Training Documentation-Time Source & Clock Source Design 5G RAN1.0
Training Documentation-Time Source & Clock Source Design 5G RAN1.0
Training Documentation-Time Source & Clock Source Design 5G RAN1.0
During the normal operation, the base station is required to maintain an accurate NE time. Otherwise,
the impacts on network O&M are as follows:
Problem location: The NE time on the network is not synchronized. Therefore, when the NE reports
alarms, the time is inconsistent with the log time, which may cause confusion in problem location and
dependency analysis.
Accuracy of performance statistics: The NE time on the network is not synchronized, resulting in
inconsistency of the performance statistics collection time and confusion between performance report
and traffic-related analysis.
Wrong triggering of the timing service: The inaccuracy of the time may result in wrong or missed
triggering of the timing service. For example, the license is activated in advance.
Currently, a base station uses Universal Time Coordinated (UTC).
Design criteria:
1. Type of available time synchronization server onsite
2. Customer's requirements for time sources
To ensure the O&M time accuracy, the synchronization server is selected in the following
1. GPS (On the U2000, the NTPC time must be consistent with the GPS time.)
2. Dedicated NTP server provided by the customer
3. U2000 (which can be set and used as the NTP server. An NTP server of the customer is
preferred. Use the U2000 only if the customer does not have an NTP server. The time
precision of the U2000 is 1s, while that of a dedicated NTP server is 50 ms.)
HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Huawei Confidential Page 5
GPS Time Source Design
Advantages: high precision to nanoseconds, higher than that of NTP and SNTP time sources
Disadvantages: The site location must meet the GPS signal reception requirements.
Script examples:
SET TZ: ZONET=GMT+0800, DST=NO; //Set the time zone.
SET TIMESRC: TIMESRC=GPS; //Set the GPS clock as the clock source.
PRI=1; //Add a GPS clock link.
Script examples:
SET TZ: ZONET=GMT+0800, DST=NO; //Set the time zone.
SET TIMESRC: TIMESRC=NTP; //Set the NTP server as the clock source.
In remote U2000 dual-server backup scenarios, each of the master and standby U2000 uses one IP address. For
security reasons, both the master and standby U2000 must be configured as NTP servers, and the master NTP
server must be specified.
SET MASTERNTPS: MODE=IPV4, IP=""; //Set the master NTP server.
Notes: The OM NTP time synchronization function of gNodeBs is RAT-independent. NTP clock packets can be
interpreted correctly between a customer's NTP server and a gNodeB without NTP server upgrades.
Most 5G NR frequency bands are LTE TDD frequency bands. Basic 5G services require
Time synchronization requirements for 5G coordination services:
inter-BBU time synchronization.
•The synchronization specifications are subject to the CP length.
For interference avoidance, inter-BBU time out-of-synchronization leads to inter-BBU
TD 1 + TD 2 + TD 3 = Total TD ≤ CP
uplink interference caused by downlink transmission and inter-UE downlink interference Total TD TD 1 TD 2 TD 3
caused by uplink transmission. Delay
Time difference Time difference Synchronization
The time synchronization precision between cells that perform basic NR services Description
when the UE between the air
caused by
receiver interface and a between air
is 3 µs (±1.5 µs). This precision meets the time synchronization requirements of multi-path
receives signals UE interfaces
basic 5G NR basic services in TDD mode in cells with a typical coverage radius.
15 kHz ≤ 4.7 µs ≤ 1 µs ≤ 0.6 µs ≤ 3 µs
For details about the derivation process, see the 3GPP proposal (R4-1706734 R4-
1700208 R4-1700209 R4-1706715). 30 kHz ≤ 2.3 µs ≤ 1 µs ≤ 0.6 µs ≤ 0.7 µs
For details about the proposal regarding synchronization precision, see R4-1706608
120 kHz ≤ 0.6 µs ≤ 0.3 µs ≤ 0.06 µs ≤ 0.19 µs
Section 1.2.
For the 3GPP conclusion, see 3GPP TS 38.133 (V0.2.0). This table lists the synchronization requirements for coordination features based on
intra-frequency CoMP, such as SMP, DMP, DPS, and UL CoMP. Coordination
features not based on intra-frequency CoMP, such as DC, downlink CA, and CBF, do
not have these requirements.
Customized Not transmission
BBU RGPS, RRU RGPS, and CGPS (see the right figure)
GPS supported + power
Signal supply
• Time synchronization supports automatic switchover transmission (about 15 m) CPRI (optional)
+ power
between GPS and IEEE1588v2, and between GPS and supply
Synchronization 1PPS+TOD.
source • Frequency synchronization supports automatic switchover Supported No satellite card No satellite card No satellite card
switchover between GPS and synchronous Ethernet, between on the MPT on the MPT on the MPT
synchronous Ethernet and IEEE1588v2, and between 1PPS
and IEEE1588v2.
Combination of IEEE1588v2 and synchronous Ethernet, and of
synchronization Supported
GPS and synchronous Ethernet
RRU RGPS: RRU interfaces are customized based on the requirements of customers' NR sites.
