10 HSC Overcoming Barriers

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Overcoming Barriers to


Analyse some of the factors that can
overcome barriers to
Identify the factors that can
overcome barriers to effective

Describe some factors that can

overcome the barriers to
Identify different factors that can
Communication overcome barriers to
Overcoming Barriers to

Identify the factors that can overcome barriers to

effective communication. Physical Difficulties Inadequate Adaptation
Overcoming Barriers to

Identify the factors that can overcome barriers to

effective communication. Physical Difficulties Inadequate Adaptation
Overcoming Barriers to

Starter Quiz

1. What does
overcoming a barrier
to communication

2. Why do we need
to overcome barriers
to communication?
3. Give an example of
a barrier to
Being able to overcome barriers to communication can lead
communication and
to positive communications and the development of trusting
how we could
and respectful relationships.
Do you agree with the above statement?
overcome it in a care
Give a minimum of 3 key words and 1 connective. setting?

Identify the factors that can overcome barriers to

effective communication. Physical Difficulties Inadequate Adaptation
Overcoming Barriers to

How can we overcome barriers to

Calm Tone
Staff Training
Barriers to

Adapt the Environment

Identify the factors that can overcome barriers to

effective communication. Physical Difficulties Inadequate Adaptation
Overcoming Barriers to

Adapting the Environment

Why is it important to adapt the environment?
- To ensure it is suitable for facilitating positive communications.
- To meet individuals’ diverse and specific communication needs.
- To prevent poor communications and misunderstandings.

Examples of adapting the environment in early years’ settings:

Use visual and tactile information displays that provide information about specific
activities for children, i.e. they can be colour and texture coded, include photographs,
pictures, symbols and objects of reference.
Reduce noise levels by creating quiet areas and times for different activities with children
so that they can listen and actively participate in interactions.
Ensure there are quiet, well-lit areas available where individuals can meet, communicate
and interact.
For individuals who have difficulties with speech due to a condition or illness, provide
opportunities for the use of other communication methods such as sign language,
pictures and photographs.

Identify the factors that can overcome barriers to

effective communication. Physical Difficulties Inadequate Adaptation
Overcoming Barriers to

Calm Tone
A poem:
But the tone may break my heart;
It’s not so much what you say
For words come from the mind
As the manner in which you say it;
Grow by study and art –
It’s not so much the language you use
But tone leaps from the inner self
As the tone in which you convey it;
Revealing the state of the heart.
“Come here!” I sharply said,
Whether you know it or not,
Whether you mean or care,
And the child cowered and wept.
“Come here”, I said -
He looked and smiled
Gentleness, kindness, love and hate,
And straight to my lap he crept.
Envy, anger, are there.
Words may be mild and fair
Then, would you quarrels avoid
And the tone may pierce like a dart;
And peace and love rejoice?
Words may be soft as the summer air
Keep anger not only out of your words –
Keep it out of your voice.
~Author Unknown

Identify the factors that can overcome barriers to

effective communication. Physical Difficulties Inadequate Adaptation
Overcoming Barriers to

Calm Tone
Using a calm tone of voice:

- Can evoke feelings of reassurance, kindness

and encouragement. Communications that are
conducted in a calm tone of voice will be more
positive in nature and therefore more likely to
be effective.

- Is a good technique for distracting individuals

and engaging them; a calm tone of voice will
capture their focus.

- Can diffuse feelings of anger, frustration and

anxiety; it can help individuals to calm down

- Promotes understanding and active listening.

Identify the factors that can overcome barriers to

effective communication. Physical Difficulties Inadequate Adaptation
Overcoming Barriers to

Training Staff

• Communication training for staff in health, social care and early years settings, i.e.
induction training and standards, qualifications, training for communicating with
individuals with specific communication needs, e.g. deafness, visual impairments,
language differences

• Training for staff in working with interpreters, sign language and advocates.

• Using communication aids with individuals, such as communication passports, voice-

activated software, augmentative and alternative communication (AAC).

• Reading current research studies and good working practices for overcoming
barriers to communication.

Identify the factors that can overcome barriers to

effective communication. Physical Difficulties Inadequate Adaptation
Overcoming Barriers to

Discuss how using a calm tone of voice can overcome

difficulties when communicating with an individual who has
h dementia.
l Watch the video clip ‘Communication workshop’:
l www.youtube.com/watch?v=gwyUHHDEhRQ
e Describe three different ways to overcome barriers to
Produce an information handout for carers that provides
information and guidance about the different barriers to
communication and how to overcome them.

Identify the factors that can overcome barriers to

effective communication. Physical Difficulties Inadequate Adaptation
Overcoming Barriers to

Ask your partner three questions that will test their

knowledge of the key learning points from today’s

Identify the factors that can overcome barriers to

effective communication. Physical Difficulties Inadequate Adaptation

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