Rahu Ketu Nodes

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The text discusses the astronomical position and significance of Rahu and Ketu in Vedic astrology based on various scriptures.

According to the text, Rahu and Ketu refer to the points where the paths of the moon and earth intersect the ecliptic. Solar and lunar eclipses occur when the sun and moon are near these points.

The text mentions that Rahu and Ketu are considered shadowy planets. Their characteristics include being responsible for casting shadows during eclipses and influencing astrological charts.

Chapter 5

5 1 Astronomical view of Rahu-Ketu 107

5.2 Grahatva of Rahu-Ketu 110

5.3 Characteristics of Rahu-ketu 119

5.4 Signification of Rahu-Ketu 125

5.5 Aspects of Rahu-Ketu 134

5.5.1 Aspect of the nodes on Sun 141

5.5.2 Aspect of the nodes on Moon 142
5 5.3 Aspects of the nodes on Mars 143
5 5.4 Aspect of the nodes on Mercury 143
5.5.5 Aspect of the nodes on Jupiter 144
5.5.6 Aspect of the nodes on Venus 144
5.5 7 Aspects of the nodes on Saturn 145
Chapter 5

5.1 Astronomical view of Rahu-Ketu

Before discussing the results of Rahu-Ketu, let us try to know

the astronomical position of rahu-ketu Puranas give us many details

on the position of Rahu-Ketu

According to Liiiga Puranam, Rahu is equal to the expansion of

Sun and Moon and he moves below them. Rahu’s position is made

by taking the shadow of disc shaped earth.

%pr: ^rf^FT: ^r: I

1 ii

The expansion of Moon is double of Sun’s expansion and Rahu’s

expansion is equal to expansion of Sun and Moon and he moves
below them.

According to Bhagavata puranam, the disc of Sun is extended up

to 10000 yojana Disc of Rahu is 13000 yojana.

TdMTf-WfsUdtdl' ^THIWqK8^, sMhftl


Some are of the opmion that the North and South poles of

earth are Rahu-Ketu and some say that the dark and bright places

of Moon are Rahu-Ketu. But, astronomical view of Rahu-Ketu is thus-


Earth moves around the Sun is elliptical path Moon revolves

around the earth. These two paths mterseet at two points These

points are opposite to each other and the distance between them is

180° .These two points are called as Rahu and Ketu. The elliptical path

of Earth is also called as ecliptic. The nodal point, where the path

of the moon mterseets the ecliptic is called as Rahu Moon is

revolving around the earth from south to the North. The nodal

point, where the path of Moon, which is revolving from North to the

South around the Sun, mterseets with ecliptic is called as Ketu

These two points are 180°apart. This is the reason why the nodes

are always m opposite houses m a chart.

Rahu-Ketu are considered as shadowy grahas. The lunar

eclipse always takes place on a full moon night. Lunar eclipse is

formed when the earth comes in between the Sun and Moon and

the shadow of the earth falls on the Moon. But, for a lunar eclipse

to take place, the Sun and the Moon must also be with m the close
proximity of the opposite nodes. That is why the lunar eclipse does
not take place on every full moon night.

Solar eclipse takes place on a new Moon day. A solar eclipse

takes place when Moon comes in between the Earth and the Sun.
The disc of the Moon covers the Sun either partially or fully. But a
solar eclipse will take place only when if both the Sun and Moon
are conjunct and are with in the close proximity of one of the
nodes That is why, a solar eclipse does not take place on every new
Moon day. Thus we can say that the nodes are responsible for
casting the shadow on the Moon and on the Earth Hence they are
called as shadowy grahas.

The above astronomical explanation of the nodes is the

accepted one. But many scholars have given details on the position

of the nodes. Sri Vadiraja tirtha Svami in his book “Bhugoia nirnaya” gives

many details on Rahu-Ketu’s position.

Tfw 4)'5h1^ci4R i

wif n
tdta trpr w Iciift i
tT§f$RT ^nfoir ||

xnt2Ra?w i

f^RT <^ldlPldH II


^iHjr ^ tt wj3t ii

iMpT ^ f TIfW 4II

According to this account, the disc of Rahu is 10,000 yojana below

the solar disc and 90000 yojana above the earth. Rahu is with many

Ketu’s Rahu and Ketu give trouble to the Sun, Moon and the world.

Details on the position of Rahu-Ketu are available in many

books. These details create doubt in our mmd that, whether they

have noticed the Rahu-Ketu in the milkyway and we are not able to
find it out.

5.2 Grahatva of Rahu-Ketu

Scholars don’t have unanimous opmion on the grahatva of

Rahu-Ketu Many scholars still doubt that whether Rahu-Ketu are

grahas or not? Not much prommence has been given to Rahu-Ketu in

foreign countries. But, m Indian astrology they are accepted as
grahas and they have a prominent place. So before discussing other

matters related to Rahu-Ketu, we must know why they are

considered as grahas. And, we must find out that whether the

samskrta word, ‘Graha’ is equivalent to the English word, ‘Planet’. Let

us discuss these factors.

According to the Webster’s New World Dictionary, planet

means, “any of the heavenly bodies with apparent motion (as

distinguished from the stars) including the Sun, Moon, Mercury,

Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn”. But later some changes were
made to this explanation, “Any heavenly body that shines by
reflected sunlight and revolves around the Sun, the major planets
in their order, from the Sun being Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars,
Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto”. Accordmg to

explanation Moon, Sun, Rahu and Ketu are not planets. Recently,

international astronomical union has given final verdict on planet

and accordmg to it, a planet is, “A celestial body that a) is m orbit
around the Sun b) has sufficient mass for its self gravity to
overcome a hydrostatic equilibrium (nearly round) shape, c) has

cleared the neighbourhood around its orbit3” Accordmg to this

explanation, Mercuiy, Venus, Earth, Mars Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus

and Neptune are planets m solar system.

