02b Vedic Astrology of Moon

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The passage discusses the characteristics, symbolism, and influence of the moon on different aspects of life according to Indian astrology.

The moon is associated with water, emotions, creativity, relationships and feminine qualities. It governs the mind, reproductive organs and is represented by the color white.

When benefic, the moon can induce qualities like sensitivity, caring, love and happiness. When malefic, it can cause issues like sleep disorders, epilepsy and changes in mood. It also influences personality based on the house and sign it is placed in.


Moon Characteristics
Character Character
Deity Shakti, Krishna, Varun Taste Salty

Element Water, Kapha Color White

Class Vaishya Sex Female

Family Mother, Queen, Women

Character Sattvic
Direction North
Abode Water, Motherland, Home
Metal Silver
Human Personality: Mind, emotion, instinct, Creativity,
being Sensation, Volatile Gem Pearl
Body part Fat, muscle, liquid, digestive system, Animal Fish, rabbits, antelopes, cranes, partridge
Reproductive organs
Society Relationship, Service industry Flora creeping vines, flowering trees
Moon in Horoscope
 Benefic
 Sensitive, caring, nurturing, maturity, responsibility, faith, love, openness, surrender,
devotion, peace, happiness
 Pliable, sensitive, music lover, nature lover, contemplative, traditional and religious, does
not question authority
 Malefic
 Self gratification and over indulgence in eating, drinking or pleasure, or are too
changeable, negative and uncertain.
 Lunatics, sleep disorder, epilepsy,
 Disorders of female reproduction
Slokas 25½ - 29:
 Relating to Action, Function or Doing of the Moon : (1) intelligence (2) flower (3) good perfume (4)
going to a fortress (5) disease (6) Brahmin (7) idleness (8) phlegmatic (9) epilepsy (10) enlargement of
the spleen (11) disposition of mind (12) heart (13) woman (14) good or bad (15) sourness (16) sleep
(17) happiness (18) any thing watery (19) silver (20) thick sugarcane (21) typhoid (22) travel (23) well
(24) tank (25) mother (26) impartiality (27) mid-day (28) pearls (29) consumption (30) whiteness (31)
waistband (32) bellmetal (33) salt (34) short in stature (35) mind (36) ability (37) pond (38) diamond
(39) Sarad Ritu (40) an interval of 48 minutes (41) facial luster (42) white colour (43) belly
(44)reverence to Goddess Gowri (45) honey (46) fabour (47) joking (48) nourishment (49) wheat (50)
pleasure (51 splendour (52) face (53) quick in throught (54) love of curd (55) mendicant (56) fame (57)
beauty (58) strength at night (59) Westwardfaced (60) learned (61) suline (62) getting a job (63) love
towards West (64) the middle world (65) nine gems (66) middle age (67) life (68) eating (69) going to
distant counties (70) disease of the shoulders (72) umbrella or other royal insignia (73) good fruits (74)
good blood and vital energy (75) fish and other water born creatures (76) serpent (77) silk garment (78)
good budding (79) shining (80) clean crystal and (81) delicate cloth.
Vedic symbolism of Chandrama or The
 We have drunk the Soma; we have become immortal; we have gone to the light;
we have found the gods – Rig Veda 8.48
 The geometric figure of the Moon represents two concave lines jointed at their
extremities, depicting a crescent pattern, symbolizing:
 - the early phases of the waxing moon
 - the last stages of the waning moon
 - shape of the moon during the later phases of the lunar eclipse
 - indications of the surging emotions like the waves of the sea.
Moon: the mother and Past
 1) The Past: Chandra rules the astral body which contains all memories that are labeled "the past". Since the past is a
mirror of the future it controls the future. The astral body precedes entry into the physical body and the astral body
survives physical death, time and again. So, the astral body which is composed of psycho-emotional memories, is very
long-lasting! Not eternal, but robustly long-lasting.
 A child's earliest memories are of their mother and, Chandra rules the native's mother, relationship to the mother, and
overall emotional constitution. All action-reaction emotional patterns, from obsessive-compulsive to avoidance to
projection, are grounded through the Moon. Moon with Rahu hypercharges the emotional memories, and indicates
a vivacious mother. Moon with Ketu causes emotional withdrawal, typically due to a mother who "needs her space".
 To understand a person's past, examine their Soma position in detail. "The past" is not a material reality, but it is a potent
and often crippling psycho-emotional reality. Remember the past is composed of memories, and the core memory from
our current lifetime is of life in utero. Memories from past lives create the current life. So - por supuesto - the Moon
is our Mother and the Moon creates Life.
Moon: Happiness
 2)Happiness:The Moon's portfolio includes the full range of our psycho-emotional attachments. Chandra's
characteristics define our mother (or whomever served as our childhood emotional sustainer). Chandra also
indicates the nurturing container of the childhood family as a whole,& the unconditional acceptance (or not)
we received from them. Ultimately Chandra signifies our emotional capacity to form relationships
with others - partners especially, but also our parents& our own children.
 Chandra does not represent the true Self (which is beyond the planets) but rather the socialpsycho- sexual-
emotional core of the ego.
 Some reincarnations are blessed with awareness of two non-ego realms. They draw true peace from living
either outside the ego - in the world of compassionate altruistic action -- or deep within the core of intimate
divine communion -- which is buried in pre-ego childhood memory  underneath the adult ego. These being
are sheltered from much of the emotional suffering to which the normal ego-bound human is enslaved.
 However, the more one is attached to that frail prison of ego attachments -- which is to say, the more one has
been traumatized in childhood -- the more essential it is to understand the birth condition of the Vedic Moon.
 Most of us reading this page will be treading somewhere along that path from total enslavement to ego-
validation, to total freedom from all compulsions. We fondly hope that some person, relationship, or
experience will come along& heal our deepest inner trauma.
 Understanding the complex implications of Chandra's role in rashi& (especially) navamsha varga will help
one to understand that deepest hope, so as to light the way toward our goal of perfect wholeness.
Moon: The Mother
 3) Mother :Chandra is the karaka for Mother. First and foremost Soma indicates the birth mother, because Soma's influence begins
in the uterine fluids of conception. A child who is adopted at birth or even much later will identify consciously with the emotions
of their adoptive mother, but the birth mother has the primary subconscious emotional influence.
 Other Mothers signified by Chandra include spiritual mothers such as Tara the Mother of Buddha, Mother Mary, spiritual
preceptors such as Mother Superior in a nunnery, the Muse, and all goddesses of the Great Traditions.
 Profile the Mother(s) from rashi, bhava, drishti, & other characteristics of Chandra in radix, navamsha, & dwadashamsha.
 Although the 4th rashi from radix lagna, 4th navamsha, & 4th Dwadashamsha also yield important components of the mother
profile, the key information about a person's mother, one's emotional needs& the behaviors one will exhibit when trying to get
these needs met - is contained in Soma.
 The ten-year Vimshottari mahadasha of Chandra is also a period of reconnection with the psychic, rational, and social aspects of
the Mother. This awakening may be pleasant or painful or both (depending on the Jyotisha characteristics of natal Soma).
 Soma is the strongest karaka for Mother, but domain-4 is complementary and secondary. Consider Chandra - in Radix, Navamsha,
and Dwadashamsha - to show the core characteristics of the Mother. 
Moon: The Mother- Patterns
 if the Mother is still living, an intense period of interaction with her whether the Mother is living or
not, mahadasha of Chandra attracts into one's environment numerous persons who resemble the Mother on
many levels emphasis on 'reactive' rather than 'proactive' responses (infancy)
 if the native is an adult during the mahadasha, one may form an adult understanding the role that the Mother
played in one's early personality and relationship development depending on Chandra's character, assignment
to major or minor caretaking roles, and need to interact emotionally with those who are deeply
dependent, cannot defend themselves, or cannot make their own decisions
 if Chandra mahadasha occurs in middle age, one may acquire dependent parents and need to 'parent the
parent' strong emotionalization of the personality: powerful intuitions, needs, feelings, and emotional
bonding BPHS Ch. 7, Shloka 39-43: Whatever results are to be known from Bandhu, Tanu, Dhana, Labha,&
Dharma should also be known from the 4th of Chandra, from Karka rashi itself, & from the 2nd, 11th, & 9th
from Chandra respectively.
 Moon is the natural lord of the 4th Domain. Read about bandhu bhava to gain a broader perspective on the
Moon's portfolio.
 In classical Jyotisha the Moon has equal or greater power to the lagna (ascendant).
 Accurate readings cannot occur from the rashi-lagna only. Accurate readings require at least two preliminary
scans: first from the rashi-lagna, second from Chandra-lagna. (Then more detailed scans such as from
the mahadasha-pati, from the karaka, etc. are also required.) In traditional India, where rural birth-times are
unavailable or conflicting, accurate readings are often given from Chandra lagna alone.
Chandra and the other Grahas
 Soma is reflective, absorptive,& accommodating. Soma psycho-emotionally sensitizes the
grahas He is with. Chandra is a planetary friend toward Surya & Budha; Chandra is neutral
toward all other grahas. (Chandra has no enemies.)
Sunafa yoga

 When a planet (except Rahu, Ketu and Sun) occupies the second house from where Moon is positioned
without any affliction, it forms a Sunafa Yoga.

 Moon should also be placed positively in the D-9, Navamsha chart. 

 Such a native is quite skilled and good with communication. Their voice is persuasive and positive.