CPRI GPS: NR supports CPRI GPS. Verify and deliver CPRS GPS based on site requirements. 20 ms to 200 ms
The NR clock module inherits the functions of the LTE clock module. In eRAN13.1, NR supports only
the TDD mode. TDD uses the mature satellite synchronization (GPS) or 1588v2 technology to
implement time synchronization. 1PPS+TOD, which requires additional interfaces, is seldom used.
1PPS+TOD uses both pulse per second (1PPS) and time of day (TOD) for time synchronization. TOD messages
signals transmit time information, reference clock types, and working statuses of reference clocks. TOD
< 500 ms
protocol packets are sent once per second. 1PPS+TOD adopts a solution similar to the time interface of > 1 ms
a GPS satellite.
The GPS antenna system receives GPS signals at 1575.42 MHz and sends the signals to the GPS MPT in the BBU
card of the gNodeB. When the satellite card initially locks the GPS signal source, at least four satellites
need to be traced.
A gNodeB must meet the GPS signal reception conditions and engineering requirements. For details,
see eNodeB_GPS Satellite Antenna System_Hardware Installation_Quick Installation Guide.
Interference caused by GPS clock out-of-synchronization has severe and wide impacts. A large
number of gNodeBs adjacent to the gNodeB suffering from GPS clock out-of-synchronization may be
interfered. As a result, UEs in the coverage of these adjacent gNodeBs cannot perform services or
even cannot access the network despite good RSRP. The uplink RSSI of these adjacent gNodeBs is
generally 10 dB to 20 dB higher than normal values, or even higher. Install two GPS antennas at a distance greater than 0.5 m.
Possible causes of GPS out-of-lock:
1.The GPS device is not installed according to the standards. As a result, not enough satellites can be
2.The GPS clock is interfered. GPS GPS
3.The satellite card is abnormal. antenna antenna
You can run the DSP GPSSNR command to query the number of satellites traced by the GPS and the
SINR of the satellite signals. If the GPS clock is out-of-lock, the gNodeB generates an alarm.
However, if non-Huawei devices are used on the network, GPS out-of-lock may cause interference to
Huawei devices.
GNSS satellite
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Ethernet packets
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8 pa
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8 pa
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GNSS satellite
Ethernet packets
Transport network
GNSS satellite
Ethernet packets
Invalid No clock signal is available. A gNodeB can detect these faults. Once
these faults are detected, the gNodeB
Large phase disconnects the clock source, and the
A single phase deviation > *Threshold internal clock enters the holdover mode.
A single phase deviation < *Threshold A gNodeB cannot detect these faults or
Slow phase
deviation generate any alarm for them. A gNodeB
Accumulated phase deviation > Threshold will always trace the clock source even if
Initial phase these faults occur and interfere with
Fixed deviation during initial synchronization services.
Clock alarms will be reported when typical clock faults occur. The maintenance and test methods for
clock alarms are as follows:
1. Run the LST/DSP command to check whether the clock configuration and clock status are correct.
2. Check whether the clock traffic statistics are normal.
3. Conduct a clock source quality test (run the STR CLKTST command for more than five
minutes and then run the STP CLKTST command).
This test is important. You can directly observe the difference between the clock source and the 10
MHz crystal oscillator of the board. The clock of a gNodeB may be locked even if the differences
detected during clock tests in a certain period are 0. Thus, you need to perform a clock quality test to
determine whether the clock source is abnormal.
Feeder type: Select COAXIAL.
Feeder length: Indicates the length of a GPS feeder. Calculate the feeder delay based on the length
of the GPS feeder to improve the clock precision. When the feeder exceeds 20 m, the precision will
decrease. When the feeder is shorter than 20 m, you do not need to specify the feeder type, which is
set to COAXIAL by default, and this parameter is set to 0 by default. If the distance exceeds 20 m,
set this parameter to the actual length.
GPS work mode: Set this parameter based on the locating system in use.
Clock source priority: Indicates the priority of a clock source. The value 1 indicates the highest
priority. The value 4 indicates the lowest priority.
Run the SET CLKMODE command to set the clock working mode.
The MODE parameter indicates the working mode of the system clock. The value MANUAL indicates that a clock source
must be specified by the user. The value AUTO indicates that the system automatically selects a clock source based on
the priority and availability of the clock source. The value FREE indicates that the system clock works in free running
mode, that is, the system clock does not trace any clock source.
The value AUTO is recommended. If this parameter is set to MANUAL, you must specify an available clock source.
Run the SET CLKSYNCMODE command to set the clock synchronization mode.
TIME must be selected in the LTE TDD mode. Otherwise, the system clock signal cannot work properly.
To achieve time synchronization for 5G NR in TDD mode, set Clock Net Mode to L2_MULTICAST
and Profile Type to G.8275.1.
Priority: Indicates the priority of a clock source. The value 1 indicates the highest priority. The value
4 indicates the lowest priority.
The MODE parameter indicates the working mode of the system clock. The value MANUAL indicates that a clock source
must be specified by the user. The value AUTO indicates that the system automatically selects a clock source based on
the priority and availability of the clock source. The value FREE indicates that the system clock works in free running
mode, that is, the system clock does not trace any clock source.
The value AUTO is recommended. If this parameter is set to MANUAL, you must specify an available clock source.
Run the SET CLKSYNCMODE command to set the clock synchronization mode.
TIME must be selected in the LTE TDD mode. Otherwise, the system clock signal cannot work properly.