Lecture For Production Well Planning

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Sapna Rathi
Sr. Chemist
IDT, Dehradun

Institute of Drilling Technology

What is completion fluid (CF) ?

 Completion Fluids (CF) are special purpose fluid placed against the producing
formation during well completion & remedial workover operations (WO) such as
well killing, cleaning out, plugging back or perforating etc.

 CF is a low solid mud or salt solution (brine) used for well testing & upon a
well's completion.

 Completion fluids are typically brines (chlorides, bromides & formates), but in
theory could be any fluid of proper density with flow characteristics.

Institute of Drilling Technology

Difference between Completion and Workover operations

The difference between Completion and Workover operations is:

 Completion operation: will commence once drilling of a well has ended,

and it will be prepared to produce for the first time;

 Workover operation: remedial operations performed on a well that has

been produced before.

The fluids for Completion and Workover operations will mostly be the same.

Function of Completion Fluids

 Must Control the Formation Pr. during completion & intervention operations,
 Circulate & transport the solids,
 Protect the productive zones, down hole & surface equipment,
 Inhibitive Nature
 Stable at surface & downhole conditions,
 Be safely handled,
 Environment friendly or used with controlled exposure,
 Enabling repair operations as a circulating or kill fluid medium,
 As packer fluids,
 Avoid damaging the well after completion, or repair;
 Allow other well operations to be conducted.
 Low or Nil corrosive nature
 Pumpability over long period of time
 Reusable
 Cost effective.

Institute of Drilling Technology

Types of Completion Fluids

• Brines are the salt solutions in water that are generally used for Completion /
Workover operations in oil well

• Typical operations in which clear brines are used are Well kills, Fishing,
Perforating, Drilling, Gravel Packing and as Packer fluids.

• The commonly used completion / workover fluid can be grouped under following
broad categories.

1. Clean, solids-free brines

2. Oil
3. Oil base fluids

Clean, Solid-Free Brines

 They are the most commonly used fluids in completion and workover operations.
 These brines are true solutions, meaning that they contain only water &
dissolved salts (ions), with no un-dissolved solids.
 Salt when dissolved in water, yields clear brine — as long as it is below
 They may be used as single-salt brines or mixture of two or three different salt
 Advantages of clear brines solution are;
 Solids-free
 Inhibitive
 Available in a wide density range.
 Capable of being reclaimed for reuse.

Soluble Salts used as Brines

Category of Salts
Inorganic Salts Organic Salts
Monovalent salts Monovalent salts
Sodium Chloride (NaCl) Sodium Formate (HCOONa)
Potassium Chloride (KCl) Potassium Formate (HCOOK)
Sodium Bromide (NaBr) Cesium Formate (HCOOCs)
Potassium Bromide (KBr)
Divalent Salts
Calcium Chloride (CaCl2)
Calcium Bromide (CaBr2)
Zinc Bromide (ZnBr2)
Type of Brines

1. Single Salt Brine

2. Mixed Salt Brine

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Commonly used Completion Clear fluids & maximum
achievable density at room temperature
Sl. Sol Wt. Max. Sp. Gr. Max Density
Brine Type
No. % Range Range (ppg)
1. Potassium Chloride (KCl) 24 ≤ 1.16 ≤ 9.70
2. Sodium Chloride (NaCl) 26 ≤ 1.20 ≤ 10.0
3. Sodium Formate (NaHCO2) 50 ≤ 1.32 ≤ 11.1
4. Calcium Chloride (CaCl2) 40 ≤ 1.41 ≤ 11.8
5. Potassium Bromide (KBr) - ≤ 1.39 ≤ 11.6
6. Sodium Bromide (NaBr) 46 ≤ 1.52 ≤ 12.7
7. Potassium Formate (KHCO2) 78 ≤ 1.59 ≤ 13.3
8. Calcium Bromide (CaBr2) 57 ≤ 1.83 ≤ 15.3
Sodium Formate + Potassium Formate
9. - <1.52 < 12.7
(NaHCO2 + KHCO2)

