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Many numbers have names. Some of

these names are in use, while the others
apply in more specialized areas such as
music and multiple births, and for sums
of money. Some names for specialized
numbers have the same first part
(prefix). These prefixes indicates the
number to which the name refers.
1/10 Tithle
2 pair, couple, brace
6 Half dozen
12 Dozen
13 Baker’s Dozen
20 Score
50 Half-century
100 Century
144 Gross
2 Twins
3 Triplets
4 Quadruplets (quads)
5 Quintuplets (quints)
6 Sextuplets
1 Soloist
2 Duets
3 Trio
4 Quartet
5 Quintet
6 Sextet
7 Septet
8 Octet
1c Penny
5c Nickel
10c Dime
25c Quarter, two bits
$1 Buck
Prefixes in numerical order
1/10 Deci
½ Semi-, hemi-, demi-
1 Uni-
2 Bi-, di-
3 Tri-, ter-
4 Tetra-, tetr-, tessera-, Quadri-, quadr-
5 Pent-, penta-, quinqu-,quinque-, quint-
6 Sex-, sexi-, hex-, hexa-
7 Hept-hepta-, sept-
8 Oct-, octa-, octo-
9 Non-, nona-, ennea-,
10 Dec-, deca-
11 Hendeca-, undec-, undeca-
12 Dodeca-,
15 Quindeca-
20 Icos-, icosa-, icosi-
Prefixes in alphabetical order
Bi-, 2
Dec-, deca 10
Deci- 1/10
Demi- ½
Di- 2
Dodeca- 12
Ennea- 9
Hemi- ½
Hendeca- 11
Hept-, Hepta- 7
Hex-, hexa- 6
Icos-, icosa-, icosi 20
Non-, nona- 9
Oct-, octa-, octo- 8
Pent-, penta- 5
Quadr-, quadri- 4
Quindeca- 15
Quinqu-, quinque- 5
Quint- 5
Semi- ½
Sept-, septem-, septi- 7
Sex-, sexi- 6
Ter- 3
Tessera- 4
Tetr-, tetra- 4
Tri- 3
Undec-, undeca- 11
Uni- 1
Unit 1 Revolution

Degree 360

Radian 2∏

Grad 400

Mil 6400
+ Plus or Positive
- Minus or Negative
± Plus or Minus, Positive or Negative
* Multiplied by
/ Divided by
= equal
Identically equal to
≠ Not equal to
≠ Not identically Equal to
≈ Approximately equal to
~ Of the order of or similar to
> Greater than
< Less Than
> Not greater than
< Not less than
≥ Greater than or equal
≤ Less Than or equal to
<< Much less than
>> Much greater than
√ Square root
∞ Infinity
Proportional to
∑ Sum of
∏ Product of
∆ Difference
.∙. Therefore
_ Angel
ll Parallel
┴ Perpendicular
: Is to (ratio)
29 Addend
+ 6 Addend
35 Sum or Total

74 Minuend
- 16 Subtrahend
58 Difference
46 Multiplicand
x 9 Multiplier
414 Product

5/8 5 Numerator
8 Denominator

Simple (or Vulgar) Fraction

9/7 9 Numerator
7 Denominator
1.Which among the following sets of fractions
is arranged from greatest to least?

1. ½, 3/2, 7/2, 5/2, 4/2

2.1/2, 2/4, ¾, 5/4, 6/4
3.3/5, 7/3, 1/5, 4/5, 6/5
4.5/12, 4/12, 3/12, 2/12, 1/12
2. Convert 0.0000001995 to scientific

1. 1.995 x10-4
1.995 x 10-6
1.995 x 10-5
4. 1.995 x 10-7
3. The sum of 10y2 and 21y2 is subtracted
from 50y2. What is the diference?
1. 19y2
2. 17y2
3. 28y2
4. 39y2
4. The ratio 45: 150 is equal to .
1. 45 – 150
2. 45/150
3. 45x150
4. 150-45
5. What is 5/8 in decimal notation?

