Female Reproductive System Updated
Female Reproductive System Updated
Female Reproductive System Updated
01 The female reproductive system
consists of internal and external
Cervical canal
of female
Let's goooooooo!!!!!!
1.Blastula is the result of fertilization
where a sperm and an egg fuse together.
7.In this stage, all embryos have 2 pair of ducts, both ending at cloaca.
7.In the female, there are no Leydig cells to produce testosterone. In the absence
of this hormone, the mesonephric ducts degenerate, leaving behind only a
vestigial remnant – Gartner’s duct.
Usually paired
May be solid or hollow
Size can vary greatly depending on
species and stage of reproductive
-outer covering of tough connective tissue.
Germinal epithelium
-single layer of cells once thought to produce the germ cells - thus its name
Segment that pierces the uterine wall
Narrowest part of the tube and lies just
Lateral to the uterus
The widest part of the tube
-Funnel shape lateral end that projects beyond the broad
Ligaments and overlies the ovary.
-The free edge of the funnel has several finger-like
processes (fimbrae), which are draped over the ovary
-Enclosed in
superior margin of
broad ligament
-Stretches from
the ovary to the
level of the
fallopian tube.
3 layers
1. Perimetrium – outer layer
Part of visceral peritoneum
2. Myometrium
3 layers of smooth muscle
Contractions in response to oxytocin from
posterior pituitary
3. Endometrium – inner layer
Highly vascularized
Stratum functionalis –lines cavity, sloughs
off during menstruation
Stratum basalis – permanent, gives rise to
new stratum functionalis after each
Ligament of uterus
Blood supply of uterus
✦ Fibromuscular canal extending from exterior of body to
uterine cervix
✦ Mucosa continuous with uterine mucosa
I. Decomposition of glycogen makes acidic environment
hostile to microbes and sperm
II. Alkaline components of semen raise pH
✦ The epithelium and areolar connective tissue of the vagina
lie in a series of transverse folds called rugae
✦ Muscularis – 2 layers of smooth muscle
✦ Adventitia – anchors vagina to adjacent organs
✦ Hymen – forms a border around and partially closes vaginal
Mons pubis
Assists in
micturition by
directing the flow
of urine
Micturition – action of urinating
Sometimes referred
Also known as
to as the greater
the lesser
vestibular glands,
these are two pea-
glands, these sit
sized structures
on either side of
that are found to
the urethra.
the back and
slightly to the side
Hymen- thin piece of tissue located at of the opening of
the opening of the vagina. the vagina.
✦ The vulva receives sensory and parasympathetic nervous
✦ To describe the sensory distribution, the vulva can be
divided into anterior and posterior sections:
✦ Anterior – ilioinguinal nerve, genital branch of the
genitofemoral nerve
✦ Posterior – pudendal nerve, posterior cutaneous nerve of the
Cutaneous innervation the skin of the vulva and
thigh. perineum
✦ The clitoris and the vestibule also receive parasympathetic
innervation from the cavernous nerves – derived from the
Innervation : –
uterovaginal plexus. the process of supplying nerves to an
organ or part of the body.
✦ Perineum is anatomical region in pelvis – located between thighs & represents most
inferior part of pelvic outlet
✦ Perineum is separated from pelvic cavity superiorly by pelvic floor
✦ Perineum is a diamond-shaped region between the pubic arch anteriorly, sacrum &
coccyx posteriorly & ischial tuberosities laterally on each side
✦ Contain structures that support the urogenital (urogenital triangle) & gastrointestinal
system (anal triangle) - play important role in function such as micturition, defecation,
sexual intercourse & childbirth
Pubic arch
Urogenital Triangle
Anal Triangle
✦ Muscles of Perineum
Pelvic Floor
✦ Formed by the funnel-shaped pelvic diaphragm
✦ The pelvic diaphragm consist of levator ani muscle
& coccygeus muscle
✦ Function of the pelvic diaphragm is to support the
pelvic organs & prevent them from prolapse
• Modified sudoriferous (sweat) glands
• Lie over pectoralis major and serratus anterior muscle
• Attached to them by a layer of deep fasciacomposed of dense
irregular connective tissue
• Each breast has one nipple which is pigmented projection
• Lactiferous ducts –a series of closely space opening where milk
• The circular pigmented area of skin surrounding the nipple is
called areola – appears rough, contain modified sebaceous (oil)
• The suspensory ligaments of breast (Cooper’s Ligaments) is a
strand of connective tissue-run between the skin and deep fascia
to support the breast
Become looser with age / excessive strain ( long-term jogging/
high-impact aerobics
Slow the appearance of “Cooper’s Droop” by wearing a
supportive bra.
