2 Atomic Structure

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Chapter 2

“Atomic Structure”

1808 John Dalton

suggested that all matter was made up of

tiny spheres that were able to bounce around

with perfect elasticity and called them


1898 Joseph John Thompson

found that atoms could sometimes eject a

far smaller negative particle which he called


In 1897, J.J. Thomson used a cathode ray
tube to deduce the presence of a negatively
charged particle: the electron
1. The cathode rays start from cathode and
move towards the anode.

2. These rays themselves are not visible but

their behaviour can be observed with the help
of certain kind of materials (fluorescent or
phosphorescent) which glow when hit by
3. In the absence of electrical or magnetic field,
these rays travel in straight lines.
4. In the presence of electrical or magnetic field,
the behaviour of cathode rays are similar to
that expected from negatively charged
particles, suggesting that the cathode rays
consist of negatively charged particles, called
5. The characteristics of cathode rays (electrons)
do not depend upon the material of
electrodes and the nature of the gas present in
the cathode ray tube.

 Thus, we can conclude that electrons are

basic constituent of all the atoms.
 In 1897, British physicist J.J. Thomson
measured the ratio of electrical charge (e) to
the mass of electron (me ) by using cathode
ray tube and applying electrical and magnetic
field perpendicular to each other as well as to
the path of electrons.
 Greater the magnitude of the charge on the
particle, greater is the deflection.
 Lighter the particle, greater the deflection.
 Greater the magnitude of electrical or magnetic
field, greater the deflection.
 When only electric field is applied, the
electrons deviate from their path and hit the
cathode ray tube at point A. Similarly when
only magnetic field is applied, electron strikes
the cathode ray tube at point C. By carefully
balancing the electrical and magnetic field
strength, it is possible to bring back the
electron to the path followed as in the absence
of electric or magnetic field and they hit the
screen at point B.
 By carrying out accurate measurements on the
amount of deflections observed by the
electrons on the electric field strength or
magnetic field strength, Thomson was able to
determine the value of e/me as:

 e/m = 1.758820 × 1011 C kg–1

Television Computer Monitor

Cathode ray tubes pass electricity

through a gas that is contained at a
very low pressure.
Mass of the
electron is
9.11 x 10-28 g

The oil drop apparatus

1916 – Robert Millikan determines the mass

and charge of the electron
 He found that the charge on the electron to be –
1.6 × 10–19 C. The present accepted value of
electrical charge is –1.6022 × 10–19 C. The
mass of the electron (me) was determined by
combining these results with Thomson’s value of
e/me ratio.

me = e/(e/me)
= 9.1094×10–31 kg
 Electrical discharge carried out in the modified
cathode ray tube led to the discovery of
particles carrying positive charge, also known
as canal rays.
 the positively charged particles depend upon
the nature of gas present in the cathode ray
tube. These are simply the positively charged
gaseous ions.
 The charge to mass ratio of the particles is
found to depend on the gas from which these
 Some of the positively charged particles carry
a multiple of the fundamental unit of electrical
 The behaviour of these particles in the
magnetic or electrical field is opposite to that
observed for electron or cathode rays.
 The smallest and lightest positive ion was
obtained from hydrogen and was called
 Eugen Goldstein in 1886 observed
what is now called the “proton” -
particles with a positive charge, and
a relative mass of 1 (or 1840 times
that of an electron)
 1932 – James Chadwick confirmed
the existence of the “neutron” – a
particle with no charge, but a mass
nearly equal to a proton
Particle Absolute Relative Mass (g)
Charge Charge
Electron -1.6022x10-19 -1 9.11 x 10-28

Proton +1.6022x10-19 +1 1.673 x 10-24

Neutron 0 0 1.675 x 10-24
J. J. Thomson
Thomson believed that the electrons
were like plums embedded in a
positively charged “pudding,” thus it
was called the “plum pudding” model.
 J. J. Thomson, in 1898, proposed that an atom
possesses a spherical shape (radius
approximately 10–10 m) in which the positive
charge is uniformly distributed. The electrons
are embedded into it in such a manner as to
give the most stable electrostatic arrangement
 This model considers that the mass of the atom
is assumed to be uniformly distributed over the
atom. Although this model was able to explain
the overall neutrality of the atom, it could not
explain any other properties of atom.
 Alpha particles are helium nuclei -
The alpha particles were fired at a thin
sheet of gold foil
 Particles that hit on the detecting
screen (film) are recorded
 Most of the particles passed right through
 A few particles were deflected
 VERY FEW were greatly deflected

