TMFG 7091upto Sizing 111

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Tmfg 7091

Process Control in Textile Manufacturing

MODULE : Manufacturing Process

Contact Hours :2….0….6….4

12/26/2022 PROCESS/SAMPATH 1
Course outcomes
• To understand and apply principles and
concepts of textile testing
• Process control with advanced instruments
• Cover the research findings in testing and
process control
• To collect,analyse and compile the findings

12/26/2022 PROCESS/SAMPATH 2
• Advanced Testing of fiber, sliver , roving, yarn and
fabric testing methods
• Process control in spinning
• Process control in weaving
• Process control in sizing
• Process control in wet processing
• Machinery audits, waste control, control of yarn
• Productivity in different sections of yarn , winding,
sizing, loom and processing

12/26/2022 PROCESS/SAMPATH 3
Assessment Method

The Lecture and Practical will be evaluated separately for 100 % and the
final marks will be arrived accordingly. The details are given below:

Lecture Tutorial / Laboratory

Chapter/Book/ Article review 1 - Lab / Practical written exam-40%

10% Demonstration / Defence -40%
Chapter/Book review 2 - 10% Lab/ Practical Records-20%
Oral- 15%
Presentation – 20 %
Open Seminar presentation &
participation -5%
Final Exam – 40%

12/26/2022 PROCESS/SAMPATH 4
Fiber measurements
• Staple length-density of tuft changes more
rapidly-0.91*effective length
• Effective length-machine settings are related
• Span length:
• A strand of fibers caught by lamp-all loose
fibers to the right are removed-no of fibers
12000—imagine to move the clamp until 3oo
fibers are counted…distance D is SL (diagram)
• UR%=S50/S2.5*100
12/26/2022 PROCESS/SAMPATH 5
• Bale Management
This is based on the categorising of cotton bales according to
their fibre quality characteristics. It includes the measurement
of the fiber characteristics with reference to each individual
bale, separation of bales into classes and lying down of
balanced bale mixes based on these classes. The reason for
undertaking this work lies in the fact that there is sometimes a
considerable variation in the fibre characteristics from one bale
to another, even within the same delivery. This variation will
result in the yarn quality variation

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Bale management
• The  software, normally embedded with an HVI, helps in selection of bales
for a particular mix from the available stock. Once the data are received
from HVI in the software, classification of bales in groups are done with
user defined criteria. 
• Manual calculation errors and the tedious task of day to day manual
planning of mix are avoided.
• The storage of large number of data enables for tracking long period
records or results thereby helping in clear analysis.
• More cost effective mix can be made since cost factor is also included. It
also helps in planning for further requirements or purchase.
• Additional details such as party name, weighment details, and rejection
details can be printed along with the test results which will be useful for
the mill personnel for better analysis.
• Flexible intervals in grouping of bales with reference to the selected
category.Basic sample results and results checked after lot arrival shall be
compared graphically or numerically for easy decision making of approval
or rejection.

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•The results are practically independent of the operator.

•The results are based on large volume samples, and are therefore more significant.
•The time for testing per sample is 0.3 minutes. The respective fibre data are
immediately available.
•About 180 samples per hour can be tested and that too with only 2 operators.
•The data are clearly arranged in summarised reports.
•They make possible the best utilisation of raw material data.
•It is best applied to instituting optimum condition for raw material.
•Problems as a result of fibre material can be predicted, and corrective measures
instituted before such problems can occur.
•The classing of cotton and the laying down of a mix in the spinning mill. This HVI
testing is suitable for the extensive quality control of all the bales processed in a spinning
•The mill is in a position to determine its own quality level within a certain operating

12/26/2022 PROCESS/SAMPATH 8
Advanced fiber information system
• Principle --aeromechanical fiber processing followed
by electro-optical sensing , high speed
microprocessor computing and data processing
• System consists of a feed roller,feed plate , opening
roller and a carding cylinder
• 500 mg of fiber sample is inserted between the feed
roller and feed plate of the instrument
• Opening rollers open the fiber assembly and
separates fiber,neps, trash and dust
• Trash and dust suctioned off to extraction.

