Sexual Self Group 2 BSIT 1 B

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Sexual Self
Primary vs Secondary Sex Characteristics
 Developed, identifiable, and Development is not identifiable at
present at birth. birth.
 This include sexual organs such as  Develop as an organism enters
the penis, testes, uterus, and ovaries. puberty or sexual maturity.
 Observable difference in Genetic  They may include body hair,
Makeup (DNA, X and Y particular odours, and even
chromosomes). behaviours.
Male and Female Secondary Sex
 Males reaching Puberty stage, Testosterone directly increases  Females reaching Puberty stage, Estrogen directly
the growth, size, and mass of: impacts the secondary sex characteristics:
 Growth of Body Hair (Underarm, Abdominal, Chest, Pubic,  Enlargement of breasts and erection of nipples.
and Facial).
 Growth of body hair, most prominently underarm and
 Enlargement of the Adam’s Apple (Larynx), and deepening
of the voice.
pubic hair.
 Increased stature (Male taller than Female).  Widening of hips; lower waist-to-hip ratio than adult
 Heavier Skull and Bone structure.
 Increased Muscle Mass and Strength.  Labia minora, the inner lips of the vulva, may grow
more prominent and undergo changes in colour with the
 Broadening of shoulders and chest; shoulders wider than hips.
increased stimulation related to higher levels of
 Increased secretions of oil and sweat glands. Estrogen.
 The human sexual response to
sexually arousing stimuli is a
motivational incentive-based cycle
comprising subjective experience and
physiologic changes.
 Supported by science, brain imaging
data of sexual arousal identify areas of
cerebral activation and inhibition
reflecting a complex network of
cognitive, motivational, emotional, and
autonomic components.
Phases of the Sexual Response Cycle
1. Sexual Excitement – (Arousal) This 3. Orgasm – (Climax) The orgasm
phase happens in response to thoughts, phase happens when a person is at
sensations, or events that make a person the peak of sexual excitement.
feel aroused.
2. Plateau - In the plateau phase, the 4. Resolution - The resolution phase
responses initiated during the excitement returns the body to its pre-aroused
phase intensify. Blood flow, heart rate, state. In this phase, a person
muscle tension, breathing rate, and “recovers” from sexual intercourse
sensitivity continue to increase. and orgasm.
The Biology of Sexual Behavior
 The biological aspects of the human  It is based on a combination of nature
sexuality that includes: and nurture.
 The reproductive system. Biological processes (nature) provide
The sexual response cycle. the infant with sex reflexes as well as
the neural connections needed to
The neurological and hormonal experience sexual arousal, pleasure,
factors. and orgasm—and to learn from those
 Personal and Social influences
(nurture) affects the person’s sexual
Male and Female Anatomy
 Internal and External genitalia that are responsible for  External Genitalia – Vulva
procreation and sexual intercourse.  Internal Genitalia
 Males produce their sperm on a cycle; the male sperm  Vagina
production cycle is constantly producing millions of sperm daily.  Uterus – hosts the developing Fetus, produces vaginal and
uterine secretions.
 Main Male Sex Organs:  Fallopian Tubes – the sperm and eggs passes here.
 Penis  Ovaries – Releases the eggs.
 Testicles – Produces Semen and Sperm.
 Monthly reproductive cycle (Menstruation).
 When a Male had a sexual intercourse, the Semen and Sperm  Fertilization: Ovaries releases eggs > passes to Fallopian
can fertilize an ovum (egg); the fertilized egg develops into a Tube > If met with Sperm, it penetrates the egg = Baby.
fetus, which is born later as an infant.
 If not Fertilized, Egg is removed through Menstruation.
Lust, Love, and Attachment
 Lust  Attachment
 The first stage of romantic love, lust is defined as having an intense sexual
 A more meaningful bond developing
desire towards someone.
between two people, moving a romantic
 Testosterone is known to increase libido in both genders. relationship to an advanced level of falling in
 Love love wholeheartedly.
 (Attraction) Associated with feelings of happiness, thinking of the  Oxytocin – “The Love Hormone” released in
beloved, and craving for emotional feelings. substantial amounts during sexual intercourse
 Dopamine – a hormone released when we are attracted to someone, or and is stimulated through skin-to-skin contact.
when we engage in a sexual intercourse. (ecstasy hormone)  Vasopressin – a hormone that is released in
 Norepinephrine – a hormone that keeps us alert. When combined with large quantities directly after having sex.
Dopamine, it allows us to feel energetic, excited, and dizzy.
 Plays a role in social interactions between
humans and encourages pair-bonding
Sexually Transmitted Diseases
 Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs),  Common Types of STDs
or sexually transmitted infections  Genital herpes
(STIs), are infections that are passed  HIV/AIDS
from one person to another through  Pubic lice
sexual contact.
 Syphilis
The contact is usually vaginal, oral, or
anal sex. But sometimes they can spread
through other intimate physical contact.
 STDs can be caused by bacteria,
viruses, and parasites.
Signs and Symptoms of STDs
 Unusual discharge from the penis or vagina.  Blisters or sores in or around the mouth.
 Sores or warts on the genital area.  Abnormal vaginal odour.
 Painful or frequent urination.  Anal itching, soreness, or bleeding.
 Itching and redness in the genital area.  Abdominal pain.
 Fever.
Treatments and Preventions of STDs
 Antibiotics can treat STDs caused by bacteria or parasites. There is no
cure for STDs caused by viruses, but medicines can often help with the
symptoms and lower your risk of spreading the infection.

