Consumer Health

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Consumer Health

Consumer Health

To develop a person’s ability

to evaluate and utilize health

information, product and
services wisely and effectively
Consumer Health

Refers to the decisions you make about

the purchase of product and use of
health information and services that will
have direct effect on your health.
Three Components of CH

Consumer gathered this from

your classmate, friends and
neighbors ,media and book…
1.Health Information

People require to make wise

choices and decisions about their
health or health of other people
Identify reliable and unreliable sources of
health information and product
Licensed professionals
People who are not experts

Health Books Quack Doctors

Accredited online sources

Health Information

 Is any concept, step or advice that varies

depending on diseases ,sexual health, weight
loss/gain, drugs and alcohol, depression/mental
illness, violence, smoking eating disorders,
acne/skin care, local clinics and sexual assaults.

 Often connected to health healthcare

 Programs aim to appraise the health conditions of individuals through:
 screening and examinations cure and treat disorders,
 Prevent and control the spread of diseases
 Provide safety
 Emergency care
 First aid
 Ensure follow program for individuals who have undergone treatments
Different Types of health care provider

 1. Health Professionals

Individuals who are licensed to

practice medicine and other
allied health programs.

 Cardiologist -Heart
 Dermatologist -Skin
 Gastroenterologist - Stomach
 Geriatrician - Old
 Gynecologist - Female Reproductive Organ
Doctor Who?

 Pediatrician - Kids
 Pulmonologist -Lungs
 Urologist - Male Reproductive Organ
 Neurologist - Brain
 Orthopedist - Bones
 Ophthalmologist - Eyes
Health Services

2. Health Care Facilities

 Hospital

 Walk-In Surgery Center

 Health Center

 Extended Healthcare Facility

Health Services

 3. Health Insurance

A financial agreement between an

insurance company and an individual
or group for the payment of healthcare
Health Insurance

 Various Types of Coverage:

a. Medical Insurance
b. Major Medical Insurance
c. Hospitalization Insurance
d. Surgical Insurance
e. Disability Insurance
Health Insurance

Health maintenance organization
Is a healthcare provider that offers medical
services that are availed through a prepaid
amount of money.
Health Services

Phil health
-It aims to provide health insurance
coverage for all Filipinos and ensure
affordable, accessible heal care services for all
citizens of the Philippine.
3. Health Production

 People consume health products, are food, drugs,

cosmetics, devices, biologicals, vaccines, in-vitro
diagnostic reagents and household/urban
hazardous substances and a combination. These
products may be purchased from various places
like supermarkets, pharmacies and hospitals.
Health Product

R.A no. 8423 OR the Traditional and

Alternative Medicine Act of 1997
provisioned the creation of the Philippine
Institute of traditional and Alternative
Healthcare (PITAHC)
Health Product

(PETAHC) is a Law-making body with

regards to the effective use of
Traditional and Alternative medicine.
Health Product

 1. Naturopathy medicine –naturally heals itself (Donatelle, 2016

Offers Wide range of natural practices
including herbal medicines acupuncture,
acupressure, nutrional therapy and
Health Product

Herbal Medicines Medicinal Value

Acapulco Fungal

Ampalaya Non Insulin/Diabetic

Bawang Blood Pressure Control

Bayabas Antiseptics/mouthwash
Health Product
Herbal Medicine Medicinal Value

Cough and

Niyog-Niyogan Intestinal Worms

Sambong Urinary Stones

Tsaang Gubat For Mouthwash

Pansit- Pansitan Arthritis and Gout

Relief from Body

Nerva Buena
Aches and Pains
Alternative Medicine

Alternative Medicine

2. Ventosa cupping massage therapy

Alternative Medicine

3. Reflexology
Alternative Medicine

Alternative Medicine

Nutrition Therapy

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