1. 0.254
2. 0.351
3. 0.625
4. 0.125
6. All numbers below are composite
1. 42
2. 53
3. 105
4. 154
7. The sum of 2 numbers is 48 and
their difference is 12. What are the
1. 12 and 40
2. 15 and 36
3. 30 and 18
4. 60 and 12
1. 0
2. 1
3. 3
4. 6
9. The square root of the sum of a
number and 10 is 7. The number is

1. 39
2. 49
3. 59
10. In what place is the digit 4 in
1. ten thousand
2. millions
3. ten millions
4. nota
11. Order from least to greatest. 8.39,
8.03, 8.039
1. 8.03, 8.39, 8.039
2. 8.039, 8.03, 8.39
3. 8.39, 8.039, 8.03
4. nota
12. Jason had P1,000. If he spent P650
on a jacket and P250 on a shirt, how
much money did he left?
1. P200
2. P150
3. P100
4. P250
15. What time is it 30 min. before 6:20
1. 5:50 P.M.
2. 6:50 P.M.
3. 5:30 P.M.
4. 5:40 P.M.
16. The value of n that would make 95 +
n=545 true is:
1. 445
2. 450
3. 640
4. -450
17. 1/1011 – 1/1012=?
1. 1/10-1
2. 9/1012
3. 1/10
4. 9/10
18. Find the ratio of x to y if
5x-3y/7x-4y =3/5
1. 2/4
2. 1/3
4. 3/4
19. ½ is what ____ % ¾?
1. 66 2/3
2. 66 1/3
3. 66 ½
4. 66 ¾
20. The sum of the measures of the angles of
a triangle is equal to
1. straight angle
2. right angle
3. reflex angle
4. obtuse angle
21. If a water removal machine can sip
50 gal. of water every 30 seconds, how
many gallons of water can sip in 1 hour?
1. 4000
2. 5000
3. 6000
4. 7000
22. How many hours hours is it from
8 am to 6 pm?
1. 10 hours
2. 9 hours
3. 7 hours
4. 6 hours
23. Six consecutive integers are given.
The sum of the first 3 is 27. What is
the sum of the last 3?
1. 40
2. 36
3. 63
4. 50
24. What will be the result if x+10/2 is
subtracted from x/2 + 10?
1. 5
2. 0
3. 10
4. 15
25. Which of the following does not have a
remainder of 1?
1. 111/3
2. 21/2
3. 51/5
4. 201/100
26. If y=-2, which of the following has the
least value?
1. 1-y
2. 1/y
3. y3
4. 1+y
27. 196 is the difference between:
1. 472-286
2. 482-286
3. 462-276
4. nota
28. 100 is the same as:
1. 10% of 100
2. 50% of 200
3. 25% of 200
4. 50% 1000
29. 9589 is the sum of:
1. 4499 + 5190
2. 4499 + 5090
3. 4499 + 5199
4. 4499 + 5919
30. The square root of 25 times the square
root of 81 is
1. -45
2. 14
3. 45
4. -14
31. The perimeter of a rectangle 18cm.
Long is 66cm. What is the area?
1. 270
2. 252
3. 300
4. 302
32. Which number is that, when divided
by 3, 4, and 5 gives as remainder?
1. 64
2. 62
3. 65
4. 67
33. What is the smallest number that can
be formed by using the ff. digits 9, 4, 7, 2
and 1?
1. 12,479
2. 47,912
3. 21,794
4. 47,921
34. If 10 baskets of lanzones weigh 700
lbs. and each basket weighs 7 lbs., what
is the weight of the fruits alone?
1. 640 lbs.
2. 630 lbs.
3. 620 lbs.
4. nota
35. Which of these fraction has the
greatest value?
1. 2/3
2. 2/5
3. 2/7
4. 2/9
36. What is the area of right angle whose
base is 6 and the altitude is 10?
1. 40
2. 30
3. 20
4. nota
37. To write 0.57 in column
1. 0.07 3. .005
0.50 .07
0.00 .000

2. .050 4. .005
.700 .0007
.00 .00
38. In a basket of lanzones, 30 are rotten.
If there are 450 lanzones in the basket
what % of the number are spoiled?
1. 5 2/3%
2. 6 2/3%
3. 7 2/3%3
4. 8 2/3%
39. If a bamboo pole 39 feet long is to be
divided in the ratio of 1:2, find the length
of each part.
1. 13 and 23
2. 12 and 27
3. 13 and 26
4. nota
40. If 10 cellphones cost P49,950, what
is the cost of 25 cellphones?
1. P124,775
2. P124,865
3. P124,875
4. P124,870
41. Find the denominator of an
equivalent fraction 3/5, when the
numerator is 150.
1. 150
2. 180
3. 210
4. 250
42. What is numerator of an equivalent
fraction to 9/10 when the denominator is
1. 118
2. 108
3. 110
4. 120
43. Which of the following integers is
divisible by 3?
1. 98822
2. 87745
3. 77893
4. 58692

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