This new definition does not include Sun, Moon, Rahu and

Ketu in the list of planets. But in Indian astrology, Sun, Moon, Rahu

and Ketu are considered as grahas. As our study is about Rahu-Ketu,

let us know why there are considered as grahas

The mention of Rahu-Ketu who seize Sun and Moon are seen at

many places. Some scholars are of the opinion that Rahu-Ketu are

different grahas from the Sun, Moon etc But all scholars does not

agree this. And, the diverse opinion of the scholars in India also

instigates to think about Rahu-Ketu

Let us collect all the opinion which are against the grahatva of


swcRi^' w f ttitwkw. i

trrar*r trfttor 6n

Grahas give their results to the living beings through their light

(radiance) or because of the diversity in body of living beings, when

the light (radiance) meets the body, it gives different results. So,

Sun, Moon etc are considered as grahas as they have the power of

light(radiance). Rahu-Ketu don’t give light, so they are not grahas

The seven planets, i.e. Sun, Moon, Mars Mercury, Jupiter,

Venus and satum, move in a specified orbit in the bhagana.

TRT^ZT Wf *Fff cl^te: PRifr I


The round specified path of the grahas is called as kaksa Bhagana

means the group of signs, constellations and grahas As Rahu-Ketu

don’t have a fixed place m the bhagana and a specified path, they are

not considered as grahas

In predictive astrology, all the grahas have dasa lordship and

specified results. But Rahu-Ketu don’t have this. So they are not


All the grahas have s a fixed movement and results. But Rahu-

Ketu don’t have this. So they are not grahas

The above factors are the reason given by scholars to accept

the Sun, Moon etc. as grahas and Rahu-Ketu as not grahas. But these

reasons are not enough to disapprove Rahu-Ketu as grahas

The first reason given by the scholars is regarding the

light(radiance) of the graha 3tycbi$[ XfTcT Hlffd I, which means results

will not be there m the absence of light. But, before this, the

criticizers have to prove that Rahu-Ketu don’t have light. But, it is

impossible to prove that Rahu-Ketu don’t have light. rPTRT fifePJT”,

this sruti indicates the coverage of sun by tamas. “Relief TTfrTipgcTT I”

This smrti mdicates the coverage of Moon’s disc. Most of the scholars

have given the meaning of acchadayati to the word visati So, it

means that Rahu has the quality of coverage by his tamorupa As

tamas is also a variety of light, we have to agree the fruitfulness of

Rahu-Ketu So, the first reason fails to prove that Rahu-Ketu are not

grahas The words of Bharadvaja that ^ychi^l XFTvf indicates “y^lpl

more fruits m the light So it, mdicates that the grahas

like Sun, Moon etc. give more powerful results. But, this does not

indicate the grahatva of grahas and also does not say that Rahu is

lightless. So, Bharadvaja’s reasoning is not enough to disapprove the

grahatva of Rahu-Ketu But, this reasoning is helpful to prove the

grahatva of Rahu-ketu. Because it indicates the tamorupa (Shadowy)

light of Rahu and it’s fruitfulness.

The second reason that Rahu-Ketu don’t have a fixed path in

the bhagana is also not right. WW&t <pf W

■R'M'rlld 8 II Accordmg to this verse, all the grahas which move in

the bhagana have a specified path. Rahu-Ketu have two types of

movements- rju and vakra and it is a known fact. And,fT ^iftl^-tl^

MW l This sentence indicates

that Rahu-Ketu also have dasa and antardasa periods. So the reason

that gatimatvat proves not only the grahatva of other grahas but also of

Rahu-Ketu. Rahu-Ketu also have movements in the bhagana. So they are

also grahas

Rahu-Ketu don’t have the dasa periods and also they don’t have

specific results. So they are not grahas But this criticism is also not

right. Because the dasa division of 120 years from Sun to Venus

includes Rahu-Ketu also.

vPfcsrar xr: tot PhiRdr: wt 9ii

Sun, Moon, Mars, Rahu, Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury, Ketu and Venus

are the lords of dasas of 27 constellations starting from krttika

constellation. The periods of the dasas, starting from Sun to Venus

are 6, 10, 7, 18, 16, 19, 17, 7 and 20 years. Thus all the grahas have

fixed time of dasa period and during this period, they give the

specified results. Thus this proves that Rahu-Ketu also have lordship

and dasas and they give specified results. So they are also grahas

The criticism that Rahu-Ketu don’t have movements and

specified results, is also wrong.

According to this verse, Rahu in Aries, Taurus and Cancer

ascendants always protects the person from death and if he is in

forth house or he aspects the forth house or he aspects the forth

lord, will bring death. These results of Rahu proves that it also has
fixed result. The following verse says about the movements

and the result of the movements of Rahu-Ketu


%r "^rfd- fsfr%wnt w 11 n

In the above verse, tTkT <4-^9- these words say the

movement and also that if there is no movement, there will be no

results The results are visible and can be experienced. So, the

visible results can never be rejected. So it is proved that Rahu-Ketu

also have movements. And the verse, fSWPt tnpb..... which I have

mentioned earlier says that all the which have movements also

have a specified path. ^dl-MIddl^d!:...... These puranik

verses prove the birth details of Rahu-Ketu In vedic rituals, Rahu-Ketu

are given the lordship of direction and certain system of worship for

them are also specified. So all these factors prove the grahatva of


Mrs. Gayathri Devi Vasudev, editor of the astrological

magazine has given a detailed account on the word graha12.

