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Apple Apricot Avocado Banana Blackberry Blueberry

Cherry Coconut Grape Kiwi Lemon Mango

Melon Nectarine Orange Papaya Passion Fruit Peach

Pear Pineapple Plum Raspberry Strawberry Watermelon

Artichoke Asparragus Beetroot Bell Pepper Broccoli sprout

Cabbage Carrot Cauliflower Celery Corn Cucumber

Eggplant Garlic Green Beans Lettuce Mushroom Onion

Peas Potato Pumpkin Radish Tomato Zucchini

Anchovies Clam Crab Fish Hake

Lobster Mussels Octopus Oyster Prawn

Salmon Scallops Shrimp Squid Tuna

Bread Butter Cake Cereals Cheese

Hard boiled
Coffee Cookies Fruit Ham eggs

Honey Jam Milk Orange Juice eggs

Soft boiled
eggs Sugar Tea Toasts Yogurt
Beans Beef Chicken Chickpeas (French) Fries Hamburger

Hot Dog Ice cream Lasagna Lentils Potatoes Noodles

Nuggets Pizza Pork Rice Roast Beef Salad

Spaghetti Soup Steak Sushi Turkey Vegetables

Add Bake Blend Boil Bread Break

Broil Chop Cut Dip Fry Grate

Knead Mash Measure Mince Peel Pour

Serve Slice Sprinkle Stir Strain Whisk

Complete the Questions with
How Much or How Many:
1) _____ water is there in an adult human
2) _____ hairs are there in a human body?
3) ______ food does have the average
person eat in their life?
4) ______ grams are there in a kilo?
5) ______ money do you have in a pocket?
6) ______ water do you drink every day?
7) ______ meals do you have every day?
8) ______ meat do you eat every day?
9) ______ students are there in your class?
10) ______ do you love me?
Brazilian Japanese
Food Chinese Food French Food Food

Indian Food Italian Food Mexican Food Thai Food

Match these words with their

1) Very hungry __________________________

2) You order a meal from this person ______
3) Something you drink from _____________
4) Opposite of lend ______________________
5) Someone who doesn´t eat meat ________
6) Cooked in a pan with oil or butter ______
7) List of the food you can order in a
restaurant ____________________________
8) More than normal _____________________
Talking About Junk Food
Children are healthier at birth, They get fewer infectious diseases and they are
growing up to be taller than in the past. However, Britain’s teenagers are ruining their
health with a diet of Junk food, alcohol and cigarettes, according to a new survey by
British doctors. Many teenagers are fatter than before and they take less exercise than
previous generations.
Teenagers today eat a lot more fast food and sweet things than in the past: burgers,
pizzas, crisps, chocolate, chips, biscuits and cakes. They spend a lot of money on
sweets every year and eat too much fatty food. Doctors recommend that fat should be
less than 35% of a person’s diet, but for many teenagers this figure is well over 40%.
The survey also showed that 18% of 11-15 years-old are regular smokers and that
26% of 16 and 17 year-olds have four pints of beer, or the equivalent, at least once a
week. Mental health is also suffering and the number of suicides amongst boys from
15 to 19 has increased 45%, compared with a 25% reduction among girls of the same
Here we have some examples about
Junk Food; What do you prefer?
Complete with Some or Any:
1) Let´s order ______ pizzas.
2) Would you like ______ salad with your pizza?
3) Can we have ______ water, please?
4) Have you got ______ pizzas without cheese?
5) Could you bring us ______ bread?
6) I don´t want ______ tomatoes.
7) There isn´t ______ salt on the table.
8) I´d like ______ more ham.
9) This coffee hasn´t got ______ sugar in it.
10) Could I have ______ chips, please?
11) They haven´t got ______ milk.
12) There isn´t ______ water in my glass.
Translate into Spanish:
Beefburgers are the world´s most popular fast food. You can buy a
beefburger in almost every country in the world. When restaurants open on
the Moon, Burger restaurants will probably be there first! Burgers are not
very good for you, so if you like them, eat plenty of fruit and vegetables too.

Chips or chipped potatoes, are also known as french fries. But they
are not French. But they were invented in Belgium about a hundred
years ago. Although potatoes are vegetables, there is not much
vitamin c in them, so you need other vegetables too.

Ice Cream was invented by the italians. Or wasn´t it? Some people
think that the italian explorer Marco Polo got the recipe from China in
1295. There is very litte cream in ice creams nowadays. A typical modern
ice cream is less than 1% cream. But it tastes good, doesn´t it?

Pizza was invented in Italy, well, that´s only half true. The Italians
first put tomatoes on a pizza base 400 years ago. But modern pizzas
have cheese too. That idea came from italians living in america in
about 1800. Pizza is not as bad as some fast food, but most pizzas
have too much salt, and that is bad for you.

Falafels are probably the oldest type of fast food. The Egyptians
invented falafels about 2.500 years ago. Falafels are made of beans
and chickpeas and they have always been popular in Arab
countries. Now they are popular in Europe, Asia and America
because a falafel sándwich is healthier than other fast food.
How many Meals do we have in a day?
How many Meals do we have in a day?
Answer the Questions:
1) How many meals do you usually eat every day? Do you
ever skip breakfast, lunch or dinner?
2) What kind of food do you eat between meals?
3) What beverage; coffee, tea or milk do you drink in the
4) How long do you take to eat a meal?
5) How many times a week do you have a snack or junk food?
6) How many portions of fruit or vegetables do you have
7) What is your favorite fast food?
8) What are some foods that you know are healthy for your
9) What is your favorite chilean food?
10) In your opinion, is it important to have a healthy diet?
Fierritos Cazuela Curanto Empanadas

Pastel de Porotos con

Humitas Sopaipillas
Choclo Riendas
1) Nombra 10 verduras. 10) Crea la Pirámide Alimenticia en
2) Nombra 10 frutas. Inglés.
3) Nombra 5 carnes. 11) Recomienda un restaurante de
4) Nombra 5 mariscos. Talca y da tus razones.
5) Nombra 5 cosas para beber. 12) Prepare un Chancho en Piedra
6) Nombra 10 cosas que se ponen (receta).
en la mesa. 13) Nombra 5 verbos en la cocina.
7) Nombra 5 condimentos. 14) ¿Cuál es tu comida favorita?
8) Nombra 10 cosas para 15) Comenta sobre tus comidas de
desayunar. ayer. ¿Qué desayunaste? ¿Qué
9) Crea un menú completo. almorzaste?¿Qué cenaste?

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