Maed SS 201 Class

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Doc.Lycel Pacheco
• Historical Foundations of Education

Exploring the historical foundations of

curriculum can promote a sense of freedom and
encourage educational reform. Reviewing the
history of education allows us to step outside of
the here and now, gaining a bigger picture and
seeing ourselves within it, realizing that the field of
education must remain dynamic in order to be
effective. Throughout history, curricular choices
have been made out of necessity and to meet the
specific needs of society at the time. Also, it is
through history that we see how predominant
philosophies have defined a society's values, which
in turn determined the current purposes of
education. Through history, we learn that programs
are considered pioneering due to the different
philosophies to which others subscribe.
In reviewing history, it becomes apparent that
this has been the case throughout the centuries.
Ideas can change, and a group can break free of
faulty suppositions; history shows that what is now
isn't necessarily what needs to remain. In history,
we see why and how things came to be.
Philosophical Foundations of Education

The Philosophical foundation of curriculum helps

determine the driving purpose of education, as well
as the roles of the various participants. While all
foundations propose to set goals of curriculum,
philosophy presents the manner of thinking from
which those goals are created.
Philosophies vary in perception of truth,
ranging from absolute to relative, and from
moralistic to scientific. In all of this, one's
philosophy defines the role of the teacher, ranging
from all-knowing authoritarian to that of a mentor,
and the role of the student, ranging from an
obedient vacant vessel to an individual worthy of
actively engaging in one's own educational
In other words...
Philosophy provides educators, teachers
and curriculum makers with framework for planning,
implementing and evaluating curriculum in schools. It
helps in answering what schools are for, what
subjects are important, how students should learn
and what materials and methods should be used. In
decision making, philosophy provides the starting
point and will be used for the succeeding decision
The philosophy of curriculum planner,
implementer, or evaluator reflects his or her life
experiences, common beliefs, social and economic
background and education.
For example, JOHN DEWEY (1916) looks at
“education as a way of life” a laboratory in which
philosophy becomes concrete and is tested.
Psychological Foundations of Education

One might that argue that it is the psychological

foundations of curriculum which hold the greatest
importance because it is here that we understand
how students learn; how to increase student
motivation and satisfaction; how to achieve
educational “success” in its many definitions.
In other words...

Psychology gives education the theory of

individual differences that every child has different
mental ability and learns with different pace. Today
in modern era, education psychology is the
foundation of education. It is very essential for a
teacher to teach his students according to their
mental abilities.

Anthropology - is the science of people and

culture. The word is a combination of two Greek
roots, “anthrops”, man, and “logos” an account or
Education at its core refers to the pursuit of
knowledge. Anthropology is the study of culture
and its people. Since inherent learning structures
are a part of anthropology in terms of human
development then education can be considered a
primary feature of people and their culture.

In other words, without education, there

would be no possibility for people to persist in
in their cultural development and less there would
be less emphasis on studying cultural trends.

In the process of education. History is being

studied which is the main and tha basic record of
culture, hence, it cannot be denied that it is being
nourished by education.
The purposeful and befitting of culture helps in
the strength and spread of culture. The needs of
the society, cultural or psychological, all are
fulfilled only by education. One important function
is the preservation of culture. Continuity of man's
social life is possible through this process. Culture
has to be conserved and transmitted to the youth
for their own benefits because past benefits are
useful in learning the newones.
Sociological Foundations
of Education
Issues from society including groups and
institutions in the culture and their contribution to
education. This refers to issues from society that
have an influence on curriculum.
Social Foundations inquiry helps to sharpen
students capacities to understand, analyze, and
explain educational issues, policies, and practices
in order to improve education.
Thus, Social Foundations of education is an
interdisciplinary program that highlights the
influence of social, historical, cultural and
philosophical forces of education.

Society is a reflection of the governing

philosophies of the masses, requiring that studying
the sociological foundation of curriculum to include
consideration of philosophical foundations.
Legal Foundations of Education

Why is it important to understand the legal bases

of education?
The legal bases of education were made for
the common good of the learners, teachers, and
other people involved in the education system. As
laws were made for the people, it is also our
responsibility to be knowledgeable of these legal
bases for us to know our rights and
responsibilities. Laws are like subject matters or
lessons that can be considered to be effective,
only when it is taught and understood by the
For teachers to become effective, it is but proper
that we understand the legal bases of education
for it is the foundation of all policies and rules
concerning education. It is like a guiding star we
must follow so that we can achieve the objectives
of education. We will be able to make things
essential for the lives of the pupils/students and
also in our profession, for knowing of the root of
education means understanding the purpose and
importance of education.
Thank You

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