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Christianity is the largest among the world’s

major religions at the moment. It has over 2
billion followers, who classify themselves
under the 34,00 different denominations.
Initially, Christianity is believed to be rooted
in Judaism, as Jesus Christ was a Jew, as
were His twelve disciples (the Apostles).
Christianity is based mainly around the
life, death, and resurrection of Jesus
Christ, and monotheistic in its worldview.
Christians believe in the Bible being the
Word of God, and although some choose
to take it more literally than others, it is
generally considered to be inspired by the
Holy Spirit.


Cross is the principal symbol of the Christian religion, recalling the crucifixion
of Jesus Christ and the redeeming benefits of His passion and death. The cross is
thus a sign both of Jesus Himself and the faith of Christians
Basic Facts:
Founder Jesus Christ ( 7 B.C. – A.D. )
Sacred Texts Bible ( Old and New Testament )
Doctrines Trinity, Virgin birth, Deity of Christ, Rsurrection,
Last Judgment

God Trinity or Triune God ( Father, Son and the Holy

Spirit )

Sacred Space Church/House of Worship

Sects Roman Catholic, Great/Eastern Orthodox,
Protestantism, Philippine Independent Church,
Iglesia Ni Cristo and other denominations

Issues Ecumenism, Sexually issues, ( e.g. contraception,

homosexuality, ordination of women, clerical
issues )
Christian Major Beliefs and Principles

• Jesus Christ as the Messiah

Jesus Christ is the founder of the original form of Christianity.
Christians believe that Jesus Christ is the Anointed Savior of the world
and that His presence on earth was the fulfillment of the prophecies
made in the Old Testament about the Messiah who was to come and
save humanity from their sins.

• Virgin Birth of Jesus

According to the Gospel, Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit and
was born to Virgin Mary in Bethelem. This Christian Belief ha slater
catalpulted Virgin Mary to a unique status of being the Mother of God,
and she is being honored by Catholic Christians
• Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ
This is the anchor of Christian faith. Christians consider Jesus death,
resurrection and ascension to heaven to be the most important doctrine
of the Christian faith. This is because Jesus shows His omnipotence
over death and ultimately is the most convincing evidence for Christians
that He is truly God.`

• Salvation
Salvation for Christians is the freedom from eternal damnation and
receiving eternal life in the new heaven and the new earth. This can
only be attained through Jesus Christ by accepting Him as Savior and
be baptized in His name. For Catholic Christians however, it is not
enough to believe. Faith must be couple with good words
• Judgment
Christian holds the belief that Jesus will return to Judgment Day to fulfill the
rest of the Old Testament prophecies – to judge the living and the dead and
establish God’s Kingdom in the new earth and new heaven

• Trinitarian Doctrine
Although Christianity is generally considered a monotheistic religion, Christians
also believe that Jesus was God’s Son, and that He and the Holy Spirit are both also
fully God, as well as beingsepareate entities entirely. They believe in one God in
three persons, the Trinitarian God
This is a concept many find hard to accept, and some Christians (the Iglesia Ni
Cristo or Church of Christ) choose not to accept, but the majority of Christians see it
as an essential part of their faith. The Bible does not specifically refer to the Trinity,
but is a common doctrine (shrouded in mystery) and is included in the Nicene Creed
which serves to outline the core beliefs of Christianity.
• Christian Worship
Christian worship involves praising God in music and
speech, readings from the Scriptures (Bible), prayers of various
sorts, a homily/sermon, and various holy ceremonies (called
sacrament by Catholic Christian) such as the Eucharist.
Catholic Christians believe in sacraments, encounter with
the risen Christ, other Christians don’t.
While worship is often thought of only as services where
Christians come together in group (usually in a church or house
of worship). Christians can worship, and any place, but the
communitarian aspect of worship must be ignored.
The Bible
The bible which is the very foundation of Christian faith, is
not just one book, but an entire libraries, with stories, songs,
poetry, letters and history, as well as literature that might more
obviously qualify as religious.

The Christian Bible has two sections : The Old and New
Testament. The Old Testament is the original Hebrew Bible
(Torah in Hebrew), the sacred scriptures of Jewish faith written
at different times between about 1200 and 165 B.C. The New
Testament Books were written by the Christians in the first
century A.D.
The Hebrew Bible which comprises the Old Testament has 39 books ,
written over a long period of time, and is the literary archive of the
ancient nation of Israel. It was traditionally arranged in three sections:
The Five Books, The Prophets, and the Writings.

The New Testament ha 27 books, written between about 50 – 100

A.D., and falling naturally into two sections: the Gospels (Matthew,
Mark, Luke and John) ; and the letters or Epistles – written by various
Christian leaders to provide guidance for the early church’s communities.

The sheer diversity of literature in the Bible is is one of the secrets of

it’s outstanding popularity through the centuries. Its is the most wide
The Apostles Creed
The Apostles Creed sometimes entitled as Symbol of the Apostles, is
the oldest creed, and lies as the basist of most others. Though not, as the
long-current of its origin affirmed. , the direct work of the apostles , it has
its roots in the apostolic times, and embodied with much fidelity, apostolic
teaching. The Apostles Creed had an important place in the early church
when there was no other creed existing.

The Lord’s Prayer

The Lord’s Prayer (also called Our Father or Pater Noster ) is a
venerated Christian prayer that according to the New Testament of the Bible
was taught by Jesus to His Apostles. The context of the prayer in book of
Matthew is a discourse deploring those people who pray ostentatiously.
The Beatitudes
The Beatitudes are eight blessings recounted in the Sermon on the
Mount in the Gospel of Matthew. Each is a proverb-like proclamation,
without narrative, ‘cryptic’ precise, and full of meaning. Each one includes
a topic that forms a major biblical theme.

The Parable of the Prodigal Son

This story is perhaps one of the famous and beloved of all Christ’s
teachings, for it provides a neglected lesson that remains relevant to us
today. The story of the Prodigal Son is described by the Expositor’s Bible
Commentary as ”perhaps the crown and flower of all the parables”
This story appears once in the Bible – it is only found in the Gospel of
Luke, the story of a father’s love for his wayward son.

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