a) The nucleus is small
b) The nucleus is dense
c) The nucleus is positively
 Based on his experimental evidence:
• The atom is mostly empty space
• All the positive charge, and almost all the
mass is concentrated in a small area in
the center. He called this a “nucleus”
• Size of the nucleus is very very small.
 The positive charge and most of the mass of
the atom is concentrated in extremely small
region, called nucleus.
 The nucleus is surrounded by electrons that
move around the nucleus with a very high
speed in circular paths called orbits.
 Electrons and the nucleus are held together by
electrostatic forces of attraction.
 When an electron is moving in an orbit, it
undergoes acceleration (because of changing
direction). According to the electromagnetic
theory of Maxwell, charged particles when
accelerated should emit electromagnetic
 Therefore an electron in an orbit will emit
radiation and as a result the radius of orbit will
continue to shrink. This may lead to the falling
of electron into the nucleus. But this does not
happen. Thus, the Rutherford model cannot
explain the stability of an atom.
 This model also failed to explain the
arrangement of electrons around the nucleus.
Atomic number (Z) of an element is
the number of protons in the nucleus
of each atom of that element.
Element # of protons Atomic # (Z)

Carbon 6 6

Phosphorus 15 15

Gold 79 79
Mass number is the sum of protons
and neutrons in the nucleus of an
isotope: Mass # = p+ + n0

Nuclide p+ N0 e- Mass #
Oxygen - 18 8 10 8 18

Arsenic - 75 33 42 33 75

Phosphorus - 31 15 16 15 31
 Contain the symbol of the element,
the mass number and the atomic
Superscript →


Subscript →
 Dalton was wrong about all
elements of the same type being
 Atoms of the same element can
have different numbers of
 Thus, different mass numbers.
 These are called isotopes.
 Frederick Soddy (1877-1956)
proposed the idea of isotopes in
 Isotopes are atoms of the same element
having different masses, due to varying
numbers of neutrons.
 Soddy won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry
in 1921 for his work with isotopes and
radioactive materials.
Isotopes are atoms of the same element having
different masses, due to varying numbers of
Isotope Protons Electrons Neutrons Nucleus
(protium) 1 1 0
(deuterium) 1 1 1

Hydrogen-3 1 1 2
occur in
nature as
mixtures of
Isotopes are
atoms of the
same element
that differ in
the number of
 Isobars are the atoms with same mass number
but different atomic number
 For example, 14C and 14N.
 On the other hand,
 Atoms with identical atomic number but
different atomic mass number are known as
 Isotopes have same chemical properties but
different physical properties.
 Dual character of electromagnetic radiation
 Experimental data regarding Atomic Spectra
Dual character of
electromagnetic radiation

Wave nature of electromagnetic radiation

Particle nature of electromagnetic
Wave nature of
electromagnetic radiation
James Maxwell (1870) suggested that when
electrically charged particle is accelerated,
alternating electrical and magnetic fields are
produced and transmitted. These fields are
transmitted in the forms of waves called
electromagnetic waves or electromagnetic
The electric and magnetic fields are
perpendicular to each other and both are
perpendicular to the direction of propagation of
the wave.
Electromagnetic waves do not require medium
and can move in vacuum.
They differ from one another in wavelength
They travel at the same speed, that of light (3x108
The frequency (ν ) and wavelength (λ) are used
to represent them.
c = ν λ c- Velocity of light
Electromagnetic Radiations
Particle Nature of
Electromagnetic Radiations
Diffraction, interference etc. could be explained by the
wave nature of radiation. But they could not explain
Black body radiation
Photo-electric effect
Variation of heat capacities of solids as a function of
Line spectra of atom
The first concrete explanation for the
phenomenon of the black body radiation
was done by Max Planck in 1900.
When an iron rod is heated, it first turns to
dull red and then becomes more and more
red. As this is heated further, the radiation
emitted becomes white and then becomes
blue as the temperature becomes very high.
Frequency of the radiation emitted goes
from a lower frequency to a higher frequency
as the temperature increases.
The ideal body, which emits and absorbs all
frequencies, is called a black body and the
radiation emitted by such a body is called
black body radiation.



