History - Group 3 Bsed SS 1B

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John Nicole Magpoc

Hannah Shekinah Princess Mae San Jose MARK JAYSON CALOS Rheylie Ann Pudrido
Rejean Panilaga

1.) Familiarize students with the history, nature, and scope of


2.) Apply methodological approach of History in examining and

studying past events.

3.) Recognize the contribution of notable historians in the

development of History.
What is History?

 "History" is an umbrella term comprising past events as well as the memory, discovery, collection, organization,
presentation, and interpretation of these events. Historians seek knowledge of the past using historical sources such as
written documents, art and material artifacts, and Historical markers.

 History is the study of life in society in the past, in all its aspect, in relation to present Developments and future hopes.
 It is the story of man in time, an inquiry into the past based on evidence. Indeed, evidence is the raw material of
teaching history and learning.
 It is an Inquiry into what happened in the past, when it happened, and how it happened.
What is History?

 It is an inquiry into the inevitable changes in human affairs in the past

and the ways these changes affect, influence or determine the patterns
of life in the society.
 History is, or should be an attempt to re-think the past.
 The teaching of history helps the students to explain the present, to
analyse it and to trace its course.
 Cause and-effect relationship between the past and the present is lively
presented in the history.
Concept of History

• History is the analysis and interpretation of the human past enabling us to study
continuity and changes that are taking place over time. It is an act of both investigation
and imagination that seeks to explain how people have changed over time.
• Historians use all forms of evidence to examine, interpret, revisit, and reinterpret the past.
These include not just written documents, but also oral communication and objects such
as buildings, artifacts, photographs, and paintings.
• Historians are trained in the methods of discovering and evaluating these sources and the
challenging task of making historical sense out of them.
Defining History

• The origin of the word History is associated with the Greek word
‘Historia’ which means ‘information’ or ‘an enquiry
designed to elicit truth’. History has been defined differently by
different scholars. Following definitions indicate the meaning and
scope of History.
•Burckhardt: “History is the record of what one age finds worthy of note in another.”

•Henry Johnson: “History, in its broadest sense, is everything that ever happened.”

• Smith,V.S: “The value and interest of history depend largely on the degree in which the
present is illuminated by the past.”

•Rapson: “History is a connected account of the course of events or progress of ideas.”

• NCERT: “History is the scientific study of past happenings in all their aspects, in the life of
a social group, in the light of present happenings.”

• Jawaharlal Nehru: “History is the story of Man’s struggle through the ages against Nature
and the elements; against wild beasts and the jungle and some of his own kind who have
tried to keep him down and to exploit him for their own benefit.” The above definitions
explain History as a significant records of events of the past, a meaningful story of mankind
depicting the details of what happened to man and why it happened. Mainly it deals with
the human world.
The Modern Concept of History

• Modern history has gone beyond the traditional status of an antiquarian and leisure
time pursuit to a very useful and indispensible part of a man’s education. It is more
scientific and more comprehensive. It has expanded in all directions both vertically
and horizontally. It has become broad-based and attractive. According to modern
concept, history does not contain only the history of kings and queens, battles and
generals, but the history of the common man-his house and clothing, his fields and
their cultivation, his continued efforts to protect his home and hearth, and to obtain a
just government, his aspirations, achievements, disappointments, defeats and failures.
It is not only the individual but the communities and the societies are the subject of
study of history. Study of history deepens our understanding of the potentialities and
limitations of the present. It has thus become a future-oriented study related to
contemporary problems. For all these reasons, history has assumed the role of a
human science.
Scope of History

 The scope of History is vast; it is the story of man in relation to totality of his
 The scope of history means the breadth, comprehensiveness, variety and extent
of learning experiences, provided by the study.
 It starts with the past; makes present its sheet-anchor and points to the future.
 History is a comprehensive subject and includes-History of Geography, History of
Art, History of Culture, History of Literature, History of Civilization, History of
Religion, History of Mathematics, History of Physics, History of Chemistry,
History of Education, History of Biology, History of Atom, and History of
Types of Historical Sources
One of History's goals is to reconstruct the past so that it can be preserved in our
society. Without a source, historical reconstruction is irrelevant.

Primary Sources - It is information presented for the first time or original materials upon which other
research is built. Primary sources demonstrate original thought, report on new discoveries, or disseminate
new information. Example of this are the Original artwork, Poems, Speeches, letters, Memos, Personal
Narratives, Diaries, and Interviews.

Secondary Sources - These sources analyze or restate primary sources. They often try to describe or
explain primary sources. They are usually works that Summarize, Interpret, Reorganize, or Add Value to a
primary source in some way. Example of this are the Textbooks, Edited works, Books and Articles that
interpret or review research works, Histories, and Biographies.

