, bones, and
muscles keep the body healthy
B. Performance Practice healthful habits in taking care of the Construct a prototype model of
Standard sense organs. organism that has body parts which
can survive in a given environment
C. Competency 1.Enumerate healthful habits to protect the sense 1.Identify the causes and treatment of
organs.S3LT-II-b-2 diseases of the major organs. S4LT-
1.Practice habits to maintain a healthy
body. S4LT-IIa-b-3
II. CONTENT 1.Living Things Parts and Functions
1.1Humans 1. Humans
1.1.a Sense Organs
1.1 Major organs of the
Enumerating healthful habits to protect the eyes and body
ears. 1.2 Caring for the major
1.3 Diseases that affect
the major organs of the

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human body

Identifying the causes

and treatment of disease
bones and muscles.
Practicing habits to
maintain a healthy body.

Lesson To enumerate healthful habits to protect the eyes Identify the causes and treatment of
Objectives and ears. disease bones and muscles.
To practice habits to maintain a healthy
III. Learning A.REFERENCE A. Reference
Resources 1.TG p. 50-55 1.TG73-79,
2.TM p46-52., , 2.TM56-69,
3.Textbook pages 3.Textbook pages
4.Additional from the LR portal 4.Additional materials from the LR
5. Other Learning Resources portal
BOW 46-52, pictures,rubrics, www.deped 5. Other learning resources
Tambayan BOW, pictures, rubrics, www.deped

Grouping Structures (tick boxes):

 Whole Class
Describe the parts of the lesson (for example  Ability Groups
the introduction), where you may address all  Friendship Groups
grade levels as ungone group  Other (specify)
 Groups  Combination of Structures

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 Grade Groups
Teaching, Learning and Assessment Activities
IV. Procedures
a. Review What is the function of our skin? What are the
functions of our
bones and

b. Presentation of the Lesson

(Showing a picture of a family eating together and group of people who are in their grand
motorcycle parade. Discuss it.)

C. Development of the Lesson

Appendix 1, Q2/W2/D1/G3Appendix 2, Q2/W2/D1/G3

Photograph by: Mabeth T. Baniago Photograph by: Mabeth T. Baniago

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Picture A shows a group of people eating together because they are going to Magat Dam.
They eat nutritious foods to make them healthy and strong.
Picture B shows that they wear protective gears such as sunglasses, jackets, warmer and
helmets to protect their body from any danger or injuries.

D. Synthesis/Generalization T
How did you protect your eyes and ears (Show the pictures of children in the different
from injuries? activities and games. Discuss it.)
Appendix 1, Q2/W2/D1/G4 Appendix 2,
E. Application Q2/W2/D1,G4

. Activity #1 (Appendix 3,Q2/W2/D1/G3 )
Direction: Look at the pictures below.
Put a checkmark  on the box if it shows
a proper way of caring for the eyes and
put a crossmark if it does not. Explain
your choice.

Activity 2 (Appendix 4,Q2/W2/D1/G3)

Direction: Put check mark / in the box if it
shows the proper way of caring for the
eyes and put a cross mark X if it does not.

Activity #3(Appendix 5,Q2/W2/D1/G3 )

Direction: Look at the pictures below.

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Put a checkmark  on the box if it shows www.depedtambayanwww.depedtambayan
a proper way of caring for the eyes and
put a crossmark if it does not. The photo shows Filipino games. These
games are good to our health especially to our
bones. Doing such activities make our bones
strong. But we must be careful in playing such
activities to avoid injuries. The bones in our
T body are connected with each other that are
Let each group present their output. why we must know how to protect it.
Process the pupil’s activity. Common Bone and Muscles Injuries
1. Show another picture of children Fracture
reading. Dislocation
(Appendix 6,Q2/W2/D1/ G3) Sprain
Cramp bruise
What are the common muscle injuries?
What are the common bone injuries?
What particular body parts can be injured when
you play games or spots?
What will you do if you get injured while
Photograph by: Mabeth T. Baniago How will you protect you bones and muscle
See Appendix 7, day 1, Grade 3 for the from injuries?
discussion. What are the common bone disease?

What are the common bone diseases?

First aid treatment
A For first aid treatment the teacher will show a
Appendix 7,Q2/W2/D1/G3) video for
Fractures,dislocation and sprain.

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Direction: Put check mark / in the box if it
shows the proper way of caring for the
eyes and ears and put a cross mark X if it
does not. D.Synthesis/Generalization
How to maintain our healthy body?

Give at least 5 ways in taking care of eyes E.Application
and ears. G
Group 1
Listing down good health habits

Group 2
Creating a slogan with the theme “Healthy

Group 3
Role play of some practices or habits to
maintain healthy body.

Group Activity # 2
Appendix 4, Q2/W2/D1/G4
Encircle the letter of the correct answer
Let the leader of the group present their
output. Process it.

