L2M3 Tutor Slides

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CIPS Level 2 Certificate in Procurement and Supply Operations

Teaching Resources
Module title: Stakeholder Relationships [L2M3]

Leading global excellence in procurement and supply

Level 2 Stakeholder Relationships [L2M3]

Learning Outcome (LO)1: Know the

stakeholders in procurement and supply

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Learning Outcome 1: Know the stakeholders in
procurement and supply
1.1 Define external stakeholders in procurement and supply
• Defining and profiling stakeholders
• Typical stakeholders such as; suppliers, customers, consumers, communities,
government and other groups
• The distinction between customers and consumers
1.2 Identify internal stakeholders that can be involved in purchases from
suppliers and supplies delivered to customers
• The role of procurement and supply in dealing with other business functions such
as marketing, sales, production, operations, human resources, finance, design and
development, distribution, facilities, senior management and the board of
1.3 Describe how internal and external stakeholders influence procurement
and supply activity
• The internal and external stakeholders that can influence the work and success of
procurement and supply

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(1.1) Identifying stakeholders

Figure 1.1 Questions to ask when identifying your stakeholders

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(1.1) Typical external stakeholders

Figure 1.5 External stakeholders

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(1.1) Profiling stakeholders

Figure 1.3 Information that can be gained from a stakeholder-profiling exercise

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(1.2) Internal stakeholders

Figure 1.7 Business functions involved with procurement and supply

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(1.2) Internal stakeholders’ purchases and supplies

Identify the internal stakeholders that could be involved in
making purchases from suppliers, or delivering supplies to

1. Start by listing some of the departments that your

organisation has
2. Then consider some of the purchases and supplies that each
department will make
3. Why is it important for procurement to be aware of other
department’s purchases and supplies?

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(1.2, 1.3) Internal stakeholders’ impact on
procurement and supply

Figure 1.7 Business functions involved with procurement and supply

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(1.3) How external stakeholders influence
procurement and supply
Consider the impact a particular stakeholder could have on your
1. Start by considering the level of interest and influence that
particular stakeholder has in relation to the business.
2. Based on the conclusion of your discussion, go on to consider
the impact that they could have on the procurement function of
the organisation.

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Recommended reading

Level 2 Stakeholder Relationships Study Guide

‘Procurement and Supply Chain Management’ –


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Learning exercise: Water Everywhere

1. Help Martina to identify key stakeholders for the project.

Who might be involved in the supply chain of the water cleaning kits?
Who benefits from the work of Water Everywhere? Will any
governments be involved?
2. Profile three of the stakeholders by considering:
• What they need from you
• What you need from them
• How they’ll be impacted by your plans
• The benefits of involving them in your work.

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Level 2 Stakeholder Relationships [L2M3]

Learning Outcome (LO)2: Know the

key market factors that impact on a
procurement and supply function

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Learning Outcome 2: Know the key market factors that
impact on a procurement and supply function
2.1 Identify the key economic sectors that impact on a procurement and supply function
• Public, private and not-for-profit or third sector
• Primary, secondary and tertiary sectors
2.2 Indicate the impact of demand and supply on markets
• Demand and supply curves, and how demand and supply factors impact pricing and availability
2.3 Describe how market factors impact on the procurement and supply activities of an
• The level of competition: perfect competition, imperfect competition, oligopoly, duopoly and
• The impact of demand on sales
• Market growth and decline
• Competitive forces on organisations
2.4 Identify the contribution that marketing makes to develop customer and supplier
• The principles and definitions of marketing, and techniques associated with marketing
• Sources of competitive advantage sought through marketing
• Relevance of marketing principles to purchasers

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(2.1) Economic sectors

Figure 1.4 [L2M1] The three sectors of the economy

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(2.2) Demand curves

Figure 2.1 The law of demand

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(2.2) Supply curves

Figure 2.2 The law of supply Figure 2.3 The point of equilibrium

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(2.2) Impact of changes in demand and

Figure 2.7 Movement along the Figure 2.8 Shift in the demand curve
supply curve for ice cream
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(2.3) Levels of competition

• Perfect competition
• Imperfect competition
• Oligopoly
• Duopoly
• Monopoly

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(2.3) Product life cycle

Figure 2.11 Example of a market life cycle

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Slide 19
(2.3) Competitive forces on organisations

Figure 2.12 Porter’s Five Forces (Source: Porter, M.E. (1980). Competitive Strategy:
Techniques for Analysing Industries & Competitors. The Free Press, NY)
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(2.4) 7 Ps of marketing
• Product
• Price
• Place
• Promotion
• People
• Process
• Physical evidence

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Recommended reading

Level 2 Stakeholder Relationships Study Guide

‘Procurement and Supply Chain Management’ –


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Slide 22
Learning exercise: Alessandro assesses the
1. Which economic sectors does Luxottica operate in?
2. What level of competition does Luxottica fall under?
3. Conduct a Five Forces analysis for this particular

You can use the internet to assist you in your research,

and be sure to justify your answers.