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• On their way thro transportation and acceleration
channels, the fibers and neps pass thro an optical
sensor, which determines the no. And size of the
• Corresponding impulses are converted into electrical
signals, which are then transmitted to micro
computer for evaluation process.

12/26/2022 PROCESS/SAMPATH 10
• Raw material-60-70%,salaries-10%,power-10-
4%,depreciation-4%,net profit,gross,sales turnover,
per spindle /year
• Product to be 1.quality to norms 2.optimum cost…
• Prevent before it occurs…
• Technical controls, machine maintenance ,testing
and consolidation &interpretation of data, statistical
techniques, fixing up norms and standards and
periodic review
• Export requirements-
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Control of mixing quality
• Cost-season,stock,yield ,growth,price fluctuations..
• Raw material requirements-calculation for 25000 spl
• Fiber properties—lusm/f---lu- 50%span length (2.5%
SLXUR%),s—bundle strength gms/tex,m-maturity
• Bale management technique
• Clean cotton..cx100/100-t

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Flow chart

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Principle of Fiber to yarn conversion
•Convert a high variable raw
material to a very consistent
fiber strand.
•Variability exists Within
bales, Between bales within
one mix, and Between mixes
(lay downs).
•Quality criteria is high
degree of uniformity,
consistent properties along
the yarn.
•fibers are normally
intermingled with all kinds of
trash, dust, seed coat
•The yarn produced must be
pure, clean and defect free
and high efficiency.
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• Short Staple Pre-Spinning Machinery
• All Modern Spinning mills are equipped by some sort
of Automatic Bale Opener.
• In General short lines, does not need material
handling, and hence less reliable for faults.
• Short staple pre-spinning emphasized compact lines
with integrated multifunctional equipment.
• Major emphases were placed upon equipment
allowing for a compact 800 Kg/hr opening line, an
integrated separator, a more precise removal of
foreign material and waste control
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Rieter VarioSet Blowing room/Carding room
• The main task of opening room is to open the big
flocks to small tufts, cleaning i.e. trash removing,
fiber mixing and even feed for carding machine.

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Trutschler Modular Opening Component Line

The Different machines comprising the opining line are multi functional
• New features are installed such foreign matter separator to prevent mixing
of different fibers in the blend
• Completely automated and computerized control, vision system is enabled

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Control of waste/cleaning
• Cleaning efficiency-trash content –shirley trash
• Trash in mixing-trash in delivery/t in mixingX100.
• Mono-25-30%,ERM-25-30%,Beaters-10%-norms
• CE%-amount of trash in mxg,type of trash,machine
settings and position of machine –modern lines rieter
and truszler
• Performance of BR and card-waste diff of 10% of
norm and CE% of 4% value of real diff

12/26/2022 PROCESS/SAMPATH 18
Blending Bale Opener

working width of 1720 mm and a machine

length of 50 m, about 130 bales can be
accommodated (one or two
sided). The BLENDOMAT with a working
width of 2300 mm even accommodates up
to 180 bales. Assuming a
cleaning line production rate of 800 kg/h,
this allows unattended operation for two
days (48 h).

(1) Control unit, (2) fiber bales, (3)

working head with tooth discs, (4)
Swivel tower, (5) air duct for material
transport, And, 6) protective light
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• The direct feeding of a cleaner of the CLEANOMAT system by
an integrated mixer MX-I is an important element of the
compact blowroom. This mixer produces a homogeneous and
even web for feeding the cleaner. The air separation at the
mixer provides additional dust removal. This combination of
acleaner with a mixer is the solution which ensures the
greatest savings in floor space and energy and is the preferred
solution when processing cotton.

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Gentle opening is achieved by having the first
beater clothed in pins angled ca. 10∞from
Cleanomat CL-C4
the vertical, and the remaining beaters having
saw-tooth clothing, the tooth angle
increasing from roller to roller (e.g. 15∞,
30∞, 40∞).
The teeth density (number of points per cm2)
should also progressively increase from
beater 1 to 4, depending on fineness of the
fiber being produced.
Importantly, the beater speeds should
progressively increase from beater 1 to 4 (for
example 300, 500, 800, 1200, rmin–1).

