Introduction To Essay

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True or False
1. An essay is a collection of paragraphs that presents facts, opinions or T
ideas. F
2. An essay can consists of 2 paragraphs.
3. The opening of an essay is called the topic sentence.
4. The opening of a paragraph is a topic sentence.
5. An essay doesn’t need a conclusion.
6. There should be 2-3 paragraphs in the body of an essay.
7. There are different
T kinds of essay: narrative, classification, cause-effect,
Essay Structure
Introduce the topic + thesis statement

Topic sentence + supporting sentences

Activity 1. A classification essay
Discussion (Pair work)
1. How often do you do household chores?
2. What kinds of housework do you often do?
3. What are your most and least favorite ones?
Activity 1. A classification essay
1. What’s the hook of the essay?
4. How many paragraphs does this essay have? What is the introductions? How
many body paragraphs? What is the conclusion?
5. What is the general topic of this essay?
6. What is the sentence in Para 1 that tells readers what to expect in Para 2,3,4?
7. What is the topic of para 2,3,4. What is the topic sentence?
9. In para 2, the writer shows that people don’t like ironing clothes. Write 2
supporting details.
11. Look at the last paragraph. Find the sentence that restate the thesis.
Activity 1. A classification essay
1. What’s the hook of the essay?
 The 1st sentence: “ Almost everyone knows ……..before she met the prince.”  It
mentions a popular fairy tale to attract readers.
5. What is the general topic of this essay?
Unpopular types of household chores
4. How many paragraphs does this essay have? What is the introductions? How many
body paragraphs? What is the conclusion?
 5 paras. Para 1: Introduction; Para 2,3,4: Body Para 5: Conclusion
6. What is the sentence in Para 1 that tells readers what to expect in Para 2,3,4?
 The last sentence in the Introduction: “The top three of these unpopular ………the
bathroom”  the thesis statement.
Activity 1. A classification essay
7. What is the topic of para 2,3,4. What is the topic sentence?
Para 2: One of the most hatred chores for many people is ironing clothes.
Para 3: Another chore that many people dislike is washing dishes.
Para 4: Althouh……..perhaps the most dreaded chore is cleaning the bathroom.
9. In para 2, the writer shows that people don’t like ironing clothes. Write 2
supporting details.
 Washing dishes is a dirty job that requires not only………and dry them. In
addition, …….must be done every day.
11. Look at the last paragraph. Find the sentence that restate the thesis.
 Maintaining a house means doing a wide variety of unpleasant chores.

- The opening sentence of an essay.

- Engage reader into the topic +
keep their attention throughout the
1. Tedious (a): tẻ nhạt, đơn điệu
2. Meticulously (adv): một cách tỉ mỉ
3. Entail = include (v): bao gồm
4. Wrinkled (a): nhăn nhúm
5. Silverware (a): bộ thìa dĩa bạc
6. Elbow-grease (n): sự đánh cọ
7. Dreaded (a): kinh khủng, đáng sợ
8. Tackle (v): xử lý
9. Disinfect (v): khử khuẩn
10. Make do (v): kiểm soát
Activity 3. A comparison essay
1. Did you grow up in the city or the countryside?
2. What did you like best about it?
3. What did you dislike about it?
Activity 3. A comparison essay


1. What is the topic of the essay?
2. What is the thesis statement?
3. In each paragraph, which location is discussed first – the rural or
4. Which paragraph talks about activities in each area? Which place
offers more options?
5.B Write the supporting sentences for the paces of life.
Activity 3. A comparison essay


1. What is the topic of the essay?
 The difference between urban and rural life.
2. What is the thesis statement?
 Perhaps some of the most noticeable ……..available activities.
3. In each paragraph, which location is discussed first – the rural or
 The city is discussed first.
Activity 3. A comparison essay
4. Which paragraph talks about activities in each area? Which place offers more
 Para 4. City dwellers have much wider choice of activities.
5.B Write the supporting sentences for the paces of life.
Urban: - Streets reflect the hectic pace ………….late at night
- City dwellers seems to be racing to get somewhere important.
- Life for them seems to be a series of deadlines.
Rural: - Traffic jams occur less often.
- Stores close early……..the next morning.
- People seem more relaxed and move in more leisurely way.
1. Rural >< urban (a): thuộc nông thôn >< thành thị
2. Dweller = resident (n): cư dân
3. Regardless of = in spite of
4. Notable (a): nổi bật
5. Degree (n): mức độ
6. Pace of life: nhịp sống
7. Hectic (a): hối hả, bận rộn
8. Wary (a): lo lắng, cảnh giác = cautious
9. Peak hour (n): giờ cao điểm
10. Drawback (n) = disadvantage: bất lợi
Activity 5. A comparison essay/ argumentative essay


