Significant Figures

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Significant Figures

Shaun E. Schmidt, Ph. D.

last revised 9/13/2007

Significant digits or figures are those digits in a measured number (or result of a calculation
with measured numbers) that include all certain digits plus a final one having some uncertainty.
1) Non-zero integers (1-9) always count as significant figures.
2) Zeros:
a) Enclosed zeros with integers to both the left and right always count as significant figures.
b) Leadings zeros (on the left) NEVER count as significant figures.
c) Trailing zeros (on the right) only count as significant figures when there is a decimal
point present; otherwise, they DO NOT count as significant figures.
3) Numbers that are exact have an infinite number of significant figures.
4) When numbers are added or subtracted, write the result with the same uncertainty (find
using decimal places) as the number having the largest uncertainty.
5) When numbers are multiplied or divided, write the result with the same number of
significant figures as the number having the fewest number of significant figures.
6) When taking common logarithms, if L is the logarithm of A (L = logA), the number of places
after the decimal in L is the same number of significant figures in A. Conversely, if A is the
antilogarithm of L, (A = antilogL or A = 10L), the number of significant figures in A is equal
to the number of places after the decimal in L.
Here are a few problems with the answers below. How many significant figures (sig figs) are
there in each number or calculated value?

1) 12 ft 2) 45,526 sec
3) 528 torr 4) 1203 miles
5) 890 J 6) 4.056 candela
7) 890. J 8) 503 ergs
9) 0.056578 km 10) 0.017000 µL
11) 0.0590570 ton 12) 2.032081 °C
13) 3 ft = 1 yd 14) 144 apples = 1 gross apples
15) 0.0233 ft + 3,000 ft 16) 5 days + 6 days
17) 865 lb - 1,700 lb 18) 0.236 tsp + 0.841 tsp
19) 5.47 nm ÷ 89.7 s 20) 4.5 oz x 56 ft
21) 56,968 hr ÷ 0.00000258 hr 22) 0.002 dL x 52189112 Gm
23) 2.56 x 10-23 ÷ 3.600 x 10-34 24) (132 + 2.53) / (345 - 371)
25) log(0.05478) 26) antilog(0.56)
27) antilog(-23.562) 28) log(25.302 + 5.0 ÷ 2.78)
(2.06 + log(250))
29) 30) 2.50 + 0.0
Achtung!!! The Answers are below!!! Warning!!!

1) 12 ft 2 2) 45,526 sec 5
3) 528 torr 3 4) 1203 miles 4
5) 890 J 2 6) 4.056 candela 4
7) 890. J 3 8) 503 ergs 3
9) 0.056578 km 5 10) 0.017000 µL 5
11) 0.0590570 ton 6 12) 2.032081 °C 7
13) 3 ft = 1 yd inf. 14) 144 apples = 1 gross apples inf.
15) 0.0233 ft + 3,000 ft 1 16) 5 days + 6 days 2
17) 865 lb - 1,700 lb 1 18) 0.236 tsp + 0.841 tsp 4
19) 5.47 nm ÷ 89.7 s 3 20) 4.5 oz x 56 ft 2
21) 56,968 hr ÷ 0.00000258 hr 3 22) 0.002 dL x 52189112 Gm 1
-23 -34
23) 2.56 x 10 ÷ 3.600 x 10 3 24) (132 + 2.53) / (345 - 371) 2
25) log(0.05478) 5 26) antilog(0.56) 2
27) antilog(-23.562) 3 28) log(25.302 + 5.0 ÷ 2.78) 4
(2.06 + log(250))
29) 3 30) 2.50 + 0.0 ?

inf = infinite

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