Hence, the mean tuft size is decreased

(approximate figures) from 1 mg by the first
beater to 0.7 mg, 0.5 mg and 0.1 mg by the
second, third and fourth beaters,respectively.
It is only the fourth beater that reaches a
sufficiently high surface speed at which the
finest trash particles are ejected. Sensor
measures the proportionality between trash
and fiber in the waste, and sets the deflection
plate at optimum value

12/26/2022 PROCESS/SAMPATH 21
Details of Cameras and
Separation Nozzles

Separation of foreign fibers is

optically detected. Cotton should be
highly opened. This is provided
directly before feeding the Material
to the card. The SECURMAT SP-F Is

12/26/2022 PROCESS/SAMPATH 22
There is no processing stage that changes the form, assignment, condition, and
composition of the cotton so strongly as the carding process does. Opened and
cleaned materials arrive at the carding stage in the form of small tufts composed of
entangled fibers. the purpose of the carding stage is to disentangle these tufts into a
collection of individual fibers, the collection being in the form of a web of fibers, and
then to consolidate this collection into a sliver. Rate of production and quality
should be optimized. High production Production rate increased since 1965 from 5
kg/h to 100 kg/h
Definition: Carding is the action of reducing tufts of entangled fibers into a filmy web
of individual fibers by working the tufts between closely spaced surfaces clothed
with opposing sharp points.
Opening to individual fibers, Elimination of impurities, Elimination of dust,
Disentangling of neps, Elimination of short fibers, Fiber blending, Fiber orientation,
Sliver formation. Three types that are of importance in the processing of: cotton,
wool and man-made fibers: 1.revolving flat card , 2.worsted card, 3.woolen card

12/26/2022 PROCESS/SAMPATH 23

12/26/2022 action PROCESS/SAMPATH
Doffing action 24
• Type of card,not on trash,uniform waste between cards.
Betn.+_0.5% ,cleaning eff =95%
• Areas of correction lickerin and flat strips
• Mote knives, lickerin speed ,lickerin wire, undercasing,
feed plate
• Flat speed front plate back plate, cyl and flats setting
• Neps-types-process , mixed , immature, dead , fuzz neps
• Assessment of neps-AFIS
• Control-beater selection,beating points,speed of beater,fan
speed ratio,length of ducts,condition of beater pins,RH%

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Drawing is the term applied to the operation

involving the doubling and roller drafting of
Doubling is the combination of several
slivers that are then attenuated by a draft
equal in number to the slivers combined,
thereby resulting in one sliver of a similar
Roller drafting is the process of attenuating
the count of a material using a combination
of pairs of rollers.
This involves placing several slivers in
parallel (usually 6 or 8) and roller drafting the
combination using a draft

12/26/2022 PROCESS/SAMPATH 31
Features of drawing frame

•Highly dynamic, digitally controlled,

maintenance free direct drivers
•Comprehensive quality monitoring
• Sliver weight
•Sliver evenness
•Thick places
•Self optimizing adjustment of break draft
•Reliable sensors development
•Active lifting of top rollers during machine still
•Computer control with touch screen
•Infinitely variable setting of draft, break draft,
sliver weight and delivery speed.
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Combing Process
• The combing process is normally used to produce Smoother, finer, stronger and more uniform
• Combing is also used for upgrading the quality of medium staple fibers
• Production cost is increased by about 1 US$/Kg
• Tasks of combing:
• Elimination of precisely pre-determined quantity of short fibers
• Elimination of the remaining impurities
• Elimination of a large proportion of the neps
• Formation of a sliver having maximum possible evenness
• Producing of more straight and parallel fibers
• Elimination of short fibers improves mainly the staple length Micronaire value of combed
sliver is slightly higher than that of feedstock
• Types of applications:
• Long staple combing: High quality cotton, containing a low proportion of short fibers
• Medium-staple combing: medium cotton qualities, spun to medium (to fine) yarns of good
quality at economic production costs.
• Short (to medium) staple combing mills:
• Upgrading quality of cotton, extracting low level noil level (6 – 14%)