1. What do you know about community colleges? How are they different
from universities?
2. What are something students should consider when choosing a college?
Activity 5. A comparison essay/ argumentative essay


1. What two things are being compared in the essay? Which one does the
writer think is better?
2. Make a simple outline of the essay.
Activity 5. A comparison essay/ argumentative essay


1. What two things are being compared in the essay? Which one does the
writer think is better?
University and community college.
2. Make a simple outline of the essay.
However, if the choice is based on three specific factor namely cost,
location and quality of education, students will quickly see the
advantage of attending a community college.

Cheaper cost

University is far and high school graduates are reluctant to live far from
Due to little experience, students find it difficult to live far from
Educational benefits.

Library facilities: more sufficient.

1. Opt (v): chọn = choose
2. Alternative (a): sự lựa chọn = choice
3. Attend university/ college : học đại học/ cao đẳng
4. Tuition (n): học phí
5. Reluctant (a): e ngại
6. University campus (n): khuôn viên trường
7. A variety of = many
8. Interaction (n): sự tương tác
9. Minimal (a)= the smallest
10. Credentials (n): chứng chỉ, bằng cấp = qualifications
11. Perceive (v) = believe
Essay Structure
Introduce the topic + thesis statement

Topic sentence + supporting sentences

Restate the topic and the main idea.

1. What is an introduction? (is it a sentence or a paragraph?)
2. What is its position in an essay?
3. What is its function?
4. How many part are there in the introduction? What are they?
The Introduction
• The introduction is usually the first paragraph of an essay.
• The introduction introduces the topic and the main idea of the essay.
• It consists of 3 main parts.

1. The hook
INTRODUCTION 2. Connecting information
3. Thesis statement
The Introduction
Analyze the following introduction.
1. What are the components?
2. How many paragraphs are there in the body?
3. What are the main idea of each paragraph?



Thesis statement

- The opening sentence of an essay.

- Engage reader into the topic +
keep their attention throughout the
 You can be as creative as you can
when writing the hook
- Different ways to write the hooks
1. Start with a question: regulation on mobile phone usage
“How many people start their morning by checking their cellphones?
2. Using an interesting observation: causes of recession in Europe.
“European economists are not sleeping well these days”
3. Use a scenario/ a story.
“Travelling at more than 100 miles an hour, he feels as though he is not
moving. He is engulfed in complete silence. For a moment, it is as if he is
entering another dimension.”
- Different ways to write the hooks
4. Begin with a famous quote.
“I have a dream” by Martin Luther King  topic: sleep patterns.
5. Use a shocking statistic
“The divorce rate in the US is well over 50%”
“If the world temperature continues to rise, Singapore and New York may be
under water by 2050”
Connecting information
Thesis statement
• Look at the thesis statements of the following introductions? How are they
different from each other?
Thesis statement
- It is the last sentence of the introduction.
- It tells the readers what to expect
- There are two kinds of thesis statement: direct and indirect


Sample analysis
• Look at the introduction of 2 essays: page 26 and page 28.
Analyze the introductions using the following questions?
1. What is the hook? What kind of hook is it?
2. What is the thesis statement? Is it direct or indirect?
3. Can your rewrite the thesis statement in the alternative form?
Sample analysis
• No More Mandatory Retirement

1. Hook: begin with an interesting fact (observation)

2. Thesis statement: direct statements (violate personal choice/ discriminate
against senior citizens/ waste valuable skills as well as money)
3. Rewrite: there are three reasons why mandatory retirement is not a good policy.
Sample analysis

1. Hook: begin with an interesting fact (observation) a contrasting point.

2. Thesis statement: indirect statements
3. Rewrite: These differences, however, pale in comparison to the
similarities shared by the two professions regarding the leading role,
problem-solving abilities and the representative function.
• Practice writing the Introduction for the following topics:
1. Advantages and disadvantages of the Internet.
2. Should we provide training and educational programs for
criminals in prisons?
3. Is it better to live in the city or in the countryside?
Suggested answer

