There Are - There Is
There Are - There Is
There Are - There Is
Title Layout
For class VIII
By: Nursamsiah, S.Pd
There is
• There is artinya “ada“
• Dan there is selalu diikuti dengan benda tunggal (single) atau jumlah nya hanya satu
• Kata benda tunggal umumnya diikuti artikel a atau an diawal kata
• Contoh: a book, a car, a student, a pencil, a bag, a lamp, an umbrella, an apple, an eye,
an hour dan lain sebagainya.
• Contoh kalimat:
• There is a glass on table
• There is 1 set of kitchen tool in the kitchen
• There is a dress for your party on the bed!
• There is an apple in refrigerator
• There is an owl on the tree
Contoh kalimat lengkap:
Mouse - mice,
Deer – deer
• ( + ) There are some books on the bookshelf • ( + ) There are the best novels in this year
( – ) There are not some books on the • ( – ) There are not the best novels in this
bookshelf year
( ? ) Are there some books on the bookshelf? • ( ? ) Are there the best novels in this year?
Title and Content Layout with SmartArt
1. I give him many foods and______a food that I like
2. _____many people in their house
3. _____a bowl of soto for you
4. I see many flowers in the garden and______one flower that I like the most
5. ______your enemy in this party Fill the blank
6. ______many vegetables in the market and you can buy it between there is
7. _______ a cup of coffee on the table for you and there are!
8. I will buy many books in this shop because ______many interesting books here
9. _______some students in the class
10. I believe______a good human in this word
11. ______my friends in the living room
12. Look at that! _____ a man standing alone
13. I see _______some people in that event
14. _______ men in this party Do Your Best !!
15. ______your favourite food in this restaurant Thank You