Lecture 2 - Global Marketing Research

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International Marketing

Week 2: International Marketing Research

Dr Kuttimani Tamilmani
School of Management
Email: [email protected]

1 04/12/22
Session Overview
• To provide overview of the International marketing research (IMR) process.
• Understanding the key role of international marketer within Global
marketing research process. 
• Identify various source of data and research methodologies  available for
international marketing research.

2 04/12/22
The world’s most valuable resource is no longer
oil, but data

Source: Economist
3 04/12/22
What is Marketing Research?
 Gathering, analysing, and presenting information to a well defined
problem. Hence, focus is on specific problem/project with a beginning
and an end.

 What is International Marketing Research?

4 04/12/22
Reflect - What is the role of International
marketing researcher?
 Aid the decision maker
 Reduce the risk in decision making due to lack of knowledge and
 Focus on strategic thinking rather than the product
 Blurring boundaries between marketing researchers and marketing

5 04/12/22
GMR and Decision Making Process

6 04/12/22
Defining a problem – Think & Reflect
• What examples can you give of managerial problems in the
context of international marketing research?

• What are the typical international marketing decisions that may be

supported by international marketing research?

• How to use market research to target consumers

BERI- Business Environment Risk
Intelligence (https://beri.com/)

Figure 8.8 The international

process: an example of the
proactive and systematic
approach (Hollensen, 2014)
The Challenges
 The global marketplace is complex

 Differences from country to countries exist at many levels

 Companies frequently lack familiarity with foreign markets

 Comparing studies across countries can be difficult

 International research is a relatively costly endeavor

9 04/12/22
Problem Definition and Research Objectives
• What is the problem? • Problems may differ among countries
– What information is – Do consumers buy bicycles for sport
needed? or transportation?
– Do bikes compete with skis and
exercise equipment? Or with
mopeds and scooters?

10 04/12/22
International Marketing Research
1. Problem definition and development of research objectives

2. Determination of the sources of information

3. Collection of the data from primary and secondary sources

4. Analysis of the data and presentation of results

11 04/12/22
Sources of Information
• Primary Data
– Data collected specifically for a research assignment
• Secondary data
– Refers to previously collected and available data
• Both present challenges to global marketing research

12 04/12/22
Data categorization

13 04/12/22
Secondary Data
 Data from sources that already exist - they have not been gathered for the specific
research project . Can you provide some examples?
 Collection and analysis of secondary data should be done before primary data collection
 Secondary data is usually available at a fraction of the cost of obtaining primary data
 Minimal effort and cost
 Possible problems
 Accuracy
 Availability
 timeliness
 comparability of data
14 04/12/22
Secondary Data Sources
 Business and public libraries
 Web search engines
 Consulates, embassies, chambers of commerce
 Non-competing businesses, banks, public accounting firms
 Commercially developed and marketed industry and country reports
 National statistics

15 04/12/22
Secondary Data - Problems
 All necessary data may not be available
 Especially true in developing countries
 Accuracy may be suspect
 International Labor Organization estimates unemployment in
Russia to be 10.4 MM people while the Russian Government
reports 1.7MM unemployed
 Data may not be comparable across countries
 Statistics are not collected at the same time in each country
 Timeliness is often a problem
 Population statistics will usually be 2-5 years old
 Some (from Bolivia) could be 25 years old!

16 04/12/22
Assess Value of Secondary Research

 If secondary data are not available, managers may conduct further

 Assess the cost of research vs. what the information is worth
 Would the company enter the market without spending big money on
 Small markets may merit only modest research expense

17 04/12/22
Primary Research
• Primary Data
– When secondary data not available and/or Marketer’s research
question not adequately answered by secondary research
– Provides accurate data which give exact answers to a given research
– Can be either quantitative or qualitative

18 04/12/22
The trade-off in the choice between
quantitative and qualitative research

19 04/12/22

• Metaphor - Navigation and military strategy using multiple

reference points to locate single target
• Mixing quantitative and qualitative research
• Accuracy and validity of marketers judgements
• Quantitative followed by qualitative and Vice versa

20 04/12/22
Primary data collection: Research Design
↑ International Involvement = ↑ Complexity of International Research

21 04/12/22
Research Approaches
 Observation (watching/ recording market related behaviour)
 Provide information on unwilling people
 Answer ‘what’ than ‘why’
 Ex. Store checks
 Experiments ( selecting matched subject groups)
 Control group ; Experimental group
 Cause and Effect relationships
 Surveys
 Most widely used and often involves questionnaire
 Focus on Consumer attitudes; Buying habits; Market size and trends
 Multiple methods to contact respondents

22 04/12/22
 The selection of a sample of respondents that is representative of a
population of interest
 Why sample?
 Unlikely to be able to survey every person in the target market or
population of interest
 Constraints of time and money mean a sample of respondents that
is representative of that population needs to be sought

23 04/12/22
Data Analysis
Data must be cleaned & tabulated
• Factor analysis Reliability – How you measure the subject
• Descriptive statistics Validity – what you measure
• Cluster analysis

24 04/12/22
Web 2.0 Marketing Research
 Mobile data : Geo-targeting
 User generated content
 Social media
 Online communities
 Neuromarketing
 Biometric Responses

25 04/12/22
Activity 1
• https://proper.co.uk/

Proper is a UK based snacking company. Their products include various variety of popcorns
(e.g. Sweet & salty, Peanut butter & Almond) and chips( e.g. sea salt, Barbecue). The market
for their product in the home country is saturated. They are currently exporting to few
European countries and looking to expand their market into middle east countries.

– What information and data must be sought?

– What kind of secondary data can be collected?
– What kind of internal data can be collected?
– Should the company go for primary data collection in this market? If yes, why?
– Can the questionaries for European country used to gather information in middle east?
Activity 1
• https://proper.co.uk/

Proper is a UK based snacking company. Their products include various variety of popcorns
(e.g. Sweet & salty, Peanut butter & Almond) and chips( e.g. sea salt, Barbecue). The market
for their product in the home country is saturated. They are currently exporting to few
European countries and looking to expand their market into middle east countries.

– What information and data must be sought?

– What kind of secondary data can be collected?
– What kind of internal data can be collected?
– Should the company go for primary data collection in this market? If yes, why?
– Can the questionaries for European country used to gather information in middle east?
 International Marketing Research
 Role of International Marketer
 Sources of Information

 Primary Vs Secondary data

 Quantitative Vs Qualitative studies

28 04/12/22
Lecture - 3
International Marketing Environment - The Political,
economic, and sociocultural environment

29 04/12/22

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