Talus Fractures

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By: Sundar Persaud

What is a Talus Fracture? Anatomy
A talus fracture is a break in the bone that
forms the ankle.
• The talus comprises the lower part of the ankle
A fracture often results in substantial loss of joint
motion and function. If a talus fracture does
not heal properly can lead to complications, • allows plantarflexion and dorsiflexion.
including a limp, arthritis, and chronic pain. • allows eversion and inversion.
• The talus sits above the calcaneus.
• The talus and calcaneus form the subtalar joint. 
• The talus is the main connector between the foot
and leg, helping to transfer weight and pressure
forces across the ankle joint.
• It is largely covered by articular cartilage.
Types of fractures


The most common type of talar fracture

The neck is between the “body” of your talus, which
is under your tibia by your ankle joint, and the
“head” of your talus, which is farther down your
Lateral Process Fractures

These types of fractures occur when your ankle is

forced outward to the side. Lateral process talus
fractures are commonly seen in snowboarders and
are sometimes called “snowboarder fractures.”
Avulsion Fractures

A talar avulsion fracture occurs when a small part of

your talus bone pulls away from the rest of the bone
where it’s attached to a ligament or tendon.
Stress Fractures.

A talar stress fracture is a small crack in your talus

bone. This type of fracture happens because of
overuse or repeated stress put on your talus bone.
Classification of Fractures
Talus fractures can be classified by how much the pieces of bone have moved out of their normal

S TA B L E F R A C T U R E S :  

•  This type of fracture is barely out of place.

• The broken ends of the bones line up correctly or almost correctly.
• the bones usually stay in place during healing.
Displaced fracture.

• A displaced fracture occurs when the bone

breaks and the pieces move out of their
anatomic position.
• The amount of displacement relates to the
force of the injury.
• Highly displaced fractures are more likely to
be unstable, often requiring surgery.
• An open or compound fracture
occurs when the ends of shattered
bones protrude through the skin.
• The muscles, tendons, and ligaments
nearby are frequently more severely
Open fracture injured when there is an open
• . Open fractures also expose the
fracture site to the outside
• They are more susceptible to
infection and frequently heal more

• result of high-energy trauma

• Injuries from sports, particularly
snowboarding and contact sports like
Minimally displaced
•Acute pain in the ankle is usually the first sign.
•There may be some minor swelling and tenderness.
•You should be able to walk on it, but not without pain.

Symptoms •The pain, swelling, and tenderness are greater.

•You may not be able to put weight on the injured ankle.
•the sight of bone sticking through the skin.
•The pain will be very intense.
•There could also be considerable bleeding.
•pass out from the shock or loss of blood.
Doctor’s Examination
Physical Examination
Imaging Tests

The doctor will:

Diagnostic imaging tests is pertinent in
•Examine your foot and ankle for cuts from the injury
determining whether surgery is required and
•Check to see if you can move the toes by performing
will be critical for surgical planning.
the Babinksi test
•Check the pulse and make sure there is adequate
blood flow to the foot. Types of imaging tests include:
•Check to verify compartment syndrome hasn’t
•Perform further examination to rule out the
possibility of other injuries. •Computerized tomography (CT) scan. 
Immediate first aid treatment is to apply a well-
padded splint around the back of the foot and
leg to immobilize and protect the limb.  

The splint should extend from the toe to the

upper calf.
Elevating the foot above the level of the heart
helps to minimize swelling and pain.

Specific treatment depends upon the severity

and the type of fracture
Casting - A cast will hold the
bones in your foot in place
Nonsurgical while they heal for 6-8 weeks
Surgical Treatment

If the bones are displaced surgery to

internally set and stabilize the
broken pieces is pertinent
• Open reduction and internal

Talar Neck Fracture Repair

The more
Bones have a
severe your
injury, the
capacity to
longer the
Recovery recovery

x-rays are
done to ensure
Post surgery,
that the bones
the foot will
stay in
be in a cast for
position and
2 to 8 weeks.
are healing
Medications are often prescribed for
short-term pain relief after surgery.
Many types of medicines are available
to help manage pain, including:
Pain • Opioids

Management non-steroidal anti-inflammatory
drugs (NSAIDs)
• local anaesthetics.
The doctor may use a combination of
these medications to improve pain
relief, as well as minimize the need for
Physical Therapy

Specific physical therapy exercises can improve the range of motion in your foot and ankle and strengthen
supporting muscles. Physical therapy is also recommended to holistically manage pain.
Treatment may comprise:
•soft tissue massage •exercises to improve strength,
flexibility and balance
•joint mobilization
•electrotherapy (TENS)
•taping or bracing
•activity modification
•the use of a protective boot or brace
•a graduated return to activity plan
•the use of crutches
•footwear advice

Russell, T. G., & Byerly, D. W. (2022). Talus Fracture. PubMed; StatPearls Publishing.


Talus Fracture: Treatment, Recovery, and More. (2017, October 26). Healthline.


Vallier, H. A. (2015). Fractures of the Talus. Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma, 29(9), 385–392.


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