12/26/2022 PROCESS/SAMPATH 36
Lap forming

Conventional (Lap Doubling) method: Sliver Lap (D=16…24, V=1.1 ….2) and Ribbon Lap
(D=6, V=6)
•16 to 32 are fed to a sliver lap machine, of three pairs of drafting rolls followed by
two pairs of calender rolls
•Lap pf 50 to 70 g/m, width of 230 to 300 mm and diameter of 500mm and weight of
to 27Kg. Draft ratio commonly is 1.5 to 2.5.
Laps from the sliver lap machine are taken to the ribbon lap machine thin sheets
from the heads are led down over a curved plate, which turns at a right angles,
inverts them and superimpose one upon the others
12/26/2022 PROCESS/SAMPATH 37
Combing process II

(Sliver Doubling): e.g. Super lap from Whitin

About 20 drawing slivers are fed to a vertical
2/3 daft system, and drafted 3 to 5x.
The laps are super imposed (width of 293
mm) through a pair of calander rolls, the batt
is compressed and the lap is formed
Unilap from Rieter (drawing/lap)
•two steps: a standard drawing process in
which a number of card slivers (typically 20 –
24) are drawn Together to form a drawn
sheet lap weight 50 – 70 g/m delivery speed
up to 100 m/min production rate is up 360
Laps of up to 25 Kg weight, 250-300
mm width
• The Unilap system is designed
•to achieve fully automatic doffing
•and transportation of laps to the combing

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12/26/2022 PROCESS/SAMPATH 39
• Optimum level of comber waste---depends on the nature of
fiber length distribution in mixing , below 15mm length is
removed, optimum waste =0.5xSF%
• Comber should remove all fibers in lap shorter than the
minimum distance d mm between nipper and back detaching
rollers-detachment setting..f mm feed/nip then all fibers
longer than d+f should go to sliver and shorter to waste
• Fractionating efficiency—degree to which comber succeeds in
removing all the fibers shorter than d without losing and
fibers longer than d+f
• Lea count variation
• Head to head waste –1min--tolerance limit –1.00%-group of

12/26/2022 PROCESS/SAMPATH 40
Norms for quality at combers
Mixing Med Fine superfi REAL
USTER U%=5.0% group ium ne DIFF
CV% Of sliver =1.5%
Between combers =3.0
Stoppages per comber per hour=2 NOIL 10- 14-16 16-18 1 %
Inadequate removal of short fibers and neps
Check for head to head Short 40 50 60 10%
Check individual heads for web defects— fiber
uncombed portions, slippage of fibers removal
detaching rollers , loading , air currents in 10 12 15 4%
brush and aspirator, check noil for long length

Bent and damaged needles ,nipper grip, Nep 40 50 60

worn out cots, feed roller grip, top comb
bottom detaching roller
12/26/2022 PROCESS/SAMPATH 41
Process parameters in lap prep.
sequence FORMER LAP

DOUBLINGS 6-8 16-24 8-10 40-60 20-24 6

DRAFT 6-8 1.1 8-10 2.5-3.5 1.3-1.5 6

HK OF 0.16 0.16-.2 - 0.16-0.2


WT.OF 0.2 40-60 - 60-80 50-60


12/26/2022 PROCESS/SAMPATH 42
• Quality of raw material ,production technology, machine
condition, technical controls
• Within and between bobbin variation-accounts for
65%between and 35% within—blow room and

• Overall count CV% 2%

Within bobbin 3.0 2.5

Between bobbin 4.0 3.5

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Range method
• Value of K factor estimating s.d from range
method =2/0.89,3/0.59,4/0.49
Cvo=1.318/26.99x100=4.98% (overall)
CVb= root of (CVo2-CVw2)=3.9(between)

