RH - G1A - U2 - L2 - Are - You - Living - Lydia - 1212 - 200106131626

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Objectives: build up the sense of what to learn.

Have a brief introduction of the reading skills in

this lesson.
Listening and Speaking 12%
Describe how you are living.
8% Writing
Write about how you are living.
Foundational Skills 6%

Read the high frequency words.

Vocabulary and Language 20%

Reading Learn and use academic vocabulary
1.Read and analyze the song Are You words.
2.Learn to list facts with a checklist.

Objectives: use the high frequency words to
practice the language function.
• What can you see in the picture?
1. Talk about the photo, point out the high
frequency words. Have students read and
• Is the boy a living thing? Why?
repeat the words. Then follow the given
Describe • Is the bike a living thing? Why?
2. Click the horn to play the audio.
I Love My Bike Let’s listen and sing!
I can eat and I can drink.
I am living. When you describe people and things,
you tell what they are like.
I am healthy. I can think.
I am a living thing. How can you describe living and
nonliving things?
My bike can not eat.
My bike can not play. I can . I am living.
It’s nonliving. My can not . It’s nonliving.
That’s OK.
I love it anyway. Word Bank
breathe, drink, eat, move, plant
Objectives: learn and practice the word.
1. Talk about the photo. Read the word, have
students repeat after you. Then, explain the
plant word.
2. Help and encourage students to use the word
to make a new sentence. Or click the dot to
practice more.

Click the dot to practice more.

A plant is alive.
A pot is not alive.

pot Are you alive?

Objectives: learn and practice the word.
1. Talk about the photo. Read the word, have
students repeat after you. Then, explain the
2. Help and encourage students to use the word
to make a new sentence. Or click the dot to
practice more.

Click the dot to practice more.

Swimming takes a lot of

How do you get energy?

Objectives: learn and practice the word.
1. Talk about the photo. Read the word, have
students repeat after you. Then, explain the
2. Help and encourage students to use the word
to make a new sentence. Or click the dot to
practice more.

Click the dot to practice more.

My heart beats fast when I

Where do you

Objectives: learn and practice the word.
1. Talk about the photo. Read the word, have
students repeat after you. Then, explain the
2. Help and encourage students to use the word
to make a new sentence. Or click the dot to
practice more.

Click the dot to practice more.

My family likes many kinds
of food.

What is your
favorite food?

Objectives: learn and practice the word.
1. Talk about the photo. Read the word, have
students repeat after you. Then, explain the
2. Help and encourage students to use the word
to make a new sentence. Or click the dot to
practice more.

Click the dot to practice more.

Brushing your teeth is good
for your health.

What else is good for

your health?

Objectives: use the vocabulary to practice the
language frame.
1. Talk about the photo, and answer the question.
• What do you see in the
2. Talk about living thigs with the language
frame and the vocabulary.
• What does the man do?
• Is the man alive?
• Why do you think that?
• Are you alive?
• Why do you think that?
I know that I am alive
because I can .

Word Bank
animal, breathe, drink, eat,
exercise, move, plant,

1. Have students look at the cover of the text. Ask
and answer the questions.
2. Explain the genre.

Are You Living?

by Laura Purdie Salas Details
illustrated by Vanessa Newton (Click to show the answers)
1/3 What is the title of the
2/3 Who is the author?
3/3 Who is the illustrator?

Text Features
(Click to show the answers)
1/2 What’s the genre?
2/2 What is the feature of
the song?

A song is words Make Predictions

My Family
with music. You
can sing a song. What do you think this
song will be about?

Set a Purpose
We will read to find out
what makes something a
living thing.
(Click to show the clue.)
Do you understand the
meaning of eat?
Reread the text and look
at the picture.
Do you understand now?

List Facts
(Click to show the answers.)
How do you know that
you are alive?
I’m alive because I can
and .
Are you living? Do you eat? Living Things Checklist
Are youThis is my family.
living? Do you sleep? can eat
1 2
can sleep
Clarify Details
(Click to show the clues.)

1/3 Do children breathe?

2/3 Does a basketball
3/3 Which is living?
They are alive because
they can .
Use Visuals
(Click to show clues.)

How do the children move

the illustrations?
Things Checklist
Are they living?
can breathe
List Facts
(Click move
to show the checklist)
How do you know they
are alive?
If you need to breathe air, Then, you’re living. They are alive because
Move from here
Thisto there,
is my family. You’re living. they can .
3 4
Use Visuals
(Click to show the answers.)
1/2 What can you see?
2/2 What does the boy
( Click to show the answers. )
Sunflowers are alive
1/2 What did you read
because they can
about growing toward the
care for 2/2 What do these two
the words
Things Checklist
plants List Facts
can grow
( Click to show the checklist )
Are the sunflowers living?
How do you know they
are alive?
Sunflowers are alive
Is it growing? Toward the sky? because they can
This is my family.
Is it growing? Green and high? .
5 6
Objectives: read, comprehend and analyze the
1. Ask and answer questions.
2. Have students fill the checklist.
Do it in turns. Details
(Click to show the answer.)
1/2 What does a sunflower
need to grow?
2/2 Which kind of living
thing is it?

Compare and Contrast

What are the

similarities of children
and plants?
What are the
If it needs damp ground and then, it’s a plant. It’s a differences between
children and plants?
sunshine all This is my family. plant.
around, (move)

7 8
(Click to show the answers.)

1/2 Where are the

2/2 What animals do they
playground Key Words
(Click are alive
to show because
the answers.)
they can .
1/2 What are the animals
2/2 How can the animals
Living Things Checklist
can fly
List Facts
can run
( Click to show the checklist )

Are the animals living?

How do you know they
are alive?
Is it moving? Can it fly? They are alive because
This is my family.
Is it moving? Can it run by? they can .
9 • Read with Fluency 1. Who are they? 10
• Details 2. What are they doing?

2. Have students fill the checklist.
Do it in turns.

(Click to show the clues.)
1/2 What does the hamster
2/2 What do the children

Key Words
(Click to show the answer)
What do living things

Why do living things need
Living things need dinner, So they need to drink and to drink and eat? ( need
energy )
or they get much
This isthinner.
my family. feed.
11 END
Objectives: explain what phrasing is. Listen and
1. Model how to read with phrasing. Then have
students read with phrasing.
2. Click the horn to play the audio.

Phrasing Your Turn

Phrasing is how you use Living things need dinner, or they

your voice to group get much thinner.
words together.
So they need to drink and feed.

Objectives: recall the story, fill in the thinking
Set a Purpose map.
1. Review the purpose we have set.
We will read to2.find out what
Talk about makes
the picture and findsomething
a living thing. 3. Encourage and help students to fill in the

How do you know these things are

____ is alive because it can ______.

Living Things Checklist

can eat
can sleep
can grow
can breathe
can move
can fly
can run 4
Objectives: talk about how living things move.
Write About YourtoMovements
1. Invite students act their movements.
Encourage them to use the frame to describe
• Are the children alive?
their movements.
2. Explain the writing frame on the right side.
• How do you know they are alive?
Model and encourage students to use the
• How do they move?sentence frame.

• Living things move in different

• How do you like to move?
Living Things Movements • Can you list some activities and
movements and make an oral
run √ writing with them?
I can . I like to and .
jump √
sing √
Word Bank
dance √ run, jump, sing, dance, eat, sleep,
move, fly, drink, exercise, swim,
play, jog, hop
Objectives: explain the homework.
Explain the homework to students. Remind
students to shoot and post their writing.

• Online exercise

• My Writing Journal P5-8

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