• Internal Mammary glands consists of 15 to 20 lobes
• Separated by a variable amount of adipose tissue
• Each lobe contain several smaller compartment called lobules
• Lobules composed of grapelike clusters of milk-secreting glands
termed alveoli – embeded in connective tissue
• Myoepithelial cells surround the alveoli- contracting to help propel
milk toward the nipple
• When milk produced, it passed from the alveoli into a series of
secondary tubules and then into mammry ducts
• Near the nipple, mamamry ducts expand to form sinuses called
lactiferous sinuses
Milk being stored before draining into a lactiferous duct which
typically carries milk from one of lobes to the exterior
• Main function of mammary gland- lactation which synthesis,
secretion and ejection of milk
• Associated with pregnancy and childbirth
• Milk production is stimulated largely by the hormone prolactin
from anterior pituitary with contributions from progestrone and
• Ejection of milk is stimulated by oxytocin- released from the
posterior pituitary which response to the sucking of a baby on the
mother’s nipple.
Abnormalities of the uterus • Septate uterus
✦ There are few types of female • Bicornuate uterus
reproductive congenital • Arcuate uterus
• Unicornuate
abnormalities: • Didelphys
Abnormalities of the
Abnormalities of the Vulva
definition • a horizontal "wall" of tissue that has • there is a wall of tissue running vertically • the vagina doesn't develop, and
formed during embryologic up and down the length of a girl’s the womb (uterus) may only
development and essentially creates vagina, dividing it into two separate develop partially or not at all
a blockage of the vagina. cavities • present before birth and may
• forms during embryological • also known as “double vagina” or also be associated with kidney
development when the tubes that longitudinal vaginal septum (LVS). or skeletal problems
eventually become a vagina don't • mullerian ducts don't develop
fuse together properly properly.
symptom • the absence of a menstrual cycle, • may not even be aware until hit puberty. • often goes unnoticed until
amenorrhea • Pain when inserting or removing a females reach their teens, but
• periods that last beyond the normal tampon don't menstruate (amenorrhea)
four to seven day cycle • Menstrual blood that leaks out even • vagina may be shortened
• abdominal pain from blood collecting when using a tampon without a cervix at the end, or
in the upper vagina. • Pain during intercourse absent and marked only by a
slight indentation where a
vaginal opening would typically
be located.
• may be no uterus or one that's
only partially developed.
One or both labia may not develop One or both labia may grow to
normally. This may be evident in larger sizes. Enlargement of the
childhood or may only be evident labia can result in irritation, chronic
through pubertal development as infections, pain, interference with
one side develops normally and the sexual activity, and/or interference
other side is noted to be smaller or with activity involving vulvar
absent. compression such as horseback
Congenital Anomalies of The Cervix
Congenital Cervical Agenesis Cervical Duplication
abnormality of
Definition ☻ occurs when a girl is born without cervix. ☻ A rare genetic condition in which a girl is born with 2
☻ the opening at the bottom of the uterus that cervices.
connects to vagina ☻ the reproductive tract forms as two tubes which meet in the
☻ Occurs along with vaginal agenesis where a girl midline and are intended to fuse. There are cases where
has born without vagina fusion does not occur, and two cervices can result as with
two uteri. This may or may not be associated with a
complete vaginal septum
☻ Sometimes called the “neck” that connected the uterus and
☻ Occurs along with condition known as uterine duplication
where girl has a double uterus
Symptoms ☻ Failure to start having periods at puberty Do not have symptoms and their outer genitals appear
(primary amenorrhea) normal.
