Chapter 6 Audio

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6.1 Environmental monitoring
 6.2 Storm water drainage
 6.2.1 Preliminary period
 6.2.2 Middle and latter stage of construction
 6.3 Wastewater Management
 6.3.1 The origin and harm of construction wastewater
 6.3.2 Disposal Management of Construction wastewater
 6.4 Noise construction management
 6.4.1 Basic Noise Measurement Method
 6.4.2 Identification of Noise Source
 6.4.3 Noise Monitoring
 6.4.4 Measures for Noise Control
 6.5 Air Quality and Atmospheric Particulate Matter Control
 6.5.1 Dust Monitoring and Dust/Fume Control
 6.6 Solid Wastes Management in construction project
Environmental monitoring
The Environmental Monitoring system is divided in two subsystems:

1 – The Slow Environmental Monitoring subsystem, also identified as Building

Control System is used to collect all the slow environmental monitoring signals.
2 – The Fast Environmental Monitoring subsystem, properly the Environmental
Monitoring System, provides for the signal coming from standard
environmental probes.

Many other probes exists in Virgo, mainly devoted to the sensing and control of
the interferometer: suspensions system, detector motion, …
Building Control System

The Building Control System was originally designed to monitor some

environmental parameters inside the buildings.
Up to now the parameters are:
-Weather parameters: wind speed and direction, internal and external
temperature, internal and external humidity, internal pressure, rain rate
-Lightning parameter: number of strikes, strike distance, strike angle.
Environmental Monitoring
Fast Probes
The second subsystem is composed by the fast probes.
All these probes are connected directly to the fast frame builder through a
conditioning electronic.
Actually there are four kinds of fast probes:
- Seismometers:
- Episensors; Fast Frame
- Accelerometers;
- Velocimeters;
- Microphones; Conditioning

- Magnetometers.

What is Storm Water?
 Storm water is untreated water created from rain or melting
snow that does not soak into the ground, but runs into nearby

 Storm water does not flow into a wastewater treatment system, it

flows directly into our surface waters
 Storm water system consists of our gutters, storm drains, underground
pipes, open retention ponds, culverts, and creeks.

 What we do on the land affects the water quality and the habitat
of our creeks and rivers. It also affects our quality of life, our
fisheries, and our recreation.
 The biggest water quality problems don’t come
from a discharge pipe. They come from stormwater
washing off the land—roads and rooftops, lawns
and construction sites, parking lots and driveways.

 The problems include the flooding volumes of

water that flow off the hard, impervious surfaces
of our urban and suburban landscapes, as well as all
the pollutants that are washed off these surfaces.

 Pollution that cannot be tied to a single, identifiable source.

 Common non-point sources:
 agriculture
 forestry
 urban
 mining
 construction
 dams
 channels
 land disposal
 saltwater intrusion
 city streets

 These pollutants include:

 Fertilizers (agricultural & residential)
 Herbicides (agricultural & residential)
 Insecticides (agricultural & residential)
 Oil
 Grease
 Toxic chemicals from urban runoff
 Litter including cigarette butts & chewing gum!

 A sewer which carries sewage (liquid or waterborne waste from

plumbing fixtures) and to which storm and surface water, street
runoff, and groundwater are not admitted intentionally.

 A sewer that transports only wastewaters (from domestic residences

and/or industries) to a wastewater treatment plant.
. Older systems have combined sanitary/storm drains.
 Problems:
1. During heavy rains sewage will “overflow” into storm
drain pipe (and vice-versa) and/or

2. The storm drain may clog backing up the storm water

therefore causing overflow between sewage and storm
water. The storm drain (now storm water & sewage) flow
to the nearest surface water body (river, creek, lake,
ocean) and contaminate the water. Common contaminant is
Fecal coliform bacteria.
Types and Purposes of Green
Stormwater Management
• Rainwater collection
• Detention
• Conveyance
• Infiltration
• Treatment
• Re-use
Stormwater Management
Reduce peak flow into system

Type Purpose
Detention Reduce peak flow into system

Rainwater collection / Reduce municipal water use

Reduce volume into system
Greywater re-use Conveyance
Reduce peak flow into system
Infiltration Improve water quality
Reduce volume into system
Improve water quality

Improve water quality

Drainage standards for new
development (from Seattle)

• Reduce impervious surfaces to 50% overall

• Control the 3 yr., and 25 yr, 24 hour storm
• Retain existing vegetation
• Protect river by matching the pre development
• Collect, disperse and retain the roof runoff
• No directly connected impervious areas (either
use pervious paving or bioretention)
OSHA Noise Limits In Construction 17

Permissible Noise Exposure Limits (dBA)

Duration per NIOSH OSHA
day in hours (recommended) (Construction
8 85 90
4 88 95
2 91 100
1 94 105
½ 97 110
¼ 100 115

Source: NIOSH, Occupational Noise, Revised Criteria, 1998. Table 1-1, and OSHA, 1910.95 (b)(2); Table G-16

