The World Wide Web Mod 6

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History of the WWW

In March 1989, an English
engineer, computer scientist
and a professor at the
Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, envisioned the
Web document called
““Information Management: A
Proposal”. That person refers
to Tim Berners Lee. He
invented the World Wide Web.
The Three (3) fundamental technologies
of today’s Web are:
1. HTML: HyperText Markup Language. A language for the Web that comes
in mark up tags. Mark up tags is written in pair. Example of mark up tags is
<body> </body>. You can see this in all websites coding.
2. URI: Uniform Resource Identifier. A unique identifier of website address
on Web resources. It is also commonly called a URL (Uniform Resource
3. HTTP: Hypertext Transfer Protocol. This allows to retrieve the linked
resources on all Web pages.
The image
shows the
evolution of the
World Wide
From Web 1.0,
Web 2.0, Web
3.0 and even
Activity 1: Difference between Web 1.0, Web 2.0 and Web 3.0

Fill in the blanks. In this activity, you are going to browse the website to identify the difference of the
World Wide Web Version and fill in the blanks below. Type the URL: on your
browser. You may use or borrow a smart phones, Tablets, and computers to see the website.
Activity 2: Website Features Evaluation

In this activity, you are going to evaluate the version and features or characteristics of the given websites. You
are advice to browse the following websites to answer what is being asked on the questions below. In
browsing the websites you have determine the web version, and the
purpose of the website

1. Web 3.0 To create a customize websites

according to the user


3. www.

4. www.

Information and Communications
Technology (ICT)
The Information and Communications Technology (ICT) has
been part of our daily lives. We have been using it as part of our daily routine.
Information and Communications Technology (ICT) is so broad to define because
it includes technologies, communications, computers, storage, enterprise software,
hardware, computer networking and all the integration of these things.
Activity 3. Example of Information and Communication Technology (ICT)

In this activity, you will identify ten (10) examples of ICT from your surroundings based on the
definition you learned.
Impacts of Information and
Communications Technology
In today’s generation, if not all but most of the households, classrooms,
offices and other organizations are upgrading their practices from traditional to
technological one. Information and Communications Technology is now playing a
big part in our lives. It makes our lives easier, thus making us to live better. Now as
a Senior High Student you will be learning the positive and negative impacts of
Information and Communications Technologies.
Activity 4. Positive and Negative Impacts of ICT

In this activity, as a student of Senior High, identify the positive or advantages of using Information
and Communications Technology (ICT) that you know. Complete the positive and negative impacts
to the different variables like people, education, organization, and society in the box below.
Variables` Positive Impact Negative Impact
People Programs for automation have
led to widespread


Education It provides distance learning

• Internet and technology is very affordable this time, even the young kid can
browse the online world in one click of the finger. As a responsible person, we
must always bear in our mind that every actions should have a corresponding
responsibility. So today, you will be learning on the different practices of being a
good citizen in the digital world.
Activity 1: Impact of Information and Communications
From the previous lessons, identify which is positive and negative impacts
of Information and Communications Technologies. Check the box if it belongs to
positive or negative impact.

Impact Positive Negative

1. Because of automation, people most likely to loss to

their job.

2. The education caters the distant learners.

3. The data is possible to be exposed to hacker.

4. The transactions of the government is now faster.

5. The people has less physical activity.

Activity 2: Social Media Practice
List down five (5) practices when you are using your social media accounts.
This is to know how you use your social media. There’re no wrong answers here.

1. I do not expose my private information in my account. I will make it private




Digital Citizenship
- is a term use to a social responsibility in the digital world. It
involves the appropriate and responsible use of technology to all
users. It is more than being safe online.
-is a term use to describe a person who uses the online and
technology world safely and responsibly. As a digital citizen, we
need to have the ability to discern what is positive to share online
and what should not be exposed. Respecting others works and
giving proper credits is a must to a digital citizen.
Nine Elements of Digital Citizenship
1. Digital Access
2. Digital Commerce
3. Digital Communication and Collaboration
4. Digital Etiquette
5. Digital Fluency
6. Digital Health and Welfare
7. Digital Law
8. Digital Rights and Responsibility
9. Digital Security and Privacy
Activity 3. Elements of Digital Citizenship
Identification. From the description below, identify the elements of
Digital Citizenship that best describe each statement.
Did you know that Philippine Animal Welfare Society (PAWS) is one of the
popular advocacy group here in the Philippines? Have you wondered how did they
come up with the idea of creating the organization? How did that organization
reach the different parts of the Philippines? Using Information and Communications
Technology (ICT) as a medium of communication and even having their own official
website makes it easier for them to spread their goal to prevent animal cruelty
through education. In this module you will learn how to develop a working ICT
Project for Social Change.
Creating a Concept Paper
Guide Questions
1. Identify a cause or issue for social change
2. Decide if Information and Communication Technology (ICT) can offer a
solution to the cause or social issue that you have identified
3. Do you think that the problem you have selected is relevant to your
4. Does the project that you selected have an impact that can contribute to
the community?
5. As a student, can you handle the cause or social issue that you have
After identifying & evaluating a cause or issue for social change, you need to create your
own concept paper. A concept paper plays a valuable role in the early stages of creating or
conceptualizing ideas for your project.
According to a presentation made by Mark Jhon Oxillo (2018), a concept paper has 5 basic
parts, namely:
a. Introduction – this includes a brief introduction of your ICT Project for Social
b. Purpose – part of the concept paper where you can find the reason why
this project is worth investing for.
c. Description – this includes the important information about your project.
d. Support – this includes the budget for the ICT project. It involves the things
that you need like internet connection, social media account. Anything that
you are going to use to produce your ICT project should be found here.
e. Contact Information – this includes information about the group, and how
can they be contacted. (e.g. emails, contact number)
Sample Concept Paper
The estimated budget for the project is 1,500 pesos. It is
recommended to tap organizations such as LTO and local
government unit of barangay Bagontaas to assist in giving
information about the basic traffic rules.

Contact Information
The proponents can be contacted through the following:
Email – [email protected]
Cell number – 09066202598

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