Teaching Method in Teaching Geography

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Method in
• Branch of knowledge that studies
the lands, the features, the
inhabitants and the phenomena of
the Earth
• Geography draws from across the
physical, cultural, economic &
political spheres to the local and
the global
1. Physiography-studies relief, soil, and structure
of the earth
2. Economic Geography-concerns the production
and distribution of the raw materials
3. Human Geography-covers the evolution of
mankind, its different races & their distribution
4. Political Geography-deals with the government
of state and countries Geography
5. Cartography-branch is responsible for geodetic and
topographic surveys and preparation of map
6. Urban Geography brings clear focus to the concepts of
location, interaction and accessibility as well as
distribution and movements of population
7.Anthropogeography-distribution of human
communities on the earth in relation to their geographical
8.Agricultural Geography-helps a geographer to
understand how particular kinds farms and farming
Observation Method
(1)to observe
(2) To record
(3)To interpret.
• The technique of obtaining
geographical information by direct
observation is basis to the subject
Observation Method
(i) Globe : Globe is a useful aid.By observation,
children can develops such concepts as
longitude ,latitude, meridian etc.
(ii) Charts : Charts prepared by children
themselves or those commercially produced also
enhance children’s observation
(iii) Models : Children observe things and they
can convert the results of their observation into
Observation Method
• Outsides the class room, there are fields , crops,
soil etc. Which also forms part of geographical
• On the spot observation of these entities followed
by discussion in the classes enriches children’s
knowledge of geographical facts
• The teacher of geography would like to make
children study the surrounding environment ,the
landscape and what it offers to man to make his
living meaningful
Observation Method
• Field Trips : Field trips help in exploring the
environment .Children may be taken out into the
larger landscape to observe geographical objects,
prepare brief notes, and collect specimens and so
• Excursions: educate as well as entertain. Children
learn by interacting with the environment.
Excursions to hill stations, to geographical
monuments help children to understand certain
• Local trips of the duration of one or two
lesson period.
• Community or neighbourhood trips of half
or full day’s duration,
• Tours to different places or parts of the
country of several days’ duration.
Merits of Observation method
1. Trains the pupils to observe and reason about
the fact they observe.
2. By this method we interpret the unknown in
terms of the known-the known by observation
and experience.
3. This method develops the habit of accurate
thought and investigation
4. It is based on the finding of psychology i.e.
there is instinct of curiosity in every human
being which prompts every human being to
Merits of Observation method
1. Trains the pupils to observe and reason about
the fact they observe.
2. By this method we interpret the unknown in
terms of the known-the known by observation
and experience.
3. This method develops the habit of accurate
thought and investigation
4. It is based on the finding of psychology i.e.
there is instinct of curiosity in every human
being which prompts every human being to
Limitations of Observation Methods
1. Observational study makes a big demand on the out-of –class
time of teachers and the students, which the time-table of the
school does not permit Filipino Schools
2. This method is suitable for lower classes as the observation
made by young children are necessarily limited
3. Sometimes the observational study may degenerate into aimless
wandering, wastage of much time and energy because of lack of
understanding and direct action from the teacher
4. To let the children observe things without proper guidance and
knowledge may not be profitable at all
5. There must be proper guidance and the knowledge gained by
observation must not be supplemented through methods as actual
observation of child is always limited
Project Method
1.The project must be based on activity-
mental or motor
2.It must be purposeful in its action.
3.Under the project, the children must
accumulate experience-manipulative,
concrete or mental
4.It must provide real experience
5.It must be useful in nature
Project Method
1. Making sand or clay models of different sections of the various
river valleys
2. Pupils may be encouraged to stage a play showing the life in
various regions of the world
3. A hill scene, a bridge, cultivated fields, roads and other
important features
4. Pupils may be asked to prepare economic and distributional of
the local area
5. Setting and running a geographical museum is another
important and useful project of educational value.
6. Pupils may be encouraged to read papers and organise
7. Pupils may cultivate a vegetable or a fruit garden.
The main drawbacks of
the method are:
1. It requires more money to be spent
and this is very difficult to manage
2 All schools do not have resources to
use this method
3. Projects are difficult to devise for all
stages of teaching
Discussion Method
• emphasizes pupil-activity in the form of discussion, rather than
simply telling and lecturing by the teacher
• everybody participates in the discussion , and therefore thinks
and expresses himself
• Everybody cooperates in the discussion, and the ideas and
opinions of everybody are respected
• everybody is required to express his ideas and opinions in a
clear and concise manner
• get training in reflective thinking, which leads to deeper
understanding of the historical problem under discussion
• More effective learning is possible when the students discuss,
criticise and share ideas on a particular problem
Cooperative Learning
• When applying cooperative learning strategies, keep
groups small and don't overuse this strategy-be systematic
and consistent in your approach
• When grouping students, consider a variety of criteria,
such as common experiences or interests
• Vary group sizes and objectives
• Design group work around the core components of
cooperative learning-positive interdependence, group
processing, appropriate use of social skills, face-to-face
interaction, and individual and group accountability
Classroom technology
Technology is a great way to improve student
engagement and get students excited for class, but it can
be difficult to incorporate seamlessly into the classroom
A virtual field trip: Use virtual reality apps to explore
famous landmarks and natural phenomena
Video mini-lessons: TeacherTube offers an education-
only version of YouTube, with videos on a number of
core subjects. This makes the learning process more
engaging, especially for visual learners.
of Instructional Aids
1. It helps the learners remember important information
2.When properly used, they help gain and hold the
attention of learners
3.Audio or visual aids can be very useful in supporting a
topic, and the combination of both audio and visual
stimuli is particularly effective since the two most
important senses are involved
4. Another use for instructional aids is to clarify the
relationships between material objects
and concepts
Landform Bingo
Hometown Mini Maps

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