Minerals Final

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• The mineral (inorganic) elements constitute only a small proportion

of the body weight.
• It performs several vital functions which are absolutely essential for
the organism.
• These include calcification of bone, blood coagulation,
neuromuscular irritability, acid-base equilibrium, fluid balance and
osmotic regulation.
• The minerals are classified as principal elements and trace elements.
• The seven principal elements (macrominerals) constitute 60-80% of
the body’s inorganic material.
• These are calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, potassium,
chloride and sulfur.
• The principal elements are required in amounts greater than 100
• The (microminerals) are required in amounts less than 100 mg/day.
• They are subdivided into three categories:
• Essential trace elements: lron, copper, iodine, manganese, zinc,
molybdenum, cobalt, fluorine, selenium and chromium.
• Possibly essential trace elements: Nickel, vanadium, cadmium and
• Non-essential trace elements: Aluminium. lead, mercury, boron,
silver, bismuth etc.
• Calcium is the most abundant among the
minerals in the body.
• The total content of calcium in an adult man is
about 1 to 1 .5 kg.
• As much as 99% of it is present in the bones and
• A small fraction (1%) of the calcium, found
outside the skeletal tissue, performs a wide
variety of functions.
• Mostly occurs in the small intestine
(duodenum) by an energy dependent active
• It is influenced by several factors:
Factors affecting calcium absorption
1 . Vitamin D (calcitriol) induces the synthesis of
calcium binding protein in the intestinal epithelial
cells and promotes Ca absorption.
2. PTH enhances Ca absorption through the
increased synthesis of calcitriol.
3. Acidity (low pH) is more favourable for Ca
4. Lactose promotes calcium uptake by intestinal
5. The amino acids lysine and arginine facilitate Ca
Factors inhibiting Ca absorption
1 . Phytates and oxalates form insoluble salts and
interfere with Ca absorption.
2. High content of dietary phosphate results in the
formation of insoluble calcium phosphate and
prevents Ca uptake.
 The dietary ratio of Ca and P-between 1 : 2 and 2 : 1-
is ideal for optimum Ca absorption by intestinal cells.
3. The free fatty acids react with Ca to form insoluble
calcium soaps.
 This is particularly observed when the fat absorption
is impaired.
4. Alkaline condition (high pH) is unfavourable for
Ca absorption.
5. High content of dietary fiber interferes with Ca
Fig: Different forms of circulating calcium.
Fig: Overview of calcium homeostasis
Plasma Calcium
• The normal concentration of plasma or serum Ca
is 9-11 mg/dl (4.5-5.5 mEq/l)

• The hormones -calcitriol, PTH and calcitonin are

the major factors that regulate the plasma
calcium within a narrow range (9-11 mg/dl).

