Assessing Global Market Opportunities: Information

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Assessing Global Market Opportunities

Developing Global Vision through Marketing Research

1. Information • Information is the key component in developing successful marketing

strategies and avoiding major marketing blunders.

• Information needs range from the general data required to assess market opportunities to
specific market information for decisions about the 4Ps (product, promotion, place
[distribution], and price).

2. A marketer must find the most accurate and reliable data possible within the limits imposed
by time, cost, and the present state of art. The measure of a competent researcher is twofold:

• The ability to utilize the most sophisticated and adequate techniques and methods available
within these limits, and

• The effective communication of insights to the decision makers in the firm.

3. Marketing Research Marketing Research is traditionally defined as the systematic gathering,

recording, and analyzing of data to provide information useful in marketing decision making.
International marketing research involves two complications:

• Information must be communicated across cultural boundaries

• The environments within which the research tools are applied are often different in foreign

4. Breadth and Scope of International Marketing Research The basic difference between
domestic and foreign market research is the broader scope needed for foreign research,
necessitated by higher levels of uncertainty. In domestic operations, most emphasis is placed
on the third type, gathering specific market information, because the other data are often
available from secondary sources.

5. Three Types of Research

• General information about the country, area, and/or market
• Information necessary to forecast future marketing requirements by anticipating social,
economic, consumer, and industry trends within specific markets or countries
• Specific market information used to make product, promotion, distribution (place), and
price decisions and to develop marketing plans.
6. Broader Scope of Intl Marketing Research
• Economic
• Cultural, sociological and political climate
• Overview of market conditions
• Summary of the technological environment
• Competitive situation
7.The Research Process
• Define the research problem and establish research objectives
• Determine the sources of information to fulfill the research objectives
• Consider the costs and benefits of the research effort
• Gather the relevant data from secondary or primary sources, or both.
• Analyze, interpret, and summarize the results
• Effectively communicate the results to decision makers
8.Although the steps in a research program are similar for all countries, variations and
problems in implementation occur because of differences in cultural and economic
9.Defining the Problem and Establishing Research Objectives
• The first, most crucial step in the research process
• It is more critical in foreign markets because an unfamiliar environment tends to cloud
problem definition.
• Researchers either fail to anticipate the influence of the local culture on the problem or fail
to identify the self-reference criterion (SRC)
10.The market researcher must be certain the problem definition is sufficiently broad to
cover the whole range of response possibilities and not be clouded by his or her self-
reference criterion.
• Once the problem is adequately defined and research objectives established, the
researcher must determine the availability of the information needed.
• If the data are available – that is, if they have been collected already by some other
agency – the researcher should then consult these secondary data sources.
11.Problems of Availability and Use of Secondary Data
• Availability
• Much of the secondary data that a marketer is accustomed to having about local markets
is just not available for many countries.
• Another problem relating to the availability of data is researchers’ language skills.
12.Reliability Although not unique to them, less-developed countries are particular prone to
being both overly optimistic and unreliable in reporting relevant economic data about their
countries. For example, China’s National Statistics Enforcement Office recently
acknowledged that it had uncovered about 60,000 instances of false statistical reports since
beginning a crack-down on false data reporting several months earlier.
13.Willful errors in the reporting of marketing data are not uncommon in the most
industrialized countries, either. Often print media circulation figures are purposely
overestimated even in OECD countries.
14.Comparability Comparability of available data is the third shortcoming faced by foreign
marketers. A related problem is the manner in which data are collected and reported. Too
frequently, data are reported in different categories or in categories much too broad to be
of specific value.
15.Validating Secondary Data The following questions should be asked to effectively judge
the reliability of secondary data:
• Who collected the data? Would there be any reason for purposely misrepresenting the
• For what purposes were the data collected?
• How were the data collected? (Methodology)
• Are the data internally consistent and logical in light of known data sources or market
16.Checking the consistency of one set of secondary data with other data known validity is
an effective and often-used way of judging validity.
• The availability and accuracy of recorded secondary data increase as the level of economic
development increases.
• Interest in collecting quality statistical data rises as countries realize the value of extensive
and accurate national statistics for orderly economic growth.
17.Gathering Primary Data: Quantitative and Qualitative Primary Data – data collected
specifically for the particular research project at hand.
• To get appropriate market information, the researcher questions the firm’s sales
representatives, distributors, intermediaries, and/or customers.
• The researcher questions the respondents to determine what they think about some topic
or how they might behave under certain conditions.
18.Marketing research methods can be grouped into two basic types: quantitative and
qualitative research. In quantitative research, usually a large number of respondents are
asked to reply either verbally or in writing to structured questions using a specific response
format or to select a response from a set of choices. It provides the marketer with responses
that can be presented with precise estimations (in percentages, averages, etc.).
19.In qualitative research, if questions are asked they are almost always open-ended or in-
depth, and unstructured responses that reflect the person’s thoughts and feelings on the
subject are sought. Direct observation of consumers in choice or product usage situations is
another important qualitative approach to marketing research. The most often used form of
qualitative questionnaire is the focus group interview. However, in-depth interview is used
for the sake of consuming fewer resources.
20.Problems of Gathering Primary Data Most problems in collecting primary data in
international marketing research stem from cultural differenced among countries, and range
from the inability of respondents to communicate their opinions to inadequacies in
questionnaire translation.
• Ability to Communicate Opinions
• Willingness to Respond
• Sampling Field Surveys
• Language and Comprehension
22.Multicultural Research: A Special Problem Multicultural research involves dealing with
countries that have different languages, economies, social structures, behavior, and attitude
patterns. In some cases the entire research design may have to be different between
countries to maximize the comparability of the results.
23.Research on the Internet: A Growing Opportunity For many companies the Internet
provides a new and increasingly important medium for conducting a variety of international
marketing research. Uses for the Internet in international research:
• Online surveys and buyer panels
• Online focus groups
• Web visitor tracking
• Advertising measurement
• Customer identification systems
• E-mail marketing lists
• Embedded research
• Observational research
24.Estimating Market Demand
• In assessing current product demand and forecasting future demand, reliable historical
data are required.
• Despite limitations, there are approaches to demand estimation that are usable with
minimum information. The success of these approaches relies on the ability of the
researcher to find meaningful substitutes of approximations for the needed economic,
geographic, and demographic relationships.
25.Given the greater uncertainties and data limitations associated with foreign markets,
two methods of forecasting demand are particularly suitable for international markets:
• Expert opinion
• Analogy
26.Problems in Analyzing and Interpreting Research Information Once data have been
collected, the final steps in the research process are the analysis and interpretation of
findings in light of the stated marketing problem. Both secondary and primary data collected
by the market researcher are subject to the many limitations.
27.To cope with such disparities, the foreign market researcher must possess three talents
to generate meaningful marketing information:
• The researcher must possess a high degree of cultural understanding of the market in
which research is being conducted.
• A creative talent for adapting research findings is necessary.
• A skeptical attitude in handling both primary and secondary is helpful.
28.Responsibility for Conducting Marketing Research Depending on the size and degree of
involvement in foreign marketing, a company in need of foreign market research can rely on
an outside foreign-based agency or on a domestic company with a branch within the country
in question. It can conduct research using its own facilities or employ a combination of its
own research force with the assistance of an outside agency.
29.Communicating with Decision Makers Decision makers should be directly involved not
only in problem definition and question formulation, but also in the field work of seeing the
market and hearing the voice of the customers in the most direct ways when the occasion
warrants it. Top managers should have a feel for their markets that even the best marketing
reports cannot provide.

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