Lecture1 Introduction

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Lecture 1: Introduction 1

Mr. Hasan Shehadi

Introduction to Engineering Programming
Reference: [Malik], Chapter 1

The figures in this presentation are taken from “Malik, C++ Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design,
5th edition.
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Main objectives:
To acquire a good understanding of the basic principles
of programming.
Students will learn and practice the application of these programming
principles to the solution of engineering problems using the C++
high-level programming language.

Textbook: C++ Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program

Design, fifth edition, by D.S.Malik.

Prerequisite: None.

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Basic Elements of C++

Control Structures I (Selection)
Control Structures II (Repetition)
User-Defined Functions
Arrays and Strings
Reading and writing files
Algorithms and
Structs and Classes

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Many people use the internet and other applications. This is all
made possible by the availability of different software, also known as
computer programs.
Without software, a computer is useless.
Software is developed by using programming languages. The
programming language C++ is especially well suited for
developing software to accomplish specific tasks.
Our main objective is to help you learn how to write programs in
the C++ programming language.

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PC Hardware
Central Processing Unit (CPU) is the “brain” of the computer. Arithmetic
and logical operations are carried out inside the CPU.
Main Memory
Secondary Storage
Input/Output Devices

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Main Memory, or random access
A set of ordered memory cells, each with a unique location (called
cell address).
Directly connected to the CPU
The content of a cell can be either a programming instruction or
data (stored as sequences of 0s and 1s).
All programs must be loaded into main memory before they can
be executed
All data must be brought into main memory before it can
be manipulated
When computer power is turned off, everything in main
memory is lost

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Secondary Storage
Secondary storage: Device that stores information

Examples of secondary storage:

Hard disks
Floppy disks
memories ...

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Input/Output Devices
Input devices feed data and programs into computers -
d Mouse
y storage

results. They

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Software: Programs that do specific tasks
System programs take control of the computer, such as an
operating system
Application programs perform a specific task (games,...)
The operating system is the program that runs application

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The Language of a
Digital signals are sequences of 0s and 1s
Machine language: language of a
computer Binary digit (bit): The digit 0
or 1
Binary code: A sequence of 0s and
1s Byte: A sequence of eight bits

Every letter, number, or special symbol (such as * or {) on your

keyboard is encoded as a sequence of bits, each having a unique

The most commonly used encoding scheme on personal computers is

the seven-bit American Standard Code for Information Interchange

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The Binary Units

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Programming Language Evolution
1 Machine language (used by early
100100 010001
100110 010010
100010 010011
2 Assembly language: low level
LOAD rate
MULT hours
3 wages
High-level language (e.g. C++):
wages = rate * hours;

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The Assembler and the
A computer cannot execute assembly or high-level
language instructions directly
Assember: A program that translates a program written in
assembly language into an equivalent program in machine language.
Compiler: A program that translates instructions written
in high-level languages into machine code.

Examples of Instructions in Assembly and Machine


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High-Level Languages
High-level language: high level statements
int a; //allocate memory for an integer called a
int b; //allocate memory for
b b = 2; //store 2 in b
a = 3*b-1; / / store 3*(value
of b)-1 in a

Include Basic, FORTRAN, Pascal,

C++, C, and Java

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Processing a Program
To execute a program written in a high-level language such as C++
Use an editor to create a source program (.cpp) in C++
Use the preprocessor to process preprocessor directives (C++
statements starting with #)
Use the compiler to
Check that the program obeys the rules
Translate into machine language (object program) (.obj)
Software Development Kit (SDK) or Integrated Development
Environments (IDE) (e.g. CodeBlocks, Visual Studio VS,
Xcode, etc.) may be used to create a program
Next slide: examples of available free IDEs.
Linker: Combines object program with other programs provided by
the SDK libraries to create executable code (.exe)
Ex: statement x = cos(y) linked with the cosine function
in the math library
Loader: Loads executable program into main
memory The last step is to execute the program

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IDEs and Online Compilers

Many IDEs are available online for free download (e.g. C-Free, Visual
Studio or CodeBlocks)

There are also online compilers that allow you to write and test your C+
+ programs from the browser without installing any IDE.

It is recommended that you install an IDE on your laptops (do not rely
on online compilers); specifically, it is recommended that you install
CodeBlocks because it is the IDE that is used in the University labs. You
can use the following link for download:
ries You will be given multiple options,
choose codeblocks-20.03mingw-setup.exe
(4th option, the last time I
checked the website), download it, run it, and follow the
istallation instructions.

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Processing a Program

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Problem Solving
Programming is a process of problem solving

Problem solving techniques

Analyze the problem and outline the problem requirements
Design steps (algorithm) to solve the problem

Step-by-step problem-solving process
Solution achieved in finite amount of time

Implement algorithm in code and debug

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Problem Solving

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Design an Algorithm
If problem was broken into
Design algorithms for each subproblem

Check the correctness of algorithm

Can test using sample data
Some mathematical analysis might be

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Write the Code
Once the algorithm is designed and correctness
Write the equivalent code in high-level language

Enter the program using text editor

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Compiling and Linking
Run code through compiler

If compiler generates errors

Look at code and remove errors
Run code again through compiler

If there are no syntax errors

Compiler generates equivalent
machine code

Linker links machine code with

system resources

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The Loader and Executing
Once compiled and linked, loader can place program into
main memory for execution

The final step is to execute the program

Compiler guarantees that the program follows the rules of

the language
Does not guarantee that the program will run correctly

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