Calcium Chloride + Calcium Bromide

10. - ≤ 1.81 ≤ 15.1
(CaCl2 + CaBr2)

11. Cesium Formate (CsHCO2) 84 ≤ 2.30 ≤ 19.2

Potassium Formate + Cesium Formate
12. - ≤ 2.20 ≤ 18.3
(KHCO2 + CsHCO2)

13. Zinc Bromide (ZnBr2) 78 ≤ 2.52 ≤ 21.0

Calcium Bromide + Zinc Bromide
14. - ≤ 2.30 ≤ 19.2
8 (CaBr2 + ZnBr2)
Maximum achievable density at room temperature

Brine Density Range

Institute of Drilling Technology

Type of Brines

A) Single Salt Brine (Inorganic Salt): These brines are made with fresh water &
one salt.

1. Potassium Chloride (KCl) :

• Excellent CF for water sensitive formations up to 1.16 S.G. (9.7 ppg).
• Corrosion rates are reasonably low and can be reduced even more by
maintaining the pH between 7- 10 and using a corrosion inhibitor.

2. Sodium Chloride (NaCl) :

• The most commonly used economical brine up to 1.20 S.G. (10 ppg)
• NaCl brine can be mixed with NaBr brine to achieve density up to 12.5 ppg.
3. Sodium Bromide (NaBr) :
• Used for density up to 1.52 SG (12.8 ppg)
• More expensive & used as an alternative to calcium base brines when
formation waters contain high concentrations of bicarbonate & sulphate ions.
Type of Brines

4. Calcium Chloride (CaCl2) :

• Used up to 1.41 S.G. (11.8 ppg), but dissolution in water gives high heat,
• Dry salt must be added very slowly to prevent boiling.
• Compatibility should be ensure with reservoir fluids due to the divalent Ca++.
• More corrosive compare to KCl brine & require a corrosion inhibitor.
• Hygroscopic in nature.
• At higher densities there may be operating problem in winter because of
freezing of the solution.
• At a density of 11.6 ppg (1.39 SG) the freezing point of CaCl2 brine is 44 deg
F (6.6 degC).

Type of Brines

5. Calcium Bromide (CaBr2) :

• CaBr2 solutions can be prepared up to 1.83 SG (15.5 ppg),
• The 14.2 lb/gal CaBr2 has a TCT around 0°F (-18°C),
• Like CaCl2, CaBr2 also generates heat when dissolved in water, similar
precautions should be taken.

6. Zinc Bromide (ZnBr2) :

• Extremely dense brine solution can be prepared up to 2.52 SG (21 ppg)
• However, the high acidity and osmolarity cause high corrosion rate. (pH 1 – 1.5)
• Corrosion inhibitor essentially used
• Handling problems.
• Crews must be use PPE slicker suits & rubber boots because the fluid is so
• Environmental issue
Type of Brines

B) Single Salt Brine (Organic Salt)

7. Sodium Formate (NaCOOH)

• Alternative to chloride brines up to 1.32 SG (11.1 ppg) can be achieved
• Better HSE characteristics than chloride & bromide brines.
• No corrosion issue.

8. Potassium Formate (KCOOH)

• Alternative to chloride or bromide brine up to 1.59 Sg (13.3 ppg).
• Have better HSE characteristics compared to Cl- and Br- brines.
• Show excellent thermal stabilization effects on natural polymers.
• K- ion provides excellent clay stabilization & swelling inhibition of shales.
• No corrosion issue.

Type of Brines

9. Cesium Formate (CsCOOH)

• Cesium formate is being produced as a 2.3 SG (19.2 ppg) liquid,

• It also produces excellent thermal stabilization effects in natural polymers,
• Provides clay stabilization and inhibits swelling of shales.
• Better HSE characteristics in comparison to Cl- & Br- brines.

Type of Brines

C) Mixed Salt Brine (Inorganic Salt): When the brine densities greater than 11.6
ppg (1.39 SG) are required, the use of two or more salts is usually preferred instead
of single salt due to economics.