Wave length
At a given temperature, intensity of
radiation emitted increases with decrease of
wavelength, reaches a maximum value at a
given wavelength and then starts decreasing
with further decrease of wavelength.
The above experimental results cannot be
explained satisfactorily on the basis of the
wave theory of light.
Quantized Energy and Photons

• Planck: energy can only be absorbed or released

from atoms in certain amounts called quanta.
• The relationship between energy and frequency is
E  h 
where h is Planck’s constant
( 6.626  10-34 J s ) .
With this theory, Planck was able to explain
the distribution of intensity in the radiation
from black body as a function of frequency
or wavelength at different temperatures.
Photoelectric Effect
In 1887, H. Hertz performed an experiment
in which electrons (or electric current) were
ejected when certain metals (for example
potassium, rubidium, caesium etc.) were
exposed to a beam of light. The
phenomenon is called Photoelectric
The results observed in this experiment were:
The electrons are ejected from the metal surface
as soon as the beam of light strikes the surface.
The number of electrons ejected is proportional to
the intensity or brightness of light.
For each metal, there is a characteristic minimum
frequency,ν0 (also known as threshold
frequency) below which photoelectric effect is
not observed.
 The kinetic energies of these electrons increase
with the increase of frequency of the light used.
All the above results could not be explained
on the basis of laws of classical physics.
According to latter, the energy content of
the beam of light depends upon the
brightness of the light. In other words,
number of electrons ejected and kinetic
energy associated with them should depend
on the brightness of light.
Einstein (1905) was able to explain the
photoelectric effect using Planck’s quantum theory
of electromagnetic radiation
A beam of light can be viewed as shooting a beam of
particles, the photons. During a collision, the
photon transfers its energy instantaneously to the
electron and the electron is ejected without any time
lag. Greater the energy possessed by the photon,
greater will be transfer of energy to the electron and
greater the kinetic energy of the ejected electron.
 if hν is the energy of the photon and hν0 the
minimum energy required to eject the
electron , then the difference in energy (hν –
hν0) is transferred as the kinetic energy of the
hν = hν0 +1/2 mev2
Me is the mass of electron
V is the velocity of the ejected electron
Dual Behaviour of
Electromagnetic Radiation
Particle nature could explain the black body radiation
and photoelectric effect satisfactorily but on the other
hand, it was not consistent with the known wave
behaviour of light which could account for the
phenomena of interference and diffraction. The only
way to resolve the dilemma was to accept the idea that
light possesses both particle and wave-like
properties, i.e., light has dual behaviour.
Atomic spectra
Ordinary white light consists of waves with all the
wavelengths in the visible range, a ray of white light is
spread out into a series of coloured bands called
spectrum. Such a spectrum is called continuous
The spectrum of radiation emitted by a substance that
has absorbed energy is called an emission spectrum.
Absorption spectrum is the missing wavelength
which corresponds to the radiation absorbed by the
matter, leave dark spaces in the bright continuous
Atomic spectra
Electromagnetic Radiations
Emission Spectrum

The spectrum of radiation emitted by a substance that has

absorbed energy is called an emission spectrum.
Line Spectra of
Hydrogen Atom
Line Spectra of Hydrogen Atom

Lyman series
Balmer series
Paschen series
Brackett series
Pfund series
Series n1 n2 Region
Lyman 1 2,3….. Ultraviole
Balmer 2 3,4……… Visible
Paschen 3 4,5……… Infrared
Brackett 4 5,6…….. Infrared
Pfund 5 6,7……… Infrared
Rutherfords model is in trouble: an
“accelerated charge” should fall into nucleus

• Bohr revised Rutherford’s model to explain

the existence of line spectra for elements…
1913 Niels Bohr

studied under Rutherford at the Victoria

University in Manchester.

Bohr refined Rutherford's idea by adding

that the electrons were in orbits. Rather
like planets orbiting the sun. With each
orbit only able to contain a set number of
Bohr’s Atom