Noise Measurement Devices

3-M Company website : Source: State Building & Source: State Building &
ny-us/all-3m-products/~/ Construction Trades Council of Construction Trades Council of
C3-AC300-Calibrator?N=5002385+87 California, AFL-CIO:  Construction California, AFL-CIO:  Construction
09322+8711405+3293843541&rt=rud Noise & Hearing Loss Prevention Noise & Hearing Loss Prevention
training program, Funded by training program, Funded by
Federal OSHA, 2015 (courtesy of Federal OSHA, 2015 (courtesy of
Howard Leight, Honeywell). Howard Leight, Honeywell).
Ways To Control Construction Noise 19

Source: NIOSH Workplace Safety & Health Topics, Controls for Noise Exposure
Examples of Engineering and 20

Administrative Controls for Noise

Engineering controls Administrative controls
 Low noise equipment  Signs
 Barriers and enclosures  Designated areas for noisy tasks
 Noise suppression on equipment  Strategic placement of loud equipment
 Mufflers

 Maintain equipment
 Belts
 Lubrication
What Employers Should Do 21

to Protect You
 Plan: Before the job starts identify noisy tasks and equipment and
plan for controlling noise – including buying or renting quieter

 Each day - do a walk-around inspection to make sure the plan is

being implemented

 Monitor noise levels

 Provide different types of hearing protection - one size or style may

not fit all workers

 Conduct training on each type of hearing protection provided

Types of Hearing Protection 22

 Foam (formable) plugs

 Reusable earplugs
 Custom molded plugs
 Banded or semi-aural
 Earmuffs

Source: State Building & Construction Trades

Council of California, AFL-CIO:  Construction
Noise & Hearing Loss Prevention training
program, Funded by Federal OSHA, 2015
(courtesy of Build It Smart )
Advantages & Disadvantages 23

of Different Types of Hearing Protection

Type Noise Advantages Disadvantages
Foam Plugs/ High Readily -Hygiene Issues
Moldable Available -Take Time to Fit
Reusable (Pre- Mid Quick Fit -Costly to replace
formed Plugs)
Banded/ Low Quick Fit -Uncomfortable
Semi-aural -If the band is hit it
transfers sound to
the ear
Earmuffs High Quick Fit -Hot, heavy,
Custom Low to Mid Quick Fit -Costly
-Replace in 3-5 yrs
Source: State Building & Construction Trades Council of California, AFL-CIO:  Construction Noise & Hearing Loss Prevention training
program, Funded by Federal OSHA, 2015.

Care and Maintenance

Foam roll plugs

dispose of foam roll plugs after each use

Reusable plugs
clean with soap and water, replace when

Custom plugs
wash in mild soapy water
Care and Maintenance 25

Banded or semi-aural
 Clean and replace pods regularly

 Wipe down with damp cloth, or remove
cushions and wash in soapy water
 Replace cushions if torn or cracked
Noise Reduction Rating (NRR) 26

 NRR is measured in decibels

 The NRR is found on the earmuff or
earplug package
 The higher the NRR number,
the greater the protection
 Calculating the level of protection:
(NRR – 7)/2 = NRR reduction
Exposure level – NRR reduction = level of protection
(33-7)/2 = 13 95dBA – 13 = 82 dBA (level of protection)
Source: State Building & Construction Trades Council of California, AFL-CIO:  Construction Noise & Hearing Loss Prevention training
program, Funded by Federal OSHA, 2015 (courtesy of WISHA)
Fitting An Ear Plug

1. Roll
entire earplug
into a crease-
free cylinder 2. Pull Back ear
by reaching over head with
free hand, gently pull top of
ear up and out

3. Insert
earplug well
into ear canal
and hold until
it fully

Source: State Building & Construction Trades Council of California, AFL-CIO:  Construction Noise & Hearing Loss Prevention training program, Funded
by Federal OSHA, 2015 (courtesy of Howard Leight, Honeywell )

This presentation has been prepared as part of the publication “Sustainable Forest Management,
Biodiversity and Livelihoods: A Good Practice Guide”. The CBD endorses the use and modification
of these presentation materials for non-commercial purposes. If modifying the presentation
materials, photograph credits should be maintained.
i Forestry, biodiversity, and poverty reduction

 It is estimated that 60 million indigenous people are almost

wholly dependent on forests, while 350 million people depend on
forests for a high degree for subsistence and income (World Bank

 The poor rely on forest goods and ecosystem services for a

range of basic needs: food, shelter, clothing and heating.

 This presentation, and associated booklet, highlights some

tools which serve poverty reduction and biodiversity
conservation objectives, including: timber harvesting,
agroforestry, non-timber forest products, protected areas, local
indigenous uses, and more.
i Ecosystem services produced by forests

 Forests are amongst the most biologically-rich terrestrial


 Today, it is understood that forest biodiversity underpins a wide

ranges of goods and services for human well-being:
 storage and purification of drinking water
 mitigation of natural disasters such as droughts and floods
 storage of carbon and regulation of climate
 provision of food, rainfall, and a vast array of goods for medicinal,
cultural and spiritual purposes.