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• High card and comber sliver u%
• Defective draw frame drafting-Ist and IInd head of DF
• Web tension drafting drawing
• FF irregular drafting and stretching (improper bobbin speed
regulation),cone drum belt
• Can effect-withdrawal of sliver from can
• Stretch between creel and back roller
• Excessive pinion changes at RF
• 0.13 mm at blow room—13 mm at card—75 mm at DF I,45cm
at DFII,4.5 m a

t FF,3Leas at RF(329 mts)

12/26/2022 PROCESS/SAMPATH 45
• Excessive tuft size variation
• Pinion changes at drawing and spinning
• Same draw frame for breaker and finisher
• Setting difference Finisher and Breaker
• Stretch in roving, belt shifting, lower twist at roving,
bare bobbin dia
• Creel draft at RF, Top roller pressure
• Draft difference in group of cards and comber
• No group feeding ,waste control
• Routine control of count

12/26/2022 PROCESS/SAMPATH 46
• 50% of variation in strength is due to variation in count
• 1.5 times the cv % count,
• Excessive yarn unevenness,difference in twist,eccentric
rollers, wornout aprons,top roller pressure in
DF,RF,spindle vibration,eccentricity, quality of
drafting,combing mech.condition,quality of mixing
• Assessment of yarn evenness
• The voltage applied across the condenser vary in
proportion to the mass of material present between, the variability measured on evenness teser is
that of wt/unit length 8-10mm..16 bobbins,RF group,count
group ,1000mts avg.U%
• Uster statistics

12/26/2022 PROCESS/SAMPATH 47
Yarn imperfections
• Measurement of thin places is based on a test length
equal to width of condenser
• Thick places-1.5 times the condenser width
• Neps are distinguished from thick places by rate of
change of thickness is much higher for neps than for
long thick places—200% indicates 3 times the yarn dia
• Types of irregularity
• Random, periodic and quasi-periodic
• Limit of yarn irregularity
• CV%=106/root of N ,where N=15000/count Xgms/inch
• Causes of thick thin and neps

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Causes of thin and thick places
• Increases with increase of U% and factors affecting
• Very high draft..draft exceeds capacity of drafting…
effect of carding
• Simple rule…if in any yarn (thick-thin) is
comparable to good yarn or negative ---there is
unfavorable drafting
• Thick-thin is more than good yarn look for carding,
combing and %short fibers
• Neps to be studied separately—card reduces 30-
40%,combing 25%

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Machine audits

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Energy audits

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Classimat analysis

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Yarn faults
• Slubs: are fish-shaped thick places from 1-4 cm long
and about 5-8 times larger than avg yarn dia at the
thickest portion..Integral part of the yarn but having less
twist in it.—can pass thro traveller,not able to break in
winding..yarn clearing efficiency..knot factor(1)…quality
• Crackers: are short coil like places in the yarn, occur
frequently in 100% pet,p/c blends, may not open out at
tension in winding but caught at slub catcher..forward pull
of fibres at front roller nip is not more than retarding
forces acting on the near ends of these fibers..poor grip
at front roller and excessive middle roller top arm
presure,top rolls, wider spacers, inc break draft,reduce
twist in roving, wider setting, avoid stop of RF at chase

12/26/2022 PROCESS/SAMPATH 54
Yarn faults

• Spinners doubles: only eyc prevents,untwisted

roving,strand from front roller,long over lap during
piecing,crel bobbins yet to run out
• Bad piecing and double gaiting:ballon control
rings,spinning tension,lappet guide position,full length
separators,reduce end breaks
• Slough off:4 per 100 bobbins, less than 1% weft…
builder cam wornout,ring rail movement,traveller
count,fast up slow down,, binding to winding coils
1:2.5,chase length atleast 2.5 times the difference bet
ring and bobbin dia at the top of doff
• Hairiness :spindle centering,traveller wt, higher speeds,

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• EFFECT =Increase in end breaks Higher yarn waste
CAUSES=Improper ring rail movement
• Worn builder cam
• Loose package and excessive coils in the package
• Soft build of cops
• Improper empties fit on the spindles and slack tapes
Ring rail movement to be set right
• Optimum ratio of winding: bindings coils and
optimum chase length to be maintained

12/26/2022 PROCESS/SAMPATH 56
Indices of productivity
• Production and productivity:
• Production and productivity Production refers to the quantity
produced. Productivity is a measure of the efficiency or rate of
production. It is the amount of output per unit input (per machine,
per labour etc.)