☻ Abnormal pain If they do have symptoms, they usually caused by other
abnormalities that exist in their uterus and/or vagina
Risk Factor Occurs when the baby reproductive system fail to risk for premature labor and also for breech presentation
develop fully in the womb. Others reproductive (which means that the baby is coming out feet first) which
organ may also be missing or smaller than usual would most likely necessitate a cesarean delivery
Polycystic Ovary
Syndrome Mastitis Breast Cancer
Happen when tissue that is similar to the tissue that lines in the
endometrium grows outside of uterus
This tissue acts like regular uterine tissue does – it will break
apart & bleed at the end of the cycle
But this blood has nowhere to go
Surrounding areas may become inflamed or swollen
Back pain during period
Severe menstrual cramps
Causes Pain when pooping/peeing,
especially during period
Doctors do not know exactly what causes endometriosis Unusual / heavy bleeding
Some experts think it is because of retrograde during periods
menstruation - menstrual blood that contains endometrial Blood in stool / urine
cells may pass back through fallopian tubes & into pelvic Diarrhea or constipation
cavity, where the cells stick to the organs. Painful intercourse
Genes could also play a role. Research shows that it tends Fatigue that won't go away
to get worse from one generation to the next Trouble getting pregnant
Immune system disorders
Uterine Fibroids
-Fibroid uterus is a common benign tumor of
female genital tract
-The tumor is composed of smooth muscle &
fibrous connective tissue due to proliferation
-also called as leiomyoma and fibromyoma
-Common in nullipara woman which is a woman
who has never carried a pregnancy beyond 20
-The prevalence is highest between 35-45 years
-Fibroid may affect the reproductive outcome
adversly by enlargement & disortion of the uterus
or poor endometrial vascularity
Types of Uterine Fibroids Pedunculated Fibroids/leiomyoma
-Fibroids that are attached to the uterus
by slender stems or stalks called peduncles.
-Fibroid stems are made of the same smooth
muscle as fibroids themselves .
-Range size between 5mm to 10cm
Subserosal fibroids/leiomyoma
-Fibroids that are grow more towards the
outside of the uterus
-Partially / completely covered by Intramural fibroids/leiomyoma
peritoneum -Fibroid that grows predominantly within
-Located near the outer layer (serosa) of the width of the uterine muscle
the uterus or myometrium
Factors , Symptoms & Complications of Uterine Fibroids
Risk factors Symptoms
Age –Older women are at higher risk than Miscarriage
Heavy menstrual bleeding
younger women)
Pre-term labour
Heredity (family history) Menstrual periods lasting more than a week
Hormones- The growth of fibroids depend on
Pelvic pressure / pain
the level presence of Estrogen & Progestrone.
Frequent urination due to the pressure of
the bladder
occurs in the cells of the
cervix Infection with Human
develop quite slowly and Papillomavirus (HPV)
begins with a precancerous Sexual history
condition known as i. Multiple sex partner
dysplasia ii. Began having sexual
relation before age of 18
Risk Factor
Symptoms i. Smoking
Bleeding that occurs between regular menstrual periods ii. Weak immune system
Bleeding after sexual intercourse, douching, or a pelvic iii. Several pregnancies
exam iv. Giving birth at a very
Menstrual periods that last longer and are heavier than young ages
before v. Long term use of the
Bleeding after going through menopause contraceptive pill
Increased vaginal discharge vi. Family history
Pelvic pain
Diagnosis of Cervical Cancer
2. Endometrial Cancer
a type of cancer that begins
in the uterus. Obesity
begins in the layer of cells Diet high in animal fat
that form the lining Family history of endometrial, ovarian and/or colon
(endometrium) of the uterus cancers (hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal
Endometrial cancer is cancer)
Physical &
Medical Colposcopy
History Examination & Biopsy
Imaging Test
5. Vulva Cancer
occurs on the outer surface area Causes
of the female genitalia
commonly forms as a lump or not clear what causes vulvar cancer
sore on the vulva that often Risk factor
causes itching
Increasing age
Types of Vulvar Cancer
Vulvar squamous cell carcinoma Being exposed to human
Vulvar melanoma papillomavirus (HPV)
Having a weakened immune
Itching that doesn't go away system
Pain and tenderness Having a history of precancerous
Bleeding that isn't from menstruation conditions of the vulva
Skin changes, such as color changes or thickening Having a skin condition involving
A lump, wartlike bumps or an open sore (ulcer)
the vulva
Diagnosis of Vulva Cancer
(CT) scan or
Colposcopy &
magnetic Cystoscopy Imaging test
imaging (MRI)
A condition that affects woman’s hormone
levels and woman ovaries works.
• Lead to a breast abscess which is a painful accumulations of pus that develop from
untreated infections.
Breast Cancer
• Happen when cells in your breast grow and divide in uncontrolled way,
creating a mass of tissue.