 These people earn wealth through hard work. They are good motivators and lead a happy life with

 They are quite intelligent, attractive, knowledgeable, and well-mannered too. 

 These natives tend to be fond of reading religious books. They also enjoy good health and excel in
Anafa yoga
 When one or more planets except Rahu, Ketu and Sun are positioned in the 12th house from
where Moon is positioned, it forms a Anafa yoga.

 This Yoga affords the native with an attractive personality. Others find your charisma

 You have a lot of positive qualities. You have a polite yet influential way of speaking. You do
well in debates and fields involving communication.

 You tend to earn a lot of fame and respect in society.

 You enjoy a sound health and financial position thus feel happy with your life overall.
Durudhara yoga
 When one or more planets except Rahu, Ketu and Sun occupy the second as well as twelfth house from
Moon, meaning, the house just ahead and behind Moon, it forms Durudhara yoga.

 Planets should not be under any malefic influence though. The result of this Yoga depends a lot upon the
strength of the planets involved.

 In general, native has the ability to work hard id needed.

 This Yoga endows the native with intelligence. These people know how to find a way.

 Their heart nonetheless is pure. They earn well in life with their efforts and hard work.

 They also generally have the resources needed to succeed. These people make a good name in society and
enjoy a happy life with their friends and family.
Chndra Surya Yoga
 “As Moon represents Mother, it shows the absence of Mother or Motherly Nourishment in Life for various reasons. Even if
Mother is present, she can be very strict and kind of disciplinarian.

 Person himself can have lack of emotions and will be all about rules & regulations.

 If Moon is too close to Sun degree-wise then it is combust and these results can be easily evident. Sun is Soul and Moon is
Mind, so good thing is that person's soul & mind are aligned towards a common goal. There is no dilemma for person as to
what he wants to do in life. It may not be the rightest thing in world to do but person has no confusion.

 As both planets represent Govt, it is a good position for benefits from Govt.

 In most of the cases, Emotional Side or Motherly Nourishment of person will suffer due to fire of Sun. Even if Mother is caring
and emotional towards child, this conjunction can show a father who is totally dominant and Mother may suffer in her life.

 As Sun represents Career and Moon represents Nourishing & Taking Care of Others, they can go into Careers like Health Care
& Teaching, but for that Moon should not be combust, else they will realize such path with delay in life by which time it may
be too late to change the career.” https://www.astrosaxena.com/smconj 
Chandra-Surya yoga
 This native seeks emotional identity validation through ethical action, public leadership & approval, & advancing the
dominant cultural style. All yogas involving the Moon give a tendency to project one's feelings upon others.
 Surya indicates rational thought, decision making,& public identity through ego activity. This native will project their own
thoughts & beliefs upon others, presuming that everyone shares or wants to share their own mentality & their beliefs. The
native may appropriate the rights of others, in the mistaken belief that one's own perceptions are more true because they are
more ethical, or more "reasonable".
 The native is born under a "black moon." Soma yields power to Ravi, giving the native stronger rational abilities & less well
developed emotional perception. They will follow the path set by others& assert the moral righteousness of their group
against others. Can be quite self-righteous. Personal identity is slightly weakened but ability to compromise & accept social
direction is strengthened. This native generally gets along well with others in their group & has less emotional conflict in
life, largely due to reduced sensitivity to others‘ feelings. Pleasant and sensible person as a rule. Emotional mandate toward
ethical action, unless Surya is compromised.
Who will win the Conjunction?
 Of course, Sun will. Moon is too gentle to impact Sun in anyways. Actually, Moon's existence came into being due to the light of Sun
which fell upon Moon. So, it is almost impossible for Moon to over power Sun's fire.

 Taurus & Cancer - Still, in signs like Taurus (exalted sign) & Cancer (own sign), Moon will be able to have some say in conjunction and
in these signs, person may not be emotionless or he may get good support and upbringing from Mother. Remember, everything is in

 Aries and Leo - In signs like Aries (exalted sign) & Leo (own sign), Sun will have complete control over Moon as Sun is too strong

 In signs like Capricorn, Aquarius Scorpio, & Libra, where they both are weak, Sun will command power over Moon due to its natural
fire power.

 Moon will be impacted by Sun's presence in same sign/house, no matter what? Even if Moon MD is running and they both are conjunct,
we will see results of both Sun and Moon as it is impossible to neglect Sun if it is sitting in same house. Just imagine, Sun sitting
besides you. You will always feel the heat. So, Sun-Moon conjunction is all about Sun's impact over Moon, rather than vice versa.

 https://www.astrosaxena.com/smconj
Chandra - Mangala Yoga 
 Results - Earnings through unscrupulous means, a seller of women, treating mother harshly &
doing mischief to her & other relatives. With due respect to the ancient masters in the science,
it has been found that Chandra Mangala Yoga acts as a powerful factor in establishing one's
financial worth.
 The earnings will generally be through such occupations as toddy contract, beer shop, bar,
etc. One has to cater to the baser needs of men, but when the Moon and Mars are well
disposed, the earnings will be through other approved means.
 The yoga is said to arise by the association of Mars and the Moon but some feel that the yoga
will also be formed if the Moon and Mars are in mutual aspect. For example, take the Moon
in Taurus and Mars in Scorpio, or take the Moon in Cancer and Mars in Capricorn. These are
excellent positions.
Chandra-Mangala yoga 
 is generally favorable, but it can be problematic if either Chandra or Kuja are inauspiciously
placed. This native seeks emotional identity validation through success in sport & business
 Brings wealth via hard work & emotionally attuned business sense. The physical body is
blessed with athletic beauty , in all houses except dusthamshas. The wealth yoga can occur in
any house, with the strength of Kuja being the greatest predictor of wealth. However, houses
1,2,5,9, and 11 are the strongest placements.
 Native is impulsive emotionally, enjoys one's body, stays fit or is at least quite conscious
of one's appearance.
Chandra-Mangala yoga
 Women with this yoga tend to have an abundance of yang energy, which is to say they
are ambitious, competitive, sexual, physically oriented, & enjoy public contests.
 Generally very successful in the outer society. Goal-oriented. Better leaders than
followers. Contribute value & are well rewarded materially for their work. In houses 2, 5, 9, &
11 this yoga builds significant material wealth. However one may not be so happy in private
relationships, where one suffers the effects of selfishness & impatience.
 Much depends on the rashi & bhava involved. Excellent material results in Makara,
Mesha, & Vrischika where the native achieves a high position & wealth through
productive, energized, disciplined efforts. In rashi of Shani, will be attracted to large
organizations. In rashi of Kuja, success through competition, metals, & heat.
 When in Karkata, may be too emotionally volatile to be productive & in fact becomes
a disruptive force. Physical exercise is essential for happiness. Ideally this native will be
always involved, at least casually, in a competitive sport.
Chandra Mangala Yoga in the Twelve
 Bhava 1: Chandra-Mangala yoga in domain-1 gives some financial benefit in nearly
any rashi. Special dignity and added income for business in physical body work such
as sports professions, dancer or model, massage, and sexual activities. A sexualized
person, also emotionally sensitive, socially popular but emotionally volatile.
 Bhava 2: Very profitable financially. Chandra-Mangala yoga here gives financial
benefit here in nearly any rashi. Special dignity and added income for business in
record-keeping, historic preservation and historical materials, musician, dramatic
speech performance, face and hair, storage and banking.
 Bhava 3: Competitive in commercial business but rather reactive emotionally. One's
teammates need to be quite accommodating of the volatility. "Changes the Mind"
frequently. Good for emotional content in communication, melodramatic writing,
short-term travels, and customer service in environments that change rapidly.
Chandra - Mangala Yoga 

 Bhava 4: Not good for the mother's health, may involve endocrine disease or other
emotional illness. Emotional volatility and dramatic outbursts in the home. Severe
Kuja Dosha in marriage due to Kuja's harshest 4th aspect, compounded by
involvement of emotionally reactive Moon.
 Bhava 5: Profitable. Chandra-Mangala yoga here gives financial benefit under most
circumstances. Special dignity and added income from business in literature,
performance art, speculation, and services for children. If Chandra or Kuja are in
unfriendly rashi, may lead to the mistreatment of children. Abortions, therapeutic or
 Bhava 6: May be profitable, but harmful to the mother's relatives. Anger. Good for
sales of medicine, food and alcohol, hotel services. Excellent for police or social
workers who deal with emotional volatility among the lower classes, the
dispossessed, or exploited.
Chandra - Mangala Yoga 

 Bhava 7: Profitable, but emotional volatility in marriage & contractual relationships.