Appendix 5, Q2/W2/D1/G4
Direction: Identify the common bone diseases.
Write the letter of the correct answer.

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V. AGREEME How are you going to protect your eyes How to maintain a healthy body?
NT/ and ears? 1.
NT 2. 3

Day 2
A. Content Demonstrates understanding of Parts and functions of the Demonstrates
Standard sense organs of the human body understanding
how the major internal
organs such as the brain,
heart, lungs, liver,
stomach, intestines,
kidneys, bones, and
muscles keep the body

B. Performan Practice healthful habits in taking care of the sense organs. Construct a prototype
ce model of organism that
Standard has body parts which can
survive in a given
C. Learning 1.Enumerate healthful habits to protect the sense organs.S3LT- Parts and Functions

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Competen II-b-2 1. Humans
2. To enumerate healthful habits to protect the nose and 1.1 Major organs of the
tongue. body
1.2 Caring for the major
1.3 Diseases that affect
the major organs of the
human body

To identify the cause and

treatment of disease of
stomach, intestines and
To practice habits to
maintain a healthy body.
II. Conten 1.Living Things Parts and Functions
t 1.1Humans 1. Humans
1.1.a Sense Organs
1.1 Major organs of the
Enumerating healthful habits to protect the nose and tongue. body
1.2 Caring for the major
1.3 Diseases that affect
the major organs of the
human body

Identifying the cause and

treatment of disease of
stomach, intestines and

Page 8 of 19
Practicing habits to maintain
a healthy body.

Lesson Enumerate healthful habits to protect the nose and tongue. Identify the cause and
Objectives treatment of disease of
stomach, intestines and

III. Learning A .Reference A. Reference

resources 1. TG p.56-59 1. TG p. 79-87
2.TM p53-56, , 2.TM p.72-80,
3.Textbook pages 3.Textbook pages
4.Additional materials from the LR 4.Additional materials from the LR Portal
portal 5.Other learning resources
5.Other Learning Resources BOW, pictures
BOW, pictures,
Teaching, Learning and Assessment Activities
A. Review

How are you going to protect your eyes? How to maintain a healthy body?

B. Presentation of the Lesson

(Show the pictures to the pupils and discuss it.)
(See Appendix 1,Q2/W2/D2/G3)

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C. Development of the Lesson

This photo shows a family eating healthy foods. We eat food to gain energy especially
when we are working and playing. Without food, the other parts of the body like the
internal organs do not have the energy to function. But we must bear in our mind some
tips to consider in before and after eating such as washing our hands with clean soap
and water first. Do not eat hot food because it can damage our tongue as well. Do not eat
too much food at a time to avoid indigestion. Avoid also salty food because it is not good
to our kidneys.

What are the proper ways of caring the nose? What is the most common
Why do you have to care for your nose? digestive problem?
Which are not the proper ways to do in your nose? What do you think are the common
Why do you have to avoid doing these? problems related to eating dirty
What are other ways of taking care of your nose? food?
Discuss to the class the following concepts. What do you think are the common
Eating very hot food can scald the tongue. problems related to drinking dirty
It is proper to consult a doctor when the tongue has water?
sore. What are the common disease
Use a tongue scraper to clean the tongue so as not related to stomach and intestines/
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to damage the taste buds. What are the causes of
Brushing teeth is important to avoid infection of the hyperacidity/ulcer?
tongue and gums and prevent tooth decay. How can you prevent constipation?
Why should diarrhea be given
medication right away?
What should be done to avoid
different ailments related to
D. Synthesis/ What are the healthy habits that How to avoid
Generalization we need to maintain our body? kidney ailment
and stomach
E. Application

Activity #1 Discuss the common ailments related to
Appendix 2,Q2/W2/ D2/ G3 digestion. Refer to table below:
1. Look at the pictures below. (See Appendix 1, Q2/W2/D2/G4)
2. Put a checkmark  on the box if it
shows a proper way of caring for the
tongue and put a cross mark if it is

Appendix 3, Q2/W2/D2/G3
1. Look at the pictures below.
2. Put a checkmark  on the box if it
shows a proper way of caring for the
nose and put a crossmark if it
does not.

Appendix 4, Q2/W2/D2/G3

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Direction: Draw a on the space
provided if it shows the proper way of
caring for the nose and tongue and
if it does not.

T E.Application
Discuss the topic based from the group
activities answered and presented. G
Activity 1
Role play on pratices or health habits to
maintain a healthy digestion.

Activity 2
Appendix 2,Q2/W2/ D2/G4
Make a list of food to be included in your diet to
avoid acquiring kidney ailment or diseases.

Activity 3
Appendix 3,Q2/ W2/D2/G4
Fill in the diagram. Discuss with your group the
causes and treatment to the problem.

Process the pupil’s activity.
Let the pupil’s present their output by group.
Praise their work

Appendix 5, Q2/W2/D2/G3 Activity 4
Direction: Put a / if the statement is Appendix 4, Q2/W2/D2/ G4
correct x if not. Match Me. Match column A with column B.