 Conserving forest biodiversity is a prerequisite for the long-term

and broad flow of forest ecosystem services.
Ecosystem goods and services ECOSYSTEM GOODS AND SERVICES

Provisioning Services Cultural Services

 The Millennium Ecosystem    
Assessment reports that a large and ▪ Food, Fiber and Fuel ▪ Spiritual and religious
▪ Genetic Resources values
increasing number of forest ▪ Biochemicals ▪ Knowledge system
ecosystems, populations and species ▪ Fresh Water ▪ Education and
are threatened globally or being lost ▪ Recreation and
due to the loss and degradation of

aesthetic value
forest habitats.
Regulating Services Supporting Services
 Tropical moist forests are home to    
▪ Invasion resistance ▪ Primary production
the largest number of threatened ▪ Herbivory ▪ Provision of habitat
species of any biome. It is assumed ▪ Pollination ▪ Nutrient cycling
▪ Seed dispersal ▪ Soil formation and
that numerous, but not yet ▪ Climate regulation retention
scientifically described, species are ▪ Pest regulation ▪ Production of
▪ Disease regulation atmospheric oxygen
presently being lost together with ▪ Water cycling
▪ Natural hazard
their tropical forest habitats (MEA protection
2005). ▪ Erosion regulation

MEA (2005)
▪ Water purification
i Environmental impacts of forestry
Forestry can have a variety of negative impacts on biodiversity,
particularly when carried out without management standards

designed to protect natural assets.
Biodiversity loss: Unsustainable forest operations and other pressures on
forest resources, such as gathering of fuelwood, can lead to forest
degradation and permanent losses in biodiversity.

Climate change: As forest ecosystems are important stores for carbon,

their loss has serious implications for climate change. Deforestation and
forest degradation are estimated to cause about 20% of annual
greenhouse gas emissions (SCBD 2008).
Livelihoods of forest dwellers: Forestry can also have negative impacts on
indigenous and local communities, and on the livelihoods of other forest
dwellers by competing with these communities for access to a finite forest
resource base, and by disregarding cultural or spiritual sites and practices.
i Environmental impacts of forestry

Illegal hunting: Increased hunting continues to be a major threat to

forest biodiversity in many countries. The depletion of wildlife is
intimately linked to the food security and livelihood of numerous

tropical forest-region inhabitants, as many of these forest-dependent

people have few alternative sources of protein and income.
Unsustainable hunting pressures are often linked to logging activities
(Nasi et al. 2008).
Illegal settlements: Another side effect of forestry operations, illegal
settlements are a threat to forest biodiversity following construction of
new forest access roads to previously inaccessible regions.
i Positive impacts of forestry
Yet, forestry management has evolved considerably in past
decades, demonstrating significant positive impacts for

biodiversity conservation, while also delivering social and
economic benefits to host communities.
Sustainable Forest Management (SFM): The General Assembly of the UN
has adopted the most widely, intergovernmentally agreed defition of SFM
as: a dynamic and evolving concept aims to maintain and enhance the
economic, social and environmental value of all types of forests, for the
benefit of present and future generations (UN 2008, Resolution 62/98).

Reduced Impact Logging (RIL) practices can include some of the following:
 Directional tree felling to inflict the smallest impact on the surrounding forest;
 Establishing stream buffer zones and watershed protection areas;
 Using improved technologies to reduce damage to the soil caused by log extraction;
 Careful planning to prevent excess roads which give access to transient settlers  
i Some current trends: Forest biodiversity
 Forest biodiversity is being lost at an alarming rate. Key publications
such as the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MEA 2005) and the Red
List of Threatened Species™ (IUCN 2004) indicate that a large and
increasing number of forest ecosystems, populations and species are

threatened globally or being lost due to the loss and degradation of forest
 The percentage of forest area designated for the conservation of
biological diversity has increased significantly between 1990 and 2005,
with an estimated 11.2% of total forest area having this objective as its
primary function.
 Forested wetlands represent a particularly vulnerable forest type.
Forested wetlands are highly biodiversity-rich and provide significant
ecosystem services, such as carbon sequestration, and they underpin
productive fisheries.
 Areas under agriculture and pasture are expanding, often at the expense
of forest.
i Some current trends:
Sustainable use and consumption
 More than 1.6 billion people depend to varying degrees on forests for

their livelihoods, e.g. fuelwood, medicinal plants and forest foods.
 The consumption of main timber products (roundwood, sawnwood,
pulp, paper) is expected to increase over the next 30 years.
 Illegal and /or unsustainable logging and harvesting of forest
products seriously undermine national efforts to improve sustainable
forest management in many countries. Governments, mostly in
developing countries, lose an estimated US$15 billion a year as a result
of uncollected taxes and royalties.
 There has been significant growth in some non-timber forest
products (NTFP) markets with extension of market systems to more
remote areas; growing interest in products such as herbal medicines,
wild foods, handcrafted utensils, and decorative items; and
development projects focused on production and trade of NTFPs.
Some current trends:
Sustainable use and consumption
 Civil society and private sector players are playing an increasingly
important role in management of forest products, reflecting the
public’s desire to secure a range of ecosystem services from forests.