Chandra-Mangala yoga here gives financial benefit through making agreements which have
to be re-negotiated frequently. Good for attorney or litigator. Special dignity and added
income from business in making contracts & agreements, marriage, partnerships, and
alliances, weighing and balancing.
 Bhava 8: Good for mining & harvesting of many types of hidden-assets, especially
underwater. Probably too volatile to remain long in marriage. One may discover that the
spouse's contribution to the joint funds of marriage has been destroyed. Unrecognized
subconscious need for sudden, forced changes. Excellent for professional who can deal with
catastrophic emergencies, including complications of childbirth.
 Bhava 9: Very profitable financially. Chandra-Mangala yoga here gives financial benefit
here in nearly any rashi. Special dignity and added income from business in universities,
temples of knowledge, ambassadorial missions, spiritual teachings and religious rituals, all
guru activities.
Chandra - Mangala Yoga 

 Bhava 10: Very profitable financially. Chandra-Mangala yoga here gives financial benefit
here in nearly any rashi. Special dignity and added income from business in public service,
government and institutional leadership, iconic public positions, director of organizations.
Does the best work at the helm of very large hierarchies.
 Bhava 11: Very profitable financially. Chandra-Mangala yoga here gives financial benefit
here in nearly any rashi. Special dignity and added income for business in marketplace
activities, buy-sell, community development, interconnections between linked networks of
association. This native knows a breathtaking number of people, many of them financially
influential. The methods may not always be ethical, but financial success is assured/
 Bhava 12: Kuja Dosha. Volatility in marriage. Potential for sexual abuse. Native suffers
disturbing dreams. Profits through libraries, research laboratories, creation of safe/sanctuary
space, psychotherapy, privacy, imagination, building of residential schools with dormitories,
other commercial involvement with fantasies, private imagination, sleeping & dreams.
Dangerous but profitable travels in foreign lands. Danger of drowning.
Chandra and Budha:
 Chandra-Budha yoga is generally neutral. Gives confusion when Budha is weak. Gives intuitive acuity when
Budha is strong. Descriptions below also apply to Chandra-Budha in mutual aspect.
 This native seeks emotional identity validation through mental activity, intellectual  discrimination,  & perceptual
 This yoga energizes the emotions & sensitizes the thought process. The person is usually a quick thinker, may be
somewhat impulsive in reaching conclusions, but if often intuitively correct even when their reasoning path is
 If located in a trine or kendra, Chandra-yuti-Budha is generally auspicious. If Budha is uccha or swakshetra, the
native is remarkably intelligent & may annoy the less gifted with the speed of their talk,& rapid conclusions. If
Chandra is well disposed, the native is very sensitive to children& beloved by them. Makes a wonderful teacher,
parent,& coach. The native is typically an excellent 'facilitator' who is able to respond to group emotions even
while speaking clearly. Flourishes in any of the communicative arts, especially writing.
 If neither Budha nor Chandra is well disposed, the native can be emotionally reactive & immature. Snap decisions,
aggressive criticism,& even clinical narcissism can emerge for this emotionally handicapped native who demands
simple answers to complex questions,& lacks self-reflective capacity. Chandra-Budha in Vrischika can mature into
shamanistic channeling with good tutoring, but the native is also prone to angry outbursts. In Mesha, the native is
immature & demanding, lacks reflection. In rashis of Shani, withdrawn& conventional communication style.
In rashis of Guru, Surya, or Chandra, vibrantly positive & sensitive style, but may lack realism.
Chandra and Guru
 Chandra-Guru yoga is generally favorable. This native seeks emotional identity validation through physical fertility,
through involvement in lives of their children or their works of art, & through maintaining a positive worldview
Generally pleasant & cheerful folk unless either Guru or Chandra is damaged. Although their "heart is in the right
place," this native may be prone to a "Pollyanna" type of excess optimism. Positive view may filter out authentic but
negative information, giving pretty but inaccurate worldview. Their glass is always half-full :)
 Tends toward a super-optimistic projection that more realistic souls in their environment may find hard to take. Yet,
overall, their overbearing emotional projections are more helpful than harmful in this weary world.
 The native craves wisdom but because they ignore negative perceptions, they may project a need for everyone in their
environment (especially family members) to display a cheerful optimism & full agreement at all times.
 Strong compassion & charitable instincts if the intellectual capacity is well developed. Otherwise tends toward
humanistic sympathy or pity for those less fortunate. Brings good fortune into the native's life. Frequently more than
one mother. If Chandra- Guru-yuti-Rahu, may bring several mothers from different cultures who all help the native in
different ways. (Karaka for beneficial cross-cultural adoption).
 Strong humanistic tendencies & maternal instincts make a wonderful caretaker. If connected with lagna/lagnesha, gives
an abundant physical body with large breasts. If the nativity shows no other source of social identity, Chandra-Guru can
make a "breeder" whose sole emotional validation comes from enacting their reproductive powers.
 In rashis of Shani may be emotionally constrained: gives problems with mother,& wants to care for others but fails due
to inadequate early mothering. In Karkata rashi, highly auspicious for wealth, children, & home. Generally very nice
people, whether they are effective in the world or not.
Gajkesari yoga
 When Jupiter is placed in Kendra, i.e., 1st, 4th, 7th, and 10th house from Moon without
affliction, the placement forms Gajkesari yoga.
 This Yoga bears positive results when planets are in powerful degrees and without any malefic
influence (debilitated, retrograde, aspected by malefic planet, conjunct enemy planet).
 Note that Jupiter should also be free from affliction in D-9, Navamsha chart. If the planet is
strongly posited, the native is likely to be very intelligent, wealthy, healthy, and sharp minded. 
 Such a native would enjoy all the luxuries life has to offer, such as vehicle, a good business,
knowledge, fame, good education and victory over opponents.
 This Yoga is almost synonymous with power, which is why the name of the yoga is Gajkesari.
Gaj means elephant and Keseri means lion, both are powerful animals.
Gauri Yoga
 When unafflicted Moon is placed in Taurus or Cancer sign or occupies a trine house from
Ascendant along with having aspect of Jupiter, it forms Gauri Yoga.
 Such natives are very attractive and beautiful.
 Their parents are very supportive. These native tend to be wealthy and enjoy a peaceful life with
friends and family.
 They also get to marry a partner of their choice.
Chandra and Shukra:
 Chandra-Shukra yoga is generally less favorable. This native seeks emotional identity
validation through beauty & pleasure; material wealth & harmonious environments; & their
ability to attract lovers & admirers. All yogas involving the Moon give a tendency to project
one's feelings upon others. Chandra-Shukra natives tend to project their own love of beauty &
balance upon the world. They may have trouble accepting that others are not so interested in
the aesthetic level of perception,& be perceived as superficial or dilettantish aesthetes.
 Enjoys the company of women & forms balanced partnerships easily with persons of all ranks.
The mother is also fashionable & socially attractive (although harsh drishti can limit both
mother's & native's beauty).
 Native is typically sociable & pleasant natured. Strongly identified with marriage & business
partnership. If marriage is problematic will instinctively create other partnerships to channel
their relationship energies. Excellent intuitive sense of design but may be "slave to fashion",
unless practical Shani casts a limiting drishti. Likes to be in arts & architecture, where their
perceptions are appreciated. Excellent adviser & loyal partner.
 May spend lavishly on personal beauty & decorating their home.
Chandra and Shani:
 Chandra-Shani yoga is generally unfavorable.
 Performance pressure or separation from the mother. The stronger Chandra's character, the
more likely that Chandra + Shani will indicate early childhood death of mother, e.g. Soma-
Vrishabha, nearly always. This native seeks emotional identity validation through enforcing
rules & regulations, strengthening social conformity systems, & (sometimes) oppressing
others. Gives good moral character in re: human law (not divine law). Natives are rule-bound
emotionally - usually from having survived major childhood trauma.
 Austerity and communal conformity may be the only way one knows how to live, but life may
nevertheless always be uncomfortable. All yogas involving the Moon give a tendency to
project one's feelings upon others. This native projects their feelings of oppression, restriction,
scarcity, poverty, exposure, lack of trust & emotional abandonment upon others. They fear
authority but also crave it. Conservative, authority-oriented personality.
 Unhappy childhood, full of heavy responsibility & inadequate protection or support. With
other malefics, this yoga can results in emotionally exploitation,& in the company of other
evil grahas may signal an oppressive perpetrator who was himself exploited in childhood.
Chandra and Shani: 
 Tends toward spinal pain in the physical body which expresses this emotional reality of lack of
support, heavy guilt, feeling overburdened etc.
 A deeply compromised emotional life in which one carries the burdens of others. Almost always
inadequate parenting, esp. from the mother. In intimate relationships, tends to parent the partner.
Similar effects to Shani in lagna or Shani drishti to Chandra, but more emotionally profound &
acute. If Shani, Chandra & lagnesha are all in lagna, the native may be physically & socially
powerful but deeply oppressed emotionally. The native will not normally harm others, but rather
feels an underlying lack of support throughout the incarnation, which becomes acute during
each sade saati.
 General effect is similar to a lifelong sade saati. Associated with death of the mother if the
first sade saati or Shani mahadasha occurs early in life. May have several substitute mothers; none
of them very effective; & may produce children but will experience emotional blocks in
connecting to them.
 With Kuja, does well in military & dangerous settings. With Guru, an authoritarian teacher. (If
Guru is auspicious, a firm but compassionate educator.) With Shukra, very pretty but ones beauty
is exploited & eventually one exploits others.
Saturn conjunct Moon
(Nishturabhashi Yoga) 
 Shani controls physical-body survival while Chandra controls emotional-body
survival. Shani sets conditional expectations for public success while Soma
sets unconditional expectations for personal acceptance. When Shani occupies
the same radix or navamsha house with the Moon, the conflict between these
two different survival mandates produces:
 profound emotional oppression
 social conflict between personal needs and public rules
 troubled ego formation
 low satisfaction in love relationships
Shani oppresses the Moon
 When , the native has accepted a birth in which past-life karmic pay-off requires first Mother
Trouble in childhood, and then Relationship Trouble in adulthood.
 Shani carries out our genetic mandate for individual physical survival through social conformity. Shani
ensures that our group will protect us from tribal enemies and that our group will not ostracize or murder
 Shani enforces traditional behavior expectations upon individuals by imposing socially agreed
consequences for non-conformist behavior.
 Shani applies punishments - in the form of restrictions to individual freedom – to persons who threaten
the security of family custom, tribal practice, or the authority of formal legal systems.
 When Shani oppresses Chandra by conjunction or drishti, the native feels profound self-
criticism and intense loneliness, and suffers a repeating cycle of emotional deprivation trauma in
the life.
 If Shani is strong in Makara, Kumbha, or Thula in house 1,4,5,7,9, or 10 – the Shani/Chandra
conjunction will give distinguished public service in the sober tasks of (respectively) public safety,
public education, public festivals, public marriage, ritual traditions, and morality in public office.
Sade Sati: 
 Alternative etymology: sva =one's own , my own , thy own , his own , her own , our own , their
own, one's own goods , property , wealth , riches Dhe -to suck , drink , suck or drink in , take
to one's self , absorb , appropriate to give suck , nourish sAti = end , destruction, violent pain
 What is Sade Sati? "Sade Sati" means "Seven and a-half", which is the duration of the three-
rashi complete Saturn transit to radix Moon." The anglicized version can be spelled "sade saati"
or "sade sati" or "Sadesaadi" or numerous other transliterations from Sanskrit.
 Sadhe Sati lasts for 7+ years. The complete transit of Shani takes 29+ years.