• Ten years ago, the Internet was practically unheard of by most

people. Today, the Internet is one of the most powerful tools
throughout the world. It is considered one of the most important
inventions in human history thanks to the immense contribution
to human developments. However, before people connect to
the Internet, they need to be aware of its disadvantages and
Suggested answer

• Recently, a big number of criminals have been resent to prison

due to their repeated crime commitment. One suggestion to stop
this problem is to provide training and education programs for
criminals so that they can become good citizens outside the
jails. In my opinion, this is a rational suggestion for the two
following reasons.
• Are you among the people who leave the hometown to
settle down in a big city? City life has been a great
attraction to people from all walks of life. I believe that
living in the city provide a range of benefits regarding
convenient facilities, exciting entertainment and various
employment opportunities.
Lesson Review
• What kind of kinds of hooks can be used to write the introduction?
• How many kinds of thesis statements are there? What are they?

1. A question
2. An observation/ a fact
HOOK 3. A shocking statistic Thesis 1. Direct
4. A quote statement 2. Indirect
5. A story (not advisable)
• Do handout 1
Writing the Body
- The body is the main part of an essay.
- It usually consists of 2 to 4 paragraphs.
- The organization of the body varies depending on the different
types of essays.
- Writers often make an outline before they start writing: general
outline and specific/detailed outline.
- Task: study the outlines for Essay 7 (p.27-29), page 30.
Activity 10: Make a general outline
Suggested answer
Activity 11: Make a detailed outline
Suggested answer
Writing the conclusion
• The conclusion of an essay is the last paragraph.
• It signals the end of the essay and leave reader a clear understanding
of the main ideas of the essay.
• The conclusion normally contain 3 parts.

1. Restatement of thesis
CONCLUSION 2. Summary of the main ideas
3. Final comment: a suggestion or a prediction
Writing the conclusion
Analyze the two conclusion:
1. What is the restatement? 2. What are the main ideas?
3. What kind of final comment is it? 4. What words signals the end?

Do handout 1

Conditional 1 (if)

Do handout 1


Future simple(will)
Do handout 1


Future simple(will)
1. Warm-up
Discuss the following questions
1. Who is your best friend?
2. What does he/she look like?
3. What is he/she like?
4. How are you similar to each other?
5. How are you different from each other?
- You compare two different things that are related in some
ways: 2 ideas, 2 people, 2 places……..

- Focus: - The similarities

- The differences
- Both similarities and differences.
Discuss the questions
1. What are you going to compare?
2. What do you think are the similarities/ differences?
3. Read the introduction of the essay (p.68). What is the main
idea of the essay?
Thesis: “On the contrary, they share many Restated thesis (paragraph 5): “Although Brazil and the United
similarities.” States are unique countries, there are remarkable similarities
“Brazil covers almost half of the South “Like Brazil, the United States takes
American continent.” up a significant portion of its continent (North
“Few Brazilians can say that they have
“Most Americans have
traveled extensively within the country’s
visited only a few of the 50 states.”

“Brazil’s weather varies “The United States has a wide range of

greatly from one area to another.” climates.”

Opinion: “Nevertheless, it is important to remember that people as a whole have more

in common than they generally think they do.”

“On the contrary, they have many similarities.”

“One important similarity is their size.”

“Brazil covers almost half of the South American continent.”

“Its weather varies greatly from one area to another.”

The US’s characteristics

“The United States takes up a significant portion of its continent (North

“Most Americans have visited only a few of the 50 states.”
Colonists from Europe

“Melting pot” of immigrants and native people


South America
“Finally, individualism is an important value
for both Brazilians and Americans.”

Brazilians can do what they want as long as they do not hurt others.

Americans’ belief in freedom:

Freedom may be the highest value of the people.