 There has been a strong move toward both privatization and the
decentralization of control over forests, forest management services,
and enterprise.
 Market-based responses are redistributing rights to stakeholders,
making them more effective in securing both wood supplies and other
ecosystem services.
 The forest area under certification has increased rapidly in recent
years. However, to date this trend is seen primarily in industrialized
countries, and only locally in developing countries, and certification
does not yet seem to be affecting timber production or trade at a
significant scale.
Biodiversity in forest management
>> Biodiversity in production forests
The International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO) and the
International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) have developed
“Guidelines for the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity in
tropical timber production forests” (ITTO and IUCN 2009). The guidelines
include, amongst others:

1. Observe national laws, plans and practices of local communities in

forest management activities, and support the implementation of
international biodiversity related agreements.

2. Establish a forest management plan in which biodiversity

conservation objectives are clearly and explicitly identified for each area
of forest under management.
3. In preparation of harvesting plans, pay particular attention to the
local occurrence of species or habitats of special conservation concern
and species that perform vital ecological functions
Biodiversity in forest management
>> Biodiversity in production forests
4. Plan the allocation of tropical production forests at a landscape scale
and plan harvesting blocks in ways that do not disrupt the continuity of
mature forests.

5. Raise public and political awareness on international/national laws

and disseminate biodiversity information and strategies using various
6. Coordinate actions of forest owners, users and managers across
landscapes to best ensure the maintenance of sufficient high quality
connected habitat for species.
7. Large-scale planted forests can provide a forest matrix within which
areas of high conservation value can be protected and managed.
Encourage the establishment of representative natural forest within the
plantation estate and, where possible, the restoration of natural forests
on appropriate sites.

Biodiversity in production forests (Malaysia)

 Approximately 1.5 million hectares in the Malaysian state of Sarawak are
degraded forests, earmarked for tree plantations (Hevea brasiliensis (rubber)
and Acacia mangium)

 Grand Perfect Sdn Bhd, a consortium of local timber companies, has

planned three types of land uses in the project area:
1. state lands earmarked for A. mangium planting (230,000 hectares);
2. indigenous customary rights and former shifting cultivation lands
(110,000 hectares); and
3. conservation zones (150,000 hectares) that contain high conservation
value or other kinds of ecologically important forests.

 The project will eventually produce 5 million tonnes of industrial wood per
year and simultaneously play a crucial role in biodiversity conservation in the
state of Sarawak.

Source: ITTO and IUCN 2009

Biodiversity in forest management
>> Agroforestry

Agroforestry is defined as: a land-use system in which woody perennials

(trees, shrubs, palms, bamboos) are deliberately used on the same land
management unit as agricultural crops (woody or not), animals or both, in
some form of spatial arrangement or temporal sequence (ICRAF n.d.).
 Trees can provide a range of benefits in agricultural systems:
 fruit trees for nutrition and medicinal trees to combat disease.
 fodder trees that improve smallholder livestock production
 timber and fuelwood trees for shelter and energy
 Agroforestry landscapes have higher biodiversity per unit than
agricultural landscapes, and they offer habitats to numerous rare species
 Agroforestry contributes to human well-being by providing additional
income; increasing food security through a higher diversity of agricultural
products (e.g. fruits, nuts, and edible oils); and by providing fuelwood and
construction material and thus reducing deforestation.
Biodiversity conservation and local livelihoods – Traditional

Rubber Agroforestry (Sumatra)

 The traditional rubber agroforests are complex multi-strata systems

important for biodiversity, yet are being destroyed by the intensification of
agriculture and other land uses
 Potential to conserve biodiversity within rubber agroforests depends on
appropriate innovative interventions, including payment mechanisms.
 The World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF) in partnership with local NGOs
WARSI and Gita Buana, implemented an action-research project in Bungo
district in Jambi, Sumatra on reward mechanisms for conservation of
traditional rubber agroforests.
 Agreements to conserve 2,000 ha of jungle rubber were made with four
villages. Rewards in the form of support to establish micro-hydro power
generators, local tree nurseries and model village forests were provided.

Source: Joshi, L. 2009

Biodiversity in forest management
>> Forest landscape restoration
 Estimates of the amount of land available for forest landscape restoration

(FLR) activities range from 350 to 850 million ha.

 The Global Partnership on Forest Landscape Restoration identifies three
main principles which characterise FLR:
1. Restoration of a balanced and agreed-upon package of forest functions;
2. Active collaboration and negotiation among a mix of stakeholders; and
3. Working across a landscape.
 Restored forest landscapes may include areas protected for watershed
management and nature conservation, well-managed commercial
plantations, tree buffers or strips along rivers to protect against flooding and
erosion, agroforestry systems, and planned community development.
 Restored forest landscapes can provide a range of benefits such as
employment opportunities, a source of timber for forest industries and local
communities, increased habitats for animals and plants, a secure and high-
quality supply of water, and recreation and tourism opportunities.
Restoring forests in the Miyun Reservoir watershed
benefits rural and city communities (China)

 Three quarters of the forests in the watershed of China’s Miyun
Reservoir – which provides most of the drinking water for Beijing’s 17
million residents – are in poor condition.
 Many of the residents of the watershed are poor and economically
disadvantaged, especially compared to their neighbours in the city.
 The IUCN Livelihoods and Landscape Strategy is working with the
Beijing Forestry Society to enhance local peoples’ access to forest
products, improve benefits for community livelihoods, and increase
household income by 25%. Activities being undertaken include:
 Developing a multi-stakeholder landscape and biodiversity restoration plan
for the Miyun reservoir watershed
 Investigating and improving the potential for alternative energy sources,
NTFP production and ecotourism
 Improving compensation schemes for the ecosystem services of the Miyun