Therefore onequarter of each 29-year Shani cycle is spent within the Sade Sati era.
 Sade Sati slows one's progress in worldly affairs by generating psycho-emotional resistance in
the people or environments with which one is trying to connect, communicate, control, possess,
change, manipulate, or impress.
Sade Sati...
 Normally Sade Sati creates a crisis or two, along with the general personal frustration and resistance, so
that the person becomes rather worn down in the Sisyphus syndrome.
 If Chandra occupies Thula, Makara, or Kumbha, austerity is undoubtedly required, but results may be
surprisingly constructive Technically Sade Sati seven-year occurrence is broken into three, 2.4-year
1. "Dwadasa" Sadhe Sati begins as gochara Shani enters the sign previous to your rashi Moon. "Gochara" (transiting) Shani
remains in the sign previous to your Moon for +/-2.4 years. Challenges to identity and nourishment, may feel increasingly
threatened with lack of protection & support in the world.
2.  "Janma" Sadhe Sati continues in **the most intense annihilating mid-section** as Shani enters the precise sign of
your rashi Moon for +/-2.4 years. Emotional trauma involving profound grief of involve separation from mother or
separation from important protectors & feeders.
3. "Dwithiya" Sadhe Sati concludes as gochara Shani exits the sign following your rashi Moon. "Gochara" (transiting) Shani
remains in the sign following your Moon for +/-2.4 years. These years are tough and lonely, but things get easier as the
native locates alternative sources of identity, nourishment, and protection.
 In the modern world, many changes both internal and external can be expected in a seven year block of
time. There will be emotional exhaustion and some lack of psychic nutrient during Sade Sati, but there
will also be invaluable life wisdom and strength from grounded self-reliance. When Nishturabhashi Yoga
(natal Shani yuti Chandra) applies, the effects of Sade Sati are very powerful.
Sade Sati : 12 domains
 Worst effects when Chandra occupies a dusthana. Results are improved when Chandra occupies
Thula, Makara, or Kumbha.
 Domain 1: Lack of emotional support and nourishment to sustain one's vitality & unique body-based
identity. In extreme cases, loss of the physical integrity through restricting the flow of waters within
the body.
 Domain 2: Lack of emotional support and nourishment to sustain one's vitality & unique body-based
identity. In extreme cases, loss of the physical integrity through restricting the flow of waters within
the body.Lack of emotional support and nourishment to sustain one's historical memory, relationship
to family of origin, speech & sight, & accumulated wealth. In extreme cases, loss of the birth family,
loss of speech or memory (such as dementia); loss of right-eyesight.
 Domain 3: Lack of emotional support and nourishment to sustain one's mental activity, small-group
and team process, business administration, relationship to siblings & communication. In extreme
cases, loss of a beloved younger sibling or team-mate.
Sade Sati : 12 domains
 Domain 4: Lack of emotional support and nourishment to sustain one's physical,
emotional and cultural security & protection. Loss of property, cultural validation, vehicle, or
place of belonging. In extreme cases, loss of national citizenship, or loss of the mother.
 Domain 5: Lack of emotional support and nourishment to sustain one's personal
genius, intelligence, divinely inspired creativity, children, & fame. In extreme cases, loss of a
 Domain 6: Lack of emotional support and nourishment to sustain one's bodily health balance,
leading to loss of marital & business agreement, poverty, victimization, crime, physical &
emotional toxicity & social conflict (including conditions of war). Loss of or through
domestic animals, medicines, and crimes of every type. Loss through police action, bribery &
corruption, bad loans, theft, jail time, and illness. Exacerbation of chronic lifetime internal
conflicts, which manifest as conditions of physical, financial, & emotional illness. In extreme
cases, crimes of war.
Sade Sati : 12 domains
 Domain 7: Lack of emotional support and nourishment to sustain one's core
interpersonal relationship agreements, including counseling and advising partnerships. In
extreme cases, loss of business partner or spouse.
 Domain 8: Lack of emotional support and nourishment to sustain one's hidden assets, internal
("invisible") sexual-reproductive organs and the human endocrine system which supports
sexual process, secret relationships, veiled healing & transformative practices. In extreme
cases, severe loss of hidden assets or loss of internal reproductive organs (such
as hysterectomy).
 Domain 9: Lack of emotional support and nourishment to sustain one's religious convictions,
authentic personal spirituality & wisdom quality of knowledge. In extreme cases, loss of
spiritual blessings, loss of the guiding professor, guru or father.
Sade Sati : 12 domains
 Domain 10: Lack of emotional support and nourishment to sustain one's public
dignity, reputation, & social leadership roles. In extreme cases, loss of professional standing
or public disgrace.
 Domain 11: Lack of emotional support and nourishment to sustain one's marketplace mobility,
profit & income, networks of association, recognition in the assembly, membership in large
groups of friends. In extreme cases, loss of the elder sibling.
 Domain 12: Lack of emotional support and nourishment to sustain one's privacy,
personal imagination, access to sanctuary & spiritual retreat. Loss through funeral expenses
and long journeys. Losses through getting lost. In extreme cases, deportation from an
adopted country, or imprisonment If the Sade Sati occurs during the Shani mahadasha, then its
intensity is greatly amplified.
 For most people, the combination of Shani mahadasha with Sade Sati is quite
frustrating, unless Shani has rare auspicious qualities.
Chandra and Rahu:
 Impulsiveness. Chandra-Rahu yoga is generally unfavorable, but it can yield excellent results
when yuti a strong benefic. This native seeks emotional identity validation through getting
attention, being recognized as special or charismatic, & having strongly desirous feelings toward
others. Associated with mental illness and emotional volatility. The native may be exceptionally
impatient to realize one's desires, and emotionally incapable of accepting delay.
 Amplified need, strong material desire nature. The native is passionate about life& plunges into
relationships with full-on healing powers. Tendency to overwhelm the people around them,
especially intimate partners. Extremely sensitive & controlling emotionally. Projects their feelings
upon others. Can be psychically invasive, but also charismatic & full of vitality & charm. Likes to
stimulate the feelings of others & take psycho- emotional risks.
 Women with this yoga will self-identify with their maternal nurturing powers. The impulsive
qualities of Rahu/Chandra promote early motherhood & often an immature, reactive & invasive
style of parenting. However the Rahu/Chandra native experiences the act of invading another
person's aura as exciting, nurturing& ego-validating. Typically the native's dominant parent,
usually the mother, also lacked boundary consciousness & felt free to project their own feelings &
perceptions upon the child. The native replicates this with their own children.
Chandra and Rahu:
 Life with a Rahu/Chandra person can easily become a 'soap opera.'. This yoga generates a deep need for intense, repetitive,
reactive, & volatile relationships with emotional intimates (parents, children, lovers) that is never satisfied. The need for emotional
excitement cannot be satisfied but rather "reiterates" in perpetuity.
 Unfortunately due to the obsessive-compulsive nature of "get it now" Rahu, the cycle is rarely broken by mature consciousness.
 In extreme cases involving Shani, Kuja, or temporal malefics, the mother may be so addicted to invasive control that the natural
maturing separation of her children is perceived as a threat to her survival.
 This extreme dependency on one's projected self-image as a nurturing, protective mother (which cannot be sustained as the child
grows independent) may lead to clinical conditions such as 'Borderline' Personality Disorder.
 The more common manifestation is a restless desire for intense emotional contact and validation as a super-parent.
 For these natives, demand for a deeper satisfaction penetrates all of life.
 The native may be be charismatic, creating a social ambience of excitement and personalized engagement, if Chandra is in a
good rashi or bhava, & well supported by Chandra's lord. However, in unfavorable rashis, or in dusthamsha, Rahu + Chandra may
attract public censure. The native may get involved with taboo activity (esp. sexual taboos, esp. if Kuja is involved) & in their
passion to be emotionally "involved" may cross approved social boundaries. In the reactive, invasive parenting style especially,
children's psychic integrity may be compromised. If punitive Shani is involved, harsh punishments to children, by the afflicted
parent, may cause social consternation.
 Can be a fabulous hands-on healer with good tutoring on boundaries. When these folks are given permission to enter the deep
inner space of a wounded person, they can work true magic. The native may be a psychic or intuitive reader/healer, if Budha is
strong. Even when socially successful, this native will have "boundary issues." One must acquire the wisdom to respect others'
limits. To live happily, the native must give vent to one's healing/penetrating/invasive/protective instincts. Yet, self-knowledge
(when that is available!) also directs that this native must be guided & supervised to manage their personal extremes.
Chandra and Ketu:
 Chandra-Ketu yoga is generally unfavorable, but may give excellent results for the practicing
mystic. This native seeks emotional identity validation through material & spiritual detachment,
austerity practices, & contact with other worlds.
 Chandra and Ketu creates lifelong emotional distance in the native's relationships, due to the
parents' character. The parents, particularly the mother, often have some type of mental-
emotional incapacity such as their own childhood trauma, drug/alcohol issues, depression, or
frequent unexplained absences from the home (physical or emotional absence) which cause the
native to feel abandoned.
 The result is less a lack of trust than a deep, spiritual resignation to the fact that human love &
nurturing is somewhat unreliable. Thus this yoga is highly auspicious for meditation & spiritual
practices that focus on detachment. The native has sacrificial tendencies & is easily drained
emotionally. May attract predatory or deeply needy partners, whom the native cannot rescue --
but the native will sacrifice their own well-being in the attempt.
 If Soma is uchcha/swakshetra or well supported by other graha, this yoga bodes well for late-life
spiritual practice, or spiritual development through bhakti (emotion) during Ketu mahadasha.
Chandra and Ketu:
 Moon signifies mind (manas), mother, feelings, emotions, moods, fancies, desires,
imagination, softness, vision, charming eyes, image, memory, passion, charm, feminine
 tendencies, motherliness, motherly love, protection, nourishment, growth, childhood, women,
romance, amusement, pleasures, celebrations, singing, laughter, fertility,
 vegetation, herbs, grains, agriculture, changeability, adaptability, flexibility, public
opinion, common sense, popularity, politeness, manners, sensitivity, tenderness, juicy fruits,
liquids, sweetmeats, milk, water, watery places, rivers, oceans, seamen, fishermen,
journeys, travelling agents, restaurants, popular resorts, bathing places, bathrooms,
nurseries Female, Water, Windy/Phlegmatic, Vata/Kapha, Blood, Sattva, Varuna, Parvati.
Krishna avatar. Samaveda, Purana, Smriti. Queen. Vaishya, North-west, 24th year.
 When afflicted it signifies unsteadiness, changeability, lack of mental
balance, menstral troubles, poor abilities, delays, obstacles, rumour-monger,
extravagance, moodiness, pessimism and melancholy.
Adhi yoga
 When Jupiter, Venus and Mercury, three of the most benefic planets are placed in three, two or
any one of the 6th, 7th and 8th houses from Moon, the placement is called Adhi Yoga.
 Together, this trio becomes powerful in these houses. Native with this combination is likely to
be strong, may be a leader.
 Such a person gains a lot of wealth and luxuries in life. He or she may set up his own business
and make profits too.
 The willpower and mental makeup of these native is strong.
 They have what it takes to topple opposition and win against odds. Their strong memory also
supports them throughout.
Vasuman Yoga
 Vasuman Yoga forms when benefic planets occupy the 3rd, 6th, 10th and 11th house, also
called the Upachaya houses.
 Natives with this placement of planets tend to be strong, wealthy, go-getters, successful, and
hard working.
 They do well in business and put their best foot forward. They are very confident and have a
strong will power.
Amala yoga
 When benefic planet or planets occupy the 10th house from Moon and 10th house is also
unafflicted, it forms Amala Yoga.
 This is an opportune combination. Native enjoys an authoritative position in life.
 Such a person is wealthy, prosperous, famous, and experiences  lot of growth in career and
social life.
Kemdrum Dosh