Tertiary Sources – Collections of primary and or secondary sources. It is also the sources
that compile data on a particular topic. Little no commentary on the works themselves, but
discovery is based on various research strategies. Like databases, and catalogs.
Historical criticism, also known as the historical-critical method. It is a branch of
criticism that investigates the origins of ancient texts in order to understand the world
behind the text. Historical criticism has two types it called Internal and External

Internal Criticism
Internal criticism or higher criticism is the technique of testing the reliability of the
information found in a document. It is concerned with the authenticity of the information
and its purpose is to establish the trustworthiness of the contents of the document.

External Criticism
It refers to the authenticity of the document. Once a document has been determined to
be genuine. Researchers need to determine if the content is accurate
Nature of History
1. A study of the present in the light of the past: The present has evolved out of the past. Modern history enables
us to understand how society has come to its present form so that one may intelligently interpret the sequence of
events. The causal relationships between the selected happenings are unearthed that help in revealing the nature of
happenings and framing of general laws.

2. History is the study of man: History deals with man’s struggle through the ages. History is not static. By
selecting “innumerable biographies” and presenting their lives in the appropriate social context and the ideas in the
human context, we understand the sweep of events. It traces the fascinating story of how man has developed through
the ages, how man has studied to use and control his environment and how the present institutions have grown out of
the past.

3. History is concerned with man in time: It deals with a series of events and each event occurs at a given point in
time. Human history, in fact, is the process of human development in time. It is time which affords a perspective to
events and lends a charm that brightens up the past.
4. History is concerned with man in space: The interaction of man on environment and vice versa is a dynamic
one. History describes about nations and human activities in the context of their physical and geographical
environment. Out of this arise the varied trends in the political, social, economic and cultural spheres of man’s
activities and achievements.

5. Objective record of happenings: Every precaution is taken to base the data on original sources and make them
free from subjective interpretation. It helps in clear understanding of the past and enables us to take well informed

6. Multisided: All aspects of the life of a social group are closely interrelated and historical happenings cover all
these aspects of life, not limited only to the political aspect that had so long dominated history.

7. History is a dialogue between the events of the past and progressively emerging future ends. The historian’s
interpretation of the past, his selection of the significant and the relevant events, evolves with the progressive
emergence of new goals. The general laws regulating historical happenings may not be considered enough; attempts
have to be made to predict future happenings on the basis of the laws.

8. Not only narration but also analysis: The selected happenings are not merely narrated; the causal relationships
between them are properly unearthed. The tracing of these relationships lead to the development of general laws that
are also compared and contrasted with similar happenings in other social groups to improve the reliability and
validity of these laws.
9. Continuity and coherence are the necessary requisites of history: History carries the burden of human
progress as it is passed down from generation to generation, from society to society, justifying the essence of

10. Relevant: In the study of history only those events are included which are relevant to the understanding
of the present life.

11. Comprehensiveness: According to modern concept, history is not confined to one period or country or
nation. It also deals with all aspects of human life-political, social, economic, religious, literary, aesthetic and
physical, giving a clear sense of world unity and world citizenship

•The aims of teaching history will have to be in consonance with

the broad aims of education and the objectives, which teachers
should view while teaching the subject, have to be precise and
definite. Aims refer to general and long term goals whereas the
Objectives indicate immediate, specific and attainable goals. 
General Aims of Teaching History
History aims to help people understand the present. Without the knowlege of History we cannot have
the background of our religion, institution, and also in our life. And also our present conditions are thus the
result of past problems and situation.
1. To promote self-understanding
2. To give proper conception of time, space and society 
3. To enable the pupils to assess the values and achievements of their own age
4. To teach tolerance
5. To develop right attitudes
6. To foster national feelings 
7. To develop international understanding
8. To give training for handling controversial issues
9. To impart mental training 
10. To teach moral principles 
11. To help resolve our contemporary social and individual problems 
12. To promote socialization among pupils
Aims of Teaching History at Secondary Stage

Help children understand society and their place within it, so that they develop
a sense of their cultural heritage. And to develop in children the skills of enquiry,
investigation, analysis, evaluation in our society.

1. To promote an understanding of the process of change

2. To acquire knowledge of significant world events
3. To promote an understanding of the common roots of human civilization
4. To develop an appreciation of the contributions made by various cultures 
5. To develop an understanding of causal relationships
Values of
teaching History
• Value is that experience
or fruit which one gets in
the path of achieving aim
whereas aim is a
conscious and active
purpose that we always
keep before our mind.
The values of teaching History may be stated as under:

•Disciplinary Value - History is quite fruitful for mental training. It trains the mental faculties such as critical thinking,
memory and imagination.