 Correct usage of latex condoms greatly reduces, but does not

completely eliminate, the risk of catching or spreading STDs. The most
reliable way to avoid infection is to not have anal, vaginal, or oral sex.
Natural Contraception
Natural Family Planning (NFP) - refers to a variety of methods used to prevent or plan pregnancy, based on identifying a
woman’s fertile days.
Advantages:  Disadvantages:
Increased self-awareness and knowledge of their fertility.  No protection from sexually transmitted infections.
Increased reliance on their own resources rather than a family
planning program or other sources of contraception.  Requires training by qualified instructor.
Increased independence from costly or distant medical services.  Very unforgiving of incorrect use.
Freedom from artificial substances and the side effects or  Requires partner consent and cooperation.
potential medical risks of other methods.
 Less appropriate for women with irregular on
Reduced re-supply costs associated with commodity-based
methods. unpredictable menstrual cycles.
Enhanced partner communication and intimacy.  Requires daily or regular monitoring and recording.
For some, the ability to adhere to religious and cultural norms.
Methods of Natural Contraceptive
 Abstinence - Refraining from penetrative sex provides 100% protection from
pregnancy, and offers effective prevention of transmission of sexually transmitted
 Withdrawal or Coitus interruptus – sexual intercourse in which the penis is
withdrawn before ejaculation.
 Fertility awareness/Calendar Method – a practice used to determine the fertile and
infertile phases of a woman's menstrual cycle. Fertility awareness methods may be used to
avoid pregnancy, to achieve pregnancy, or as a way to monitor gynecological health.
 Lactation Amenorrhea Method - is a natural, short term birth control method in
which a woman relies on exclusive breastfeeding after birth to prevent pregnancy.
Methods of Artificial Contraception
 Condom - The condom is the only form of  The Contraceptive Implant - a small, flexible rod is
contraception that protects against most STIs as well as placed under the skin in a woman’s upper arm, releasing a
preventing pregnancy. form of the hormone progesterone.
 Male Condom - a thin, fitted tube worn over the penis
 Emergency Contraception Pill (‘Morning After’ Pill) -
during sex.
used to prevent pregnancy after sex if contraception wasn’t
 Female Condom - inserted into the vagina before sex. used, a condom has broken during sex, or a woman has been
 Oral Contraceptive Pill (Birth Pills) - It is a pill you sexually assaulted.
take every day to stop getting pregnant.  Contraceptive Ring - a flexible plastic ring constantly
 Intrauterine Device (IUD) – a small, T-shaped device releasing hormones that is placed in the vagina by the
made from material containing progesterone hormone or woman. It stays in place for three weeks.
plastic and copper and is fitted inside a woman’s uterus by
a trained healthcare provider. Lasts for 3-10 years.
Surgical Methods of Contraception
 Sterilisation - the process of completely taking away the body’s ability
to reproduce through open or minimal invasion surgery. It is a permanent
method of contraception, suitable for people who are sure they never want
children or do not want any more children.
 Vasectomy - a surgical procedure to cut or seal the tubes that carry a
man's sperm to permanently prevent pregnancy.
Secondary sex characteristic - Wikipedia
Sexual response cycle: Overview, phases, and more (
Biology of Sexual Behavior (
Sexual Behavior - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
The stages of love - From lust to attraction and attachment (
Sexually Transmitted Diseases | STD | Venereal Disease | MedlinePlus
Natural contraceptive methods (
9 types of contraception you can use to prevent pregnancy (with pictures!) | Queensland Healt

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