 According to Brihat jatakam when there are no planets in the 2nd and 12th house
of the Moon, the Kemadrum yoga takes place.
 There is no planets in the Kendra from the Moon
 This notorious yoga or dosh in the natal chart is not considered auspicious at all
by all modern savants of astrology.
 Although a dangerous Dosh in the birth chart, it brings phenomenal achievement
in the life of the native.
Kemadrum Dosha : Negative Traits

 The Kemdrum Dosh can bring numbers of problems in life. Here are some
examples you might have been experiencing if you have Kemdrum Dosh.
 Despite a lot of success, you might be worried and fearful all the time.
 There are a lot of ups and downs in life.
 You have success in all aspects of life; however, you lost everything in the
twinkling of an eye due to your own wrong decision.
 You might be facing a lot of financial crunch.
 The Kemdrum Dosh in the Kundli makes you anger and peevish.
Kemadrum Dosha : Positive Traits

 The people with kemdrum Dosh feel themselves very confident and positive.
 The native with Kemadruma yoga in the birth chart never gives up.
 They feel very intelligent.
 Kemdrum Dosh brings a longer span of life.
 It is seen that the people with power, position and authority do have Kemdrum
Dosh. Generally, the person with Kemdrum Dosh excels in the field of
administration as a minister or bureaucrats.
 They are often seen as benevolent professors and teachers, authoritative
councilors, effective coaches and advisers.
Kemadrum Yoga Bhanga
 If there is Kemdrum Dosh in the birth chart and the planet Moon is getting aspects of all the
planets, then the Kemadruma Yoga gets cancelled.
 If the planet Moon is posited in an auspicious house along with beneficial planets like Mercury,
Jupiter and Venus, then the Kemadruma Yoga in your chart will get neutralized.
 If the planet Moon is posited in its exaltation in the 10th house and getting aspect of Jupiter, the
Kemdrum Dosh will get nullified.
 When there is Kemdrum Dosh in the Kendra due to the Moon and the Moon is getting the 7th
aspect of powerful Jupiter, then the nefarious Dosh gets cancelled.
 Any planet in the Kendra from moon or Lagna (1,4,7,10) position
Chandra in 12 Rashi Bhava
Mesha [Aries]
 "Bred for competition". Wants to compete & needs to compete. When this native looks in the mirror,
s/he sees a Hero, a triumphant Winner. The fundamental drive is to enter battle & win. Needs to be
the Best, the prize-holder, the Champion.
 Generally, one values righteous competition; honest warrior in battle & will not cheat. (However if
Budha is weakened they may stoop to lie, in attempt to do the right thing; or steal, in quest to gather
the resources they need to win. ) In all but the most conscious souls, Soma-Mesha displays
a somewhat juvenile selfrighteousness from the need to confirm their superiority. Advanced
consciousness transforms the lower, more common self-righteousness into authentic righteousness
in which the native competes only with himself. Great emotional purification through physical
challenge is possible if the native's awareness is well developed.
 Their actual success depends on the health of Mars. If Kuja is swakshetra (in Mesha, Vrischika)
or uccha ( Makara), the native's competitive sporting warrior drive find good expression in military,
commerce, or medicine (esp. surgery). (Uccha Kuja will send His 4th drishti to Mesha Moon,
extremely pro-active in commerce.)
 In general these natives need action. They need a war to fight. Beware: if they can't find one, they
will create one.
Chandra in Vrishabha [Taurus]
 "Bred for pleasure". This person wants to indulge & needs to indulge. When this native looks
in the mirror, s/he sees a Lover, a sensual beauty, & giver of generous healing touch.
 Their fundamental drive is to enjoy each & every sensual pleasure in life, whilst providing as
much loving embrace to their families, friends & the Earth as they can generate. & that is a lot
of love! Their actual success (or not) in generating/receiving intense sensual connection with
people & pleasures around them, depends on the health of Venus.
 If Shukra is swakshetra (Vrishabha, Thula) or uccha (Meena) the native's exquisitely delicate
senses attract delicious foods, fine furnishings, beautiful children, sensual
lovers,& transcendent music. Vrishabha-Soma is very caring & indulgent to their family. They
greatly love the natural beauty of outdoor life. They flourish in lifestyles full of
beautiful sights, smells, touches, tastes, & sounds. They feel wealthy & comfortable when they
have the sensual input they need; & usually become wealthy due to "matching energy" of
pleasure attracting pleasure..
Chandra in Mithuna [Gemini]
 Saravali, Ch. 23, Shloka 16 :"If the Moon is in Gemini at birth, one will have prominent nose& dark eyes, will be
skillful in the art of love, poetry etc.,
 Will enjoy sexual pleasures, will have lines of fish in the palm, will be fond of worldly enjoyments, will be sinewy,
be very intelligent, splendorous, be endowed with happiness, jocular disposition& eloquent speech, be won over by
the females, will have a long body, will befriend neuters & will have two mothers."
 "Bred for communication". This person wants to interact & needs to interact. When this native looks in the mirror,
s/he sees a Conversation Partner, a delightful charmer, & a brilliant wit. The native's fundamental drive is to engage
in a variety of types & levels of interactive communication with other beings & elementals in their environment, in
order to form a clearer picture of themselves They like to become quickly intimate with the "Other" in their
environment, like twins in the womb. However they can only remain in environments / relationships that are
adequately diverse, complex & multi-dimensional to retain the interest of their selfinformation- hungry mind.
 Their actual success (or not) in staying informatively engaged with their environment, & thus remaining emotionally
stable, depends on the health of Mercury. If Budha is swakshetra (Mithuna) or uccha (Kanya) the mental capacity is
highly developed,& the person becomes an appreciated genius of sensitive communications. Mithuna-Soma is
steady & dedicated in relationships that provide challenge, complexity,& interest. They flourish in networks of fast-
paced, multi-cultural/multi-lingual, sexually-or-politicallycharged relationships, where they can flex their
information-gathering psychic antennae with discrimination& skill. Tend toward successful, communications-
intensive careers in complex, sophisticated environments.
Moon in Karka [Cancer]
 Bhrigu Sutram Ch. 4 Shloka 48-56: "The female born will murder her husband if the rising Trimsamsha or
the Trimsamsha occupied by the Moon be that of Saturn, while the Ascendant or the sign occupied by the Moon
at the time of birth is Karkata.“
 "Bred for protection." This person wants to nurture& needs to nurture. When this native looks in the mirror,
s/he sees a Parent, a giver of sanctuary, nourishment,& a skillful, heartcentered caretaker. Their fundamental
drive is to create safe sheltered nests where fragile young beings can grow safely & creatively into adulthood.
 Sometimes this drive expresses mainly in the traditional home environment, but it can just as easily (&
successfully) express in business & government, when the Karka-Moon native helps younger colleagues shape
their career; binds co-workers into a caring family. This parental drive rises to a leadership role through the love
& loyalty s/he has created in the workplace. It is a tremendously patriotic Moon, always found in the charts of
those who love their countries & will sacrifice to better their nation's future.
 Their actual success (or not) in expressing deep parenting, caretaking instincts in their home, professional, &
community environments, depends on the Moon's house & aspects to Moon. Soma is EXTREMELY
impressionable& sensitive, so any outside influences on Chandra in His own sign are very potent. E.g., if Mars
is uccha (where He triumphs in commerce & industry) Kuja would cast the 7th drishti directly onto Karka-
Soma, propelling much of Soma's parenting energy into the corporate setting. If Mars by contrast is fallen in
Karkata itself, there is some wealth/energy benefit from Chandra-Mangala yoga, but emotional excess will
implode in the home/mother.
Moon in Simha [Leo]
 Saravali, Ch. 23, Shloka 30: "If the Moon is in Leo, one will have sturdy bones, sparse hair, wide face,
small& yellowish eyes, will hate women, will suffer from hunge r& thirst, will incur stomach disorders &
tooth-decay, will eat flesh, be charitable, harsh, will have few sons, will seek sexual union in forests & hills,
be respectfully disposed to his mother, will have broad chest, be valorous, dutiful & will have majestic looks.
 "Bred for admiration". One wants to admire& BE admired. See& be seen. One gives as good as one gets,
which means one flourishes only in environments where one receives & generates plenty of attention. One
needs to feel the warm, appreciative, awe-struck love of their subjects/fans/wanna-bes/students. When this
native looks in the mirror, one sees a Monarch; a giver of blessing, peace, & prosperity;& an authoritative,
elegant,& charismatic leader. Fundamental drive is to provide ceremonial leadership to their people. Serves
as an icon of moral, aesthetic, & rational living. Actual success (or not) in holding a respected, celebrated,
emulated position in their world (however big or small that world might be) depends on the health of Surya.
 If Surya is swakshetra (in Simha) or uccha (in Mesha) this person will achieve celebrity status at some level.
They might be the most fashionable, exciting member of their peer group; the most creative, beloved Scout