1. Calcium Chloride / Calcium Bromide:

• Most common two salt brine .
• High density up to 1.83 SG (15.3 ppg ) can be prepared using either CaBr2 or
a combination of CaBr2 & CaCl2.
• The pH range is 7.0 – 7.5.
• CaBr2 costs approximately ten times as much as CaCl2.

Type of Brines

2. Calcium Bromide / Zinc Bromide

• The maximum density for zinc bromide blends is 2.46 SG (20.5 ppg).
• Available as stock liquid of 2.30 SG (19.2 ppg).
• Very expensive & is frequently blended with additional CaBr2 or CaCl2 for greater
flexibility and economics.
• The discharge of zinc to the environment is restricted.
• Due to the high concentration of dissolved salts and the low pH, ZnBr2 brines must be
handled with maximum safety precaution.

3. Calcium Chloride / Calcium Bromide / Zinc Bromide

• The maximum density for Zinc Bromide blends is 2.46 SG (20.5 ppg).
• Conc. ZnBr2 – CaBr2 solutions are available up to 2.30SG (19.2 ppg).
• Solution densities between 1.68 – 2.3 SG (14.0 - 19.2 ppg) are prepared by blending this
2.30 SG (19.2 ppg) stock fluid with lower density CaBr2 or CaCl2– CaBr2 brines.
• The three salt formulations are less expensive.
Key Properties of Brine

 Density
 Viscosity
 pH
 Saturation
 Crystallization
 Turbidity
 Corrosion
 Pressure
 Temperature
 Compatibility with formation pressure
 Environmental impact
 Economics
Institute of Drilling Technology
Properties of Brine

Density (Specific Gravity):

 Density is defined as weight per unit volume & measured by mud


 It is expressed either in ppg / kg/m3 / gm/cm3 or compared to the

weight of an equal volume of water as specific gravity.

 Density is obtained by dissolving salt in water, thus the obtained

density will be directly proportional to the quantity of added salt in

Institute of Drilling Technology

Properties of Brine


Viscosity is defined as the resistance to flow. Its

unit is Centipoise.
 Measurement of Viscosity.

A. Marsh Funnel

B. Direct Indicating Viscometer

In field it is measured by “ Marsh Funnel” and the

viscosity which is measured by Marsh Funnel is not
the true viscosity but it is a relative viscosity.

It is also termed as Static Viscosity and reports in


Institute of Drilling Technology

Properties of Brine

Measured by viscometer

Apparent viscosity (AV):

The Apparent Viscosity in centipoise equals the 600 RPM reading divided by 2.

AV = Ø 600/2 In Centipoise

Plastic viscosity (PV):

Friction force between two particles is known as plastic viscosity reading at 600
RPM - reading at 300 RPM.
PV = Ø 600 - Ø 300 in Centipoise

Yield point (YP):

Resistance of flow due to electrostatic force of charged particles.

YP= 300 rpm reading - plastic viscosity

Institute of Drilling Technology

Properties of Brine

Institute of Drilling Technology

Properties of Brine

pH :
• The pH of the Cl- & Br- salts of sodium, potassium & calcium is neutral, i.e. 6 – 8.

• The pH of ZnBr2 is acidic due to the hydrolysis of water by the Zinc ion.

• The pH of 2.30 SG (19.2 ppg) stock zinc-calcium bromide brine is about 1 – 1.5.

• 17.5 ppg blend of 19.2 ppg Zn-CaBr2 and 15.1 ppg CaCl2-ZnBr2 should have a pH
equal to about 3.5.