• Productivity in Spinning:
• Productivity in Spinning Main Productivity Parameters in Spinning
Labour Productivity and Machine Productivity Labour productivity
indices: HOK, OHS Machine productivity indices: SH, MPI

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• Labour productivity indices:
• Labour productivity indices HOK – Number of
operative hours required to produce 100 kgs of
• OHS - Operatives per 1000 spindles. HOK will
take in to account all the operatives
(production, maintenance and other ancillary)
used in the spinning unit up to Ring Spinning
excluding combers.
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• Since HOK would depend on the count being spun, it is
important to express the production per spindle achieved
to a standardized production. Since Ne 40 is a widely used
yarn count both in weaving as well as knitting, a method
to convert the yarn production per spindle per 8 hours to
a standardized production adjusted to Ne 40s (carded) is
being used.
• A mill can compare its productivity between months and
also judge its performance against standard, regardless of
the differences in the counts being produced.
• The standards are fixed such that they reflect the
productivity levels being attained or excelled by the top
10% of the mills in the industry.

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• Operatives who are included in HOK calculation are mixing attendants,
machine tenters , doffers, interval relievers and ancillary operatives such
as jobbers ( maistries / over lookers ), fitters, fitter helpers, machine
cleaners, oilers, tape stitchers , roller coverers, top arm draft zone
cleaners, sweepers and materials handlers (lap/sliver cans/ bobbins/cops/
• Operatives who are not included in HOK calculation are contaminants
removers, operatives pertaining to comber and its preparatory machines,
electrical, generators, humidification plant and workshop workers, watch
and ward, attendees , investigators, gardeners, hostel/guest
house/quarters workers, dispensary workers, canteen/mess workers,
drivers, sanitary workers, civil workers, etc.
• The SITRA standard assumes that the mill has a chute fed blow-room
line, cards with automatic can changer, automatic waste evacuation
system, draw frames with auto-can changer and the finisher with auto-
leveller, high speed simplex frames and longer length ring frames .

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• Adjusted HOK calculation Adjusted HOK is computed by
multiplying the actual production in ring frames by
relevant conversion factors. The production so computed
is called as standardized production.

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• Production adjusted to 40s
• The overall production per spindle (P) converted to Ne 40s
can be calculated from the following formula.
Count wise standardized production kgs/total spindle
shifts corresponding to above productionX1000
• OHS (Operative per thousand spindles) /Count wise
Standardized Production X 100
• Number of operatives per thousand spindles adjusted to
Ne 40s is given by the following formula :
• OHS (Operative per thousand spindles):P XHOK/800 where
P and HOK are adjusted to 40S

12/26/2022 PROCESS/SAMPATH 62
Machine Productivity Indices

• SH – Spindle utilization per day = Total number of spindle hrs worked

/ Total number of installed spindle hrs
• MPI – Machine Productivity Index:
• Production per machine shift in millx100/ production per machine
shift in standard mill
• Governed by machine efficiency, hank, twist gms/spl..
• LER= No.of operatives /ShiftX100/no. of operatives/shift of standard
• Overall prod.index=MPIX100/LER
• Eg.MPI=78.6,LER-=123 ,MEI=96

• Machine Productivity Indices:

• (PXSH/110X24 )X100 

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Level of modernization and work assignments (major
assumed for the standard mill(30000spls)

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Adjusted to 40s-BR to spinning

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Work load

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Yarn realization and process waste
• Y.R.%=(92-T)………(95-T)(1-c/100)-3
• Blow room-same as trash,carding-4to 5%, yarn waste-0.3-
0.4%, invisible loss-0.5%
• C+W=Y+E(Sd+Rd+Wd)+1…
• C-cotton issued,
• W—waste added,
• Sd—closing stock less opening stock,
• Rd—proces and sweep waste,
• Wd-white waste,
• Y-prodn in depts,
• I-invisible loss
• E-Sigma