leader in the state; the most popular professor in the university; or the sharpest young executive in the
company. Loves participating in ceremonies; receiving& giving awards & prizes; holding their scepter;
wearing magnificent raiment... (but these folks really do dress for success.)
Moon in Kanya [Virgo]
 "Bred for analysis." This person wants to solve problems& needs to solve problems. When this
native looks in the mirror, s/he sees a Prime Minister, a giver of aid, information,& useful
methods. This is a fairly sterile position for the Moon; a place that tends, overall, to yield
limited emotional satisfaction. Yet, service is deeply satisfying indirectly. They need to feel
that their constant, unswerving service is appreciated. Their fundamental drive is to provide
structured principles to individuals& societies: to answer to question "" how then shall we
 If Budha is swakshetra (Mithuna) or uccha (Kanya) the native will be strikingly intelligent if
somewhat emotionally repressed. There is a tendency to conflate mental&
emotional perceptions. However, mental discrimination is excellent.
 Typically Kanya Moon folk have an amazing sense of humor, arising from their skill in finding
personal quirks. They are shrewd students of human nature. What they don't have: steady,
convincing access to intuition. Tends toward a state of cognitive dissonance unless highly
educated. Their intuition is often overwhelmed by rules, dogma,& opinion – because strong
Budha overwhelms Moon.
Moon in Thula [Libra]
 B.V. Raman says in 300 Important Combinations (p 304): "when the Moon in Libra is aspected by Mars or
Saturn, the native is supposed to become cruel."... "when the Moon is in the first quarter of Vishakha and
powerfully aspected by Saturn and the Sun, he would not only be lacking humanitarian feelings but would be
completely impervious to human suffering".
 "Bred for mediation." This person wants to find agreement& needs to find agreement. When this native looks in
the mirror, s/he sees a Judge, a giver of balanced decisions, articulator of consensus,& icon of social equity. One's
fundamental drive is to provide methods of achieving balance & harmony, in both moral & aesthetic worlds.
Thus, a wellbalanced color palette is just as important to as a well-argued legal case. Actual success (or not) in
promoting justice, fairness,& equity in this world (in addition to pleasing musical harmonies& soothing color
schemes) depends on the vitality of Shukra.
 If Shukra is swakshetra (Vrishabha, Thula) or uchcha (Meena), the native will be strikingly well-balanced in
attitude& appearance. However, ironically, Shukra's uccha position is Meena& His other swakshetra is Vrishabha,
both 6/8 angles from Thula. The native with Libra Moon but Shukra in either Pisces or Taurus will be musically
and/or artistically gifted in the extreme, but they will spend most of their balancing, smoothing, harmonizing
energies trying to achieve internal agreements. Only when Shukra& Soma both occupy Thula do we find the
natural advocates of structured social equity, who find moral harmony & social agreement much more attractive,
& pursue it with passion. Architecture is amongst their favorite careers, because its professionals must find
agreement between many social & aesthetic demands on how to design & use a human space.
Moon in Vrischika [Scorpio]
 "Bred for exploration." This person wants to hunt & needs to hunt. When this native looks in the mirror, s/he sees a Shaman-
Hunter, a giver of oracular knowledge, a perceiver of the unseen, a skilled tracker & successful gain of quarry. Vrischika Moon
watches the signs:
 observing subtle sights & sounds of its prey until motives& patterns are revealed. Their fundamental drive is to detect the
previously unseen. All psychological disciplines are attractive to them. Their actual success (or not) in finding new information,
detecting new patterns, intuiting new knowledge - depends on the health of Kuja. 
 Traditionally, Soma is fallen in Scorpio, but frankly I rarely notice the Soma-Vrischika person lacking emotional luster. There is
some tendency toward emotional implosion, which on the surface looks like psycho-drama or taking oneself rather too seriously.
 However in general these folks are gifted healers, excellent students of human nature, & sharp observers.
 They thrive in intuitive professions like forensic science, police work, espionage or homeopathy! They necessarily possess an
empathy for the criminal agent which is I suppose why Chandra is considered fallen here, in the tantric zone of Scorpio. But in
terms of emotional capability for feeling& intuiting, there is no deficiency whatsoever. Vrischika Moon gives an extreme psychic
perceptiveness which certainly is valuable - but of course is must be correctly deployed to show its brilliance.
 If Kuja is swakshetra (in Mesha, Vrischika) or uccha ( Makara) the hunt will be vigorous& typically successful. Kuja's two signs
Mesha & Vrischika give peak masculine achievement in war& the hunt; as hero& provider. In Makara rashi, Kuja is enormously
restrained by Shani but Kuja gives superb results, under Shani's discipline, in government, administration, & commerce.
 If Kuja is swakshetra (in Mesha, Vrischika) or uccha ( Makara) the hunt will be vigorous& typically successful. Kuja's two signs
Mesha & Vrischika give peak masculine achievement in war& the hunt; as hero& provider. In Makara rashi, Kuja is enormously
restrained by Shani but Kuja gives superb results, under Shani's discipline, in government, administration, & commerce.
Moon in Dhanau [Sagittarius
 "Bred for education." This person wants to expand & needs to expand their awareness. When this
native looks in the mirror, s/he sees a Preceptor, a giver of rational knowledge, a person who
transforms lives through greater understanding, a beloved guru who leads humankind down the
road of enlightenment, into a better, brighter future.
 Their fundamental drive is to provide the knowledge, support, & confidence that create progress
in the great civilizations. Their actual success (or not) in seeing their vision of a better future
realized, depends on the health of Guru.
 If Guru is swakshetra (Dhanus, Meena) or uchcha (Karka) - they can be filled with a missionary
zeal to improve the world upon higher principles. Usually but not always this is a compassionate
mission, motivated by an authentic desire to help lowly persons achieve more prosperity&
understanding in their lives.
 Like the other Guru-ruled Moon (Meena, below) they have Guru's wide perspective; but
unlike Meena which can live& let live, Dhanus-Soma is powerfully driven to make what it feels
are essential& positive changes. Sometimes it's literally overkill (as in the case of A. Hitler/Guru-
Soma in Dhanus) - where the vision gets horribly twisted by other dysfunction in the chart.
Moon in Makara [Capricorn]
 "Bred for orderliness." This person wants to conform& needs to conform. When this native looks in
the mirror, s/he sees a Regulator, a giver of rules, systems & policies which enable coherent social
organization. Their fundamental drive is to detect social mores, zones of behavioral normalcy, &
enforce conformity to the norms expressed in those zones.
 Makara represents Hierarchies, the organized rule-driven ritually enforced systems of caste, class,&
position which define all societies. Moon being the seat of emotional sensitivity& genius, Soma-
Makara is most sensitive to matters of propriety, observation of ritual& custom, correct procedure&
protocol,& censure for non-conformance. Their actual success (or not) in properly absorbing&
enforcing social standards, depends on the health of Shani.
 If Shani is swakshetra (Makara, Kumbha) or uccha (Thula) the native will be an excellent citizen,
taking active responsibility for identifying& imposing rules of order. They will serve on juries, endure
long hours of public policy meetings,& eventually become high-level administrators in corporations&
government - because they care. Industrious providers& voices of established order, worldwide.
 Shani in Makara itself is emotionally exhausting, creating a lifelong Saade Sati with traumatic
separations from loved ones, yet the native presses on in public service. Uccha Shani (in Thula) is
exceptionally fortunate in 10th-from-Chandra: granting a superb career in public service, excellent
conduct at high levels, accurate intuition of social cues.
Moon in Kumbha [Aquarius]
 "Bred for association." This person wants to socialize in a large assembly & needs to attend large
parties & gatherings. Likes fundraising and community development. Kumbha is a sign of the
people, the hoi-polloi, the giant network of human communications. When this native looks in
the mirror, s/he sees a Facilitator, a large-scale event organizer& mingler of peoples, a sort of a
human switchboard that creates networks of communication between individuals& groups.
 Kumbha rules the marketplace. This person is the beadle, the herald, the interlocutor,
gossipmonger,& liaison. Their fundamental drive is to link mutually interested people with each
other, thereby sharing ideas, merging cultures,& enjoying a commercial profit. One's actual
success (or not) in profitably interconnecting the people, ideas,& cultures, depends on the health
of Shani If Shani is swakshetra (in Makara, Kumbha) or uccha (in Thula) the native may operate
in the higher echelons of the marketplace, perhaps in government or diplomatic circles. Shani
in Kumbha itself is emotionally overwrought, creating a lifelong Saade Sati with traumatic
separations from loved ones, yet the native presses on in career. Uccha Shani is exceptionally
fortunate for this Moon: granting excellent judgment& intuitive recognition of the shared
properties which naturally place individuals into affinity groups
Moon in Meena [Pisces]
