Lead Generation Social Media and Email Marketing2 (69) - Read-Only

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Digital Marketing: Lead Generation; Email and
Social Meidia Marketing

Darren Morris
Learning Outcomes

• Understand lead generation and its significance

• Apply lead generation process and strategy to
your client business
• Develop Opt in strategy for your business
Prior Team What is lead generation, why is it
Knowledge important, how does it work?
Lead Generation

Lead generation is much

“38.9% of companies say
more than just increasing
new business/lead
likes and shares. It’s a
generation is the most
pivotal stage of the buying
important reason for using
journey, helping prospects
social media”. Social
to move from social
follower to customer. 
What is a Lead?
A lead is someone who lets you know that they may be interested in buying what you have to
sell. They haven’t just followed you on Twitter or shared your Facebook post; they’ve opened
up a direct line of communication with you by giving you their contact and other details.
They’ve said, “OK, I’m interested. Now tell me more.” They are now a lead. 
Not a lead: “Nice Facebook post. I’ll share this with my network.” 
Lead: “Nice Facebook post. I’d like to get to know you better so I’ll click through to your
website and sign up for your email newsletter.”
What is lead generation? Lead generation is the process of converting people into sales leads.
You don’t actually sell them something during this process. You direct them to your website,
gather their information, and nurture them to the stage when they are more likely. And content,
fuels social media—making Snapchat, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and other social
channels a key component of your lead generation strategy.  
Why use social media to generate
(and nurture) leads?

• 1. Gather intelligence: Social media lets you listen to—and interact with—
people to build a much clearer picture of their needs and wants. People share a lot of personal
data on social media, which makes it easier to target and track highly qualified leads.
• 2. Drive website traffic: Because so many of your customers are on social, it’s a
great way to drive more traffic to your website, where you can convert them into leads by
capturing their information. This means adding more calls to action to your social channels and
offering your followers content, campaigns, and contests that will entice them to click through.
• 3. Increase Revenue: If social can generate more high quality leads for your
business, the whole organization benefits. And by tracking leads from the initial contact to the final
sale, you can continually refine your strategy and maximize your social ROI.
Why use social media to generate
(and nurture) leads?

• 4. Build trust: Social media is a two-way communication channel that lets

you build an ongoing relationship with prospective customers. It’s more
immediate and personal than your website, and more trustworthy and
authentic than other marketing. Part of the lead generation process
involves nurturing potential customers to the point where they want to buy
from you. Building trust is a vital part of doing this successfully. 

• 5. Target accurately: Social media lets you target potential customers and

give them the right content throughout the buyer journey by engaging
with them directly. For example, someone posting about buying a house
could be a trigger for an insurance company to target them with a social ad. 
Email Marketing Overview

• According to the Consumer Digital Usage and Behavior Study in 2020, conducted by Adestra, 84% of
smartphone users use their phone to send and receive personal email, and 34% use it for business email
• Many consumers have a triage system for the communications they receive from companies – in fact, the
average consumer has 3.2 email addresses, and 46.7% have an entirely separate email address for emails
they rarely intend to open.
• Receiving discounts emerged as most important reason for signing up to receive email from businesses,
and this was the case across all age ranges (85% on average across all ages).
• 34.9% would like to see fewer emails than they’re currently receiving.
• And consumers aren’t afraid to vote with their feet – undesired emails will result in an unsubscribe action nearly
three-quarters (73%) of the time.

Q: What element of the Communications Mix does Email Complement….what has email marketing started to

•Customer Service Announcements
•New Product Announcements
•Alerts and Reminders
•Promotion and Advertisings
Email + Permission

From spam to
effective direct
Confirmed opt-

for Email
List Segmentation is essential to closing prospects and delighting customers


Lists are the different ways that you break up your contacts into smaller Segments

based on their similarities.

Your contact database is a place to keep track of all the people and companies that

have a relationship with your business.

Build separate lists for your subscribers, leads and customer. These lists

ensure that you send the right person the right message at the right time.


• What Does It Mean to Me?


• Is My Data Used Responsibly?

Recipient Control

• Do I Have a Choice Over How My Data is Used?

With Email Marketing the business is in total
control of the process so you decide:
• Who gets the Email, Database

Timing • What is in it and how well it is written

and Control • Where they are located
• When they get it – Timing
• How many get it and How often they get
It is important that the receipent is also in
The key strength of Email marketing is in
Customer Retention as the recipient sees the
name of the sender on the email and
personalized content:
• The Open Rate with existing Customers can be
Relevance expected to be much higher if the emailing is
done correctly and the customer expects to
receive information of value in the email.
• The email can be personalized. Personalization
is acceptable for existing customers.
• The email can encourage forwarding by happy
customers and this can gradually build the
database and customer base.
Ways to improve the message
Social Media and Lead Generation
Encourage and Incentivize Opt Ins
“What we see is that consumers are prepared to share personal
information in order to get personalized benefits. 56% of respondents
prefer discounts or deals to be proactively sent to them, with those aged
18-35 wanting these discounts to be highly personalized and relevant.”
– Patricia Walker, Senior Managing Director at Accenture
How to Take Advantage of this Trend:
• Offer something of value to the consumer in exchange for an opt-in to your business’s marketing program.
Enabling you to connect directly with a devoted customer base (CRM).
• Convincing shoppers to share their personal information, discounts and coupons (cited by 72%) are the
most popular forms.
• Send these promotions to the customer upon opting-in to your business’s direct marketing program. This
enables you to reach them at the most effective time.