• The formate brines are alkaline solutions & have a pH of greater than 9.5.
• In fact, these solutions need to maintain the pH above 9.5 to prevent
precipitation of the less soluble biformate solid.
Properties of Brine

Institute of Drilling Technology

Properties of Brine

Salt Solubilty (%) Density in PPG Specific Gravity
KCl 24 9.7 1.164
NaCl 26 10.0 1.200
CaCl2 40 11.8 1.416
NaBr2 46 12.7 1.525
HCOONa 50 11.1 1.329
CaBr2 57 15.3 1.837
HCOOK 78 13.3 1.595

ZnBr2 78 21.0 2.521

HCOOCs 84 19.17 2.300

Institute of Drilling Technology

Properties of Brine


 As salt is dissolved in water, it lowers the freezing point of the solution.

 Increasing the salt concentration is possible until the salt reaches saturation.

 The conc. at which the solution is saturated is a function of its temp.

 The temp. at which the salt is saturated is called its crystallization temperature
(TCT – True or Thermodynamic crystallization temperature).

 The crystallization temperature increases with Pressure.

 A CF in a deep water environment is influenced by the combination of high

pressure & cold temperature.

Institute of Drilling Technology

Properties of Brine

 In some situations, the crystallization point was raised above its TCT by the
pressure exerted by a combination of pump pressure & hydrostatic column.

 Each individual brine, has its own crystallization / freezing temperature, under
this temperature the fluid will freeze.

 There are three crystallization points measurements used to determine when

freezing occurs (see Figure 16):

1) First Crystal To Appear (FCTA)

2) True Crystallization Temperature (TCT)

3) Last Crystal to Dissolve (LCTD)

Institute of Drilling Technology

Properties of Brine

Properties of Brine

There are 3 crystallization points measurements used to determine when

freezing occurs

Figure 16 – Crystallization points

Properties of Brine

First Crystal To Appear (FCTA):

• Fig. 16 represents appearance of the first visible salt crystal as the

temperature of the solution drops.

• It represents the lowest point on the Crystallization curve & includes the
cooling under the TCT referred as the super-cooling effect.

True Crystallization Temperature (TCT):

• It can be explained as an increase in the temperature of the solution after the

super-cooling (allowing more salts to be dissolved in the solution).

• It is represented in Figure 16 as the slope in the Crystallization curve.

Properties of Brine

Last Crystal to Dissolve (LCTD):

• It is represented on the Crystallization curve as the point where the

last salt crystal disappears if the solution is exposed to an increase in

• The LCTD point is influenced by the contamination percent in the


Properties of Brine

• CF in a deep water influenced by high pressure & cold temperatures, due

to the column of fluid between the seafloor and the surface and the cool
seawater at sea bottom.

• In such situations, the crystallization point was raised above its TCT by the
pressure exerted by a combination of pump pressure & the hydrostatic

• The total pressure on the cool fluid (38 °F at the sea floor), caused the TCT
to be greater than 35 °F, which was its target TCT when the fluid was
formulated at the brine plant

Properties of Brine
Turbidity :

• Turbidity (Clarity) are representative properties for clear brines, turbidity is a function of fluid

• It is measured in Nephelometer Turbidity Units (NTUs) by a Turbidity Meter.

• The technique of beaming light on a sample, and measuring the amount of light scattered at a
certain angle,

• The industry standard is <30 NTUs.

• If a fluid contains drill solids, undissolved salts, etc., the turbidity will be high,

• The NTU value will drop by cleaning the fluid, thus a brine with a low NTU will be preferred.

Properties of Brine

Turbidity Meter
Properties of Brine
• Corrosion affects & deteriorates the metal, from the start of the well till the
abandonment stage; pipes, casing, tools, containers, etc.; &
• From the surface equipment (ex: lines, pumps, pits, pipes, etc.) to bottom
hole equipment.

• Oxygen, introduced through contaminated fluids, alongside formation gases

(CO2, H2S) plays an important role in the corrosion of metal;

• Brines have a corrosive effect on all kinds of metal drilling equipment and
casing strings.