• Elevation in serum Ca level (normal 9-11 mg/dl)
is hypercalcemia.
• It is associated with hyperparathyroidism caused
by increased activity of parathyroid glands.
• Elevation in the urinary excretion of Ca and P,
often resulting in the formation of urinary calculi,
is also observed in these patients.
• The determination of ionized serum calcium
(elevated to 6-9mg/dl) is more useful for the
diagnosis of hyperparathyroidism.
• lt is characterized by a fall in the serum Ca to
below 7 mg/dl, causing tetany.
• It is mostly due to hypoparathyroidism.
• This may happen after an accidental surgical
removal of parathyroid glands or due to an
autoimmune disease.
• It is a disorder of defective calcification of bones.
• This may be due to a low levels of vitamin D in
the body or due to a dietary deficiency of Ca and
P- or both.
• An increase in the activity of alkaline phosphatase
is a characteristic feature of rickets.
Renal rickets (vitamin D resistant rickets):
• Renal rickets is associated with damage to renal
tissue, causing impairment in the synthesis of
• Renal rickets can be treated by administration of
• Osteoporosis is characterized by deminera-
Iization of bone resulting in the progressive loss of
bone mass.
• An adult body contains about 1 kg phosphate.
• It is found in every cell of the body.
• Most of it (about 80%) occurs in combination
with Ca in the bones and teeth.
• About 10% of body P is found in muscles and
blood in association with proteins, carbohydrates
and lipids.
• The remaining 10% is widely distributed in
various chemical compounds such as 2,3 BPG,
ATP, GTP, Creatine phosphate etc.
Biochemical functions
1. Phosphorus is essential for the development of bones and
2. It is required for the formation of high-energy phosphate
compounds e.g. ATP, GTP, creatine phosphate etc.
3. Required for the formation of phospholipids,
phosphoproteins and nucleic acids (DNA and RNA).
4. lt is an essential component of several nucleotide
coenzymes e.g. NAD+, NADP+,PLP, ADP, AMP.
5. Several proteins and enzymes are activated by
6. Phosphate buffer system is important for the maintenance
of pH in the blood (around 7.4) as well as in the cells.
• The ratio of Ca : P of 1:1 is recommended (i.e.
800 mg/day) for an adult.
• For infants, however, the ratio is around 2:1,
which is based on the ratio found in human
• Phosphate absorption occurs from SI (jejunum)
1 . Calcitriol promotes phosphate uptake along with
2. Absorption of phosphorus and calcium is
optimum when the dietary Ca:P is between 1:2
and 2:1.
3. Acidity favours while phytate decreases
phosphate uptake by intestinal cells.
Serum phosphate
• Serum contains about 3-4mg/dl.
• The phosphate level of the whole blood is
around 40 mg/dl.
• This is because the RBC and WBC have very
high content of phosphate.
• The serum phosphate may exist as free ions
(40%) or in a complex form (50%) with cations
such as Ca2+ , Mg2+ , Na+ , K+.
• About 10% of serum phosphate is bound to
• The fasting serum phosphate levels are higher
than the PP.
• Following the ingestion of carbohydrate (glucose),
the phosphate from the serum is drawn by the
cells for metabolism (phosphorylation reactions).
• About 500 mg phosphate is excreted in urine per
• The renal threshold is 2 mg/dl.
• The reabsorption of phosphate by renal tubules
is inhibited by PTH.
• PTH stimulates the kidney to excrete phosphate
while conserving calcium.
• This is a protective mechanism b/c the solubility
product of calcium phosphate in body fluids is
readily exceeded if the concentrations of both
ions are elevated.
• The concentrations of both calcium and
phosphate tend to vary inversely b/c of the PTH
effect upon the kidney.
• GH increases the renal tubular reabsorption of
• In chronic renal disease there is phosphate
retention b/c of impaired glomerular filtration
• Advanced renal insufficiency
• True and Pseudohypoparathyroidism
• Hypervitaminosis D
• Hypersecretion of GH
• Hyperparathyroidism
• Rickets (Vit D deficiency)
• Steatorrhea
• Fanconi syndrome (Impaired tubular
reabsorption of phosphate)
• Prolonged ingestion of antacids containing
Mg(OH)2 or Al(OH)3 lowers the serum phosphate
b/c of precipitation of insoluble phosphates in
the GIT.
Disease states
1. Serum phosphate level is increased in
 It is decreased in hyperparathyroidism.
2. In severe renal diseases, serum phosphate
content is elevated causing acidosis.
3. Vitamin D deficient rickets is characterized by
decreased serum phosphate (1-2 mg/dl).
4. Renal rickets is associated with low serum
phosphate levels and increased ALP activity.
• The adult body contains about 20 g Mg2+, 70% of
which is found in bones in combination with
calcium and phosphorus.
• The remaining 30% occurs in the soft tissues and
body fluids.
Biochemical functions
1. Magnesium is required for the formation of
bones and teeth.
2. Mg2+ serves as a cofactor for several enzymes
requiring ATP e.g. HK, glucokinase, PFK,
adenylate cyclase.
3. Mg2+ is necessary for proper neuromuscular
 Low Mg2+ levels lead to neuromuscular
Dietary Requirements