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Cone winding
• Objective –produce good package, remove
objectionable faults, type of machine, clearing
efficiency and with satisfactory level of
• Process control in winding
• Quality of knots/splices
• Process parameters like setting ,tension wt
• End breakage rate
• Maintenance/machine audit

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Quality of knots/splices

• Different types of knots, size ,length of tail

ends, resistance to slippage
• Fisherman's knot for synthetic and blends

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Package faults

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High level of slough off during unwinding
• Excessive yarn waste
• Uneven dye pick up in the case of dye packages

CAUSESWinding spindle not revolving freely
• Cone holders incorrectly set
• Defective settings of cam switch
• Lint accumulation in builder cam groove

Over hauling of cone winders to be periodically carried out
• Anti ribboning mechanism to be checked at frequent interval
• Free movement of the cone holders to be ensured by proper lubrication

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Package faults
• Stitches or jali-yarn falling outside the edge package-reasons being large
tension variations, stop motion failure, cuts in yarn guides traverse
restrictors, play between package and spindle
• Soft nose or base-incorrect alignment of tension bracket cone axis
with the drum
• Bell shaped cones
EFFECT -Excessive breaks during subsequent
CAUSES-High yarn tension during winding
Cone holders incorrectly set to the winding drum
Damages in paper cone centre
RECTIFICATION -Quality of cones to be checked at
that time of procurementOptimum
unwinding tension to be maintained

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Control of productivity
• End breakage rate--Record of production-
• Cop content---- Doff weight
• Winding speed--- Scheduled check on speed
• Spindle allocation--Work assignment
• Machine condition
• Expected level of productivity
• Good winder practices

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Warping process control involves
1.control of tension in the yarn
2.maintenance of machine setting and mechl.condition
3.minimizing package defects at winding
4.regular check on end breakage rate with norm
Control of tension
a. Between different stages of unwinding of the package
b. Between ends
a, is due to balloon height as the yarn unwinding from nose to
base and base to nose
b is due to differences in length of yarn between first thread
guide and head stock, no. of guide points in the creel, angle
of reflections

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• Designing of creel- larger the creel height or longer the
creel length more will be the variation…recommended to
have 2 mts height and a distance 2 mts between the
head stock and nearest column of the creel
• 1.Condition of machine-a)alignment of package at the
creel..b)eccentric guide rollers..c)thread guides..
• 2.RH% 60% RH and 29 C..Lower humidity increases
hairiness, fluff and end breaks
• Performance in warping-
• Breaks /unit length of yarn ie., breaks /400
ends/1000mts…at least 1 lakh meter to be observed

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End breaks in warping
No of ends 500/ 480/ 500/ 500/ Total/ B/400
11000 11000 10000 10000 40000 mts ENDS/1

End breaks
due to


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Quality of warping beams
• Condition of beam flanges-anti vibration mount
• Stop motion and brake-broken end getting buried
• Driving drum-pressure betn drum and beam
• Barrel diameter-20 cm to avoid tension variation
• Creel fans – positive exhaust
• Length measuring device

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• Object of sizing- to impart in the yarn those properties

which it dose not have- resistance to abrasion-obtained
by applying a smooth film of coating using sizing
• Achieved by 1.size receipe,2.size preparation,3.size
pick-up, sizing condition
• The process control program in sizing are
• Selecting correct size recipe
• Correct penetration of size paste,
• Control of size pick up stretch moisture content quality of
• Expected level of productivity

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1.Choice of sizing recipe and pick up
• Ingredients used to be compatible with each other, eg
CMC is for medium and heavy reed and pick fabrics
about 10% of the starch favorable
• Type of yarn also influences PVA, Acryl ate for synthetics
and starch based recipes for cotton
• For fine and superfine counts boiling starches of lower
viscosity is preferred..sow box design, temperature
control, squeeze pressure
• Optimum size pick up by control trails
• Normal size% can be fixed at a value in the trail curve

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Size recipe

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Water splicer

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