Sexual Arousal and Erogenous Zones
Sexual Arousal and Erogenous Zones
Sexual Arousal and Erogenous Zones
Primary sex characteristics
Primary sex characteristics refer to changes to the sexual organs themselves (uterus, vagina, penis,
and testes).
Secondary sex characteristics are those that are developed at puberty. This is different than primary
sex characteristics, which are evident at birth.
Secondary sex characteristics are those that are developed at puberty. This is different
than primary sex characteristics, which are evident at birth. Because secondary sex
characteristics devlope during puberty, they are often the result of higher concentrations
of male sex hormones. Testosterone is an example of such a hormone.
Changes in Male
•male hair patterns, vocal changes, and voice
deepening, anabolic effects, which include
growth spurts in puberty Changes in Female
• Female secondary sexual
characteristics include breasts
develop, hips widen, and pubic
hair begins to grow.
Reproductive system
The male reproductive system includes the In women, the reproductive system
external genitals (the penis, testes and the includes the ovaries, the fallopian tubes,
scrotum) and internal parts, including the the uterus, the cervix, and the vagina.
prostate gland, vas deferens and urethra.
female reproductive system
Are areas of the body that are highly sensitive and produce sexual response when stimulated.
These includes the genitals, mouth, One of the most basic forms of sexual
breast, ears, anus and to a lesser degree, stimulation is masturbation or self?
the stimulation that causes sexual pleasure
entire surface of the body or orgasm.
Cognitive Factors
• Play an important role in sexual
arousal of humans.
• Influences the expression of
sexual desire
• Norms continue shapes the
sexual activity along the socially
acceptable behaviors.
Four Phases of Sexual Response
By: William Masters and Virginia Johnson
Driven by desire for sexual
Often associated with sexual
Occurs when individuals desire to
connect with another person
intimately, also be called affectionate
or companionate love.
Attachment According to Helen Fisher
Defines attachment as a Maintains that the quality of early The ability to form a stable
parent-child attachment has and close relationships begins
strong affectionate tie that lasting impact on the kind of at infancy, in a child earliest
binds a person to an relationships people have later in
experience with a caregiver
intimate companion. life, including romantic
who meets his or her needs.
Sexual Orientation
refers to a person’s sexual identity anchored on
what gender they are attracted to.
Homosexual Females
- are referred as LESBIANS
Sexually Transmitted
Infections (STI’s) and
Early Pregnancies
Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI’s) and
Early Pregnancies
• Contracted primarily through sexual contact