According to her opmion, the main feature of a grahas are-

11 It should be a moving celestial body or a geometrical point with a

field of force.

2) It should have an apparent orbit round the earth.

3) It should be visible directly or indirectly, to the naked eye.

4) The inclination of it’s orbit to the ecliptic should be with in the

range of the Zodiac.

5) It’s period of sidereal revolution should be such as be relevant to

the optimum span of human life.

A graha must have the above 5 important features. I have

already proved that Rahu-Ketu have the first two features. The third

feature is that a graha must be visible either directly or indirectly.

The presence Rahu of Ketu which are geometric points and therefore

not visible, becomes apparent vicariously by the shadows cast on

the solar and lunar discs at eclipse time. Thus Rahu-Ketu have the
third feature also

The fourth feature is that the inclination of its orbit to the

ecliptic should be with m the range of the Zodaic. The Zodaic is an
imaginary belt extending to about 8° on either side of the ecliptic or
the Sun’s apparent annual path with reference to the fixed stars

traced on the celestial sphere. The inclination of the orbit of grahas

are given below.

Celestial factor Indication to Ecliptic Period of Revolution


Sun 0° 365. 2564 days

Moon 5°9' 27.33 days

Mars 1*51' 687 days

Mercury 7#00' 88 days

Jupiter 1°18' 11.6 years

Venus 3°24' 224 days

Saturn 2°30' 29.5 years

Rahu/Ketu 5°9' 18.6 years

0°46' 84 years
Neptune 164.8 years
Pluto 247 7 years

Pluto is inclined at 17° to the ecliptic and is way beyond the Zodaic.

All the navagrahas are with in a latitude of 7° including Rahu and Ketu

The above table also shows that Rahu-Ketu take approximately

a sidereal period of 18 years of revolution. On the other hand, the

periods of Uranus (84 years), Neptune (164.8 years) and Pluto

(247.7 years) are so large they cease to be relevant as they fail to

cover even once the Zodiac and make contact with the 12 houses

representing different sectors or areas of human life and activity in

the optimum span of life. Therefore, these trans - saturnine planets

fail to make it to the grade of navagrahas. And, Rahu-Ketu fulfill this

feature also. So, they are considered as grahas.

According to Mrs. Gayathn Devi Vasudev, “the planet as

defined in modem astronomy cannot be equated with the grahas of

astrology13. She also says that “the term astrology itself is a

misnomer and doesnot do justice to or convey the full import of the
body of knowledge it represents. Jyothisha would a better term.”

Thus, all the above factors prove, the grahatva of Rahu-Ketu and

also know that the word planet and graha are not equivalent. The

‘graha’ word has more wider implication than the ‘planet’ of


5.3 Characteristics of Rahu-ketu

Let us discuss the astrological details like exaltation,

Debilitation, own house etc. related to Rahu-KetuAs I have stated

earlier, there is no unanimous opinion on many astrological factors

of Rahu-Ketu Let us collect the opmion of different scholars.

According to Parasara, Rahu is exalted in Taums and Ketu m

Scorpio. Gemini and Sagittarius are MQIatrikona of Rahu and Ketu.

Aquarious and Scorpio are the own houses of Rahu and Ketu

cfw tfjranj i
TitfMuTcb xT %rfxpr 14ll

But some opine that Virgo is the own house of Rahu and Pisces of


Accordmg to Uttarakalamrta of Kalidasa,

cpT cffllcfi- ^ ^|£4w<M I

_ f TOT 15 II

Rahu is exalted in Taurus and Ketu m Scorpio. Aquarius is the own

house of Rahu and Scorpio of Ketu Gemini and Vigro are MQIatrikona

of Rahu and Ketu.

According to Bhavartha ratnakara, Taurus is the exaltation sign

of Rahu Gemini and Cancer are the MQIatrikona and Vigro is the own

house. Pisces is the own house of Ketu. Aquarius and Scorpio are

exaltation of Ketu Sagittarius and Capricorn are the MQIatrikona of


%pf tosWMtott 11

ftifTO cfT^rr TTTO i

' TOtf ctfTOciV %

FTTOT ^H^ilfthlW nRw I

TOfrfaif £Fppt 16ii

According to Gopala Ratnakara.17 “Vigro is the own house Rahu

and Pisces is the own house Ketu Rahu is exalted m Gemini and Leo

is the Mulatrikona Sagittanous the exaltation sign of Ketu and

Aquarius is the Mulatrikona

Padmaprabhusuri opines in his Bhuvana dipakam18 that Vigro is the

own house of Rahu Gemini is the exaltation sign of Rahu and Rahu

is debilitated in Sagittarius.

Some scholars have also said the paramocca (deep exaltation)

of Rahu and Ketu.

WW feiW

tf#: %: W^r: 19||

As mentioned in the above verse, 20th Degree of Gemini is the deep

exaltation of Rahu.

RtgMuf ^ TfWT

^ tnn?r: 20 ii

According to this verse, 6th degree of Sagittarius is the deep

exaltation of Ketu According to Bhavakutuhalam21, the first degree of

Gemini is the deep exaltation of Rahu and first degree of Sagittarius

is the paramocca of Ketu

Thus, all these opinion of the different scholars shows that

there is no unanimous opmion on the exaltation, Debilitation, own

house and Mulatrikona of Rahu and Ketu. These different opinions

create confusion. So there is a need for research in this matter.

None of the scholars have given any final verdict on these

basic characteristics of the nodes. The available data m the
astrological texts are confusing and modem astrologers also have
difference of opmion on these matters I personally feel that the
nodes don’t have such division of houses m a horoscope. The nodes
don’t have any own house or exalted house or debilitated house
The nodes are considered as mysterious grahas. So, their effects
are also mysterious.