Source: IUCN 2009

Biodiversity in forest management
>> Forest protected areas

A protected area is defined by IUCN as: an area of land and/or sea

especially dedicated to the protection and maintenance of biological
diversity, and of natural and associated cultural resources, and managed
through legal or other effective means (IUCN n.d.).
 Forested protected areas can help safeguard a range of ecosystem goods
and services, and are therefore a vital tool in managing for resilient forest
ecosystems, and forest-dependent communities.
 Protected areas provide valuable and numerous benefits to:
 Protect biological diversity and evolutionary processes
 Prevent and reduce poverty by supporting livelihoods, providing social and
cultural governance and subsistence values
 Ensuring breeding grounds for wildlife and fish, critical to food security
 Generate tremendous direct economic benefits, and serve as a key asset for
the tourism industry—critical to many developing economies.
Livelihood benefits of an extractive forest reserve (Brazil)

 The 506,200 ha Alto Juruá Extractive Reserve (AJER), is located in the
westernmost part of the Amazon, and was created in 1990.
 The creation of AJER has allowed inhabitants within the reserve to
organise to create management plans, and to allocate responsibilities for
reserve governance.
 More secure land and tenure rights accompanying reserve creation
have led to diversification of the local economy — beans have replaced
rubber as the primary commodity, and are grown mainly on riverbanks.
 Analysis of forest cover changes during the first decade of AJER’s
establishment (1989-2000) indicates deforestation to have occurred in
only 1% of the area.
 There have been indications of recovery of threatened species such as
jaguar, tapir, peccaries, and several species of primates, assumed to be
linked to the depopulation of remote forest areas.

Source: Ruiz-Pérez et al. 2005

Biodiversity in forest management
>> Non-timber forest products (NTFPs)
 The Millennium Ecosystem Assessment estimates that up to 96% of the
value of forests is derived from non-timber forest products (NTFPs) and
services (MEA 2005).
 Most of the more than 5,000 commercial forest products are non-timber
products, including pharmaceuticals and food.
 Forests are often the ‘pharmacy’ and ‘supermarket’ for the rural poor.
 Yet, the important role of NTFPs in the national and particular rural
economy is often not reflected in national statistics, or in relevant
strategies and plans.
 Good forest governance, including clear tenure rights and proper law
enforcement, plays a crucial role for the sustainable use of NTFPs. The most
successful approaches for governance are based on a ‘tri-partite approach’,
with government, civil society, and the private sector jointly agreeing upon
necessary reforms and improvements.
The Novella Africa Initiative (East, Central and West Africa) 

 The Novella Africa Initiative is a public-private partnership formed in
2002 by Unilever, a number of internataional NGOs , and governmental
organizations and NGOs in Africa.

 The initiative is undertaking commercial scale collection and

extraction of oil from seeds of the Allanblackia (AB) tree, which is native
to tropical forests of West, Central and East Africa. This oil is used by
Unilever to make food products, such as spreads, and detergents.

 In Ghana and Tanzania, the planting of AB trees is increasing from

several thousand to about 100,000 trees a year and is being
incorporated into forest landscape restoration projects.

 The project is expected to grow to include 150,000 farmers in Ghana,

Tanzania, Nigeria, Cameroon, and Liberia over the next decade,
generating US$100 million in returns.

Sources: IUCN 2008, UNDP n.d.

Biodiversity in forest management
>> Unsustainable, unregulated and unauthorized harvesting:
 Non-timber forest products

 The omission of NFTPs from government development strategies and

policies makes them more susceptible to unsustainable, unregulated and
unauthorized harvesting, as in the case of bushmeat hunting.
 Bushmeat hunting is the extraction from the wild of any non-
domesticated terrestrial mammal, bird, reptile, and amphibian.
 Hunting for food in tropical forests is an issue of concern as the scale of
hunting occurring in these regions threatens many tropical forest species; it
is also linked to the food security and livelihood of numerous tropical forest-
region inhabitants, who have few alternative sources of protein and income.
 Greater attention must therefore be given to governance issues (e.g.
policy and legislation, links to development assistance) and treating the
high-value bushmeat trade as an aspect of the national economy. 
 Local empowerment of resource users is a potential key strategy to
achieve long-term sustainability.
Wildlife management in a community reserve (Peru)

 The Reserva Comunal Tamshiyacu-Tahuayo in the Peruvian Amazon
comprises some 3,225 km2.
 The diversity of mammals in the reserve is greater than in any other
protected area in the Amazon, and possibly globally.
 Hunting pressure is limited to local subsistence consumption, sales of
dried meat to Iquitos, and peccary pelts for sale to overseas markets.
 Wildlife management draws on community-based and co-
management strategies, involving local communities, government
agencies, NGO extension workers and researchers.
 Decisions on resource use and management are voted upon during
community meetings, and are informed by research and monitoring.
 Data shows that harvests of all species except tapir are sustainable,
and ways are being sought to ensure that tapir hunting is also reduced
to sustainable levels.

