Cdi 300 - Traffic Management and Accident Investigation

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MANAGEMENT. It refers to the skillful use of means to accomplish a purpose.
OPERATION. Pertains to a course or series of acts to effect a certain purpose; manner of action; or a vital or natural
process of activity. 

SHOULDER. It refers to either side of the roadway, especially along highways.

TRAFFIC. It refers to the movement of persons, goods, or vehicles, either
powered by a combustion system or animal-drawn, from one place to another
for the purpose of travel. [Early 16th century. Via obsolete French trafique
from Old Italian traffic, from trafficare to carry on trade of uncertain origin.]

TRAFFIC WAY. Refers to the entire width between boundary lines of every
way or place of which any part is open to the use of the public for purposes of
vehicular traffic as a matter of right or custom.
Why Traffic Management is necessary?
With the advent of science and technology, new and A. Major Causes of Traffic Congestion – Based on
modernized traffic facilities are introduced. However, studies conducted by authorities.
despite of these modernizations, traffic congestions  
persist to exist. The only way to at least cope up with  
the prevailing traffic-related problems is coordinated 1. Physical Inadequacy. This is characterized by
traffic management. Traffic management is therefore lack of roads, narrow bridges, railroad crossings,
designed to make the traffic way safer for travelers, lack of traffic facilities, etc.
expedite the movement of traffic, and to provide 2. Poor Control measure. This is characterized by
convenience to the traffic facilities users. ineffective mechanical control devices, inefficient
traffic officers, and poor implementation of traffic
laws, rules and regulations.
Poor Maintenance. Oftentimes motor vehicles are
3. Human Errors. Many traffic congestion are
stalled in traffic ways because of unrepaired
caused by slow drivers or poor driving habits,
diggings, cracks on road pavement or unfinished
pedestrian mistakes, officers’ errors, poor planning,
road pavement concreting. This can be attributed to
poor legislation; and traffic accidents which are
inappropriate budget for the maintenance of the
mostly attributed to human errors.
traffic facilities. On the other hand, police should
also report lights out, damage portion of the traffic
way to expedite the action from the concerned
government offices.

MANAGEMENT. It refers to the TRAFFIC. It refers to the movement of persons,

skillful use of means to accomplish goods, or vehicles, either powered by combustion
a purpose. system or animal drawn, from one place to
another for the purpose of travel. [Early 16th
century. Via obsolete French trafique from Old
OPERATION. Pertains to a course Italian traffic, from trafficare to carry on trade of
or series of acts to effect a certain uncertain origin.]
purpose; manner of action; or a  
vital or natural process of activity.
TRAFFIC WAY. Refers to the entire width between boundary lines of
SHOULDER. It refers to either every way or place of which any part is open to the use of the public
side of the roadway, especially for purposes of vehicular traffic as a matter of right or custom.
along highways.
Why Traffic Management is necessary?
With the advent of science and technology, new and modernized traffic facilities are introduced. However, despite of these
modernizations, traffic congestions persist to exist. The only way to at least cope up with the prevailing traffic related
problems is a coordinated traffic management. Traffic management is therefore designed to make the traffic way safer for
travelers, expedite the movement of traffic, and to provide convenience to the traffic facilities users.

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