“Although Brazil and the United States are unique countries, there are
remarkable similarities in their size, ethnic groups, and personal values.”
3. Practice: Supporting sentences
Which one would you like to buy at the moment? Make comparison
Cheap or expensive
Unportable or portable

Desktop computer Style? Laptop computer

Big screen or small screen
Fixed or flexible
3. Practice: Supporting sentences

• Choose a paragraph and write supporting sentences to

make comparison between desktop computer and laptop
4. Grammar for Writing
4. Grammar for Writing
4. Grammar for Writing
• Write sentences to make comparison between the following topics
1. Your hometown and Hanoi city
2. Paper books and e-books
3. Your two children
• 2 sentences: It rained. He went to work on time.
• Connectives
Function before a noun Link 2 clauses Link 2 sentences
phrase/ Ving
Concession despite, in spite of although, even though Nevertheless/ Even
Eg. Despite the rain, Eg. Although it rained, he so/ Despite this
he came to work on went to work on time. Eg. It rained. Despite
time this, he went to work
on time.
• 2 sentences: City life is busy and exciting. Country life is boring
and sleepy.
• Connectives
Function before a noun Link 2 clauses Link 2 sentences
phrase/ Ving
Contrast Unlike while, whereas In contrast, However,
  Eg. Unlike city life, Eg. City life is busy and On the other hand
country life is exciting whereas Eg. City life is busy and
pretty quiet and country life is quiet and exciting. However,
sleepy. sleepy. country life is quiet and
• 2 sentences: He left a message. He went.
• Connectives
Function before a noun Link 2 clauses Link 2 sentences
phrase/ Ving
Time   when, while, until, as First, Second, Then,
soon as, before afterwards,
Eg. Before he went, he left Eg. He left a message.
a message. Then, he went.
• 2 sentences: It rained. We canceled the picnic.
• Connectives
Function before a noun phrase/ Link 2 clauses Link 2
Ving sentences
Reason due to, because of because, as, since  
Eg. Due to the rain, we Eg. As it rained, we canceled
canceled the picnic. the picnic.
• 2 sentences: He learnt hard. He passed the exam.
• Connectives

Function before a noun Link 2 clauses Link 2 sentences

phrase/ Ving
Result   so, so that As a result,
Eg. He learnt hard, so he therefore, thus,
passed the exam. consequently
Eg. He learnt hard. As
a result, he passed the
• 2 sentences: He learned hard. He could pass the exam
• Connectives
Function before a noun phrase/ Link 2 clauses Link 2
Ving sentences
purpose in order to + Verb in order that, so that  
Eg. He learnt hard in Eg. He learnt hard, so that he
order to pass the exam. could pass the exam.
Function before a noun phrase/ Link 2 clauses Link 2 sentences
Comparison Like   Likewise, similarly, in the
Eg, Like her mother, same way
she is very patient and Eg. Her mother is very patient
kind-hearted. and kind-hearted. Likewise, she
always stays calm and is willing
to help other.
Addition as well as, in addition and Furthermore, moreover, In
to Eg. He is a addition
Eg. as well as being a doctor, and he is Eg. He is a doctor. In addition,
doctor, he is a teacher. a teacher. he is a teacher.
A- Fill in each gap with an appropriate word from the list.    
1- Shelly practised well for her driving test; why
 __________she passed it easily.
2- Mr. Philips is talkative, whereas
__________  his wife is shy and reserved.
despite –  because  of – whereas – due to – that’s why
3-Football fans often follow their teams to foreign countries ___________
in order to support them.
4-Air pollution is mainly Due to
___________ smoke from cars and factories
As a result – due to – however – despite – in order to
5-Jelloul speaks three foreign languagesalthough
___________ he has never been to school. 
because of
6-The doctor says that Amal’s sleeping problems are ___________  the long hours she
spends online
Because of – despite – In addition – although
due to
7- We didn’t go on a picnic ___________   bad weather.
Because – due to – for
B. Choose the words to complete the sentences.
despite , however, so , on the contrary , in spite of, because, due to , Because of, moreover.
1. due to
 Our flight was cancelled_____________bad weather.
2. so
 I got up late this morning,_____________I had to take a taxi.
3. In spite of
__________the police warning, the criminal got into his car and drove off.
4. because
 He loves winter _________he likes skiing.__________,
However he dislikes walking in the rain.
5.  The streets have become slippery___________
because of the snow.
6. On the contrary the film is boring.
 The book is interesting. _______________,
7. Moreover
Traveling gives you a break from work.____________, it helps you see different places and
meet different people.
8.  _______________scientific
Despite progress, scientists haven't been able to eradicate many diseases.
besides ,therefore , first , so that , after that ,because of , consequently, so
1. because of
We couldn't sleep_______________ the noise.
2. He wasn't competent;_______________he
consequently lost his job.
3. Besides
Trees produce oxygen .____________they contribute to the natural balance.
4. Therefore
Factories pollute the atmosphere.____________governments must oblige them to
look for cleaner methods of production.
5. We crept out of the house ____________my
so that father wouldn't notice us.
6. We were very tired at the end of the day,_____________we
so drove home
immediately. __________,
First we had a shower. ______________we
After that ate a sandwich and
went straight to bed.
1. Mr Ferguson’s car broke down on the way. He was late for work. (because)

2. Sonia went to work yesterday. She was not feeling well. ( although)

 Although Sonia was not feeling well, she went to work yesterday.