•Informative Value - History shows us the roots without uprooting the tree.

•Cultural and Social Values -It is essential that one should understand the importance of his/her own cultural and
social values.

•Political Values - History stands as a beacon of hope when some nation is overcast with dark clouds. T.S. Seeley, “The
historian is a politician of the political group or organization, the state being his study. To lecture on political science is
to lecture on history.”

•Nationalistic Value - History teaching renders an effective service in imbibing young minds with a sense of patriotism.
The values of teaching History may be stated as under:

•Internationalistic Value - History shows the dependence and interdependence of nations which is the
root of internationalism.

•Educational Value - History has unique value and importance because it is the only school subject
which is directly and entirely concerned with the behavior and action of human beings.

•Intellectual Value - It sharpens memory, develops the power of reasoning, judgement and imagination.

•Ethical Value - History is important in the curriculum because it helps in the teaching of morality.

•Vocational Value - History has its vocational value. There are several openings for persons well qualified
in the subject.
History as science of art

• History is a science in the sense that it pursues its own techniques to

establish and interpret facts. Like other natural sciences such as the Physics
and Chemistry uses various methods of enquiry such as observation,
classification, experiment and formulation of hypothesis and analysis of
evidence before interpreting and reconstructing the past. Though historian
uses scientific techniques, experiment is impossible since history deals with
events that have already happened and cannot be repeated.
Arguments against History as a science.

1. No forecasting -Rickman has rightly said, “History deals with sequence of events, each of them
unique while Science is concerned with the routine appearance of things and aims at
generalizations and the establishment of regularities, governed by laws.”A historian cannot arrive
at general principles or laws which may enable him to predict with certainty the occurrence of like
events, under given conditions.
2. Complex -the facts of history are very complicated and seldom repeat in the real sense of the term.

3. Varied -The underlying facts of history have wide scope.

4. No observation and experimentation -Historical data are not available for observation and
5. No dependable data -Historical data are the products of human thoughts and action which are
constantly changing.
History as both Science and an Art.

History is a unique subject possessing the potentialities of both a science and

an art. It does the enquiry after truth, thus history is a science and is on
scientific basis. It is also based on the narrative account of the past; thus it is
an art or a piece of literature. Physical and natural sciences are impersonal,
impartial and capable of experimentation. Whereas absolute impartiality is
not possible in history because the historian is a narrator and he looks at the
past from a certain point of view. The construction and reconstruction of the
past are inevitable parts of history.
•Herodotus was born in about 485 B.C. in the
Greek city of Halicarnassus, He was a Greek
writer and geographer credited with being the
first historian. Sometime around the year 425
B.C., Herodotus published his magnum opus: a
long account of the Greco-Persian Wars that he
called “The Histories.” (The Greek word
“historie” means “inquiry.”) Herodotus
collected what he called “autopsies,” or
“personal inquiries”: He listened to 
ancient myths fables, and legends, recorded
oral histories and made notes of the places and
things that he saw.
•Thucydides was born in 460 B.C. He is
known as the greatest of ancient
Greek historians and author of
the History of the Peloponnesian War
which recounts the struggle between 
Athens and Sparta in the 5th century BC.
His work was the first recorded political
and moral analysis of a nation’s war
Ibn Khaldun
•Ibn Khaldun, was an Arab sociologist, historian and
philosopher, Raised and educated in a family of
scholars and politicians, Khaldun came across as a
gifted thinker right from his young age. He develop
one of the earliest nonreligious philosophies of
history, contained in his masterpiece, the
Muqaddimah “Introduction” (1377), The book
focussed on universal history it deals with social
sciences, demography and cultural history. He also
wrote a definitive history of Muslim in North Africa
Kitab al-'Ibar (Book of Examples). Ibn Khaldun, laid
down the foundations of different fields of
knowledge, particularly in the science of civilization
Leopold Von
•Leopold von Ranke is a German historian of the 19th
century, whose scholarly method and way of teaching (he
was the first to establish a historical seminar) he had a great
influence on Western historiography. He was Raised in a
devout family of Lutheran pastors and lawyers. He He
studied theology and the classics, concentrating on
philological work and the translation and exposition of texts
at the University of leipzing. Ranke is regarded as one of the
forefathers of modern history. He was known as the "Father
of Scientific History" for his contributions to the
development of modern history as a disciplines.
Methodological principles of archival research and source
criticism became standardised and commonplace in
academic institutions. He is generally credited with the
professionalisation of the historian’s craft. Ranke’s concept
and writing of history predominated in German
historiography up to World War I and even after; it also
influenced a great many distinguished foreign historians
who studied in Germany

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