Most of the astrologers have considered Vigro as the own

house of Rahu, Taums as the exaltation sign, Sagittarius as the

debilitation sign, and Aquarius as the Mulatrikona of Rahu, Pisces as

the own house of Ketu, Scorpio as the exaltation sign and Taums as

the debilitation sign of Ketu. Let us discuss about these accepted

opinion of the scholars. The nodes usually give good results in dual

signs i.e. Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces. So Rahu - Ketu will

give good results m Virgo and Pisces. But in Tarns and Scorpio,

which are considered as the exaltation signs of Rahu and Ketu

respectively, the nodes don’t give good results. So they can never be
accepted as exaltation signs. If we agree Gemini and Sagittarius as

the exaltation signs of Rahu and Ketu, then Sagittarius becomes the

sign of debilitation of Rahu, which is impossible. Rahu in Sagittarius

is called as Kodanda Rahu, which confers kingly status to the native

So Gemini and Sagitanus can never be accepted as the signs of

exltation and debilitation of Rahu The nodes give good results m

Aquarius and Cancer also. But, even m Aquarius, Cancer and dual
signs, the nodes will be powerful when they have relationship with
the lords of angular and triangular houses or when these signs are

Upacaya houses in the chart So, I personally feel that Rahu and Ketu

don’t have such lordship of the signs in a chart like other seven


The basic rule in judging the effects of Rahu - Ketu m a

horoscope is clearly stated by Parasara.

drWidlR wfr trfeU II

W '-qVlcblWi 22||

According to these verses, Rahu and Ketu act according to their

position, association and depositors. This basic rule is followed in

judging the results of these nodes. Rahu and Ketu give the effects as

due to their conjunction with a house lord or as due to the house

they occupy. If a node is m an angle in aspect to or association with
a trinal lord or be in a tnne m similar relation with an angular lord

it will become Yogakaraka. Scholars have given different opinions on

the own house, exaltation, debilitation signs of the nodes. But the
above verses clearly mdicate that the nodes don’t have a disposition
of their own in the matter of giving particular effects. So, I feel that

they don’t have a sign of their own. The results given by Rahu and

Ketu will depend on their association with other lords and

occupation of houses. If they are related to good lords, they will give
favorable effects to the native, otherwise not, and, they must be m
favorable houses like angle, trme etc If they are with the lords of
tnne and angle, they will give good results. But, if they are with

Maraka lords or have relationship with Maraka grahas, they will bring

death also. If Rahu or Ketu is m an angle m relation to a tnnal lord

or be in a trine m aspect to an angular lord, under such a situation

Rahu or Ketu will become a Yogakaraka. So, these factors are really

important in judging the results of the nodes. And, these factors

really help us to judge that the nodes don’t have division of signs
like own house, exaltation, debilitation etc.

So it is my personal opinion that Rahu or Ketu don’t have own

house, exaltation sign, debilitation sign and MOIatrikona houses. They

always act accordmg to their position, association and depositors.

5.4 Signification of Rahu-Ketu

In astrology, each and eveiy graha signify certain things. Signs

and house also signify certain matters. Without a knowledge of the

signification of grahas, signs and houses, it is impossible to reveal

any detail in a horoscope So it is compulsory to know the

signification of the grahas. Each graha signify different things. All

those things or matters will be influenced during the period of that

graha Further, I have told that signs and houses also signify certain

matters. The grahas in these signs and houses influence these

matters also along with their own signification A graha occupying a

constellation also confers the results of that constellationlord. For

example, Sun is the sigmfier of Father and Moon is the sigmfier of

Mother. In a chart, fourth house signifies Mother and ninth house

mdicates Father. The graha posited in the fourth house indicates

Mother also, though Moon is the natural mdicator of Mother. Just

like that, the graha in the ninth house indicates Father along with

Sun. So, the ruling period of a graha will influence not only the

things signified by it, but also the things signified by that house,

where the graha is placed. So, we can say that every graha has two

types of significations and they are Permanent significations and

temporary significations Permanent significations are those which

the graha signifies irrespective of it’s placement in the birth chart

and the temporary significations are those, which the graha will get

from it’s placement m the birth chart,

I have already stated that the nodes have not been granted
the lordships of any sign. The signs of their exaltation or

debilitation or MOIatrikona are not been specified. But, the nodes

have certain significations. All the grahas have significations as Rahu

- Ketu are grahas, they also have significations. Let us know about

the significations of Rahu - Ketu

Astrological texts have clearly depicted about the signification

of the nodes. Kalidasa in his Uttarakalamrta has clearly stated the

significations of Rahu and Ketu

fg i *pn $p i i $ il xj i ij'Hffd d i

3*i)i n


tow FPib 23 n

Rahu is the sigmficator of the following: 1) Umbrella 2) Chowne 3)

Acquiring a kingdom 4) faulty logic 5) Harsh speech 6) one

belonging to a caste outside the four main castes. 7) A sinful
woman 8) A conveyance covered on all four sides. 9) An irreligious

person or a sudra 10) Gambling 11) strong at sunset 12) Having sex

with a wicked woman 13) Going to a different country 14) Unclean

15) Bones 16) Hidden abdominal ulcer 17)Falsehood 18) Looking
downwards 19) perplexity 20) emerald 21)Facmg south
22)Dependmg on low castes 23) Malignant tumor 24) Great forest
25) wandering m difficult places. 26) Suffering from mountains 27)
Staying outside 28) South western direction 29)Complaints of wind
and phlegm 30) Serpents 31) Southern breeze 32) Severe 33) Long

