Aspects of The Self
Aspects of The Self
Aspects of The Self
• The self-concept is represented by several
aspects of the self. It is conceived as
collection of multiple, context-dependent
selves. This construct believes that context
activates particular regions of self-
knowledge and self-relevant feedback
affects self-evaluation. A deeper look on the
different aspects of self can identify specific
areas for self-regulation, stability and
• In a nutshell, an individual is composed of
three basic but very different aspects of the
self. They are the physical or tangible
aspects as they relate to the body, the
intellectual and conscious aspects as they
relate to the mind, and the emotional and
intuitive aspects as they relate to the spirit.
All three aspects of the self work together in
perfect harmony when attention is paid to all
three simultaneously.
• Many individuals put a strong emphasis
on the physical aspect of the self. The
body is tangible, obvious, and we respond
to it easily. More time and money is spent
on enhancing the physical component
than either of the other two aspects.
• The phrase “mind, body, and spirit” refers to
• Mind. Your mind is your thinking mind
A Healthy Spirit
requires love.
How to
your Mind,
Body, and Spirit
stressful situations.
Learn something new
You’re never too old to take up a new skill or hobby.
average adult needs between seven and nine hours of sleep per
Find your passion
Making time for the things you enjoy can help to regulate
that lights you up. Or, you may want to change your career in
to have fun and play can help you stay healthy in mind,
opportunities to grow.
Not only is exercise essential for a healthy body, but it also
brain health.
enjoy, look for activities that bring you joy. It might be joining
you put in your body becomes your cells, and what you eat
soul, too. It can help relieve emotional tension stored in the muscles and
fibers of the body. At the same time, it calms the mind by bringing your
deeply throughout the day can also help you manage your emotions more
Practice gratitude
soul well-being.
Spend time in nature
A growing body of research known as
activism or volunteering.
Be compassionate to yourself and others
3. Be kind to everyone
5. Slow down
9. Laugh often
• The following is
an old Cherokee
Indian story that
is enlightening
and helpful.
Knowing which wolf to feed is the first step towards recognizing that you have control over your own self.
Have you ever had thoughts, feelings or acted in ways that were unacceptable to yourself but felt
powerless to control? The purpose of this story is to help you find ways to manage your mind so that you can
live your life more in accordance with what your own judgment says is best for you.
As we grow up, we gradually become aware of the many things in the external world
which are largely beyond our ability to control. These include other people in general and
most events in our lives. Initially this is difficult to accept, but a more shocking realization
is that there are many things about ourselves that we seem powerless to control.
Some of these are our own thoughts, feelings, and actions which unfortunately can be the
source of much distress. It may be thoughts such as “I cannot stop hating my teacher for not
giving me high grades.” It may involve an emotion e.g. “My girlfriend left me, and I cannot stop
feeling sad, lonely and unloved.” It can also be in the form of a behavior such as the inability to
control one's craving for food such as cakes and chocolates.”
But are we indeed powerless to control our own maladaptive thoughts,
feelings and actions? The grandfather’s answer "The one you feed" is
deceivingly simple. The results of psychological research indicate that there
are at least four important concepts or ideas implied by the answer:
1. The mind is not the unitary entity it seems to
the story there are the two wolves and the “you”
The STORY OF THE TWO WOLVES gives rise to several questions. Let us
share our thoughts, feelings and opinions on the following questions. By
taking time to do this, you will learn to better manage your mind, feelings,
and actions and consciously feeding the good wolf in you.
our control.”
in life.