3. Jamal spent all the afternoon chatting. He didn’t have time do his homework ( because)

 Jamal didn’t have time to do his homework because he spent all the afternoon chatting.

4. Jawad read the instructions carefully. He wasn’t able to install the printer ( Although)

5. I like studying alone. My sister prefers working with a group (while)

 I like studying alone while my sister prefers working with a group.

6. Malaysia exports high technology. It invests in tourism as well. ( in addition)
 Malaysia exports high technology. In addition, it invests in tourism.
7. Our local association is very active. Our neighbourhood is clean and safe. ( because)

8.  The meeting was cancelled. The manager was sick. (because of)

9. The show was postponed. There were some technical problems ( due to )
The show was postponed due to some technical problems.
10. Although Ann isn't very attractive, she is very popular. (However)
 Ann isn’t very attractive. However, she is very popuar.
11. As well as being an excellent painter, she writes poems and plays the piano. (Moreover)

12. Many sportsmen are disqualified as a consequence of their illegal use of drugs.
13. Although he was an excellent student, he didn't get the grant. (Nevertheless)

14. I’ve told you this story because I don’t want you to forget the old days. (so that)

15. Many rivers have burst their banks because there has been a heavy rainfall. (because of)
Cause-effect essays
• A cause-effect essay shows the relationship between something that
happens and its consequences.
• Cause: reasons for doing something
• Effect: consequences of

• 2 kinds:
Cause-effect essays
• Example:
1. What are the reasons for lying?
2. Why do people smoke? Focus-on-causes essays

3. What are the effects of smoking?

4. What are the consequences of the Focus-on-effects essays
breakup of The Soviet Union?
5. What are the causes and consequences of teenagers’ smoking?

Combined cause-effect essay.

Focus-on-causes essay
• Discuss:
1. Why do people lie?
2. Is it ever acceptable to lie?
Give examples of acceptable and
unacceptable lies.
Focus-on-causes essay
The Truth behind Lying (page 91)

1. What is the topic?

 Lying
2. Underline the thesis statement.
 “The fact is that human beings lie for many reasons.”
3. How many reasons are mentioned? What are they?
 4 – minimize a mistake; get out of a unwanted situation; not to hurt
someone; to protect themselves.
4. Do the comprehension task on page 92.
The Truth behind Lying (page 91)

“The fact is that human beings lie for

many reasons.”

the boy who cried wolf

George Washington

A white lie is a harmless lie said in order

not to hurt other people’s feelings
The Truth behind Lying (page 91)

Children lying to a stranger who calls while

the parents are out


“One’s lies may one day be exposed and cause severe embarrassment
or the loss of people’s trust.”
Focus-on-effects essay

1. What do you know about
the Soviet Union?
2. Can you name some countries that
were part of the Soviet Union?
Focus-on-effects essay
The Fall (page 94)

1. What is the topic?

 The break-up of the Soviet Union
2. Underline the thesis statement.
 Nown more than two decades after the breakup of the Soviet Union, the
effects are still being felt”
3. How many effects are mentioned? What are they?
 3 – the shift to a market economy; sovereignty; others’ identity has been taken
4. Do the comprehension task on page 92.
The Fall (page 94)

There have been many effects of the fall of the

Soviet Union.


