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Hermogeno, Justin Siegfred J.


Maam Mago

Page 159
_________________1. The first Filipino novel, which focues on Filipino customs and traditions
_________________2. A name used by Filipino expatriates to refer to themselves during the Paris
Exposition of 1889.
_________________3. Lunas painting which provided rizal the inspiration to write a novel redeeming
the Filipinos from repression and bondage.
_________________4. An anti-clerical novel of Eugene Sue which provided Rizal a model for his Noli.
_________________5. A novel on the brutalities commited by American slave-owners against their
Negro slaves, which was a source of ideas for Rizals Noli.
_________________6. A powerful office within the Catholic Church which recommended the
permanent banning of the Noli Me Tangere in the Philippines.
_________________7. The enemy of progress and reforms in the Philippines according to Rizals Noli
_________________8. Considered the Savior of the Noli due to the financial assistance he gave Rizal for
the printing of this novel.
_________________9. The literal meaning in English of the title, Noli Me Tangere.
________________10. A satirical essay written by Rizal in response to Fr. Fonts critique of the Noli.
________________11. A series of pamphlets written by Fr. Rodriguez, which attacked and condemned
Rizals Noli.
________________12. A pamphlet written by del Pilar in response to the Fr. Rodriquez Calingat Cayo.
________________13. The place where Nolie Me Tangere was published by Rizal.
Page 160 B
________________14. Pomposity in rivalry
________________15. Lack of concern in society
________________16. Cacique mentality
________________17. Intellectual dissatisfaction
________________18. The paragon of colonial mentality

________________19. Rich landlord with a social conscience

________________20. The common people
________________21. Liberal, European edicated Filipino
________________22. The Filipino womanhood
________________23. The personification of wickedness among friars
Page 160 C
________________24. Rizal is a man of contradictions. By writing the Noli, he actually insuled his
________________25. The author is a native doctor of medicine degree from the University of Madrid,
whose novel is socialist in orientation.
________________26. The novel could have written an ideal book of he also gave a picture of an ideal
priest to highlight the contrast.
________________27. Anyone who reads the Noli commits a mortal sin.
________________28. Rizal cannot be an ignorant man as he was a product of Spanish universities and
a recipient of numerous scholastic honors.
________________29. The Noli has to be banned because it is heretical, impious and scandalous in its
religious aspect.
________________30. The book is superior and can bring you glory for exposing to the world the
suffering of Filipinos under Spain.
PAGE 161 D
Rizals Principal Objectives in Writing the Noli
31. _____________________________________________________________________
32. _____________________________________________________________________
33. _____________________________________________________________________
34. _____________________________________________________________________
Virtues and Values Rizal Emphasized in the Noli
35. _____________________________________________________________________
36. _____________________________________________________________________

37. ____________________________________________________________________
38. ____________________________________________________________________
Major Reforms Needed in the Philippines As Outlined in the Noli
39. ____________________________________________________________________
40. ____________________________________________________________________
41. ____________________________________________________________________
42. ____________________________________________________________________
43. ____________________________________________________________________
Negative Filipino Qualities Criticized by Rizal in the Noli
44. ____________________________________________________________________
45. ____________________________________________________________________
PAGE 162 E
46-50 Noli Me Tangere can be considered a charter of Filipino nationalism

51-55 Rizals Diagnosis of Filipino society in the Noli Me Tangere was correct.

56-60 Rizal presented a problem in the Noli, without offering a clear solution to it.

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