34) Reptiles 35) Interpretation of dreams 36) Travels 37) one Muhurta
38) old age 39)eonveyance 40) world of the snakes 41) Maternal
grand father 42) Air 43) Acute duodenal pain 44) catarrh 45)

breathing 46) Great valour, worship of Vanadurga 47) wickedness 48)

Association with animals 49) writing Urdu or Persian and 50) Harsh

%(R: : II


tw ^r Raw wte'^ra r w:

^rft*[fi‘■nf^B i?|5ldlW^ld 24il

Ketu is the significator of the following 1) Worship of the lord of

Candi, Ganesa 2)Medical practitioner 3)Dogs 4)Coeks 5) Vultures 6}

Final salvation 7) All sorts of prosperity 8) Consumption 9) Painful

fevers 10) Bath m the Ganges 11) Great penance 12) Wmd
complaints 13) Friendship with hunters 14) Acquiring prosperity

15) Stones 16) Wounds 17) Mantrasastra 18) Instability of mind 19)

Knowledge of Brahma 20) Diseases of the stomach and eyes 21)

Stupidity 22) thorn 23) Knowledge of the animals 24) observing

silence religiously 25) Vedanta 26) All kinds of luxury 27) fortune 28)

suffering from foes 29) sparing m eating 30) Renunciation 31)

Father’s father 32) Hunger 33) Great pain from peptic or duodenal

ulcer 34) small pox, boils 35) Homed animals 36) A servant of siva
37) Getting the order of imprisonment revoked and 38)conversation

Padmaprabhusuri in his book, Bhuvanadipika has mentioned about

the significations of Rahu and Ketu. Rahu 25 represents evening. This

signification of Rahu is very important in horary astrology. As Rahu

is of windy nature26, Rahu mdieates windy diseases. Rahu27

represents pungent taste and Dhatus 28. So, Rahu indicates all the

minerals which we get m the earth’s crust.

Varahamihira m his Brhatsamhita has told about the significations

of Rahu and Ketu

^Iplchc() I II

#ett: 11

Rahu indicates hills, peak of mountain, people livmg in caves, low

caste, sOdra, fox , disabled person, cruelty, violent, man who rums a

race, ungreatful man, theif liar, dirty person, wrestler, short

tempered, demon, heretic, sesame, unclean, spy, sleepy creatures
and animals.

IcHIIuij-^xTni: i

MWRciK-Wi: T^in^rbi: I

T|33f«jrtef%fMwsr w^irar: 30n

Ketu signifies forts, deserts, people like in caves, agriculturist,

courageous, disputant, lunatic, phaseolus mango, fool,

unrighteous, hGna, cola, china, one who always likes to tell bad

about others etc.

According to Mantresvara31, Rahu indicates Buddhist monk,

snake charmer, donket, sheep, fox, camel, snake and dark places.

Ketu mdicates mosquito, bedbug, worms, insects and owl. Rahu and

Ketu mdicate plants with thorn. According to Vaidyanatha32, Rahu

indicates father’s father and Ketu indicates mother’s father.

All type of criminal activities or law breaking activities are the

significations of Rahu Rahu creates criminal tendencies like theft,

looting, murder, blackmail etc. Sexual activities and sexual offences

are also the significations of Rahu Rahu is also the indicator of

illusions, misunderstanding, confusions etc As Rahu is the

indicator of south west direction, it mdicates the south western
part of everything from house to a country. Mming is also governed

by Rahu. So all the underground activities can be said as the

signification of Rahu. Rahu also indicates hills, mountains etc. which

are difficult to reach So we can say that Rahu indicates

adventurous life also. One of the important signification of Rahu is

snakes. So we can say that Rahu mdicates all the snakes living in

land or underwater. Snake charmer, serpent curses, poisons etc is

governed by Rahu. Most of the windy diseases are governed by Rahu.

Further, undiagosable diseases, unknown diseases, deadly diseases

like cancer, aids etc are governed by Rahu Lunacy, insanity,

suicidal tendencies and other mental problems are signified by Rahu

When Rahu comes under the influence of other grahas it

mdicates certain things. When Rahu is under the influence of Sun,

political field, high positions, eye diseases, imprisonment,

confinement, power etc. come under the signification of Rahu

When Rahu is under the influence of Moon, it mdicates

emotional and psychological disturbances, fears, isolation, mental

diseases etc.

When Mars influences Rahu, it will get the signification of

cruel nature, brutality, short temper, ruthlessness, adventurous
life, courage, war, valour etc

When Rahu is under the influence of Mercury, Rahu indicates

study, researches, higher education, deceit, lying etc.

Rahu will indicate spiritualism, pilgrimages, aseetism,

religious positions etc. when influenced by Jupiter.

Rahu mdicates sexual offences, interest in low caste women,

unnatural sex interests, doubtful nature, sexual diseases etc.

under the influence of Venus.

When Saturn influences Rahu, it will indicate ascetism,

rigidity, orthodoxy, life m exile, pilgrimages, spiritual writer, life m

forests and hills etc.

Most of the significations of Rahu told earlier can be applied to

Ketu also. Ketu also creates criminal tendencies. But, Ketu is more

violent than Rahu. Ketu is the sigmfier of murder, communal

clashes, political clashes etc. Ketu always mdicates accidents,

danger from weapons and fire. Just like Rahu, Ketu also signifies

south west direction. Rahu signifies snakes while Ketu indicates

other msects like worms, spiders, lizards etc. Ketu also signifies new

areas of research and discoveries especially m the spiritual field.

