Pilipinas Inspired Powerpoint Template by JMN

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Education in Europe. One of the most significant
aspects of Rizal's life was his education in Europe. He left
the Philippines in 1882 and lived in Europe for several
years, studying in various universities and immersing
himself in European culture and society. Rizal's European
education had a profound impact on his intellectual and
political development, and his experiences in Europe
influenced his later writings and activities.

Arrival in Spain, Rizal first arrived in Spain in 1882 to
pursue his studies in medicine. He enrolled in the
Universidad Central de Madrid, where he studied
for two years before transferring to the
Universidad de Barcelona to finish his degree.
While in Spain, Rizal was exposed to European
intellectual and social movements, including
liberalism and nationalism, which would shape his
political beliefs and ideals.

Moving to Germany, In 1885, Rizal moved to

Germany to continue his studies in medicine and
other disciplines. He enrolled in the University of
Heidelberg, where he pursued advanced courses in
ophthalmology and completed his doctoral
dissertation on the subject. He befriended several
prominent German scholars and thinkers, including
Ferdinand Blumentritt, who would later become a
close confidant and supporter of Rizal's work.
• European experiences, Rizal's experiences in
Europe also exposed him to the racism and
discrimination faced by colonized peoples. He
witnessed firsthand the effects of colonialism and
imperialism on the lives of Filipinos and other
colonized peoples. He also became involved in the
Propaganda Movement, a group of Filipino exiles
who sought to raise awareness of the plight of the
Philippines and to promote social and political
reforms in the country.

• Literary Works, Rizal's education in

Europe culminated in his publication of two
influential novels, Noli Me Tangere (Touch
Me Not) and El Filibusterismo (The Reign of
• Broadened his horizons and allowed
him to gain a deeper understanding of
European society and culture.
• He became acutely aware of the
injustices faced by colonized peoples
and developed a strong commitment to
the cause of Philippine independence.
Major events that happened in his European Education
• May 03, 1882 – Jose Rizal went to Spain and • He attended the dinner party held in
studied medicine, philosophy, and letters at honor of two award-winning Filipino
the Universidad Central de Madrid. painters. Juan Luna and Felix Resurrection
• Rizal was involved in a chaotic student Hidalgo. In the occasion, he delivered a
demonstration caused by the liberal speech of very daring liberal speech which is known
Dr. Miguel Morayta proclaiming freedom for today as "Rizal's Brindis Speech".
science and the teachers.
• Rizal wrote a letter in German and sent it
• Rizal went to Paris because he wanted to with a bilingual (Spanish and Tagalog)
cure his mother’s advancing blindness. book Aritmiteca to Blumentritt who was
• On February 03, 1886, Rizal arrived in interested in studying Jose's native
Heidelberg, Germany to have expertise language.
on ophthalmology. • Rizal finished his first novel, the Noli me
• Rizal spent three months in the nearby Tangere, and it came off press a month
village, Wilhemsfeld, where he wrote the later on Feb. 21, 1887.
last few chapters of Noli Me Tangere. • Maximo Viola, his friend, who lent him in
• In April 1887, Rizal was invited to deliver order to finance for the printing of the
an address in German before the Noli. Through Paciano's remittances, Jose
"Ethnographic Society" of Berlin on the had paid Viola and decided to further
orthography and structure of the Tagalog explore some places in Europe before
language. returning to the Philippines.
• With his final decision of going, Rizal
boarded on July 03, 1887 with the steamer
"Djemnah" from a French port in
Marseilles. then took the steamer
"Haiphong" and reached Manila near
midnight of August 05, 1887.
• He returned to Calamba on August 08
after meeting some friend.
• The Calamba chaotic scene that
caused the next travel abroad of

• Rizal at the age of 23 • At the age of 25, Rizal

obtained his degree of completed his eye
Licentiate in Medicine on specialization.
June 1884. He cured and restored his
• In June 1884, Rizal who
• On his 24th natal day, he failed to eat breakfast still
mother's eyesight.
earned his degree of went to school and even
Licentiate in Philosophy won a gold medal in a
and Letters at the Madrid contest.
Fascinating Facts:
• Nicanor Reyes Street in Manila was named after Dr. Miguel Morayta.
• Rizal have “fair” remarks due to his low grades from UST.
• Rizal learned to use the ten newly invented ophthalmoscope invented by Hermann von
• Rizal’s departure for Spain had gone down to history as a "secret departure“.
• Blumentritt was able to recognize Rizal through the pencil sketch he sent.
• Jose was considered as "German doctor" or "Doctor Uliman“.

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