Source: Nasi et al. 2008

Payments for environmental services

Payments for environmental services (PES) can be defined as: voluntary


transactions whereby a defined environmental service (or a land-use likely

to secure that service) is bought by a buyer from a provider, on the
condition that the provider secures provision of the service (Wunder 2008).

 PES is a type of economic instrument that provides incentives to land

owners to supply environmental services, which benefit society more
 Environmental services markets have been developed for carbon
sequestration, watershed services, biodiversity conservation, and
landscape beauty / recreation.
 PES projects can potentially serve the dual goals of preserving critical
ecosystem services and the biodiversity upon which they depend, while
also contributing to poverty reduction (UNEP and IUCN n.d.).
Pioneering payments for forest environmental services (Costa Rica) 

 Costa Rica’s Pagos por Servicios Ambientales (PSA) recognizes four
environmental services provided by forests: mitigation of greenhouse gas
emissions, hydrological services, biodiversity conservation, and provision
of scenic beauty for recreation and ecotourism.
 Landowners must submit a sustainable forest management plan,
prepared by a licensed forester, describing plans for preventing poaching
and illegal harvesting, and outlining monitoring schedules.
 Payments for landowners: US$64/ha/year for forest conservation plans,
and US$816/ha over 10 years for plantations.

 As of 2005, about 270,000 ha were enrolled in the programme,

primarily as forest conservation contracts.
 The PSA programme has been partly credited for helping Costa Rica,
once having some of the world’s highest deforestation rates, to achieve
zero net deforestation by the early 2000s.

Source: Pagiola 2008 

The role of indigenous and local communities
 Forests are home to an estimated 60 million indigenous people, who are
directly dependent on forest resources and the health of forest
ecosystems for their livelihoods.
 The cultural and spiritual identity of Indigenous Peoples is often linked to
intact primary forests with their rich biodiversity.
 In the Amazon basin, for example, knowledge of the medicinal,
nutritional and cultural uses of over 1,300 different forest plants is
common in local indigenous communities.
 Forest operations, as well as landscape-level planning, should take into
account both the rights and traditional knowledge of indigenous and local
 The main principle for achieving this is through the effective
participation of indigenous peoples and local stakeholders in decision-
making and governance processes, on the basis of free, prior and
informed consent to any projects, plans or changes that affect their
communities, traditional lifestyles, and environment.
Pygmy communities use GPS and community radio to protect
cultural sites (Congo)

   Congolaise Industrielle des Bois (CIB) manages a 1.3 million hectare
  area of Congolese forest home to 9,000 Mbendjele Pygmies.

 Standards set by the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) require CIB to

protect ‘sites of special cultural, ecological, economic or religious
significance to indigenous peoples’.
 Such information can only come directly from the Mbendjeles, who
are dispersed throughout the forest, and most do not speak any
European languages.
 The “Indigenous People’s Voices project” allows the Mbendjeles to
plot significant forest areas using a geographic information system (GIS),
which are then accounted for in CIB’s harvesting plans.
 Using GIS and radio technology, the Mbendjele keep each other
informed about areas to be protected and areas to be logged, thereby
helping them protect their land and culture.

Source: CTA 2008

Forest biodiversity in national strategies
and action plans
National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (NBSAPs) are important

national tools for the conservation and sustainable use of forest

biodiversity, but forests are also addressed in a number of other strategies
and action plans, such as Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers (PRSPs).
PRSPs, NBSAPs, National Forestry Programmes, and other strategies and
plans, must converge towards a holistic approach to natural resource
management at a landscape level.

National Strategy / Action Plan Description Leading International Process Links

National Biodiversity Strategies Main policy document for Secretariat of the Convention
and Action Plans (NBSAPs) national implementation of CBD on Biological Diversity

National Forest Programmes National strategy for sustainable FAO / UNFF www.nfp-
(NFPs) forest management

National Adaptation Programmes National plans for UNFCCC / international

of Action (NAPAs) implementation of adaptation implementing organizations /
measures under the UNFCCC bilateral cooperation agencies

Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers National and regional strategies World Bank and International
(PSRPs) for development Monetary Fund external/np/prsp/

National and local forest Basic tool for forest decision- National and local forest  
inventories and management making at local level administrations
Local tenure facilitating forest restoration and poverty reduction

 The HASHI (Hifadhi Ardhi Shinyanga—Swahili for soil conservation)
project supports restoration of ngitili (forest and shrubland set aside as
traditional grazing and fodder reserves).

 Prior to the HASHI project, the forest lands of Shinyanga were highly
degraded as a result of government (both colonial and postcolonial)
policies, such as villagization and commercial coffee growing.

 The 2002 Forest Act permits forest tenure at the local level through
Village land forest reserves and Community forest reserves; rights to use
and sell forest products from ngitili are recognized.

 By 2004, at least 350,000 hectares of ngitili were restored or created

in 833 villages, encompassing a population of 2.8 million. The estimated
benefit per person per month of ngitili is US$14.