According to Lai Kitab, Ketu represents male progeny. Among

the diseases, Ketu signifies wounds, cuts, rashes, boils etc. Ketu also

mdicates certain abilities m mathematical, spiritual and psychic

field. Ketu also indicates diseases from unknown causes and

disease of left eye. Murder, war, battle field, death in the battle

field, weapons etc are signified by Ketu One of the important

signification of Ketu is spiritualism. Salvation, knowledge of the

soul, divine knowledge, exploration, research etc. are indicated by

Ketu. Ketu is the bestower of liberation. Ketu indicates a highest level

of ascetism, spirituality, when Sun influences. Ketu is the mdicator

of atma i.e. soul. So, Sun’s influence will make the Ketu a great

spiritualistic graha

When Moon influences Ketu it will indicate mental instability,

confusion, fear, lack of courage, nervous disorder etc

Under the influence of Mars Ketu indicates cruelty, butchery,

short temper, weapons, fire accidents, national calamities etc.

When Mercury influences Ketu it indicates research,

invention, discoveries, treasures, treasure hunters, historians etc.

Ketu mdicates spiritual leader, writer, speaker, pilgrimages,

tapas etc. under the influence of Jupiter.

Ketu indicates sexual offences, excessive sexual interest,

relationship with ill repute women, unhappy married life, sexual
diseases, impotency etc. under the influence of Venus.

Saturn’s influence on Ketu shows spiritualism, aseetism,

supernatural powers, life in forest, life in exile, pilgrimages etc.

All these are the significations of Rahu-Ketu During the ruling

period of the nodes all these matters will be influenced, which are
their permanent significations. Further, the nodes will mdicate
those matters also which are indicated by the houses, where the
nodes are placed. All these significations are very important to

judge a horoscope. Without the help of these significations, we can

never make accurate predictions.

5.5 Aspects of Rahu-Ketu

In Indian Astrology, every graha has the special feature of

aspect or drsti. Aspect is nothing but the influence of a graha on

other grahas So we can say that it is a relationship between the

grahas occurring from the placement in the chart, excerting

influence on one another. I have already stated that grahas in

astrology are divided into benefics and malefics according to their

nature and influence. So, the aspects are also divided mto

beneficial aspects and malefic aspects. Benefic grahas exert

beneficial influence and malefic grahas exert malefic influence.

When beneficial grahas are aspectmg each other it will mcrease the

positive influences m the horoscope. When malefic grahas are

aspectmg each other the negative influences will increase. When a

beneficial graha aspects a malefic graha it may decrease the malefic

influence of that graha and sometimes the positive influence may

decrease because of the malefic aspect. If the aspectmg graha is a

benefic, it gives good results and if it is a malefic, it gives bad

results. So, it is the nature of the aspecting graha that decides the

nature of result. The aspect of the grahas is an important factor to

get a general view of a chart and it plays an important role in the

formation of combinations also

According to O.P. Verma, “An aspect is a certain angular

distance between two points in Zodiac. It is from one planet to

another or from a planet to certain house cusp m a chart. Certain
distances are assigned certain names like conjunction, trine etc. In
other words, an aspect is a certain angle formed between two
planets as seen from the earth. These angles formed at the earth
influence the earthy matters according to harmonious or
inharmonious vibrations amongst the bodies in aspect. Human
bemg the supreme creation is greatly affected by these vibrations
due to his power to think, analise and act some what

independently” 33.

There is difference m the aspects used m Indian astrology

and western astrology. In vedic astrology conjunction which occurs

when two or more grahas are in the same sign. In western astrology

conjunction occurs m the same sign and as well as in different

signs, with in 9°orb of influence. If two or more grahas are placed m

the end of one sign and in the beginning of the next sign within orb

of influence, then also it is called conjuction. In vedic astrology,

when two grahas are placed in the same sign irrespective of then-

degrees is termed as conjunction Conjunctions are the most

powerful of all aspects. The conjunction of grahas will influence

accordmg to their ownership of house, their natural relations,
qualities strength etc.

In western astrology, 3rd /11th house aspect is called as sextile

aspect. This is a beneficial aspect and it is a aspect of 60 degrees.

Accordmg western astrology, the aspect among the grahas m

the signs 1st, 5th and 9th to each other is called as tnne aspect. It is a

benefic aspect of 120°

The strong malefic aspect of 90degrees is called as square

aspect. It is the 4th and 10th house aspect.

When two grahas are at 180 degrees distance, this is called as

opposition aspect.

There is another type of aspect called as parallel aspect,

where the orb is 6 degrees. This is generally same as the
conjunction aspect

In Vedic astrology and western astrology, there is difference on

the point of aspect. Western astrology accepts conjunction as one of

the aspect, but in Indian astrology it is not treated as a aspect. In
western astrology, the computation of aspect is made from degree

to degree. But in Vedic astrology, the count is made from sign to

sign. Western astrology classifies the aspects as benefic and evil,

but it is not there m Vedic astrology. So, there are certain differences

between western astrology and Vedic astrology on the point of


In Tajaka and Jaimini branches of vedic astrology, different types

of aspects are used In jaimini system all movable signs aspect all

fixed signs except the adjacent ones. All fixed signs aspect all
movable signs except the adjacent ones. All common signs aspect

each other. This theory applies to all the grahas in these signs. In

tajaka system, the scheme of aspect of western astrology is followed

including orbs of influences of grahas

Mr. O.P. Verma has given certain points34 to judge the

strength of the aspects. They are 1. The quality of aspect (Good or


2. If the aspectmg planet is angular, succedant or cadet.

3. If the aspecting planet is in a cardinal, fixed or common sign.

4. If the aspecting planet is m a fruitful or barren sign.

5. If the aspecting planet is benefic or malefic.

6. If the aspecting planet is a functional benefic or malefic.

7. If the aspecting planet is also aspected.

8. Shadbala strength of the aspecting planet.

9. If the aspecting planet is exalted, debilitated etc.

10. If the aspecting planet is retrograde.

11. If the aspect is applying or separating

12. The house owned by the aspecting planet.

13 The house occupied by the aspecting planet

These points should also be judged for the aspected planet too.