The prices are not subsidized, inflation is

high, there is supply and demand, and more
imported products (more choice)

Koreans, Tartars, Uighurs. They do not feel“ native” in these “new” countries, but they do not
want to be repatriated to their ancestral homes.
The Fall (page 94)


significant, crucial, historic


I. Fill in the gaps with the appropriate CONNECTOR OF CLAUSE or EFFECTS.

Because the Spencers have just bought a new flat, they cannot waste any money. _________,
1. __________
they are going to spend summer holidays at their parents’ cottage. Therefore
so that
are never satisfied with what they have ___________they tend to imitate their friends.
a result
____________, they don’t cut their expenses and are unable to get out of debt.
3. _________ modern life is too stressful, people are always in a rush. ___________, they have to look
For this reason
for their doctor’s help from time to time.
Because of
4. __________ the strike, I have to go to work by bus.
due to
5. Peter is always getting into since
trouble ____________ his bad temper.
6. I won’t change my mind ___________ I know you aren’t listening to what I’m telling you! You
must be to
joking! ___________, let’s put an end to this discussion.
7. ________ the current economic situation, governments have been introducing a stricter control on
public expenses.
II. Rewrite the following sentences using the connector.
1. Some animals are at risk of extinction. Experts have been studying how to avoid that. (SINCE)
 Since some animals are at risk of extinction, experts have been studying how to avoid that.
2. Peter only eats healthy food and goes to the gym three times a week. He is always in good shape.
 Peter only eats healthy food and goes to the gym three times a week. Thus, he is always in good shape
3. You don’t go out with your friends and you spend the whole day on the sofa. You are getting fatter and
fatter. (AS A RESULT)
 You don’t go out with your friends and you spend the whole day on the sofa. As a result, you are
getting fatter and fatter
4. William is going to move. He is going to get married next month. (BECAUSE)
William is going to move because he is going to get married next month
5. Sue looks gorgeous! She has spent a whole month on the beach. (SINCE)
 Since Sue has spent a whole month on the beach, she looks gorgeous.
II. Rewrite the following sentences using the connector.
6. My mom has many hobbies. She is never bored. (THEREFORE)
 My mom has many hobbies. Therefore, she is never bored.
7. I’m fed up. The weather has been terrible! (DUE TO)
-> I’m fed up due to the terrible weather.
8. My sister goes for a walk every afternoon. Now she feels exhausted.(CONSEQUENTLY)
 My sister goes for a walk every afternoon. Consequently, now she feels exhausted.
9. We cannot leave at night. There will be a heavy rain. (BECAUSE OF)
 We cannot leave at night because of a heavy rain.
10. More and more firms are going bankrupt. They blame the worldwide economic situation
 More and more firms are going bankrupt as a result of the worldwide economic situation.
Writing Practice
Task: What are the reasons for and consequences of smoking?
1. Smoking/ one of / most dangerous and widespread/ phenomena/ threaten lives/
a huge number/ people worldwide.
 Smoking is one of the most dangerous and widespread phenomena, which has
threatened lives of a huge number of people worldwide.
2. It /start/ a way of / have fun, but/ end/ an addiction. Thus,/ it/ difficult/ give up/
It starts as a way of having fun, but ends as an addiction. Thus, it is difficult to
give up smoking.
3. Today, smoking/ popular/ among/students.
 Today smoking is popular among students.
4. In this essay/ I/ present/ the causes / effects / smoking among students/.
 In this essay, I will present the causes and effects of smoking among students.
1. There/ many reasons/ students’ smoking.
 There are many reasons for students’ smoking.
2. Students/ smoke/because/ they/ curious/ want to discover/ world of smokers.
 Students smoke because they are curious and want to discover the world of
3. They/ just/ try/ have some fun/ when/ smoke/ first cigarette.
 They just try to have some fun when smoking the first cigarette.
4. Some students/ smoke/since/ think/ a cigarette/ reduce stress/ at school.
 Some students smoke since they think a cigarette can reduce stress, especially at
5. Others/ try/ imitate/ adult smokers/ because/ they/want/ show/ that/ they/ adults.
 Others try to imitate adult smokers because they want to show thaty they are
1. Smoking/ have / negative effects.
 Smoking have a number of negative effects.
2. It /cause/ cancer, so the addict/ suffer/ serious/ health problems/ and/ end in death.
It causes cancer, so the addict suffer from serious health problems and end in death.
3. After some years/ smokers/ develop/ breathing problems/ and face/ difficulties/ running
and doing exercises.
 After some years, smokers develop breathing problems and face difficulties in running
and doing exercises.
4. Smoking/ cause/anger/ the addict/./ When/ lack/ cigarettes/ they/ act angrily and
 Smoking causes anger for the addict. When lacking cigarettes, they may act angrily and
• Conclusion:
• 1. Smoking/ ongoing threatening danger/ which/ happen/ because of/ different/
reasons and leave/ destructive/ influence/ smokers/
•  Smoking is an ongoing threatening danger which happens because of different
reasons and leaves destructive influences on smokers.
• 2. Best/ solution/ prevention/ young/ people/ be/ educated/ keep way/ smoking.
•  The best solution is prevention, so young people should be educated to keep away
from smoking.
Do you agree or disagree?
• 1. The best way to achieve success in life is attending
• 2. Students must wear uniforms at school.
• 3. Students should learn English at the early age.
• 4. Cars should be banned at the city center.
What is an opinion essay?
• Opinion essays are discursive essays in which you present your
personal opinion on a particular topic.
• Your opinion must be stated clearly and supported by
explanations and examples.
• You can also present the opposing viewpoints in a separate
Structure of an Opinion Essay
Structure to express opinions