• The rate of corrosion depend on temperature, pressure, bottom hole

temperature, the amount of produced water, etc.
Properties of Brine

Fig : Corrosion impact on the integrity of Casing

Properties of Brine

Wellbore temperature;

• Temperature is a factor that must be taken in consideration when selecting a CF,

due to the change in volume that brine will suffer at temperature change;

• The density of brine will decrease as the temperature increases due to thermal
expansion, and thus the well stability may suffer if the brine can’t handle the
formation pressure.

• Temperature can also influence additives and corrosion rate.

• In below Figure the density reduction of a CaCl2 Brine due to thermal expansion
can be observed .

Properties of Brine

Properties of Brine

Compatibility with the formation fluids:

 It is important factor that brines should be the chemical compatible with

• Formation
• Formation water and
• Hydrocarbon;

 Incompatibility can lead to formation damage.

 Brine can cause swelling & migration of the formation clay that can block the
reservoir pores,
 Formation of scale (deposits of inorganic materials) that can produce a chemical
reaction between the brine & the formation fluid that can block the formation
 Formation hydrocarbons can lead to the formation of emulsions, which also lead
to formation plugging.
 As a precaution, formation samples must be examined in lab, for compatibility
which will save cost & rig time.

Properties of Brine

Environmental impact:
• Salts and brines can harm the persons who will handle them;
• Some of them are extremely hygroscopic – the ability to absorb water from all
kind of sources (ex. leather boots, skin, air, etc.)
• When come in contact with skin will cause burns;
• Dry calcium salts are highly exothermic – they release heat when added to water,
around 180-200 oF,
• Special measures should be put in place when handling these brines,
• Use PPE like slicker suits, rubber gloves, rubber boots, goggles plus a face
• Rinse with plenty of fresh water immediately & seek medical attention, If comes
in contact with skin and eyes
• If in the event of spills, it must be diluted before removal.

Properties of Brine


• The economical aspect is also important for Brine,

• All data collected from the well is simulated in a computer program – Virtual
Completion Solutions (VCS)) that will plan & design simulations of multiple
operations & scenarios, establish pump rates, flow regimes and chemical clean-
up efficiency and displacements;

• Plans & designs Brine systems that needs to be used for the well with minimal

• It will also give cheaper alternatives that can be more damaging.

Costing of Brine

Institute of Drilling Technology

Advantages of Brine

 Are solid free – Relying on the dissolved salts for their density

 Have a wide density range from 1.16 – 2.5 SG (.4 to 21.0 ppg)

 Are inhibitive.

 Typically brines do not have sufficient free water available for

clays to swell.

 Provide an excellent working medium with relatively low

viscosities and absence of solids.

Institute of Drilling Technology

Hazardous Properties of Completion Fluid

 Brine can be hazardous to a certain degree if not used properly.

 Acidity (pH) – Zinc brines are acidic.
 Absorption of water – Heavy brines contain so much salt that they will absorb
water from the surroundings.
 Heavier the brine system the more dangerous is to handle, and the degree of
affecting equipment and environment is higher
 Chemical Reactions – Toxic Cl & Br gas can be released from brines – this can
occur when brines are exposed to high temp. or fire or when exposed to strong
oxidizing agents.
 PPE must be worn all time
 Toxicity : Brines can be toxic if large quantities are swallowed.

Institute of Drilling Technology

Polymers used

Most common polymers used as viscosifying agents are

1. HEC
2. Guar Gum
3. XC Polymer
4. CMC, Starch and PAC
5. HT Viscosifier


• In most producing areas, oil is plentiful and makes it economical to use as

workover / completion fluid.

• It is usually non-corrosive and does not cause clay swelling in producing zones.

• It weighs about 7 ppg, which is excellent for low pressure oil field.

Disadvantages :
• Usually contains wax, fine particles of sand, solid or asphalts that can
damage the formation.
• It is corrosive if H2S or CO2 is present.
• It is a fire hazard and difficult to handle
• Oil may not be compatible with the reservoir oil if it is obtained elsewhere in
the field.

• Oil-base invert emulsions fluids are sometimes used as completion and

workover fluids.

• These fluids are non damaging.

• The thin, low-permeability filter cake also prevent solids into producing zone.