According to vedic astrology, all the grahas have full aspect on

the 7th sign as counted from the house, where the graha is placed. In

addition to this, Saturn aspects 3rd and 10th houses, Mars aspects,
4th and 8th houses and Jupiter aspects 5th and 9th houses.

flc^l flcbl'ui xrpy WTO xK|U| | 1

tit xit wmt UrcT #^sfer:35n

These are the special aspects of these grahas. Astrological texts are

silent regarding the aspects of the nodes. But, many modem

scholars have accepted their aspects. Brhat parasara hora sastra, which
is one of the important astrological text, mentions about the
aspects of the nodes.

Accordmg to this verse, Rahu has full aspect on the 5th, 7th, 9th, and

12th houses from it. It has half aspect on the 2nd and 10th houses

from it and it aspects with a quarter strength the houses 3rd and 6th

from it. Modem scholars like O.P Verma, L.R.Chowdri etc. have

accepted the aspects of the nodes. Just like the Jupiter, the nodes

have trikona drsti i.e. they aspect the 5th and 9th houses from where

they are placed. But, varahamihira, kalyana varma, Mantresvara and many

other ancient scholars have not accepted the aspect of nodes. Only

Parasara has told about the aspect of the nodes. Though modem

scholars have accepted the aspects of the nodes, but they have not

clearly explained, why they have accepted it

Accordmg to to me, nodes have trine aspects. I have already

told that, the nodes are spiritual grahas Fifth and ninth are the

tone houses. The fifth house indicates mmd, intelligence, progeny

etc. Ninth house indicates father, religion, customs etc. So these

two houses are very closely related to spiritual matters. The first

step towards spirituality is control of mind, which is indicated by

the fifth house. Without a control over the mmd, one can never try

for spiritual life. All the material comforts and luxuries will be

desired by a person, if he is not having control over the mind and

his interest m material comforts is always against spiritual life. So

the first step towards spiritually is control over the mind. The ninth

house is the fifth house from the fifth house and it is also related to

mind and it mdicates the religious life of a person. Spiritual life
requires certain type of customs and traditions which are indicated
by the nmth house. So this house is also related spiritual life. And,
we know that fifth and nmth houses are related to previous births

and karma. Fifth house mdicates the scared deeds of the previous

births of the native. So, we can find certain type of similarity in the

significations of the Rahu-Ketu and the significations of fifth and

nmth houses. Fifth and nmth houses have close connection with

previous births. Karma spiritual life and nodes are also related to all
the above factors. So, there is a definite relationship between the
trine houses and the nodes That is why I feel that, the nodes are
assigned the trine aspects.

Let us see the effect of the aspects of the nodes. If one of the
nodes is aspectmg the ascendant, then the native will be troubled
by diseases, windy complaints, disinterested in religious matters,
cruel, short tempered etc. When one of the nodes is aspectmg the
second house, the native will lose money and wealth, cruel, liar will
always have problem with family members etc. The native will be
courageous and successful, if the third house is aspected by one of
the nodes. The native will be cruel, unkind, trouble creator,
wanderor, will have heart troubles when the fourth house is
aspected by one of the nodes. The aspect of the one of the nodes on
fifth house adversely effects the mind and progeny matters. But, it

will give sudden gains also. If one of the nodes is aspecting the
sixth house the native will be courageous, will be victorious over

his enemies, and will be affected by diseases. The aspect of the one
of the nodes on the seventh house, disturbs the marital life of the
native and it will make the natives character doubtful. The native
will be of short longevity and will be affected by diseases, lf-the
eighth house is aspected by one of the nodes. The aspect of the one
of the nodes on the nmth house makes the native irreligious,
against customs and traditions and problems with co- bom and
father The native will be successful, victorious, famous, cmel etc.
if tenth house is aspected by one of the nodes. The aspect of the
one of the nodes on the eleventh house makes the native
successful, gives fame and name, sudden gains etc. The aspect of
the one of the nodes on the twelfth house is extremely bad for the
health of the native. But, the native will be spiritual

We have seen the effects of the aspects of the nodes on twelve

houses. Let us see the effects of the aspects of the nodes on seven

5.5.1 Aspect of the nodes on Sun;

Generally, the aspect of one of the nodes on Sun is

considered as bad. Because, they are malefics and they will
increase the negative influences m the horoscope. But these
malefics also sometimes become benefics, due to their placement
and strength. If nodes are having harmonious aspects on Sun, then

the native will be famous, a political leader, a spiritual personality,

will earn public support and will be an attractive personality

But, the inharmonious aspect of the nodes on the Sun,

makes the native sick and weak, doubtful character, ill repute,
failure in married and romantic relationships etc He will never get
public acceptance and eye diseases are common for him Usually
the nodes are in opposite signs and both will not be aspecting a

graha Only one of the nodes will be aspectmg a graha The effects of

the aspect of Rahu and Ketu are same.


