Second-party audit
Third-party audit.
1.1 First-party audit (internal audit)
Demonstrates improvements in
a previously identified weak Confirm adherence to policy
2.2 The audit process will depends on the industry
based on Manual Halal Certification Scheme:
Consumer Goods
Slaughter house/abattoir
Medical device
3.0 Audit Master Plan
• Establishing a regular schedule of internal audit will develop
confidence in their own system based on objective evidence. The
ongoing process of auditing and being audited will also increase the
halal awareness among all the staff.
• The company shall ensure that an audit plan is established for each
audit that has been identified in the audit programme to provide the
basis for agreement regarding the conduct and scheduling of the
audit activities
• 3.2 Prepare audit schedule
An audit program shall be planned, taking into consideration the
status of importance of the process and area to be audited, as
well as the results of previous audits. In order to prepare Halal
Audit plan, the below question should be consider:
• What are the objectives of the audit?
• Where will the audit be conducted? (i.e. scope)
• When will the audit(s) occur? (how long?)
• Who are the auditors?
• How will the audit be implemented?
3.3 Determine assignment of
audit team
Procedure of
Fatwa’s and
others. HAS
Malaysia Knowledge
Standard on halal
Item Audit Scope Auditee Department Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul g Sep Oct Nov Dec
by : Approved by :
The benefit of audit plan is:
To helps the auditor obtain sufficient appropriate
evidence for the circumstances
• Record the key reference data relating to the halal auditing such
as date, scope, area assessed, name of audit team etc
• Summaries the main findings of the audit and refer to any non-
conformances identified.
• Document suggestions for any corrective action including target
dates to rectify any non-conformances found
• Record the nature and timescale of any agreed follow-up visits.
• A formal record of what areas of the organization were audited
and when.
• An indication of those areas of the organization that appear to
comply with the requirements of Halal.
• A suggested program of corrective action including target dates
to rectify any non conformances found. Content of Audit Report
Company name & address, dates of audit
Names of auditors
Reference documents against which the audit was conducted
Objectives and scope of the audit
The name of areas, functions or departments visited and the
processes audited
Total number of major and minor non-conformances raised
and number of observations recorded.
Identifies the auditee
Distribution list for reports
An overview of the audit including comments on the significant
trend or feature found during the audit.
It is also very important to ensure that the summary is as
evaluative as possible and not merely descriptive
The summary should be factual and fair
Opening meeting
Record of attendance and if a problem became apparent how it is
Closing meeting
Record of attendance and details of any problem arise
Brief description of non-conformances found
5.2.2 Result of the audit (position statement)
Summary of corrective action
The non-conformance reference number
Who is responsible for carrying out the corrective action?
The agreed corrective action to be taken
The date when the corrective action will be completed
The terms “Closed” here, indicate that corrective actions have been taken
to repair the said non-conformances at its root’s cause, to prevent similar
incidents happening in the future.
Process Flow
Chart for
Closing NCRs
• Each NCRs can only be closed if corrective action or control
measures have been initiated.
• Document record that indicates that NCRs has been addressed is the CARs
• The third column in the signatures section can only be signed if the CARs
has been rectified (refer to Figure 2).
• Pay attention to the date of when the column is signed, “26th November
• This indicates that the CARs measures have been rectified on the same day
where NCRs are found.
• Figure 3, illustrates a situation where CARs are closed on a later date.
• The signature of the first and second column (refer Figure 3) indicates that the
NCRs and CARs were issued on the 26th November 2019, the day of the audit.
• The auditee also acknowledges the non-conformances right there and then.
• The due date for implementation of CARs was given up until the 2nd of December
2019 by the auditor during closing meeting.
• The due date also indicates, when a follow-up audit is required.
• The third column is only signed on the 3rd of December 2019, a day after the due
date ended.
• If the corrective action is found not to be satisfactory or have a
little effect of the NCRs, or worse, no effort to fixed and
remedy the NCRs; it shall be recorded as evidence of unclosed
NCRs and a new NCRs shall be issued.
• This is to show the severity of the NCRs, and its effects towards
the Halal integrity within the business operations.
Management review
• to ensure the continuity suitability, adequacy, feedback and
effectiveness of the halal practices.
• should be conducted at appropriate interval at least once a year
and that record all review is maintained
• involves the internal halal committee and the management
• To discuss issues related to development, implementation,
maintenance and review of halal practices as well as
opportunities to improve the halal practices.
• Prerequisite : summary report of audit results and a status of
NCR. This is required as to solve the problem and proper
corrective action is taken.