 Saravali, Ch 23, S. 79: “If the Moon is in Pisces, the native will be expert in fine arts, be capable
of winning even unfavorable people, very religious, will cohabit with many women, be a polite
speaker, will serve the king, be somewhat irascible, will have a big head, be endowed with
happiness & wealth, will be won over by the fair sex, be virtuous, be interested in sailing & be
 "Bred for reflection." This person wants to ponder& needs to ponder. Meena is a sign of oceans,
dolphins, universes, children, dreams. It is the land of the astral bridge, the dream space, a world
of swirling images and the pathways between them.
 When this native looks in the mirror, s/he sees a Visionary, a dream reader, an energy gauge,
broad knower & commenter-upon vast movements in history & civilization Soma-Meena is
enchanted by children & spirits; magnetically attracts them; speaks for them. They channel vast
intuitive creativity, but results may manifest solely on the astral plane, invisible to most humans.
They neither seek nor decline the teaching role for which their wisdom suits them.
 Their fundamental drive is to deepen their understanding of the infinitely complex & subtle
relationships between all beings. Their actual success (or not) in absorbing the knowledge and
providing inspirational or intuitive guidance to others, depends on the vitality of Guru.
Soma in 12 bhavas
Bhava 1:
 Emotional need for physical vitality & unique identity. The main trouble with Chandra in vyaya bhava is that one
absorbs the human fixation with the body and its appearance into one's deeper self. This can create emotional
pressure when it is time to attend to matters of higher identity.
 The native is self-concerned, with a supersensitive emotional responsiveness to their immediate environment.
Extremely sensitive to the unmet needs of others.
 Whether male or female, this native is a parent-figure in their society. Articulator of the collective unconscious.
Feelings run powerfully through the physical body, while the physical body receives constant emotional feedback
from others in the environment. The native should live near water, ideally the ocean; water can absorb some of the
excess energy these natives pick up like sponges from everyone around them.
 A man generally will have very intense relationships with women,& is socially identified with the concerns of land,
home, family & children. His mother is the primary adult role model in his life. Mother is usually a specific
director of his lifestyle.
 A woman is, for better or worse, (depending on Soma's overall condition) deeply identified with her mother. She
will also position herself socially as a "woman's woman" advocate for parenting & women's concerns. Physical
body tends to "retain water" - the body's fluid pumping system is overstressed.
 Huge healer, loves to protect children & animals, but also surprisingly self-concerned with physical appearance.
This moon does not give confidence, but rather deepens the female native's sense of need to obtain protection for
herself. Must be carefully managed to locate the source of spiritual nurturing within the Self& avoid self-obsession.
Bhava 2:
 Emotional need for historical memory & accumulated wealth. The main trouble with Chandra
in dhana bhava is that one absorbs the human quest for acquisition & storage into oneself. This
can create emotional pressure when it is time to liberate, release and let go.
 Strongly identified with large wealth holdings, luxuries (Shukra), business finances, lineage
associations such as bloodlines,& stores of food, art, or money. Needs to see oneself as a bearer
of traditional ethnic values esp. of art, song, ancient knowledge, wealth and beauty. Deep
emotional engagement with the history of one's people (conscious or unconscious).
 Family:Emotionally conservative, stays within the limits set by his upbringing & expectations
of his family. Identifies strongly with the family business, or a service lineage descending
through the family. ("Family" is not always biological or adoptive. Family can be redefined as
"the people who take care of me" in an organization such as a religious fellowship or a political
machine.)Mother is a carrier of traditional values. She is the family historian. Mother is
conservative by nature; dedicated to the acquisition of wealth& retention of lineage cultural
values. If native is male, he seeks a mate with his mother's conservative, family-based values, If
native is female, she imitates the mother's traditional, materially acquisitive, nature-
conservationist emotional orientation.
Bhava 3:
 Emotional need for mental activity & communication. The main trouble with Chandra
in sahaja bhava is that one absorbs the relentless mentalization of human communication into
oneself. This can create some emotional pressure when listening, reflective silence or intuitive
comprehension are required.
 If other graha strengthen Chandra in domain-3, the native may be a great talker with a great
resistance to listening. In particular, cannot tolerate to hear cautionary advice
or unfavorable news.
 Strong attachment to siblings, cousins, coworkers& the circle of family & friends. Needs to see
oneself as a communicator, a team player, a spokesperson for team values & ideas. Not always
a highly verbal person, but always mentally active.
 For this native, the core emotional meaning of life is embedded in
sibling/family, workteam,& neighbor relationships.
 A natural narrative writer, but depends on Budha whether the writing style is pragmatic
(business memos, reports, technical manuals) or literary (poems, novels, screenplays
Bhava 4:
 Emotional need for security & protection. The main trouble with Chandra in bandhu bhava is that one
absorbs the human craving for absolute security into oneself. This can create some emotional pressure at time
when movement or risk are required.
 Dedication to mother/parents, home, & country. Needs to see oneself as a patriot, a caretaker, a protector.
Wants stability. Does not like movement.
 The man will experience his mother as a powerfully protective & nurturing force. She is attached to owned
property & loves the land of her birth. The mother's feelings feelings define the childhood environment. The
mother's mother is usually important also.
 For the man with Chandra in domain-4, the wife will be a reflective image of his mother. This man is deeply
attached to his birth place (not always to the people, but to the place). Deep need for landed property,
vehicles, & buildings. Setup for a multi-family home where the man's mother is the ruler of the roost. Moon
in bandhu bhava creates a helpful emotional protection for the man, who attracts an environment full of
doting women.
 The woman will see herself as carrying on a strong female lineage of caretaking for families & their land.
Supportive relationship with her own mother so long as Chandra is auspicious. If Chandra is disturbed, the
very core of the woman's being may be out of emotional balance because this position of Chandra completely
rules the psycho-emotional life. May be deeply intuitive in communication with the spirits of the lands
Bhava 5
  Emotional need to be recognized for genius, creativity & fame/ The main trouble with Chandra in putra
bhava is that one ABSORBS the inspiration of
 divine intelligence into oneself. This is not really a problem except for some tendency to absorb the lives of
one's children.
 Domain-5 is the sthana of Divine Intelligence. Here, the native channels Lunar nurturing & caretaking
energy through Solar rational channels of politics, fashion, speculation, drama, children, creative self-
expressions in all arts, poetry and letters, and every form of entertainment. Chandra's rashi and nakshatra
will determine the creative environment in which the native prospers best.
 A man will generally enjoy a good relationship with his mother, experiencing her as a provider of self-
confidence, good fortune & amusement in his early life. He is emotionally rewarded by his mother for
demonstrating independence, adventurousness & compassionate love for others. He continues these
emotional habits successfully into adult life. A good lover who enjoys much romance with the women in his
life/ A woman will typically enjoy a creative emotional state, full of lively children & loving appreciation of
the fine & performance arts. Her own mother is a beneficial, supportive force who communicates female
emotional vitality & validation. (However the mother may be non-traditional & self-centered.) The woman
also is validated for adventurousness & civilized creativity; she has emotional permission to produce
entertainments & receive pleasures from romantic companions. There is much love & poetry in the life.
Bhava 6:
  Expectation of toxicity & argumentative conflict in the emotional life. The main trouble with
Chandra in the maha-dushthamsha is that the native absorbs a wide variety of life's
argumentative conflict into oneself. In 12th-from-7th, Chandra is particularly vulnerable to
absorption of marital conflict expressing the unverbalized negative imagery of the spouse,
which can make the native exhausted & sick.
 Chandra in domain-6 gives strong emotional intuition in the professional fields of medicine,
social work, money-lending, conflict-resolution, litigation, police action,& military battles.
 Soma in domain-6 will make the native sick during Chandra's planetary periods, but Soma also
can indicate an exceptionally gifted intuitive healer
 Moon in the house of loss-of-balance indicates an emotional affinity for imbalanced
environments, social conflict, and service toward those in trouble.
Bhava 6:
Moon and Surya : a hard worker in medicine, social work, or public service; socially identified with underclass