5.5.2 Aspect of the nodes on Moon:

Aspect of the nodes on Moon is considered as bad Most of

the astrological texts have considered Moon as the bitter enemy of
nodes. So any type of relationship between them is considered as
bad. But, I think that there are no friends and foes to the nodes.
The harmonious aspect of the nodes on Moon, makes the native a
attractive personality, a shrewd person, research oriented,
courageous, good in romantic affairs etc. But, when Moon is having
the inharmonious aspect of the nodes, the native will be mentally
disturbed, doubtful, quarrelsome, ill reputed, unsteady, short
tempered etc. His family life will be disturbed and he will loose
mother early.

5.5.3 Aspects of the nodes on Mars:

The harmonious aspect of the nodes on Mars makes the

native courageous, fearless and the native will have all the qualities
of a good warrior. He may hold some high positions and he will
have great vitality and physical strength. He will have strong will

But, if the Mars is having the inharmonious aspect of the

nodes, then, the native will be cruel, kindles, selfish etc Native will
be a irritating personality, which may bring him disgrace and
native may have relations with ill reputed woman also.

5.5.4 Aspect of the nodes on Mercury:

When the Mercury is having the harmonious aspect of the

nodes, the native will have high intellectual abilities, will be
interested m researches and writing Native will be a good speaker
and he will have a great public acceptance

But, if the Mercury is having inharmonious aspect, then the

native will not have public acceptance and which may turn him to
be a critic. Native’s career will be adversely affected and may have
the tendency of fault finding and he may be impotent also.

5.5.5 Aspect of the nodes on Jupiter;

The native will be a great religious leader or spiritual leader,

when Jupiter is having the harmonious aspect of the nodes Native
may be a strong believer of God and he will have public acceptance.
Native will be having all the qualities of a good philosopher. He will
be an active member of social and religious institutions.

But if the Jupiter is having the inharmonious aspect, the

native will be uncultured, against customs and traditions, will
oppose his elders and will have child problem. He may use his
positions for personal development and may involve in some illegal

5.5.6 Aspect of the nodes on Venus:

Public acceptance, charming personality, love unions etc are

the key features of this aspect. Usually under this aspect the native
will be attracted towards women and enjoys better luck through
them. He will make wealth through public relations, partnerships,
social activities and love unions. Native may make name m
entertainment business also. These people will enjoy good financial
condition through out the life.

When Venus is having the inharmonious aspect, the native

will be of doubtful character and his life will be full of suspicion,
jealousy etc. His emotional attachments and love affairs creates
problems for him. He may have relationship with ill reputed women

and may be suffering from sexual diseases

5.5.7 Aspects of the nodes on Saturn:

Serious personality and outlook, spiritual bent of mind,

pilgrimages active participation in spiritual activities etc. are the

features of the harmonious aspects of the nodes on Saturn. Native
respects the social and religious values and will always stick to it.
He will always fmd a place in religious and spiritual activities.
Native will always have a serious view of the things and will show
maturity from early childhood. Native has the chances of becoming
a spiritual leader or an ascetic and he may take Shelter m hilly
religions or forests

Lack of eo-operation, cruelty, unkind, doubtful character etc

are the basic features. When Saturn is having the inharmonious
aspect of the nodes. Native will be stubborn and non co-operative
and this will make him a public enemy. His relationship with public
will be bad and will spend most of his time in criticizing others. He
may maintain some ill repute relationships also.

Above explained are the general effects of the aspects of the

nodes on other grahas Before judging the effects of the aspect of the
nodes, we must consider their placement, strength, signification,

relationship with other grahas signs, houses etc. The favourable and

unfavourable aspects between the grahas are determined by their

position from ascendant, from each other and from their

relationship. Aspects are very important m judging the total

strength and weaknesses of a horoscope. Favourable aspects

increase positive results m a horoscope and unfavourable aspects

increase the negative influences. I have explained my views on the

aspects of the nodes. Aspects of the nodes are not accepted by all.
But I personally feel that, nodes have aspects.

I. Linga puranam - purvabhagam - Chapter 57-4

2 Yojana - One yojana equalent to almost 6 miles.

3. Bhagavata Mahapuranam - Pancama skandha - Chapter 24-2

4. Navagraha Kosa - Vol 1 -P212

5 The astrological Magazine - Nov 2006, P-912

6.Vidyamadhaviyam - Sanjnadhyaya P25

7 Vidyamadhaviyam - Sanjnadhyaya P25

8 Vidyamadhaviyam - Sanjnadhyaya P26

9. Phaladipika - Chapter 19-2

10. Vivahavrndavanam - Chapter 7-6

II. Vivahavrndavanam - Chapter 7-15

12. The astrological Magazme Nov 2006, P.916

13. The astrological Magazme Nov 2006, P.912

14 Brhat parasara hora sastram Chapter 47, 35-36

15. Uttarakalamrta - prathama Kanda Chapter 6-20

16. Bhavartha ratnakara : Chapter 6-20

17. Uttarakalamrta: P 153

18 Bhuvanadipika-18,19

19. Rahu ketukkal jyothishathil - P22

20. Rahu ketukkal jyothishathil - P22

21. Bhavakutuhalam Chapter 1-19

22. Brhat parasara hora sastram Chapter 34-16-17

23 Uttarakalamrta Chapter 5 -51-52-53

24. Uttarakalamrta: chapter 5 - 53- 54 - 55

25 Bhuvanadipika - 24

26. Bhuvanadipika - 26

27. Bhuvanadipika - 27

28. Bhuvanadipika - 28

29. Brhatsamhita - chapter 16-35-37

30. Brhatsamhita - chapter 16-38-39

31. Phaladipika - Chapter 2-20

32. Jatakaparijata Chapter 2-64

33. Planetary Aspects in astrology P 17

34. Planetary Aspects in astrology P 22

35. Brhajjatakam - Chapter 2-13

36 Sarvarthacmtamani -J. N. Bhasm P39


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