• I completely agree/ disagree with the statement.

• I partially agree with the statement.
• In my opinion,…../ In my view, ……
• Some people say/ argue that……….
• “School uniform must be compulsory.” How far do you agree
with this statement?
1. What’s the writer’s opinion?
2. How many ideas does he have?
3. What are the arguments.
Task 1: Fill in the blank with the provided sentences
a). Many people argue that the actual process of collecting and recycling materials is expensive and unnecessary.
b). To start with, it is very important for people to realize the damage that our rubbish is doing to the environment.
c) Another important reason is that many forests are being destroyed due to the paper being wasted.
Recycling – How Important Is It Really?
Saving certain recyclable materials and taking them to recycling centers has become part of the daily routine in
many homes. In my opinion, this should be encouraged for a number of reasons.
………(1)………….. Our towns, rivers and seas are becoming more and more polluted with household waste.
This could easily be prevented if people took the time to sort, save and recycle their rubbish.
………(2)…………Hundreds of thousands of trees are unnecessarily cut down to make paper products.
Again by recycling the paper that we would otherwise throw away we could reduce this wastage.
………(3)…………They say that special machinery is required and that many people have to be employed to
operate it, thus making recycling more expensive that simple waste disposal. They forget, however, that recycling
both creates jobs and beneficial to the environment.
All points considered, I strongly believe that people should be made aware of the benefits recycling can bring,
and should be encouraged to participate in programs that will help create a cleaner world for everyone in the future.
Task 2: “Too much importance is attached to exams at school. Do
you agree?
• 1. Crime / one of the most important issues/ society nowadays.
• 2. some people /think/the best way/ solve / problem/ place criminals/ jail/;
• 3. others/ believe/ providing education/ job training programs/ more effective.
• 4. I/ the latter opinion.
 Crime has become one of the most important issues in the society nowadays.
While some people think that the best way to solve this problem is placing criminals
in jail, others believe that providing education and job training programs for them is
more effective. I agree with the latter opinion.
1. There/ various reasons/ government/not consider/ send/ criminals/ prison/ the best
 there are various reasons why government should not consider sending offenders
to prison as the best method.
2. Government/ cover / the cost of running and managing prisons/ includes/ amount of
money/ security and facilities.
 government have to cover the cost of running and managing prisons which
includes a huge amount of money for security and facilities.
3. This money/ used /funding /other essential matters/ benefit the society / public
transportation and health care.
 This money could be used for funding a lot of other essential matters that benefit
the society such as public transportation and health care.
4. Imprisoning criminals/ lead to /resentfulness and unpleasantness, so/ they/
continue/ commit crimes/ after released.
 imprisoning criminals in the long time might lead to their resentfulness and
unpleasantness. So they could continue to commit crimes after they are released.
5. criminals in jail / bad /affect/ other offenders in prison/ prevent/ them / better
 criminals in jail might be badly affected by other offenders in prison which
prevents them from being better citizens.
6. offer education and occupational skill training programs / more advantages/
change/ mindset and attitude.
7. education programs/ teach/ morality/ equip/ the ability/ distinguish/ the right/
wrong things.
8. they /better people/ do good things /when/ come back/the community.
9. Provide/ job training/ offenders/ give / them /the opportunity/ get jobs/ thus, they
/could earn money/live independently.
10. It/ important/ because / suffering/ poverty / cause / crimes.
11. educated criminals/ a better chance/ integrate/ society/ live / better life / they /
finish/ punishments.

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