Adult man - 350 mg/day

Adult woman - 300 mg/day

• Cereals, nuts, beans, vegetables (cabbage,

cauliflower), meat, milk, fruits.
• Magnesium is absorbed by the intestinal cells
through a specific carrier system.
• About 50% of the dietary Mg is normally
• Consumption of large amounts of calcium,
phosphate and alcohol diminishes Mg absorption.
• PTH increases Mg absorption.
Serum Mg:
• Serum concentration of Mg is 2-3 mg/dl.
• lt is present in the ionized form (60%), in
combination with other ions (10%) and bound
to proteins (30%).
Disease states:
1 . Magnesium deficiency causes neuromuscular
irritation, weakness and convulsions.
• These symptoms are similar to that observed in
tetany (Ca deficiency) which are relieved only by
• Malnutrition, alcoholism and cirrhosis of Iiver
may lead to Mg deficiency.
2. Low levels of Mg may be observed in uremia,
rickets and abnormal pregnancy.
• The total content of iron in an adult body is 3-5 g.
• About 70% of this occurs in the RBCs of blood as a
constituent of Hb.
• At least 5% of body iron is present in myoglobin of
• lt is a constituent of several proteins/enzymes
(hemoproteins) - hemoglobin, myoglobin,
cytochromes, xanthine oxidase, catalase,
tryptophan pyrrolase, peroxidase etc.
• Certain other proteins contain non-heme iron
(NHI) e.g. transferrin, ferritin, hemosiderin.
Biochemical functions
1. lron mainly exerts its functions through the
compounds in which it is present.
• Hemoglobin and myoglobin are required for the
transport of 02 and CO2.
2. Cytochromes and certain non-heme proteins are
necessary for ETC and oxidative phosphorylation.
3. Peroxidase, the lysosomal enzyme, is required for
phagocytosis and killing of bacteria by
Factors affecting Fe absorption
1. Acidity, ascorbic acid and cysteine promote iron
2. Phytate (found in cereals) and oxalate (found in
leafy vegetables) interfere with Fe absorption.
3. A diet with high phosphate content decreases Fe
absorption while low phosphate promotes.
4. lmpaired absorption of iron is observed in
malabsorption syndromes such as steatorrhea.
Absorption, transport and storage
• lron is mainly absorbed in the duodenum.
• ln normal people, about 10% of dietary iron is
usually absorbed.
Fig: lron absorption and transport
• lron is mostly found in the foods in ferric form,
bound to proteins or organic acids.
• In the acid medium provided by gastric HCl, the
Fe3+ is released from foods.
• Reducing substances such as ascorbic acid and
cysteine convert ferric iron (Fe3+ ) to ferrous form
• lron in the ferrous form is soluble and readily
lron in the mucosal cells
• The iron (Fe2+) entering the mucosal cells by
absorption is oxidized to ferric form (Fe3+) by the
enzyme ferroxidase.
• Fe3+ then combines with apoferritin to form
ferritin which is the temporary storage form of
• From the mucosal cells, iron may enter the blood
stream (which mainly depends on the body
needs) or lost when the cells are desquamated.
Mucosal block theory:

• Iron metabolism is unique

• Iron is one way element

• Because it is maintained by regulation at level of absorption and not

by excretion

• When iron stores in body are depleted absorption is enhanced but

when adequate iron is there absorption is decreased referred as
mucosal block
Transport of Fe in the plasma
• The iron liberated from the ferritin of mucosal
cells enters the plasma in ferrous state.
• Here, it is oxidized to ferric form by ceruloplasmin
which possesses ferroxidase activity.
• Another cuproprotein ferroxidase ll also helps for
the conversion of Fe2+ to Fe3+.
• Ferric iron then binds with a specific iron binding
protein, namely transferrin or siderophilin (a
glycoprotein with M.W. 90,000).
• Each transferrin molecule can bind with two
atoms of ferric iron (Fe3+).
• The plasma transferrin (concentration 250 mgldl)
can bind with 4O0 mg of iron/dl plasma.
• This is known TIBC of plasma.
Storage of iron:
• lron is stored in liver, spleen and bone marrow in
the form of ferritin.
• A molecule of apoferritin (M.W. 500,000) can
combine with 4,000 atoms of iron.
• The maximum iron content of ferritin on weight
basis is around 25%.
• Hemosiderin is another iron storage protein
which can hold about 35% of iron by weight.
• Hemosiderin accumulates in the body (spleen,
liver) when the supply of iron is in excess of
body demands.
• This is a less common disorder and is due to excessive iron in
the body

• It is commonly observed in subjects receiving repeated blood

transfusions over the years, e.g. patients of hemolytic anemia,

• Excessive iron is deposited as ferritin and hemosiderin

• Hemosiderosis is commonly observed among the Bantu tribe in

South Africa
• This is a rare disease in which iron is directly deposited in the
tissues (liver, spleen, pancreas and skin)

