PCB Design

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Some Reminders!

• Deadlines for Drafting Exercises will be moved until February 23,

• On February 23, you will be having at most 15 minutes project
presentation (video recording will do but submit before February
23). The group that will present in order are the following:
1. Aljon and Friends
2. Axie Infinity
3. ConnectiviTEAM
4. Dropting
6. Ilivin
7. Logics
8. Rastateam
9. Runtime Terror
10. Team Spirit
11. TechTalk
PCB Designing
Course Code: CMPE 30141
Course Title: Computer Engineering Drafting and Design
Instructor: Engr. Jomer Juan
Introduction to a Printed Circuit Board

• A printed circuit board (PCB) mechanically supports and electrically connects

electronic components using conductive tracks, pads and other features etched from
copper sheets laminated onto a non-conductive substrate.
• PCB’s can be single sided (one copper layer), double sided (two copper layers) or
• A PCB populated with electronic components is called a printed circuit assembly
(PCA), printed circuit board assembly or PCB assembly (PCBA)
Why PCB?

• Before printed circuits became the common component used in

electronics, point to point construction was used.
• This means some bulky and unreliable designs that required large
sockets and regular replacement.
• Most of these issues were directly addressed when PCB went into direct
• PCBs are rugged, inexpensive and can be highly reliable.
• Mass manufacturing.
• Professional.
• Reduced space and time.
What PCB is made of

• A basic PCB starts with a copper-clad fiberglass material or thin copper

sheets attached to either side of the board. It consist of :-
• Copper Foil
• Copper Plating
• Solder Flow
• Solder Mask
• Trace
• Slots and Cut-outs

• Following are the basic steps of PCB design.

• Set-Up
• Imaging
• Etching
• Drilling
• Masking
• Silk Screening
• Route
• Electrical Test
PCB Characteristics

• Through-hole technology
• The first PCBs used through-hole technology,
mounting electronic components by leads inserted
through holes on one side of the board and soldered
onto copper traces on the other side. Boards may be
single-sided, with an un plated component side, or
more compact double-sided boards, with components
soldered on both sides

• Surface-mount technology
• Surface-mount technology emerged in the 1960s,
gained momentum in the early 1980s and became
widely used by the mid-1990s. Components were
mechanically redesigned to have small metal tabs or
end caps that could be soldered directly onto the PCB
surface, instead of wire leads to pass through holes.
Etching Process

• Chemical etch
• Chemical etching is usually done with ammonium per sulphate or ferric chloride.
• For PTH (plated-through holes), additional steps of electroless deposition are
done after the holes are drilled, then copper is electroplated to build up the
thickness, the boards are screened, and plated with tin/lead. The tin/lead
becomes the resist leaving the bare copper to be etched away.
Laser/Plasma Etch

• A new process creating new standards and the demise of the chemical
process is plasma etch. In addition to no etch-back, this process also
eliminates imaging, or film error using a direct imaging process, which
transfers the layer image directly to the material.
Design Assembly

• Manual Assembly • Auto Assembly

• Hole preparation is normally done in the • Auto assembly is an automated process
manufacturing process that plates/or coats the where most of the component on a board
exposed copper areas with solder. This are placed and soldered to the board by
prepares the surface of pads, as well as the machine. Auto assembly requires additional
hole itself, with a fine coat of solder that will information from the designer, in addition
make soldering easier by helping the solder to the standard Assembly information
adhere to the pad and hole wall and helping provided for manual assembly.
the solder to “wick” through the hole.
Assembly Limitation

• The number of parts that can be assembled in one pass

• Double-sided assembly
• Overall panel/board size
• Component size
• Component types (surface mount or thru-hole)

• Manual Route • Auto Route

Route the following types of nets • Manually route those items shown
first: in “manual routing” first, if
• Most difficult necessary.
• Most complex • Manually clean up paths.
• Tight fitting nets first
• Miter right angle corners.
• Very high current (primarily external)
• Very high voltage (primarily internal) • Run DRC /design rules to ensure
clearance are met.
• Check annular ring.

• Stands for Easily Applicable Graphic Layout Editor

• Flexible, expandable, and scriptable EDA application with schematic
capture editor, PCB layout editor, auto-router
• Latest is 6.1 and minimum requirements are MAC OS X 10.6, Linux 2.6
and Windows XP.
Schematic on EAGLE
Board designing and routing
Power Supply Board

• A power supply is a device that supplies electric power to an electrical

• Power converters that convert one form of electrical energy to another.
• Power supplies for electronic devices can be broadly divided into line-
frequency (or “conventional”) and switching power supplies.
Power Supply PCB
Sample Steps in
PCB Design
Steps in PCB Design

1. Film Generation
• Design the Layout of PCB using CAD
(Computer Aided Drafting) software
like EAGLE, PROTEUS, etc.
• Take a print out of one Layer (generally
bottom Layer) Layout with pads and
• NOTE: Actual size must be printed.
Check the page setting and select A4
type. If the pcb is single layer and you
are printing bottom layer of it, mirror
of the layout is to be printed.
Steps in PCB Design

2. Share Raw Material

Industry Standard
0.059” thick, copper clad,
two sides

3. Drill Holes
Steps in PCB Design

4. Electrolus copper 5. Apply Image

Apply copper in hole barrels Apply Photosentitive Material to develop

selected areas from panel
Steps in PCB Design

6. Strip and Etch 7. Solder Mask

• Remove dryfilm, then etch exposed

copper Apply solder mask area to entire
• Tin protects the copper circuitry from board with the exception of solder
being etched pads
Steps in PCB Design

8. Solder Coat 9. Silkscreen

Apply white letter marking using

Apply solder to pads screen printing process
Sample PCB Design
Thank you
• NO MORE DRAFTING EXERCISE! The last Drafting Exercise will be
Drafting Exercise 3.
• On February 23, you will be having at most 15 minutes project
presentation (video recording will do but submit before February 23). The
group that will present in order are the following:
1. Aljon and Friends
2. Axie Infinity
3. ConnectiviTEAM
4. Dropting
6. Ilivin
7. Logics
8. Rastateam
9. Runtime Terror
10. Team Spirit
11. TechTalk
• Good luck and I hope to see you all soon! Stay Safe Guys!

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