Vdocument - in Reflection and Mirrors 5584a62c09aeb
Vdocument - in Reflection and Mirrors 5584a62c09aeb
Vdocument - in Reflection and Mirrors 5584a62c09aeb
& Mirrors
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Facts about Light
It is a form of Electromagnetic Energy
It is a part of the Electromagnetic Spectrum and the only part we
can really see
Facts about Light
The speed of light, c, is constant in a vacuum.
Light can be:
Virtual Images
Virtual Images are basically images which cannot be
visually projected on a screen.
For MIRRORS they always appear on the SAME SIDE of the mirror as the object.
The characteristics of the
image, however, may be
different from the original
object. These characteristics
object are:
•SIZE (reduced, enlarged,
same size)
•POSITION (same side,
opposite side)
image •ORIENTATION (right side up,
object C f
Principal axis
Rule One: Draw a ray, starting from the top of the object, parallel to the
principal axis and then through “f” after reflection.
Ray Diagrams
object C f
Principal axis
Rule Two: Draw a ray, starting from the top of the object, through the focal
point, then parallel to the principal axis after reflection.
Ray Diagrams
object C f
Principal axis
Rule Three: Draw a ray, starting from the top of the object, through C, then
back upon itself.
What do you notice about the three lines? THEY INTERSECT
The intersection is the location of the image.
Ray Diagram – Image Characteristics
object C f
Principal axis
After getting the intersection, draw an arrow down from the principal axis to
the point of intersection. Then ask yourself these questions:
1) Is the image on the SAME or OPPOSITE side of the mirror as the object?
Same, therefore it is a REAL IMAGE.
2) Is the image ENLARGED or REDUCED?
3) Is the image INVERTED or RIGHT SIDE UP?
The Mirror/Lens Equation
Is there any OTHER way to predict image characteristics
besides the ray diagram? YES!
1 1 1
f do di
Mirror/Lens Equation
Assume that a certain concave spherical mirror has
a focal length of 10.0 cm. Locate the image for an
object distance of 25 cm and describe the image’s
1 1 1 1 1 1
f do di 10 25 d i
di 16.67 cm
What does this tell us? First we know the image is BETWEEN “C” & “f”. Since the
image distance is POSITIVE the image is a REAL IMAGE.
Real image = positive image distance
Virtual image = negative image distance
What about the size and orientation?
Magnification Equation
To calculate the orientation and size of the image
Here is how this works:
•If we get a POSITIVE magnification, the image is
•If we get a NEGATIVE magnification, the image is
•If the magnification value is GREATER than 1, the
image is ENLARGED.
•If the magnification value is LESS than 1, the image
•If the magnification value is EQUAL to 1, the image
is the SAME SIZE as the object.
Using our previous data we see that our image was INVERTED, and REDUCED.
Assume that a certain concave spherical mirror has a focal
length of 10.0 cm. Locate the image for an object distance of
5 cm and describe the image’s characteristics.
1 1 1 1 1 1
f do di 10 5 d i
di -10 cm