Q: Is Digital Coupons and Option for your Business, How would you execute it?
Q: Accenture Shopper Survey revealed the majority (87%) of shoppers are enticed to purchase an item
by discounts of 20% or more. What are typical discounts on Talabat, Carriage etc?
How to Generate Leads

Your initial focus for content could be on complete strangers or people who may be aware of you
(early stages of buyer journey)—with the offer of high quality, relevant “gated” content. Gated
content means someone has to give you their email address and possibly other details before they
can access it.
1. Content at the top of the funnel/buyer journey includes: 
• Ebooks, White papers, Reports, Guides, Webinars 
• Email newsletters 

The nature of this content makes it a popular and effective tactic among B2B companies in
particular.  It’s important to fulfill your end of the deal and give people something valuable to them
in return for their information. The quality of the content also impacts their perception of your
How to Generate Leads
• Social ads 
The targeting capabilities of paid social ads make them an important lead generation tactic that can
complement your organic social media efforts.  Channel selection is crucial. Each platform offers
different targeting features. Choose the channel you think represents the best chance of reaching
potential high quality leads.  Two more factors that will determine your success are an effective landing
page and a strong call to action. Your landing page should be optimized to focus on driving a visitor to
perform one desired action, such as downloading an ebook.

The content of your ad directly affects the response. Different channels require different creative and
content approaches. For example, Facebook launched a solution called lead ads. It makes it easier for
you to give people a quick and secure way to sign up to receive information from you, such as
newsletters, content, and offers.
Contests (continued)


Dove's "
Real Beauty Should Be Shared"
contest on Facebook hit the
branding bullseye. They ran a fill-in-
the-blank contest with photos. They
asked their Fans to tell them why
their friend 'represents Real
Beauty,' by filling in their friend's
name and two things that make
them beautiful.
In keeping with their brand, they did
not offer an iPad, or extravagant
prizes. The winners will get to
become the next faces of Dove.
Amusement Park Contest
The Chaguaramas water and amusement
park ran a Facebook contest to determine
what they should name their new park.
They asked Facebook Fans and local
people what they thought would make a
great name and gave the top-voted
answer free entry and $10,000 cash.
A year's entry to the park for a family of
four and $10,000 cash
Contest drove 3,457 entries. If even 10%
of those people go to the park as a result
of this contest (they hear about it's
opening, they think about it next time they
want a family day out, etc) and spend $60
for their family, the park makes $10,000
Gillie Contest

Gillie’s Contest
Gillie's coffee ran a simple holiday promotion
exclusive to their Facebook fans.

A chance of one of two prize packs containing one
aeropress coffee maker and one 12 oz bag of their
Bleecker Street espresso.

This Facebook contest got 2,274 entries - which is a

lot, given that the prize was probably valued at about
$25. The name of the game for this kind of
promotion is simplicity and professional images. Run
a contest like this one (with a prize which appeals to
every adult) during the holidays, make entry easy
appealing, and see what happens!
San Churro Contest
This is, technically, an essay contest. It requires
entrants to share in 25 words or less what makes them
happy. These quotes can be used by San Churro in
social media posts, on product pages and landing
pages for months to come.
A chance at two vouchers every day of the Facebook
contest's run, as well as a grand prize of a year's supply
of churros.
More than 3,800 people entered this promotion and
gave their 25 words on what makes them happy. This is
a huge supply of awesome quotes and testimonials that
San Churro can use in the future.
They gave 2 vouchers away every day. Vouchers (like
gift cards) ensure that people are spending money at
your location. And, if they have a voucher, it's possible
they'll spend more (a coffee, perhaps?)
My Sports Clubs Contest

Contest, featuring multiple Call-to-

Action buttons, a testimonial,
clean and high-res images and a
professional layout.
A year of free personal training
with My Sports Clubs, with 143
locations in the Northeast of the

This contest had 7,680 entries. A, an a testimonial from a previous customer goes far to create trust, and the multiple
buttons. With a slightly longer page, prospective contest entrants don't have to scroll back up to the top to convert, they
can click exactly where they are.
UrDogs Contest

Facebook contest centered around "the cutest

dog“, where people win by sharing the contest
with their friends and family and encouraging
them to vote for their submission.
1st Prize: $500. 2nd Prize: $300. 3rd Prize:
This contest got 2,354 entries, which isn't
anything to stick your nose up at. The
combination of photo contest and dog-focus
drove the success of this promotion.
Contests, when done well, can attract a lot of
Contests interest. And people love to share good deals or
opportunities to win things with their networks.
(continued) Often, you can set up contests in such a way that
people must perform an action on social media
to qualify or earn extra entries. Actions include
tweeting about the contest, following you on
Instagram, or using a campaign hashtag in

The downside of this is that many leads you gather

through contests might not be serious potential
buyers. That’s where lead nurturing kicks in. It helps
you identify and engage with the people in your
database most likely to buy from you.
Digital Marketing Resources




Lynda.com Tutorials Watch on campus:

Lead Generation Foundations, Dina Shapiro

Advanced Lead Generation: Dayna Rothman


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