• The filtrate is also oil, so that sensitive clays are not affected.

• Acid-soluble bridging / weighting agents are being used, hence can be

removed by acidization.


Advantages Disadvantages

Wide availability. Handling & disposal Issues

Be restricted for environmental

High-temperature stability.
Wide density range. Low
Change the wettability of the formation.

Maximum inhibition. Cause emulsion blocks.

Minimum filtrate invasion Damage dry gas sands.

Resistant to Contamination Increase safety concerns.

Latest Development in Completion Fluid

1. Micro bubble (Aphron) Based CF

2. HGS based CF

3. OBF / LTSOBF / Emulsion (Inverted and Direct) with micronized

barite Based CF.

4. Potassium Formate + Manganese Tetra Oxide (Micromax) based CF.

5. Calcium Bromide + Manganese Tetra Oxide (Micromax) based CF

HPHT Formulations Designed by IDT
 Potassium Formate and Tri Manganese
Tetra Oxide based completion fluid with
indigenous chemicals (182°C/1.97

 Potassium Formate and Tri Manganese

Tetra Oxide based completion fluid
(220°C/1.95 SG/16.2ppg).

 Calcium bromide and Tri Manganese

Tetra Oxide (Micromax) based
completion fluid (204°C/1.97

Formulations Designed by IDT for Sub Hydrostatic Wells

 Solid free Synthetic Oil Based

Emulsion clean low gravity
Completion fluid (0.88 / 0.99 SG and
Temp. – 105 oC).

 Stable solid free Microbubble based

low density Completion / work over
fluid of Density 6-7 ppg up to 100 oC.

Alternate HPHT Completion / Testing Fluid of Cesium Formate
and Zinc Bromide

 The exploratory HPHT well GSS041NAA#C in the Gulf of Kutch Offshore

was drilled by rig GD-Chetna to at a target depth of 4836m with 14.6 ppg
LTSOBM and cased successfully.

 Depth - 4836m
 BHP - 10923 psi
 BHT - 360º F (182º C)
 Drilling Fluid - 14.6 ppg LTSOBM
 Testing Fluid - 14.6 ppg CaBr2 -Micromax
 Objects Tested - 05
 Testing Services - M/s Halliburton
 Testing fluid Cost - $ 1.75 million
 Status - Gas Producer

Alternate HPHT Completion / Testing Fluid of Cesium Formate
and Zinc Bromide

 This well was planned to be tested (3-objects) with Cesium Formate at an

estimated cost of ₹.51.50 crore, but Chief Operations Geology was
hesitant to use it after analysing the cost of the testing fluid at the well

 It became more relevant in this well, because of past experience in

testing the nearby well GSS041NAA-2, in which object-I & II could not be
tested Barefoot conclusively due to non-availability of high density testing

 Based on R&D inputs from IDT, DFS-Mumbai decided to use CaBr2 +

Micromax testing fluid for testing at this well.
Alternate HPHT Completion / Testing Fluid of Cesium Formate
and Zinc Bromide

 There were apprehensions from the Well Services on the settlement of

weighing material (Micromax) and malfunctioning of downhole testing
tools as the use of this formulation at well B-154N#1 has caused some
teething troubles.

 To avoid any possible adverse impact on logging operations, opinion of

Well Logging Services was also sought and ultimately it was decided to
hire this fluid from M/s Halliburton who provides this formulation under its
trademark name Baradrill-NX.

 Five objects were smoothly tested without any hindrance and the
activation was instantaneous – indicated no reservoir damage.
Alternate HPHT Completion / Testing Fluid of Cesium Formate
and Zinc Bromide

 The successful use of this formulation was a first successful attempt by

any E&P company in the world.
 It established a substitute for costly CsHCO2 in testing operation which
has reduced the fluid cost drastically to one sixth of cesium formate.
 This alternative is a path breaker in petroleum industry

The fluid exhibited:

• Excellent HT rheology,
• Thermal stability and endurance after prolonged usage.
• The fluid showed no sag,
• Good pressure communication to operate down hole DST tools.
• Packer setting and release were smooth.
• The well produces gas

Alternate HPHT Completion / Testing Fluid of Cesium Formate
and Zinc Bromide

 After testing the well GSS041NAA-C this brine became the property
of ONGC which was transported to east cost & tested another HTHP
well YS-6-2 SUB thus reducing the over all cost of fluid drastically.