electrons in orbits


+ -
- N

electron neutron
 Bohr suggests that electrons can only exist in
certain orbits
 Line spectrum result from the release of
photons as electrons fall back to lower orbit
The electron in the hydrogen atom can
move around the nucleus in a circular path
of fixed radius and energy. These paths are
called orbits, stationary states or allowed
energy states. These orbits are arranged
concentrically around the nucleus.
The energy of an electron in the orbit does
not change with time. However, the electron
will move from a lower stationary state to a
higher stationary state when required amount
of energy is absorbed and energy is emitted
when electron moves from higher stationary
state to lower stationary state. The energy
change does not take place in a continuous
The frequency of radiation absorbed or
emitted when transition occurs between two
stationary states that differ in energy by ΔE,
is given by :
ν= ΔE/h= (E1 - E2)/h
Where E1 and E2 are the energies of the
lower and higher allowed energy states
It is commonly known as Bohr’s frequency
The angular momentum of an electron in a
given stationary state can be expressed as in
mev r= n.h/2∏ where n=1,2,3…….
Features of Bohr’s Model of atom
The stationary states for electron are
numbered n = 1,2,3.......... These integral
numbers are known as Principal quantum
The radii of the stationary states are
expressed as :
rn = n2 a0
where a0 = 52.9 pm.
The energy of stationary state is given by the
RH is called Rydberg constant (2.18×10–18 J)
n-Principal quantum number
Explanation of
Line Spectrum of Hydrogen
Energy absorbed or emitted is equal to:
ΔE = Ef – Ei
Ef and Ei are final and initial energy levels.
ΔE = [-RH/(nf)2] -[-RH/(ni)2]
= RH{[1/(ni)2]–[1/(nf)2]}
ν= ΔE/h
= RH{[1/(ni)2]–[1/(nf)2]}/h
ν is the frequency of radiation emitted or absorbed
Limitations of Bohr’s Model
It fails to account for the finer details (doublet, that
is two closely spaced lines) of the hydrogen atom
spectrum observed.
This model is also unable to explain the spectrum
of atoms other than hydrogen.
Bohr’s theory was also unable to explain the
splitting of spectral lines in the presence of
magnetic field (Zeeman effect) or an electric field
(Stark effect).
It could not explain the ability of atoms to form
molecules by chemical bonds.
Two important developments which
contributed significantly in the formulation
of such a model were :
1. Dual behaviour of matter,
2. Heisenberg uncertainty principle.
The Wave Behavior of Matter
• Knowing that light has a particle nature, it seems
reasonable to ask if matter has a wave nature.
• Using Einstein’s and Planck’s equations, de
Broglie showed: h
• The momentum, mv, is a particle property,
whereas  is a wave property.
• de Broglie summarized the concepts of waves and
particles, with noticeable effects if the objects are
Energy and Matter
Size of Particle Wave
Matter Property Property
Large –
Mainly Unobservable
Intermediate –
Some Some
Small –
Few Mainly
The Uncertainty Principle
It is impossible to determine simultaneously, the
exact position and exact momentum (or velocity)
of an electron.
Δx. Δp ≥ h/4∏
Δx . Δ(mv ) ≥ h/4∏
Δx is the uncertainty in position
And Δpx ( or Δvx) is
the uncertainty in momentum
Significance of Uncertainty Principle
It rules out existence of definite paths or
trajectories of electrons and other similar
particles. Hence these are replaced by
probability of finding electron
The effect of Heisenberg Uncertainty
Principle is significant only for motion of
microscopic objects and is negligible for
that of macroscopic objects.
Reasons for the Failure of
the Bohr Model
It did not considered the wave character of
It contradicts Heisenberg uncertainty
Quantum Mechanical Model
The branch of science that
takes into account the dual
behaviour of matter is
called quantum mechanics.
Quantum mechanics was
developed independently in
1926 by Werner Heisenberg
and Erwin Schrödinger.
Quantum Mechanics and Atomic Orbitals
• Schrödinger proposed an equation that contains both wave and
particle terms.
E is energy &H is a mathematical operator called
H  E 
• Solving the equation leads to wave functions.
• The wave function ψ gives the shape of the electronic orbital.
[“Shape” really refers to density of electronic charges.]
• The square of the wave function, gives the probability of finding the
electron (electron density)
Quantum Mechanics and Atomic Orbitals
Equation gives rise
to ‘Orbitals.’
These orbitals
provide the electron
density distributed
about the nucleus.
Orbitals are
described by
Quantum Mechanics and Atomic Orbitals
Orbitals and Quantum Numbers
• Schrödinger’s equation requires 3 quantum numbers:
1. Principal Quantum Number, n. This is the
same as Bohr’s n. As n becomes larger, the atom
becomes larger and the electron is further from
the nucleus. It determines the size and energy of
the orbital. n = 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , …. Represents shells
2. Azimuthal Quantum Number, l. This
quantum number depends on the value of n. The
values of l begin at 0 and increase to (n - 1). We
usually use letters for l (s, p, d and f for l = 0, 1,
2, and 3). Usually we refer to the s, p, d and f-
orbitals. It represents shape of the orbital.
n=1, l=0
n=2, l=0,1
n=3, l=0,1,2
n=4, l=0,1,2,3
3. Magnetic Quantum Number, ml. This
quantum number depends on l . The magnetic
quantum number has integral values between -
l and + l . Magnetic quantum numbers give
the 3D orientation of each orbital.
l=0, ml =0
l=1, ml =+1,0,-1
l=2, ml =+2,+1,0,-1,-2
l=3, ml =+3,+2,+1,0,-1,-2,-3
Three quantum numbers are not enough to
explain the line spectra observed in the case of
multi-electron atoms, that is, some of the lines
actually occur in doublets (two lines closely
spaced), triplets (three lines, closely spaced) etc.
This suggests the presence of a few more energy
levels than predicted by the three quantum
In 1925, George Uhlenbeck and Samuel
Goudsmit proposed the presence of the fourth
quantum number known as the electron spin
quantum number (ms).
Electron spin quantum number (ms).
Spin angular momentum of the electron can have
two orientations relative to the chosen axis. These
two orientations are distinguished by the spin
quantum numbers ms which can take the values of
+½ or –½. These are called the two spin states of
the electron and are normally represented by two
arrows, ↑ (spin up) and ↓ (spin down). An orbital
cannot hold more than two electrons and these
two electrons should have opposite spins.
Quantum Numbers of Wave functions
Quantum # Symbol Values Description
Principal n 1,2,3,4,… Size & Energy of orbital
Angular l 0,1,2,…(n-1) Shape of orbital
Momentum for each n
Magnetic ml -l…,0,…+ l Relative orientation of
for each l orbitals within same l
Spin ms +1/2 or –1/2 Spin up or Spin down
Angular Momentum Quantum # Name of Orbital
0 s (sharp)