• Is due to the increased absorption of iron

• Hemosiderosis is sometimes accompanied by hemochromatosis

• Bronzed-pigmentation of the skin, cirrhosis of liver, pancreatic

fibrosis are the manifestations of this disorder

• Can causes a condition known as bronze diabetes

Iron deficiency anaemia

• Reduced Hemoglobin

• Microcytic hypochromic aneamia

Absorption of iron:
Iron is a one way substance:
• lron metabolism is unique as it operates in a
closed system.
• lt is very efficiently utilized and reutilized by the
• Further, iron losses from the body are minimal
(< 1 mg/day) which may occur through bile,
sweat, hair loss etc.
• lron is not excreted into urine.
• Thus, iron differs from the vitamins or other
organic and inorganic substances which are
either inactivated or excreted during the
course of metabolic function.
• Hence, iron is appropriately regarded as a
one-way substance.
• The body contains about 0.1 g copper
distributed in different organs.
Biochemical functions
1. Copper is an essential constituent of several
• These include cytochrome oxidase, catalase,
tyrosinase, SOD, monoamine oxidase, ALA
synthase, phenol oxidase and Uricase.
2. Due to its presence in a wide variety of enzymes,
copper is involved in many metabolic reactions.
3. Copper is necessary for the synthesis of Hb (Cu is
a constituent of ALA synthase, needed for heme
3. Lysyl oxidase is required for the conversion of
lysine residues of collagen to allysine which are
necessary for cross-linking these structural
4. Ceruloplasmin serves as ferroxidase and is
involved in the conversion of Fe2+ to Fe3+ in
which form iron (transferrin) is transported in
5. Copper is necessary for the synthesis of melanin
and phospholipid.
6. Development of bone and nervous system
(myelin) requires Cu.
7. Certain copper-containing non-enzymatic
proteins include hepatocuprein (storage form in
liver), cerebrocuprein (in brain) and hemocuprein
(in RBC).
8. Hemocyanin, a copper protein complex in
invertebrates, functions like Hb for 02 transport.
• Liver, kidney, meat, egg yolk, cereals, nuts and
green leafy vegetables.
• Milk is a poor source.
• About 10% of dietary copper is absorbed, mainly
in the duodenum.
• Metallothionein is a transport protein that
facilitates copper absorption.
• Phytate, zinc and molybdenum decrease copper
Plasma copper:
• The copper concentration of plasma is about
100-200 mg/dl.
• Most of this (95%) is tightly bound to
ceruloplasmin while a small fraction (5%) is
loosely held to albumin.
• Normal concentration of serum ceruloplasmin is
25-50 mg/dl.
• lt contains about 0.34% copper (6-8 atoms of Cu
per molecule, half in Cu2+ state and the other
half in Cu+ state).
Disease states
1. Copper deficiency: Severe deficiency of copper
 demineralization of bones
 demyelination of neural tissue
 Anemia
 fragility of arteries
 hypopigmentation of skin
 greying of hair.
Menke's disease:
• This disorder is due to a defect in the intestinal
absorption of copper.
• lt is possible that copper may be trapped by
metallothionein in the intestinal cells.
• The symptoms of include decreased copper in
plasma and urine, anemia and depigmentation of
Wilson’s disease (hepatolenticular degeneration)
 Rare disorder of abnormal copper metabolism.
It is characterized by the following manifestations:
• Cu is deposited in abnormal amounts in liver and
lenticular nucleus of brain , lead to hepatic
cirrhosis and brain necrosis.
• Low levels of Cu and ceruloplasmin in plasma
with increased excretion of Cu in urine.
• Copper deposition in kidney causes renal
• Intestinal absorption of copper is very high,
about 4-6 times higher than normal.
• Cu deposits as green or golden pigmented ring
around cornea called as Kayser - Fleischer ring.
Probable causes of Wilson’s disease:
• A failure to synthesize ceruloplasmin or an
impairment in the binding capacity of copper to
this protein or both.
• Reduced intestinal excretion of Cu may be
responsible for the occurrence of Wilson’s
Injection of D-penicillamine
• The total body contains about 20 mg iodine.
• Most of it (80%) being present in the thyroid
Biochemical functions
• The only known function of iodine is its
requirement for the synthesis of thyroid
hormones namely, T4 and T3.
• Functionally, T3 is more active than T4.
1. Influence on the metabolic rate:
• Thyroid hormones stimulate the metabolic
activities and increases the oxygen consumption.
2. Effect on protein synthesis:
• Thyroid hormones function as anabolic hormones
and cause positive nitrogen balance and promote
growth and development.
3. Influence on carbohydrate metabolism:
• Thyroid hormones promote intestinal absorption
of glucose and its utilization.
• These hormones increase gluconeogenesis and
glycogenolysis, with an overall effect of enhancing
blood glucose level (hyperglycemia).
4. Effect on lipid metabolism:
• Lipid turnover and utilization are stimulated by
thyroid hormones.
• Seafoods
• Vegetables & fruits (grown on seaboard).
• Iodine is added to drinking water or to table
Absorption, storage and excretion