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Level 2 Stakeholder Relationships [L2M3]

Learning Outcome (LO)3: Understand

the techniques associated with
successful and effective communication
in procurement and supply

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Learning Outcome 3: Understand the techniques
associated with successful and effective communication
in procurement and supply
 3.1 Describe and explain approaches to build rapport with internal and external stakeholders
• Techniques to develop, maintain and improve relationships with internal stakeholders to promote
effective procurement and supply
3.2 Explain methods of negotiating with suppliers and customers
• Negotiation techniques for use with suppliers and customers to agree contract terms and
relationships that will achieve the interests of the overall organisation
3.3 Recognise all elements of the communication cycle
• The importance of appropriate, prompt and timely communications with stakeholders and suppliers
• How to create appropriate written correspondence and electronic files and documents
3.4 Describe the key characteristics of successful and effective team working
• Group cohesiveness and performance
• The characteristics of an effective work group
• The stages of team development

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(3.1) Building rapport with stakeholders

Figure 3.3 More relationship-building ideas

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(3.2) Negotiation techniques

Figure 3.5 The negotiation personality scale

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(3.2) Negotiating with suppliers versus

Figure 3.4 The five steps of the negotiation process

As a buyer: As a supplier:
• position yourself as a loyal • establish your credibility
customer • prepare thoroughly
• consider bulk discounts • emphasise quality
• talk to multiple suppliers • make concessions
• don’t accept the first offer • keep negotiations going

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(3.3) The communication cycle

Figure 3.7 CIPS Communication cycle

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(3.3) Methods of communication

Figure 3.6 Methods of communication

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(3.3) Written communications

Figure 3.8 Examples of written business communications

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(3.4) Stages of team development

Figure 3.9 Tuckman’s stages of team formation

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Recommended reading

Level 2 Stakeholder Relationships Study Guide

‘Procurement and Supply Chain Management’ –


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Learning exercise: FN Games
1. What method would you choose to inform the
packaging supplier in the first instance?
2. How might the supplier react to the news?
3. How would you use this information to advise Rishi
about how to communicate with the supplier?
4. Do you have any suggestions for how FN Games could
continue to work with the supplier?

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Level 2 Stakeholder Relationships [L2M3]

Learning Outcome (LO)4: Know

approaches for conflict resolution with
stakeholders in procurement and

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Learning Outcome 4: Know approaches for conflict
resolution with stakeholders in procurement and supply
4.1 Identify the types of information that can be exchanged between purchasers and
• Types of information exchange, such as; scheduling difficulties, demand forecasts, trends in
costs and availability, designs and innovations and new product development
4.2 Indicate how conflict can arise in the work of procurement and supply
• Defining workplace conflict
• The sources of conflict in organisations and between personnel
• The sources of conflict between organisations and their personnel
4.3 Identify approaches to conflict resolution with stakeholders in procurement and
• Approaches to conflict resolution
• Clarifying roles and responsibilities
• Group cohesion
• Achieving buy-in from stakeholders

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(4.1) Information exchanged between
purchasers and suppliers

• Scheduling difficulties
• Demand forecasts
• Trends in costs and availability
• Designs and innovations
• New product development

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(4.2) Sources of conflict
• Internal changes
• Interpersonal relationships
• External changes
• Poor communication
• Performance levels
• Bullying/harassment
• Resources

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(4.3) Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode

Figure 4.1 Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument (Source: Copyright© 2009–2018

by Kilmann Diagnostics. All rights reserved. Original figure and text is available at:
www.kilmanndiagnostics.com/ overview-thomas-kilmann-conflict-mode-instrument-tki)
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(4.3) Conflict resolution
• Accept that a problem exists
• Agree to address the solution
• Be prepared to understand the other’s point of view
• Identify changes in attitudes that need to be made to enable a
• Recognise the events that triggered the conflict
• Be prepared to compromise
• Agree on a plan to address the cause of the conflict
• Monitor the impact of agreements
• As a last resort, parties who resist resolving the conflict may need
to be disciplined

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(4.3) Group cohesion

Figure 4.3 Factors affecting group cohesion

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(4.3) Achieving stakeholder buy-in

Figure 1.3 Information that can be gained from a stakeholder-profiling exercise

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Slide 42
Recommended reading

Level 2 Stakeholder Relationships Study Guide

‘Procurement and Supply Chain Management’ –


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Learning exercise: Delayed lanyards

1. How would you react to this news?

2. At what point should the supplier have contacted Kent
to let him know there could be delays?
3. What could Kent have done if he had been informed
of the delay earlier?
4. Is there anything Kent could have done to avoid this
5. What options does Kent have now?

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