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Enumerate the good habits in taking
care of nose and tongue.
VI. AGREEME Draw the things we need to clean our List the foods that are good to your body.
NT/ nose and tongue.

Day 3
A. Content Demonstrates understanding of Parts and functions of the Demonstrates
Standards sense organs of the human body understanding
how the major internal
organs such as the brain,
heart, lungs, liver,
stomach, intestines,
kidneys, bones, and
muscles keep the body
B. Performance Practice healthful habits in taking care of the sense organs. Construct a prototype
Standards model of organism that
has body parts which can
survive in a given
C. Learning 1.Enumerate healthful habits to protect the sense organs.S3LT- Parts and Functions
Competenci II-b-2 1. Humans

Page 13 of 19
To enumerate healthful habits to protect the skin. 1.1 Major organs of the
1.2 Caring for the major
1.3 Diseases that affect
the major organs of the
human body
To identify the causes and
treatment of disease of
brain, heart and lungs.
To practice habits to
maintain a healthy body
II. CONTE 1.Living Things Parts and Functions
NT 1.1Humans 1. Humans
1.1.a Sense Organs
1.1 Major organs of the
Enumerating healthful habits to protect the skin body
1.2 Caring for the major
1.3 Diseases that affect
the major organs of the
human body

Identifying the causes and

treatment of disease of
brain, heart and lungs,
Practicing habits to
maintain a healthy body

Lesson Enumerating healthful habits to protect the skin. Identifying the causes and
Objectives treatment of disease of
brain, heart and lungs,

Page 14 of 19
Practicing habits to
maintain a healthy body
Write the causes and
treatment of disease of
brain, heart and lungs.
III. Learner A. Reference A. References
s 1. TG p.60-62 1. TG p.81-87
Referen 2., TM p62-63, 2. TM p.81-96,
ces 3.Textbook pages 3.Textbook pages
4.Additional Materials from the LR portal 4.Additional
5.Other learning resources materials from the
BOW, pictures LR portal
4.Other learning
BOW, pictures,,
IV. PROCE Teaching, Learning and Assessment Activities
A. Review
What are the cause and
Enumerate healthful habits to protect the nose and tongue. treatment of disease of
stomach, intestines and

B. Presentation of the Lesson

Show a picture to the pupils. Enlarge it.

Appendix 1, Q2/W2/D3/G 3

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C. Development of the Lesson

Photograph by: Mabeth T. Baniago

This photo shows group of people ready for a ride going to Magat Dam. The riders wear their protective gears
such as sunglasses, warmers to protect their skin from the heat of the sun and helmets to protect their head from
any danger, face mask so as not to inhale the hazardous chemicals coming from the air pollutants. We should
bear in mind that before such activity we should consider some precautionary measures to avoid accidents.

Discuss the following:

It is good to take a bath every day to avoid T
body odor. Discuss the topic through the table below:
Walking bare foot can harm the skin of your Appendix 1,Q2/W2/D3/G4
Wear clean clothes for personal hygene. D.Synthesis/Generalization
Drink plenty of water to make the skin fresher.
What are the causes and treatment of
D. Synthesis/ Generalization disease of brain, heart and lungs?
What are the best Practices habits to
maintain a healthy body?
What are the healthful habits to protect

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the skin?
E. Application

Appendix 2,Q2/W2/D3/G3
Group 1
Direction: Look at the pictures below. Put
a checkmark  on the box if it shows a
proper way of caring for the skin and put a
cross mark if it does not. Explain your

Group 2
Role play on some practices or habits to
a healthy skin.
Group 3
Create a slogan about caring on skin.
T E.Application
Process the pupils work. Let them present
their output. G
Discussion: Appendix 3, Q2/W2/D3/G3 Group 1
A Appendix 2, Q2/W2/D3/G4
Appendix 4, Q2/W2/D3/ G3 Direction: Identify the following ailments if
Direction: Put a / if the sentence is correct X if it is a Heart ailment or Lung ailment. Write
not. H if it is a Heart Ailment and L if it is a
Lung Ailment. Write your answer on your

Group 2
Appendix 3,Q2/W2/D3/ G4

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Directions: Match the ailments in column A
to its description in column B. Write only
the letter of the correct answer.

Group 3
Create a slogan about caring for the heart

Process the pupils output.

Activity 4
Appendix 4Q2/W2/D2/G4
Directions: Match the functions and parts
of the brain. Write the letter of the
correct answer.
Complete the Chart.
V. EVALUA Enumerate/List at least 5 the healthful habits
TION of taking care of the skin. Heart Preven Lung Preven Brain
Ailment tion Ailment tion of Ailment
Heart the
Ailment Ailment
s s

VI. AGREEM What are the things we use when sunny day? What are the best practices in maintaining
ENT/ Rainy day? a good health of our brain, heart and
ASSIGNM lungs?

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