1 p (principal)
2 d (diffuse)
3 f (fundamental)
Quantum Mechanics and Atomic Orbitals
Orbitals and Quantum Numbers
Shapes of Atomic Orbitals
On plotting ψ2 (electron density) against r (radius),the
following graph was obtained.
 1s 2s

ψ2 ψ2

r r
On both cases the probability of finding
electron decreases as we move away from the
nucleus. But in 2s, there is an increase in the
electron density and then again decreases.
The region where the probability of finding
electron is zero is called nodes. Nodes can be
calculated using the equation, (n-1)
Shapes of Orbitals
Shapes of orbitals are represented by
boundary surface diagrams.
Representations of Orbitals
The s-orbitals
Representations of Orbitals
The p-orbitals
The d-orbitals
Filling of orbitals in atom
Aufbau Principle
The word ‘aufbau’ in German means ‘building up’.
In the ground state of the atoms, the orbitals are
filled in the increasing order of energies.
The principle means that electrons first occupy the
lowest energy orbital available to them and enter
into higher energy orbitals only after the lower
energy orbitals are filled.
Orbitals and Their Energies

Many-Electron Atoms
The order in which the energies of the orbitals
increase and hence the order in which the orbitals
are filled is as follows :
1s, 2s, 2p, 3s, 3p, 4s, 3d, 4p, 5s, 4d, 5p, 4f,5d, 6p,
The lower the value of (n + l) for an orbital, the
lower is its energy. If two orbitals have the same
value of (n + l), the orbital with lower value of n
will have the lower energy.
Many-Electron Atoms
Electron Spin and the Pauli Exclusion Principle
Electron Spin and the
Pauli Exclusion Principle

• Since electron spin is quantized, we define ms =

spin quantum number =  ½.
• Pauli’s Exclusions Principle: no two electrons
can have the same set of 4 quantum numbers.
• Therefore, two electrons in the same orbital must
have opposite spins.
Hund’s Rule of Maximum Multiplicity
Pairing of electrons in the orbitals belonging
to the same subshell (p, d or f) does not take
place until each orbital belonging to that
subshell has got one electron each i.e., it is
singly occupied.
Stability of Completely Filled and
Half Filled Subshells
The valence electronic configurations of Cr and Cu are 3d5 4s1
and 3d10 4s1 respectively and not 3d4 4s2 and 3d9 4s2. It is due to
extra stability associated with completely filled and half
filled electronic configurations. It is due to two major facts
Symmetry: Due to symmetry, they have extra stability due to
relatively less shielding.
Exchange Energy: Same spin electrons tend to exchange
their positions and the energy released due to this exchange
is called exchange energy. This large exchange energy also
stabilises the atom.

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