clients or behaviors. If Surya is dignified, great moral leadership in times of social conflict.
 - Moon and Kuja : violent physical expression of the conflict, business instinct to develop exploitive
industries such as trading in humans,& involvement with poisons/drugs.
 - Moon and Budha: elaborate arguments & rationalization in the blaming of spouse or partner for one's own
inner turmoil. Verbal skills deployed in service of usury, exploitation, or breaking of contracts.
 - Moon and Guru, highly self-indulgent & prone to self-medicate with food & drink; this combined with
expansive fellow-feeling for the victim class; a questionable friend but a powerful enemy.
 - Moon and Shukra addiction to sensual attractions. Sweet-natured, but a law-breaker; addicted to sense
pleasures, & unfaithful to agreements.
 - Moon and Shani, severe emotional trouble with alienated mother. The mother herself is ill or victimized.
Emotional starvation & excess analysis manifests in health disorders.
 Anxiety disorders, passive-aggression, specific characteristics according to the rashi/drishti, emotional
imbalance. Chandra in domain-6 gives attraction to conflict but also much stamina in conflict.
 Self-medication to numb interior conflict. With Shukra in an indulgent rashi (e.g., Rishabha), the self-
medication may extend to drug or alcohol addiction.
 Attracted to potions, chemicals, & drugs.
Excellent placement  for pharmacist, herbalist, physician,& curadero. Fluctuating food behaviors & diets.
Bhava 7:
  Emotional quest for balance & agreement. Hora Sara, Ch. 25, Shloka 38: "If the Moon is in its own house in the
7th house or in the
 7th amsha, indicates a soft spoken husband who will be at the disposal of another lady. "
 The main trouble with Chandra in yuvati bhava is that one ABSORBS the balancing and alliance-building role
into oneself. This can create some emotional pressure when others are not cooperating.,
 The native is emotionally invested in the balancing role of spouse & partner. S/he expects to be in partnership,&
does not feel right going solo. Strong tendency toward one single marriage, but this depends on rashi & drishti
affecting Soma.
 Even if Moon gives several marriages or unions, the native will bring the same feelings into each opportunity: a
need to find agreement, make contracts,& fulfill promises.
 The man will seek a female mate who exhibits overtly maternal characteristics, caretaking instincts,& a love of
her home. Her interests are (or appear to him to be) located primarily in the home& with the loving task of raising
children. This man is quite sensitive to changes in emotional temperature in all of his agreements& contracts,&
will rely on his female partner to mirror & validate his own emotional nature.
 The woman will invest the major portion of her emotional nurturing energies into her primary partnerships,
especially marriage. Unless Chandra is a dusthana lord, the auspice for deep emotional commitment in marriage is
very positive. Once married, the woman feels quite settled in life,& she can happily proceed to build her family or
career (esp. careers in the counseling& advising professions.
Bhava 8:
 Emotional need for secrecy, healing & transformation. The main trouble with Chandra
in randhra bhava is that one absorbs the shocks of life's sudden, forced changes into oneself.
Considerable emotional pressure to retain confidential knowledge. This becomes a problem when the
situation demands honesty & full disclosure Transformation can be gentle or violent, according to the
consciousness of the nativity overall. This native craves deep & profound change. Tantric (magical)
orientation capable of moving entire classes of beings from one energetic stage into the next.
 Soma in domain-8 may produce profound healers who can move an individual or small group from
one life stage into the next, e.g. death healers. Natural magicians, transforming thoughts, landscapes,
& identities.. Personal life always tumultuous because the Moon wants emotional stability& these
natives are marked as agents of profound & constant change. Neither men nor women with Chandra
in domain-8 are much constrained emotionally by social taboo.
 Native has a deep intuitive attraction to medical healing esp. surgery, but one must be cautious to
obtain the proper training & comprehend the rational element of medicine. The training issue is
always a concern with 8th-house graha because domain-8 is the house of loss of the temple, which
means that the native does not have direct access to the conventional university or priestly lineage
training. There is a need to psychically attract a non-traditional teacher or guru.
Bhava 9:
 Emotional need for spirituality & religious knowledge. The main trouble with Chandra in
dharma bhava is that one absorbs priestly duties of ceremonial religion into oneself. This can
create some emotional pressure to become a guru or moral leader, whether one has the proper
training to hold that role, or not.
 Mother is a guru & guide. A highly auspicious influence for the native (barring unpleasant
drishti etc.). Love of children, grandchildren, sacred knowledge, & ceremonial religion.
 A man will feel that his mother provides strong moral instruction, & overall good fortune
during his childhood. Adult emotional relationships are full of appreciation for the others‘
virtues. The one can even see the virtues of one's enemies A woman sees her mother as a
protective, morally grounded instructor. The motherdaughter relationship is typically
supportive & permissive. Mother & daughter enjoy equality in fellowship, while carrying on
some tradition of knowledge or craft.
Bhava 10:
 Emotional need for public dignity & leadership. The native has iconic powers. Both the
native& one's mother are well-known to the public. Good reputation. Distinguished in public
 The main trouble with Chandra in karma bhava is that one ABSORBS public's collective
projected expectations into oneself. Emotionally this can create a lot of pressure, as the native
may not be able to find "down time". Family life may be compromised by public duties.
 A woman also receives leadership instruction from her mother, who will have a higher station
in life or heavier social responsibilities. Emotional support from the parents may be reduced,
showing their preference for delivering training toward higher social dignity.
Bhava 11
 Emotional need for profitability, large assemblies, & mutually gainful association. The main trouble
with Chandra in Labha bhava is that one absorbs the great energy of the marketplace & large-group
achievements into oneself. This can create some emotional pressure when it is time to attend to one's
own self. One's own truth may become lost in the truth of a great social movement Needs friends,
appreciates friends, develops networks of concentric circles of mutually gainful association so that their
need for social validation can be met.
 Most at home in the agora, orchestrating discussions in the assembly. Attends rallies& conventions,
thrives in very large groups connected in physical space or electronic space or in the timeless
marketplace of philosophical ideas.
 This native likes to connect with others, but one always has a purpose of achieving an end
or goal.Attached to the elder sibling or father's younger sibling (or both). Mother is strategically social
& very goal-oriented, but rather conventional in outlook.Native has high expectations of one's own
capabilities,& major accomplishment usually do accompany Chandra in domain-11. Success gauged by
earnings & marketplace connections. Financial income through the mother or her attitude or advice.
 Fundamentally aware of the connections between people & ideas. Friendships are instrumental but not
exploitive; the goal of all human association is mutual gain. Natural instinct to extend one's networks of
influence & profit.
Bhava 12: 
 Emotional need for imaginative privacy & spiritual retreat. The main trouble with Chandra
in vyaya bhava is that one ABSORBS the dream-world 's vivid but often confused imagery
into oneself. This can create emotional pressure when it is time to make firm commitments in
human relationships
 Native may "live in their head" or be "emotionally unavailable". Even if one is a busy public
figure, one's imagination space is developed through fantasy, meditation, prayer, dreams,
reading stories, watching films, etc. Feelings are enclosed& internalized into the world of
imagination. Need for protected, enclosed emotional relationships; sanctuary;& retreat.
 Needs access to a fantasy land where the environment is passively validating. This access may
be created through meditation skills or through escape drugs & alcohol, depending on L-12 &
drishti. May be a very gifted & helpful intuitive if they can find a safe sanctuary space in
which to practice clairvoyance/clairaudience.
Moon in Bhava 12
 Malefics sharing Chandra's rashi may tend to over-stimulate negative expressions
of Chandra's imagination.
 Kuja and Chandra in 12 indicates imagined sexual-emotional battles with siblings &
competitors cause much anxiety & grief. Hyperactive imagination blows small insults
wildly out of proportion. Sexual secrets.
 Shani and Chandra in 12 indicates internalization of the "permanent saade sati“
phenomenon; the mother is cruel or absent, yet the public will not know the native's
sorrow - it is all buried within.
 Rahu and Chandra in 12 indicates powerful private desire nature. Hunger for the taboo
emotional object. Intense emotionally charged pursuit of the foreign & the forbidden.
Yet the native is often in denial of one's own desires, as this burning hunger to possess
a denied Other is carefully enclosed in the private imagination. Domain-12 is a house
of Moksha, past lives,& Death

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