 The HTHP well YS-6-2 SUB is a substitute of the previous well which
had to be abandoned with unsuccessful testing due to extreme
HTHP conditions.

Alternate HPHT Completion / Testing Fluid of Cesium Formate
and Zinc Bromide

 The entire testing fluid cost of the well GSS041NAA#C was around $
1.75 million, which is only 23.8% of the rental cost of cesium formate
 The re-use of the same brine in YS-6-2 SUB has brought down the
testing fluid cost to $ 0.29 million.


 The fluid shows excellent thermal stability after prolonged uses.

 Object activation were instantaneous
 Minimum reservoir damage
 Ability to run down hole tools
 Cost effectiveness & reusability

 Still left over completion fluid further can be used in future well.
Alternate HPHT Completion / Testing Fluid of Cesium Formate
and Zinc Bromide

Potassium Formate + Tri Manganese Tetraoxide (Mn3O4) /Micromax

 The exploratory onland well North Sankaraguptam #I (NSG-AA) of KG
was drilled in 2017 as deviated L-profile well up to 3536 m MD against
target depth of 3400m TVD.

• Max Mud Weight Used -1.99 gm/cc

• Testing / Completion fluid used -Potassium Formate +
Tri Manganese Tetra Oxide
• Max Wt. of Testing/completion fluid -1.99 gm/cc
• Max Flow line Temperature - 210° F
• Status - Oil & Gas producer

Alternate HPHT Completion / Testing Fluid of Cesium Formate
and Zinc Bromide

 Three objects were released for initial production testing.

 Testing rig GTG-250T was deployed at NSG#7 for carrying out initial
production testing.
 In view of the high pressure and limitations of well head seals, it was
planned to complete with permanent packer to avoid the casing
exposure to the gas in high pressure wells. Several attempts made to set
the permanent packer in mud of 1.99 SG.
 But, due to high shut in pressures encountered and limitations of setting
of packer in high mud weight of 1.99 SG, it was planned to revisit after
availability of suitable clear testing fluid of 1.99 SG.

Alternate HPHT Completion / Testing Fluid of Cesium Formate
and Zinc Bromide

 Based on R&D inputs from IDT, DFS-Rajahmundry decided to use

Potassium Formate + Tri Manganese Terta Oxide based testing fluid
first time in an on land well.

 Despite the non-availability of clear fluid contract for testing up to 1.99

SG with the Asset, DFS has pursued from the contractual services of
Mumbai Region.

 The well NSG-AA was successfully tested with this new completion fluid
and the permanent packer was set in the very first attempt.

Update / formulation of procedure and guidelines

 SOP of Completion Fluid first time formulated and incorporated

in IDT’s SOP which has been released in recent past.

 Prepared and introduce first edition of “Operational Manual Cum

Hand Book of Completion Fluid”.

IDT Capability

Designed CF of SG 1.30 to 1.70, Temp. 120˚C

1. Clear Sodium Formate CF up to 1.32 SG
2. Clear CF using Sodium Formate + Potassium Formate in 3:1 ratio
respectively up to 1.38 SG.
3. Clear CF using Sodium Formate + Potassium Formate in 1:1 ratio
respectively up to 1.44 SG.
4. Clear Potassium Formate CF up to 1.56 SG
5. Potassium Formate brine + Micromax + XC-Polymer and other
additives up to 1.65 SG
6. If Clear CF required to use for more than 1.56 SG than CaBr2 use up
to 1.70 SG with suitable corrosion inhibitor.

Thank You

Institute of Drilling Technology

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