Source: PROFOR 2008

Access and benefit-sharing
 The third objective of the Convention on Biological Diversity provides for

“the fair and equitable sharing of the benefits arising out of the utilisation
of genetic resources…”
 The properties of some genetic resources from timber and non-timber
forest products have contributed to the development of a broad range of
products, including pharmaceuticals and cosmetics.
 The Convention establishes that a person or institution seeking access to
a biological resource in a foreign country in order to use its genetic
material, should seek the prior informed consent of the country in which
the resource is located.
 The sharing of benefits, through technology transfer, research results,
training, and profits can contribute to poverty reduction and sustainable
development in biodiversity rich developing countries.
 Sharing of benefits can take the form of payment of royalties, joint
ownership over property rights, provision of equipment, etc..
Genetic resources from timber and non-timber forest products

 The properties of some genetic resources from timber and non-timber
forest products have contributed to the development of a broad range
of products, including pharmaceuticals and cosmetics.
 Some examples include:
 Calanolide A and Calanolide B, compounds isolated from the latex
of Calophyllum tree species, found in the Malaysian rain forest, have
shown potential to provide treatment for the human
immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1);
 Cussonia zimmermannii, a tree found in Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda
and Mozambique and widely distributed in South Africa is used as a
remedy for mental disorders;
 The bark of the Prunus Africana tree, in sub-Saharan Africa has
been used by local communities for the treatment of a variety of
illnesses, including malaria, syphilis, high blood pressure, Asthma,
Communication, education and public awareness
 One of the core principles of Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) is
that it reflects a diverse range of societal values in reference to forest

conservation and use.

 Public awareness raising and communication activities play a critical role
in informing and educating the public, thereby allowing them to more
effectively participate in SFM decision-making.
 SFM requires the support at varying times and places from different
government departments, NGOs, indigenous and local communities,
business and industry, scientists, women’s groups, youth, and community-
based groups.
 To work with these different groups, communication, education and
public awareness (CEPA) are crucial instruments to build trust,
understanding and shared agreements for action and to reduce conflict.
 CEPA is needed to help people work together and innovate, and spread
information, knowledge, values and goals.
The Green Wave for biodiversity

 The Green Wave is an ongoing global biodiversity education project
that encourages young people to make a difference in conserving the
basis for life on Earth.
 The Green Wave invites children and youth in schools and groups
worldwide to plant a tree at 10 a.m. local time on 22 May – the
International Day for Biological Diversity – creating a “green wave”
across time-zones.
 Participants upload photos and text to The Green Wave website ( to share their tree-planting stories with
others. An interactive map goes live in the evening at 20:10 local time,
creating a second, virtual, “green wave”.
 In 2009, 42 schools and 1430 students in Managua, Nicaragua
participated in The Green Wave campaign.

• Mitigation measures and monitoring measures & indicators/standards

• Assigns responsibility for implementation; estimates costs
• Text and/or table form:

Mitigation Plan: what must be done Monitoring Plan: whether measures are
implemented & effective
Example: Environmental Mitigation Plan
For The Foundry
Construction Phase
Project Activity Potential Proposed Mitigation Measures Institutional Costs
Environment Responsibility US$
al Impacts

Use of land within the Damage to Appropriate clearing techniques (hand Contractor/ “5000”
plant construction area, vegetation clearing, not mechanized clearing) will be Plant
and along the access utilized. Any trees of protected species will Operating
road route be relocated. In case relocation is not Company
possible, the project developer will agree
with the MoEnv on a practical compensation
to protect specific trees
Use of land within the Loss of Fertile topsoil will be removed, stored in an Contractor/ “5000”
plant construction area, fertile topsoil isolated area away from construction Plant
and along the access and soil activities, and covered with plastic to prevent Operating
road route erosion runoff/erosion. Upon construction Company
completion, topsoil will be returned and the
area revegetated with plants similar to the
original vegetation/native to the area.
Construction works Air pollution When necessary, construction site will be Contractor/ 2000
by dust sprayed with water, particularly during hot, Plant
dry, windy conditions. Operating
Construction works Noise from Construction will be confined to normal work- Contractor/ -
construction hours (7AM to 7PM). If construction must be Plant
works conducted before/after these hours, local Operating
Example: Environmental Mitigation Plan
For the Foundry
Operation Phase
Project Potential Proposed Mitigation Measures Institutional Costs
Activity Environmental Responsibility US$
Coal Air emissions of Low-NOx burners and water Power plant 0.8
Combustion NOx, SO2, CO, injection to control NOx; operator million
particulate Firing only low-sulfur (<0.1% by Power plant

matter wt.) coal to control SO2; supply and

Good combustion control to control installation
CO, PM and VOCs; (S&I) contractor
Stack height at least 45 m to

facilitate dispersion.
Equipment Noise from Acoustic enclosures for the Power plant 150,000
Operation equipment combustion turbines to ensure that operator
noise does not exceed 70 dB(A) at S&I Contractor