• lodine as iodide is mainly absorbed from the

small intestine.
• Normally, about 30% of dietary iodine is taken
up by the intestinal cells.
• About 80% of body's iodine is stored in the
organic form as iodothyroglobulin (a
glycoprotein) in the thyroid gland.
• This protein contains thyroxine, diiodotyrosine
and triiodothyronine in different proportions.
• Excretion of iodine mostly occurs through kidney.
Plasma iodine
• The normal concentration of plasma iodine is 4-10
• Protein Bound Iodine (PBI) level decreases in
hypothyroidism and increases in hyperthyroidism.
• RBC do not contain iodine.
Disease states
• Hypothyroidism
• Cretinism
• Goiter
• Myxedema
• Hyperthyroidism(thyrotoxicosis)
• The total content of zinc in an adult body is about
2 g.
• Prostate gland is very rich in Zn (100 mg/g).
• Zinc is mainly an intracellular element.
Biochemical functions
1 . Zn is an essential component of several enzymes
e.g. carbonic anhydrase, alcohol dehydrogenase,
ALP, carboxypeptidase, SOD(cytosolic).
2. Zinc may be regarded as an antioxidant since the
enzyme SOD (Zn containing) protects the body
against free radical damage.
3. The storage and secretion of insulin from the B-
cells of pancreas require Zn.
4. Zn is necessary to maintain the normal levels of
vitamin A in serum.
• Zn promotes the synthesis of RBP.
5. lt is required for wound healing.
• Zn enhances cell growth and division, besides
stabiIizing biomembranes.
6. Gusten, a zinc containing protein of the saliva, is
important for taste sensation.
7. Zn is essential for proper reproduction.
Dietary Requirements:
Adult: 10-1 5 mg/day.
• lt is increased (by about 50%) in pregnancy and
• Meat, fish, eggs, milk, beans, nuts.
• Zinc is absorbed mainly in the duodenum.
• Zn from the animal sources is better absorbed
than the vegetable sources.
• Zn absorption appears to be dependent on a
transport protein-metallothionein.
• Phytate, calcium, copper and iron interfere while
small peptides and amino acids promote Zn
Serum Zn:
• The concentration of Zn in serum is about 100
• RBC contain higher content of Zn (1.5 mg/dl)
which is found in association with the enzyme
carbonic anhydrase.
Disease states:
1. Zinc deficiency is associated with;
 growth retardation
 poor wound healing
 anemia
 loss of appetite
 loss of taste sensation
 impaired spermatogenesis etc.
 Zn deficiency in pregnant animals causes
congenital malformations of the fetus.
3. Deficiency of Zn may result in depression,
dementia and other psychiatric disorders.
4. The neuropsychiatric manifestations of chronic
alcoholism may be partly due to zinc deficiency.
Acrodermatitis enteropathica:
• It is a rare inherited metabolic disease of zinc
deficiency caused by a defect in the absorption of
Zn from the intestine.
• Zinc toxicity is often observed in welders due
to inhalation of zinc oxide fumes.
• The manifestations of Zn toxicity include
 Nausea,
 Gastric ulcer,
 Pancreatitis,
 Anemia and
 Excessive salivation.
• Cobalt is only important as a constituent of
vitamin B12.
• Cobalt content of vitamin B12 is about 4% by
• Administration of cobalt stimulates the
production of the hormone erythropoietin, which
promotes erythropoiesis.
• Prolonged administration of cobalt is toxic as it
results in polycythemia (increased RBC in
• Foods of animal origin

Recommended dietary allowance: 5-8µg/d

Deficiency disease/symptoms:
• Pernicious anemia (as in vitamin B12deficiency)
• Essential trace element
Biochemical function
1. Selenium, along with vitamin E, prevents the
development of hepatic necrosis and muscular
2. Se is involved in maintaining structural integrity of
biological membranes.
3. Se as selenocysteine is an essential component of
the enzyme glutathione peroxidase.
 This enzyme protects the cells against the damage
caused by H2O2.
5. Se protects animals from carcinogenic chemicals.
6. Se binds with certain heavy metals (Hg, Cd) and
protects the body from their toxic effects.
7. A selenium containing enzyme 5'-deiodinase
converts T4 to T3.
8. Thioredoxin reductase, involved in purine
nucleotide metabolism, is also a selenoprotein.
• The good sources of Se are organ meats (liver,
kidney) and sea foods.
• Plants (Selenomethionine)
• Animals (Selenocysteine)
Infants: 10 microgram/day
Adult: 75microgram/day
Disease states
• Se deficiency in animals leads to muscular
dystrophy, pancreatic fibrosis and reproductive
• In humans, Keshan disease, an endemic
cardiomyopathy (in China) is attributed to the
deficiency of Se.
• Low serum Se levels are associated with
increased risk of cardiovascular disease, and
various cancers.
• Selenomethylselenocysteine has antitumor
• Selenosis is the toxicity due to very excessive
intake of Se.
• The manifestations of selenosis include;
 weight loss,
 emotional disturbances,
 diarrhea,
 hair loss and
 garlic odor in breath.
• The compound dimethyl selenide is responsible
for the garlic odor.

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