100 m
All Workers Health Personnel protective equipment will Power plant 50,000
operation and Safety be used (gloves, glasses, safety operator
phases belts)
WHS training will be provided to
workers monthly
Safety engineer will be assigned to
the site
Example: Environmental Monitoring Plan
For the Foundry
Construction Phase
Potential What parameter is Where s the How is the When / by whom Cost
Environmental to be monitored? parameter to be parameter to be is the parameter
Impacts monitored? monitored? to be monitored?
Damage to Clearing techniques Plant site, pipeline Visual and by Monthly throughout -
vegetation and relocation and access road comparison with construction period;
procedures utilized; line routes pre-construction Contractor/
record of photo survey Supervisor Engineer
provided as agreed
with MoEnv
Loss of fertile Soil storage Soil storage sites Visual Weekly during site -
topsoil and soil procedures and preparation and
erosion location construction period
Air pollution by Dust level All active Visual During construction -
dust construction sites Contractor/
Supervisor Engineer
Noise pollution Noise level, dB[A] All active Measurements by a During construction,
from construction construction sites licensed Contractor
works organization using
Example: Environmental Monitoring Plan
For the Foundry
Operation Phase

Potential What parameter is to be Where is the How is the parameter to When/ by whom is
Environmental monitored? parameter to be be monitored? the parameter to be
Impacts monitored? monitored?
Air emissions of The applicable standards are: (1) At the stack of the By continuous monitoring Initial test at
NOx, SO2, CO, and NO2 ≤ 400 mg/m3; (2) SO2 ≤ plant equipment supplied with the commissioning and
particulate matter 850 mg/m3; (3) CO ≤ 150 power plant; costs are part of annual subsequently.
(PM) mg/m3; (4) PM ≤ 100 mg/m3 the self-monitoring plan for Continuous for NOx and
the plant – could be easily CO. Plant management

Noise from Noise level, dB[A]. Applicable At 100 meter from Measurements by a licensed Once before
construction works limits are 70 dB(A) at 100 m the border of the site organization using certified commissioning of the
(closest end to a measurement devices; plant and annually when
residential area) national standard costs the plant is in operation

Workers Health and Usage of personnel protective At the site Visual checking usage of Equipment: daily by
Safety equipment protective equipment; safety engineer
Records of the training
Records of WHS training
held/attendance Training records:
monthly by safety

X Environmental
Management in
Procurement and

X Bills of Quantities

Site Management Plans

X Environmental Auditor

Penalty and Incentive


Performance bond
(“damage deposit”)
Common Problems of EMPs

 Mitigation measures not aligned with identified issues/impacts

 Mitigation measures too general, insufficient detail
 Mitigation and/or monitoring measures not feasible or not practical
(e.g. all hazardous wastes to be disposed of in licensed HW landfill… are there any?)
 Failure to distinguish between required mitigation measures and
recommended actions
 Monitoring indicators inappropriate, imprecise, or not measurable
 Responsibilities not assigned or inappropriately assigned
 Lack of cost estimates
 EMP too long and elaborate
Medical Waste Disposal

Rehabilitated clinic has good

storage facilities for
collecting/isolating medical waste,
but EIA/EMP failed to address
issue of final disposal

EMP for small rural clinic

calls for on-site
incineration, judged
appropriate for type and
scale of medical waste (but
should have specified
enclosure of burn site)
Issue: dam will block upstream
movement of fish for spawning

Mitigation measure:

“Include fish ladder in dam design”

“Include frastructure needed to enable
movement of migratory fish

Monitoring indicator:

“fish ladder is built”

“record seasonal movements of
fish species X”
Generic EMP can state:
work site should include
structures to avoid erosion
of riverbanks

Site-specific EMP should

location/dimensions and
types of structures required,
with estimated costs
3a. “Checklist EMP” for small civil works
 2007 review of SG implementation in health & education sectors indicated:
 Most of the projects Category “low B”
 Environmental impacts usually related only to small scale construction /
building rehabilitation
 National laws did not require EMPs; implementers not accustomed to
having them
 EMPs existed on paper but were long, complex, impractical – and mostly
ignored… result in most cases: no environmental site management
 Recognition that issues for small scale construction/rehabilitation are fairly
standard… no need to continually “re-invent the wheel
 Conclusion: need a streamlined, practical instrument, which would be
standardized, easy to prepare, implement and monitor, specifically tailored
to small scale infrastructure
Checklist EMP – Eligibility
 Category “low B” Project

 Environmental issues known and limited to

small scale construction/rehabilitation works*

 Area of impact clearly defined & limited:

either within an existing “footprint” or relatively
small new areas known not to have major
environmental or social issues
EMP Checklist: Structure and Function

• Basic information on project activities

1: Datasheet • Environmental baseline information

2: Potential • Grouped according to various themes or impact

impacts list • Themes / types to be checked as applicable

3: Mitigation • Each checked item from Section B triggers specific

mitigation measures / parameters and specific,
measures list concrete activities to be implemented on site

4: Monitoring • Focuses on reasonable, meaningful, practical

plan monitoring parameters and activities
How EMP Checklist is used

 description of sub-project and

Parts 1 & 2:
identification of potential impacts: for use by
 identifies issues and associated mitigation
Part 3:
measures: becomes part of construction
 monitoring/supervision plan to verify
Part 4:
effective mitigation: for use by construction
site supervisor and PMU

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